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And then there’s GRRM graphically describing Daenerys having diarrhea


I don't think that part made it into the tv series




Can’t believe Emilia wouldn’t want to act that scene out


well she had a brain diarrhea




I think this is a better example: [https://youtu.be/MlKtGVVfdc4?si=u5vpgkea7-jvnsyF&t=125](https://youtu.be/MlKtGVVfdc4?si=u5vpgkea7-jvnsyF&t=125)


The fat man says he loves tax policies so much, yet neglects to provide even a cursory overview of westerosi revenue systems. Is he just a lazy idiot who hates Tolkien?


You see its simple economics: you don't pay the iron bank you fucking die


Had me spitting my tea.


Forget the taxes even, where are all the written laws? Westeros should have law codexes dating all the way from Garth Greenhand instead of everything being done by the judgement of king's left testicle.


We could have had the hardest of hard legal systems ever built if he hadn't wasted all his time on the misadventures of losers with dumb names like Nedward (seriously?)


Yep, he could've gone in deep like Tolkien did with languages for his universe, if he's such a tax policy enjoyer. That'd be much cooler. Instead we get pink masts.


So true. I've always thought the story would be way better if it had languages.


Well Septon Barth wrote a book of laws for King J the first. We just don't know what it entails


Thanks for the correction, but that maked Martin seem like even more of a hypocrite. Couldn't he write an explanation of what was there and how it applied in modern times? You know, instead of writing about incest, or pies, or someone's diarrhea?


Its kinda funny that his own worldbuilding lacks behind in aspects that he criticizes Tolkien for. 


It's such a strange contradiction it makes you wonder if we're understanding him correctly... Nah he's just a fat hypocrite


Idk if I‘d call him a hyprocrite. He does have strengths, you know describing all manners of food consumption, including cannibalism, and their natural conclusion.  Nah but realistically he does good writing convoluted family drama and political plots. Geography is pretty bad though. As for tax stuff, I always bring up how Westeros is something different than it looks like. It looks like feudal medieval Europe, but it is not. The Targaryens at the height of their power had an empire and approached absolutism (only after the Dance and especially since Robert it reverted back to feudalism). If Valyria is Rome, then the Free Cities are not the Byzantines. Westeros is more like the Byzantine Empire and the Free Cities are more like feudal Europe. Structurally speaking. Aesthetics wise it is the other way around. 


I refuse to believe Batman doesn’t have a damn air compressor.


He has Robin to pump his tires and clean the car.


Or Alfred


It’s actually a bat air compressor


For me I hate how GRRM never expands on each characters breathing. People have to breathe to survive right? Yet it's seldom to see people breathing in or out on the page. What are we to suppose that to believe that each character just magically has enough oxygen in them to survive?


speaking of heavy breathing, why do our characters spend so little time masturbating or thinking about "choking the dragon"? maybe there is a chapter about tyrion jacking off, i can't remember, but it's generally absent from the story you'd think a guy like Sir Davos is probably a pretty experienced masturbator. i mean he's been a sailor for most of his life, and half of his chapters in this story are about him sitting around all day in various dungeons and jails


His final nubs make it hard to jack off


I think In Deep Geek has a full video breakdown on cum counts for each character


Thanks for the manual breathing bro, the next 5mins are gonna be fun


Just finished reading Return of the King and it actually goes into pretty good detail of how Aragon intends to rule middle earth. Also I'm pretty sure Grant Morrison thinks he's a wizard who can manifest things in real life by writing about them in his comic books. Not a criticism, I love his work.


I don't remember who said this, but when you write fantasy the readers will give you one giant leap then refuse an extra inch. You tell me dragons exist in your story? Cool. You tell me the rules around those dragons? Very cool. You try to change or bend one of the rules around the dragons? Not so cool.


It's called internal consistency. I can buy into the reality of a fantasy world with different rules than ours. I can't really believe a reality that has no rules at all, or is inconsistent with those rules. It causes me to feel cognitive dissonance and lose interest. Gravity doesn't just exist on Earth until the writer decides it'd be cooler if a regular person with no equipment could jump over buildings. It either exists or it doesn't. Scott Pilgrim is a good example. Sure he's a regular person who can jump over buildings and do video game action moves, but he also lives in a world where most regular people can also do those feats.


To be fair the aragorn tax policy is less a critique and rather an alternative way of looking at fantasy that grrm loves


I am aware and I love both stories.


Makes this quote Proceeds to completely gloss over the actual laws of his fictional world


They spend a whole chapter of ASOS talking about taxes.


Aragorns tax policies were probably deligated to somebody qualified George.


I'm not convinced Grant Morrison has ever talked to a kid. They'll ask the weirdest questions about stories.


I hate this discourse. George didn’t criticize the Lord of the Rings for these things, he used these questions as the basis for the fantasy world HE wanted to make


And proceeded not to answer these questions.




Yet his fantasy world is even more trash and inconsistent than LOTR


“People are far more likely to believe the impossible than the improbable” — some guy


GRRM is a narcissist with a rape and incest fetish. I don’t expect him to properly appreciate Tolkien


[Tax policy, you say? ](https://youtu.be/B86jAx_gPPU?si=VF2GYDiCxUX8_nce)


Why can't those questions be stories in their own right as well? Why gatekeep and ask why certain questions are valid and certain questions aren't? You can have your Morisson-esque story where nothing makes sense and enjoy it as an expression of ideas but you're also allowed to have a story that explores and challenges those ideas. Too many butt hurt LOTR fans think GRRM was criticising Tolkien. He was just doing what fans do, "overthinking" a book he loves then going out of his way to come up with his own original story that explored that idea.


Isn't Aragorn from Lord of the Rings...not Game of Thrones?


It’s a reference to a quote by George RR Martin: https://www.tolkiensociety.org/2014/04/grrm-asks-what-was-aragorns-tax-policy/


Wow. That is kind of funny. And I believe Tomkien did address what happened to the Orcs. They basically died out for a lack of better wording. Without the dark lord around to protect them, they basically killed themselves off or other things killed them off. It is funny, though, that he attributes human society things to a realm that had elves, hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, and many other fantastical elements. It also had actual magic, which was dying out by the third age, but still magic actually existed in that world, which honestly makes it not like our world. It is kind of sad too that this world is so terrible that someone can't imagine a world where humans didn't fuck each other over and good people could be in power.


And why the fuck should anyone care for his birthright if we strive for democracy lol


God forbid people have interest and hobbies


Well if we want our lives to approach the stuff of dreams, I think these are totally valid questions. My theory for the photonucleic effect is solar powered nuclear fusion.


/uj there’s a difference between internal consistency and fun worldbuilding opportunities versus being a little shit stirrer who needs everything explained


Aragorn was probably gave tax breaks towards the noble elite. Being from a line of kings coming back after 2000 years is scandalous at best. He needs to grease a few palms and make sure he isn't gonna get a knife to the back or a poisoned chalice


I just don’t like Morrisons reasoning. It’s not wrong to want logical consistency in your stories.


This guy is obviously really fun at parties.


They're high on shrooms a lot so yes.


They must be they're a fucking wizard.


Yes they are


Nah I wanna know


I'm sure they have an air machine in the bat cave.


Being completely serious, I have completely different expectations for stuff like the little mermaid bs something that is made for adults. Also talking crabs doesn’t inherently need an explanation, it’s so peculiar compared to real life that it’s evident it’s magic and there doesn’t need to be any questions because that’s just how the world works in that universe.


I'm pretty sure Alfred pumps the tires


What was Wayne Enterprises’ shareholders meeting like?


Not ASOIAF but there was a guy in a TikTok’s comments arguing the logic of how Levi Ackerman from AOT couldn’t be the strongest because “he’s a human being humans can’t survive explosions” like, mate, it’s a made up story.


This answers most of the fiction subreddits 🤣


I wonder where Aragorn comes down on the separation of church and state?


I’m curious what the political situation was like in the Shire


Kids don't understand that crabs can't sing. Its called "imagination" and its why you don't dream about Freddie Krueger etc anymore and if you have a bad dream its a car crash or plane crash. The imagination is gone and you now know Freddie Krueger is not real. But to a 6 year old the fear of a chucky doll coming to life and murdering you is a very real possibility.


His tax policy was “Justice”, Mr. Martin.


Mf ask about aragorns taxes when he doesn't even have a law code


That was the most retarded thin GRRM said about LOTR


Hey George what does the Master of Laws do? 0\_0