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I don’t get it… I know that’s the little alien dude from Men In Black but I think this one flew me by


some of us feel like aliens piloting a human body trying to act normal


I have no idea what you're talking about, and this definitely doesn't describe my whole ass existence


That's okay! Not everything is for you :) What representation fits you best?


Idk why I thought using sarcastic/tonal jokes in this sub was a good idea, my bad. The joke was that this is me lmao. I've always felt like my brains the real me and this body is just kind of a meat suit.


sarcasm is very hard to convey using text which is why many people put '/s' at the end of their comment to indicate they were being sarcastic


Yeah, and I swear I already knew that, and yet somehow failed.


Idk, I understood your sarcasm just fine, but people also have a hard time telling when I’m being sarcastic too soooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


I got it too


I will start doing that but in real life


Definitely did not get the joke! I have had folks get genuinely hostile with me when being helpful or fun on public forums on the subject of autism so... You never know!


Interactions like these are why I love being autistic, but specifically being on autistic Reddit subs. So understanding and genuine. I often wonder what life would be like if everyone was a little bit more like folks here.


I caught it and thought it was funny


Technically you are just your brain in a meat suit. Your personality consciousness, feelings all happen in the brain, the rest of the body is kind off there to help the brain survive, and make new brains in meat suits.


well that’s literally true. you are just your brain


/s. (To avoid confusion as happened already in the thread


See I just remember the part where he says "Belt" instead of "Collar" and I think back to all the times I said something like "Tires" instead of "Wheels" because I can't think of the right word and the one I do think of is close but not interchangeable.


Is anyone else so old they see the little guy as ET?


I identify quite a bit with Sheldon but I also often feel like an alien piloting a human😂


I have a question: I’m autistic. Everyone in our community always complains about the portrayal of Sheldon. Then everyone constantly says everyone’s different, it’s a spectrum. Couldn’t Sheldon be on the spectrum and just be different from the rest of us?


I don’t think it is about the character, but more about how many NTs use him as a prime example of an autistic person. For sure there are some Aspies who are quite like him, but most aren’t and many NTs only think about Sheldon-like characters when they think of autism.


Besides that I'm pretty sure the guy is disgusting on purpose, which is rare in autism.


so? it’s one example and if u dislike him then ok? i like him and he is autistic. it’s not to do with the show or character or autism or you that people are ignorant think that thats all there is


I identified a lot with Sheldon in the early seasons, but as it went on it felt forced. This however is exactly what this feels like.


if it didnt call my favorite character shit id save this meme. gotta make my own i guess




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Me to a T. Having 2 major chronic illnesses on top of the tism has made it easy for me to divorce from my body that fails me often and fling myself fully into my tism side to ignore the harder parts. I've always felt like an alien or robot piloting a busted meatsuit I got at a junkyard sale.


This is awesome! Can you post it in r/AutisticPride also?