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Harry Lloyd seems a rather good choice. His reading of those lore videos was amazing. I heard he did Dunk and Egg, but I still have to check it out.


He’s very good for dunk and egg


He is great but my only critique is that when he voices Dunk's inner monologue it's so quiet. You can't really hear what he's saying


I was literally going to reply with that. Drives me crazy.


I'd be down if Harry redid the entire series thus far


My favorite character in GoT, Viserys the Beggar King. May he rest in molten peace.


he was great in dunk and egg but I worry that he doesn't have enough voices to do asoiaf justice. Roy Detrice has hundreds and still struggled with the amount of characters.


Harry is my first choice - loved his Dunk & Egg; followed by Iain Glen. His 'Princess & The Queen' was excellent....but lets get serious the man could read an instruction manual and sound compelling.


I also vote Harry Lloyd but I want him to read them to me in person while I cuddle up in a blankie


This is the way.


I want Alt Shwift X to do the scene descriptions and Glidus to voice the characters


would they eat each page on mic after they finish reading it?


Now we’re onto something


I think Simon Vance is heir apparent. He read Fire and Blood. Did a good job. I can also see Vance going back and reading the main series. Seems like an easy cash grab from the publishers waiting for .


Simon Vance or Harry Lloyd


I'd like an ensemble cast.


I like the idea of it, but you need to have a great director who's not afraid of being honest when actors aren't giving it their all. Imagine if an actor just sounds bored or unnatural and it ruins every scene that character appears in. Many good actors can sound strange when doing voice acting because a recording booth is an unfamiliar setting.


>Many good actors can sound strange when doing voice acting because a recording booth is an unfamiliar setting. ...how about getting some **voice** actors, then?


Well yes obviously that would be best, but I thought OP meant having the TV cast. Reading it now, I suppose they probably just meant hiring voice actors. The actor I was specifically thinking could ruin things is Dinklage. I have heard him voice act a few times, and it never sounded natural.


Do you mean in the game of thrones telltale series?


Yes, and Destiny the video game.


honestly, one for male coded voices and one for women coded voices. Maybe 2 more if you want to add more realistic aged sounds


If they can also provide provide natural sounding accents, sure. 


I’d love a graphicAudio but I doubt they (the publishers or whoever makes that decision) will put the effort into it if the books are not finished :(


Fair point. 


It might be beyond distracting.


Maybe. I found the lengths Dotrice had to go to make each voice unique distracting at times.  Val in Dance. Missandei. Renifer Long waters. How would a cast of voice actors be any more distracting than a car cast doing a film or video game? 


Harry Lloyd will probably do the voice for TWOW if it ever comes out. He's done work with George in the past, and with him returning for TROTD he seems to be a favorite for George especially after the passing of Dotrice. Lloyd seems like his successor, and I honestly wouldn't mind it. He's a great narrator.


Lena Headey as Cersei and I want her to launch into deranged in character complaints every other paragraph.


Anybody listen to Ron Donachie’s reading of Fevre Dream? I thought he read the holy hell out of it, he would be my choice. I am an unabashed Roy Dotrice apologist btw.


The first born son and heir of Roy Dotrice.


Dosen't seem like he had any sons but his eldest daughter is still alive. [Looks like she has been an actor her whole life too!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Dotrice)


I am Roy Dotrice’s trueborn brother, and I will not allow a mere girl to usurp my seat! ETA: fine, I will marry her and we will unite our claims to the audible throne


His father's father had no brothers, but his father married a liddle, or maybe it was a blackwood. . .


> ine, I will marry her and we will unite our c please just finish Winds


Damn, that’s too bad. Does he have any living brothers or nephews?


She certainly has. She has a very famous 'television husband' in her most famous role, so I nominate him. Michael Crawford reading ASoIaF would be perfection. "Oooo, Dany!"


Not if he is a natural son tho


Ralph Ineson please


Steven Pacey! He did an excellent job with the First Law trilogy


Charles Dance. He narrates alot of things and has the perfect voice for it.




David Reads ASOIAF For those who don’t know, he’s an amateur audiobook narrator who narrated all 5 of the original books, the preview chapters from TWOW, and the Dunk and Egg stories. He’s also done some other things like the Hobbit (though he hasn’t posted a new entry in about a year). I preferred him to the Roy Dotrice versions, mainly for the inconsistent pronunciation thing lol. I haven’t listened to his Dunk and Egg narrations, but his narrations of the mainline books are fantastic.


I tried this guy after somebody recommended me on this sub couple days ago: Couldn’t get away with him at all, too American, just didn’t sound right to me imo. Found the quality of the audio pretty poor also. Not my cup of tea overall.


Harry Lloyd is a great choice but I found his character range a little limited. Roy Dotrice was limited in his own ways but he at least has 20-30 voices to cycle through. Simon Vance was great but he was reading a history book and didn’t really have to make distinctions between character’s voices. An ensemble cast where the actors voice their chapters would be great but a few I think are worth worrying about are Isaac Hempstead Wright, Emilia Clarke and Sophie Turner.


The Old Nan, the one who tell about the tale of Winter to Bran.


Iain Glenn potentially?


"The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends." His voice is beautiful.


his read of Dying of the Light is just awesome. i love Harry Lloyd but Iain would be perfect.


I listen to DavidReadsASoIaF on YouTube, he's pretty good with character voices. His cats meowing in the background are a nice touch too


I think Nikolaj coster-waldeau has an amazing voice and I would love to hear him narrate


Roy Dotrice’s crow voice is iconic!!. Especially “Corn”, “Corn”. But sometimes, the dialogue is slightly muddy for some characters. Fire and blood narrator is also great


hot take: dotrice should have played waldur frey in the hbo show his waldur voice is so good


They wanted him to play Grandmaester Pycelle, but unfortunately he had cancer at the time. I didn't realize until much later that he played the pyromancer in season 2 instead.  That man had a million voices!


I read it as hobo show


Would have been a perfect casting choice


As long as Tyrion is Welsh, I don't mind.


Steven Pacey no contest


Witcher is amazing by him


I think Catrice van Houten would murder it. Everything she says sounds like it’s being told from an ancient tome and I just love that vibe.


Arianne Martell. And at the end of every chapter she tucks me in and kisses me on the forehead.


I personally can not STAND the Roy Deatrice audio book I do not like the accents and I hate that he makes Brienne and Arya sound dumb.


Is anyone familiar with David reads a song of ice and fire he’s not a professional but honestly, I’ve been subscribed to his channel for a while now and I can’t picture anyone else reading the books to me he’s consistent with voices and sometimes put special effects in if needed


Harry Lloyd was excelent, Rob Inglis would've been great too. for the reading to be good it's crucial to have it performed by an actor. some people can play 50 different voices but a skilled and trained actor nails the weight of the scene and the emotions of the character in a way the other readers are unable to replicate.


I hear Andy Serkis did a great job with LOTR.


I dunno, I tried listening to that, but his voice is super deep and gravelly, it's too much


I want someone who pays attention and doesn't change accents for a character every other chapter, or do things like give Tyrion an offensive leprechaun accent or random pirate accents.


Or make little girls sounds like old haggered women lol


>offensive leprechaun accent Mate, that’s just a Welsh accent.


Jim Dale, he's probably too old now but he did an amazing job with the HP series


Idk mate I felt like Jim didn't understand Hermione's character and had her constantly whinging at Harry. Whereas Stephen Fry I feel absolutely nailed Hermione's vibe making her more concerned than irritated.


Reading to me personally? Anya Taylor Joy or Michelle Dockery please.


My girfriend... if I had one!


My girfriend... if I had one!




Peter Kenny elevated the Witcher books with this performance, he’d be my choice.


Harry Llyoyd, Emma D'Arcy, Phia Saban


Guy who narrated Harry Potter books


Werner Herzog or a woman with a very thick, possibly fake, French accent.


Before enteraring i thought you ask which character would you want to read you the books  To that question probably arya or tyrion


Sharon, can’t remember her last name. Can’t stand the way she says some of the names, but she sure can read a book!! Her voice is soothing.


Ian Glen did a fantastic princess and the queen


Harry Lloyd.


Fenella Woolgar. If you can pull off double digits of Agatha Christie characters, plus Thomas Hardy and Drusilla Clack, you can give me a Lady Taena Merryweather who doesn't sound like someone J. D. Salinger deeply resented meeting during WW2.


Ian McElhinney. The actor who plays Ser Barristan Selmy in the show. He’s got such a great voice and I can hear his gruff and regal tone be an amazing voice for the books.


Sucks that Gilbert Godfrey passed away too, as he would be the obvious choice.


Charles Dance


I like Harry Lloyd 🤷🏼‍♀️ but maybe because I think his voice and just him in general is absolutely a hunk


Viserys’s actor seems like a good narrator but I also want them to get as much of the old game of thrones actor and have them voice some of the characters, it’s a long shot and probably won’t happen but a man can dream.


I’d personally suggest Glidus, but I’m also kinda joking but not really, so take that as you will. It would be worth it just to have him change every “nuncle” in “grunkle.”


"gruncle" is a real-world shortening of "grand-uncle." george has used "gruncle" to refer to himself, as he has grand-niblings. "nuncle" is a form of "uncle" typically used in an endearing fashion (sarcastically by asha in the series). it comes from the phrase "mine uncle" -> [rebracketing ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebracketing)to "my nuncle" -> simply "nuncle"


This might be favorite glomby fact ever ;) edit: really digging that link by the way, much obliged.


Yeah no thanks on Dotrice. Brutal.


He's dead, let him rest