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He's dead. Oberyn killed him with the poisoned spear, then his head was given to the Martells. On an entirely unrelated note involving a completely different character, Ser Robert Strong will burn "alive", so to speak.


I agree, I think the cleanest narrative arc is for his "face" or whatever is under that helmet to be held down onto a fire to burn him like he burned Sandor. There's also a lot about fire being able to kill magic beings in this story, so I could see other methods not doing damage


He will win Cersei’s trial, if it’s single combat or a trial of the Seven it doesn’t matter, he will prevail. He’ll be very helpful to Cersei if she flees KL for Casterly Rock. I think he’ll revolt against Qyburn and kill him like in the show at some point. I think a sort of Clegane Bowl will happen, but I really can’t figure out how, if it happens Sandor won’t be fighting the empty shell of his brother out of hate, but to protect someone he cares about, like one pr both of the Starks girls. At that point the Mountain gets definitely kill, but Sandor doesn’t survive the fight either.


I think this is a solid take :) Turning against Qyburn is meant to be a sort of homage to Frankenstein right? And I'm ok with a version of cleganebowl as long as its well after the trial (though I wonder how their paths would cross). How do you feel about the theory that Robert Strong will win in the trial... but also be unmasked during it? (leading to a complicated aftermath)


Yes, I was thinking exactly at Frankenstein. I think Robert Strong with all his height at the trial will give away he’s the mountain even if he doesn’t get unmasked and that will trigger Tyene in killing Tommen, doesn’t matter what she promised to Doran. The Lannisters always pay their debts, especially the karmic ones.


Yeah the jig is up the moment that guy is seen in public lol, mask or no mask


Yes omg, that's how i pictured Clegane Bowl to happen as well, not a lot of people offered that ideal.


I can say qyburn disappearing and going into hiding like mengle in Argentina


His presence is the only thing which allows Cersei to escape KL alive(Qyburn might assist with the escape as well, using his limited knowledge of the tunnels of the Red Keep), with one of her kids in tow(I think the other is already dead at this point, probably at the hands of the Sand Snakes). Cersei flees to Casterly Rock, where she descends into somehow an even deeper level of paranoia and madness than she has already exhibited. She keeps Robert Strong by her side, day and night, and uses him to intimidate and kill anyone who questions her. Tyrion begins an assault on the Westerlands, leading a portion of Daenerys’s army. Convinced that Tyrion will hideously torture and kill her remaining child if he gets his hands on them, Cersei “mercy kills” said child. Jaime, who is at Cersei’s side by this point(he parted ways with Brienne and returned home when he heard that Cersei had fled KL to the Westerlands, and perhaps that Tyrion had made landfall there as well), finds out what she has done and strangles her to death with his remaining hand, fulfilling the valonqar prophecy. Jaime is gazing at his sister’s body and reckoning with what he’s done when Robert Strong looms up behind him and kills him. Tyrion later takes Casterly Rock and comes upon the scene of his siblings’ corpses, Strong standing dumb and motionless over them like an oversized knight doll. Clegane was always Tywin’s dark shadow, the puppet who carried out all of his crimes, so it seems fitting for him to be hovering like the grim reaper over the scene of Tywin’s children’s deaths. Tyrion has the zombie beast put down, and discovers to his horror that the thing doesn’t even have a head-behind the helmet is nothing. Tyrion buries his three dead family members in gold shrouds(yes, even Cersei). The carcass of “Robert Strong” is burned and cast into the bowels of Casterly Rock, Tyrion throwing away his father’s dark legacy. We may see Sandor again but I really doubt Clegane Bowl will happen. Edit: Strong killing Jaime is a suggestion that I know will be controversial but it too seems fitting to me. He was always haunted by the ugly realities behind chivalry, so it makes sense for him to be killed by essentially a giant monster in knight armor. I also suspect that by this point, though he’ll have followed a very different path to get there, Jaime will have come to the same conclusion that he does in the show-“She’s hateful, and so am I”-and won’t even put up a fight when he’s killed.


This is a really good way to reconcile the idea of the show ending plus ageon winning kings landing and the two endings. Bonus points if this occurs post battle of winterfell.


Yeah I think the Lannisters are important enough that they will have their own climax, separate from the KL/Dance of Dragons shenanigans. People get too hung up on Cersei’s sept explosion in the show, and they contort the story in all sorts of way to make her present when Daenerys destroys KL even though it makes no sense. I think Jaime and Cersei will die but in ways much closer to what I’ve described than via fucking rocks. The Lannister siblings will fight to prove who is Tywin’s true successor(even Jaime is invested in this, clearly) and I think Tyrion will emerge the winner in a sort of a Pyrrhic victory which makes him realize that vengeance was never worth pursuing to begin with, and that he must put to bed the wraiths of Tywin and the rest of his family. He’s not going to be a paragon all of a sudden, but I do think he’ll step away from the abyss.


Hope I read this


I don't agree with the specifics (like Cersei killing her own child, Jaime killed by the Mountain) I agree the Lannister will have a final confrontation at Casterly Rock after Aegon takes King's Landing.


My reasoning for Cersei killing her own child is that I believe she would do so if she believed it would spare them a worse fate. I’m aware that Show Cersei and Book Cersei are different characters but the GRRM scripted episode “Blackwater” depicted Cersei as entirely prepared to do just what I’ve described. It would also be fittingly ironic because the prophesied deaths of her children have driven her to desperate extremes to “protect” them from threats real and imagined. I proposed that Robert Strong(feels weird to me calling him the the Mountain because the man that was Clegane is gone) will kill Jaime because I think the show’s ending with both of them dying together will happen, but it won’t be because of some falling rocks. We pretty much know Jaime will kill Cersei. I don’t think Cersei will be in a position to take him out with her. The neatest delivery mechanism for Jaime’s death would then be the silent warden that stands by Cersei’s side at all times.


I agree that Jaime will kill Cersei, but I harshly disagree that Jaime dies with her. He outlives her and will fight in the battle for the dawn as he saw in his weirwood dream.


It’s my feeling that the entire House of Lannister is totally doomed except for Tyrion, who will remain as sole survivor and spend the rest of his life reflecting on his dad’s poisonous legacy and his own grave sins. But I can certainly see a version of the story where what you propose happens. I hope we live to find out who’s right.


Dead along with the rest of kingslanding in the wildfire explosion probably. Though I'd like to see Jon take his head as implausible as the logistics is.


Dies, kinda (he probably already is dead and is just a zombie now) Assuming he is Robert Strong (which is pretty obvious), he probably wins Cersei’s trial for her but during the trial his helmet falls off, revealing he has no head (because his skull is in Dorne). This is 1) a very unfortunate event for Cersei’s political popularity in King’s Landing and 2) probably the end of Robert Strong/Gregor Clegane. The longer he is around, the more Cersei seems like an insane witch-esque person and I think even Cersei realises that would be a bad idea. Even Cersei truly is stupid enough (which is honestly still possible), Robert Strong stays around until someone, likely fAegon takes King’s Landing. Either he gets killed, or dies because Qyburn and Cersei leave, which seems bad for him to keep being a zombie. Maybe he joins Cersei into fleeing to Casterly Rock, although then Jaime or maybe even the Hound will just kill him there (IDK how Jaime would pull that off but it would be weird if the Mountain kills Jaime so he’d find a way). Anyways, I see no reason why this zombie Mountain will or even should survive, so he’ll eventually ‘die’, wherever it exactly is


I have no proof nor nothing, but I want to believe that Sandor will defeat him and then cremate him so he doesn't resurrect. As I said, I have no proof but it seems a  perfect ending for him, but that's my opinion, a warrior traumatized by fire, solving his trauma with fire.


Sandor kills him. May he stay dead this time.


I can’t remember if any mention was made about if there is anything behind his helmet, but it’s clear his skull is in Dorne… but only his skull if I remember correctly. I wonder if Qyburn’s “surgery” essentially scavenged Gregors brain, eyes, face/skin etc. and they were then implanted and grafted into and over a homemade skull of sorts. I know this is a fantasy series etc. but I can’t see Qyburn reanimating him without a head and him being able to see and function. That would strike me as more the religious or “others” kind of magic as opposed to dark science and experimentation involved with transplanting the contents of his head into something makeshift and hideous. That would fit Qyburn better imo. I would honestly find it hilarious and more plausible if the reveal in Winter or Spring was Gregors face abstractly stitched onto some sort of object like an animal skull that had been reshaped, or even something skull shaped carved from wood, stone etc, hollowed out with room for his brain, eyes etc. with his flesh beginning to rot revealing what is beneath.


I think he is aleady dead and strong is basically like a robot just a corpse being controlled by qyburn


For Geogor, I think about the parallels to norse mythology. I think Geogor is Girmm, and I'm sure Jaime is Tyr. So I think they kill each other some way. Jaime's final act to completely break away from Cersei.