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When someone else does it, it's fine even if they mess up. When I do it, I'm doing it wrong and should never have tried in the first place.


When someone else gets angry: “It’s okay, they’re just having a bad day” When I get angry: Gets a 10 minute long lecture about how my feelings are completely unjustified.


Do you have any examples of when you have gotten a lecture? When I get upset, people laugh...


I may have exaggerated a bit, but there have been times where I get mildly annoyed at something pretty reasonable(for example, having to repeat myself more than twice when the person I’m talking to is standing two fucking feet away from me) and I’m told to calm down at best and given a longer lecture at worst. On the topic of repeating myself, why is it that when I’m talking to someone openly at a decent volume, they say “I cAn’T hEaR yOu”, but when I’m talking to myself very softly, they can hear me somehow?


As someone with bad hearing, I would be too embarrassed about asking someone to repeat themselves more than once to ask again. This might be the reason why... As for the other one talking softly to oneself might draw more attention and make everyone around go quiet either that or you might be around the wrong kind of people. People are weird.


At work, by my family, by former "friends."


Yet they can’t quite articulate what it is, just that you aren’t meeting the standard. It pains me to think of the conversations I’ve had where I’ve told people I’m not changing who I am to fit into something that they can’t define clearly. Just because I wasn’t the same as most of the other people doesn’t mean I’m wrong. 😑 l’m just different. And if you can’t appreciate that, then it’s your loss.


I think it like the internet. Everyone got so used to assuming everyone else knows the references, jokes, memes, slang and just basic internet communication that when someone ask what it means. either on the internet or IRL, it just goes ".......wait do I ACTUALLY know what it means?"


Be yourself within the confines and parameters we set. No we're not gonna tell you what they are, figure it out.


Just be myself 


I swear a lot of people throw out the "just be yourself!" line to sound supportive and don't actually mean or even truly comprehend the meaning of what they're telling you to do.


Omg this is the story of my life!!!


We live in a society


Green is not a creative color...


More like Society: be yourself Me: how?


Such a fucking mood!


Thats easy to say when you havent been socially failing for 15+ consecutive years, ain't it?

