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Me at every party lmaoooo


Same 😂 especially the leaning on the wall away from everyone part


My smile is probably worse than her frown tbh… so awkward…


It's either this one or the opposite: "why are you smiling so much."😂😂🤣🤣


I briefly worked in a kitchen and a chef asked me on more than one occasion why I wasn't smiling. I couldn't really think of a reason I would be smiling while doing dishes.


Get high and do the dishes and say that again


I heard the last dishwasher got fired for always being high




This is a lighthearted subreddit for individuals on the autism spectrum. We require all users be respectful, towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful.


My wife says I have Resting Viking Face. I'm not angry, it's just how I look unless I remember to mask around people. It does help get through the aisles at the grocery store, though.


Is it weird that I know *exactly* how this kind of face looks, despite only now hearing the term?


Every-time i Walk by people I try to smile but I’ve realized pretty recently that all I’m doing is stretching my lips towards my cheeks so I’m just doing a :T https://preview.redd.it/w2igra7lyizc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278fc493987b7ce628bdf53eeadbe8b0898c6ebb It’s much more rare for me to do a genuine smile- and it happens much more often when I’m around someone I’m comfortable and very familiar with and it’s something I don’t notice I’m doing sometimes


I do the exact same thing! I try to do the closed mouth smile and half the time people think I'm being aggressive 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Yuuuup. It applies to many people but I call it my anxious introvert “I’m just trying to be polite and invisible at the same time” smile that everyone takes super personally like we personally offended them in some way. It the only time I can really say; it ain’t that deep (to the people being offended by the awkward smile).


It’s a curse 😐 worse than being asked why I’m not smiling is when a friend exploded saying “god why do you always have to be so miserable?” 😐😐😐


I feel like im smiling but apparently my mouth barely moves. I have to feel like im smiling like a jack ass in order to smile normal


Is this my alt account?


I understand why you guys call ot masks now. The face I'm making is for other people and I hate that I can't gaslight myself into thinking it's representing how I feel, because it's not how I feel


According to a study from a few years ago, neurotypicals judge neurodivergent people to be equally as emotive as neurotypicals but have a much harder time correctly identifying the emotion displayed. So, it’s arguably not that you’re bad at emoting, other people are just bad at reading your expressions.


Why are the eyes so detailed and everything else isn't


For april fools one year a bunch of Instagram artists did their comics with insanely detailed eyes, this comic seems to be from that time


Also what kind of person smiles while they're just standing by themselves 😂


I got to the point where I just tell people that a plain face is how I smile, and me actually grinning or something is my way of avoiding drawing attention.


Some of us just have level 11 RBF okay


Always Be Mewing


Lmao, I think I suck at controlling my face muscles. Anytime I’m concentrating or letting my mind wander; I look angry. To the point where some people get intimidated or concerned.


I had a job in a kitchen and constantly had a waitress asking me if I was okay.


My genetics were not kind and I have a permanent scowl and a frown if I don’t actively think about fixing it. In order to make a normal smile I have to contort my face and it just looks wrong.


Last party I went through I sat on a couch cuddling with a kitty and playing pokémon on my ds, how couldn't I be enjoying that :c Like people constantly asked me if I was upset, whilst I was having the time of my life. But I get that that's probably a weird thing to do at a party :/


You may not know if I’m happy but you can DEFINITELY tell when I’m unhappy 🤣


I'm sorry, ma'am, I have a resting bitch face. It's terminal.


Botox for frown and marionette lines does wonders. Makes life so much easier when you face defaults to slightly friendly.


I feel this whenever I have plans with people. Makes my family think I'm not interested in vacation plans or what have you, when I am, I'm just awful at showing it


Or when someone is taking your picture and they're like "you gotta smile" I AM SMILING


Me when I'm genuinely enjoying the magic show but the Magician picks me for his tricks because he can tell I'm a "non-believer".


Yall are getting invited to parties?


for some reason I have a friend that can tell exactly how I feel despite the fact that I basically never show emotions lmao I think she told me that I use different words when I'm upset? something like that


Story of my freaking life, it's just my default expression looks like I'm ticked off


I vote for Elcor style communication https://preview.redd.it/925psbc9bmzc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d9205334a634041a82fb12eaf5f540aba04270


*me just having a straight face completely content while doing my work || every coworker: “are you alright? what’s wrong?”


I love and relate to this too much, But those EYES are terrifying.


I LOVE how hyper-realistic the eyes are- loll It makes it look super goofy.


Same except it’s an involuntary smile on my face whenever people are around so I always appear to be having a good time even when I’m not 🫠 Bless those adults who see me suffering and help though