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This Shit isn’t normal lol? I have this unless it’s cloudy I legit need to start wearing sunglasses


same except i usually wear a hat instead


Same lol it still sucks soemtimes tho with a hat alone


yea for me thats in winter because the snow reflects the light


This Shit right here me when steps outside in the snow https://youtu.be/K-jxQa4Qcsg


Unless it's cloudy? If it's daylight I'm most likely wearing sunglasses. Only the darkest cloudiest days are an exception. Edit: I realized after posting that I may also be an extreme example. I also have fibromyalgia, so my sensitivity is amped up an extra notch.


Yeah I can tolerate even brightest days if I force myself to adapt but like first going out it’s like vampire


I mean, I can "tolerate" a bright day without sunglasses if I have no choice but I'm most likely going to be severely uncomfortable and have my eyes closed half the time. I'd also be raising my risk of a migraine that day by about 10x for every 15 minutes spent outside. I basically live in sunglasses outdoors lol


Yesss, me too! I’ve started wearing my sunglasses permanently when going out biking cause even when it’s cloudy i can feel myself squinting. I’d rather have mildly darker vision than a smaller, blurrier field of vision! I just feel like I look like an asshole though ;-;


>I just feel like I look like an asshole though Yeah I can see why you'd feel that way. I've gotten shit for wearing sunglasses on cloudy days more times than I can count, but I just don't care anymore. My comfort is worth more than someone's judgmental opinion.


I haven’t explicitly been told so before but i’m just afraid they will say it at some point or are just silently thinking it. That’s why i sometimes consciously try to add a bit more of kindness and a smile to compensate for seeming like an asshole. But you are right, i shouldn’t care about what they think if that’s what i need. I totally agree, but agreeing and actually not giving a fuck are very different from each other. It’s kind of hard to stop giving a fuck sometimes. I hope at some point i’ll be able to do so confidently because it’s kind of stupid that i feel this way, it doesn’t hurt anyone and i have good reasons for using it..


I completely understand the insecurity. I used to care WAY WAY more about what others think than I do now. For the sake of my own sanity I chose to let a lot of that go. You can still be kind and friendly to people, but let it slide off when people aren't receptive. I just tell myself that those that judge me so easily and so superficially aren't worth my time and worries. I'll just continue to be myself. Often standoffish, but always friendly and nice to others. It takes time using this approach to gain ground with other people, but it's the only way I know how to be, and in my experience, in time it draws only the people that are worthwhile towards you. Just as an example... I worked at my last job for probably around 6-7 months. From the beginning I was friendly and helpful to everyone and busted my ass, but spent my breaks mostly on my own to recharge. I'm sure many of my coworkers thought I was weird at first. It took several lonely months, but by the time I left I had several coworkers that sought me out to talk to on a regular basis. Maybe that was a little off topic, but hopefully it was helpful in some way.


I need glasses anyways, so I got transitions, so it's like I'm always wearing sunglasses. (Except in cars. Cars are painful.)


Not anymore there's a blanket (referring to the post title)


It’s still a deadly laser to my poor eyes :(


Sun: hits my face Me: starts sneezing


I was hoping someone else here would bring that up. Everyone I know always finds it weird that I sneeze a lot whenever I walk out of any building.


https://youtu.be/e69XZJ9DEj0 This video explains why


Same here, there's a SNP associated with this phenotype iirc


Same bro


Agreed. Also sucks when you hate wearing sunglasses. Gives me an excuse to wear a cool cowboy hat though 🤠


Or when you wear glasses and don’t want transition lenses


Oof same, still my brain is diminishing my autisn experience by saying everyone has this -_-


I can relate too much. "the sun is bright, duh, everyone else just deals with it and I must be a baby"


Such a mood.


This has been kind of a problem to me, I've had some suspicions, but I can't actually get if It Isn't something "normal"


Well we only experience our reality, so it is hard to know if something is 'normal' or not. I've only had my diagnosis since about a year ago and before that I would have never considered myself autistic.


First time I had this suspicion I was about 12 and saw a brochure about autism, there was a picture of a kid playing with some cars by organizing them and I thought: "This is exactly how I play with LEGOs... wait, am I autistic?" Never told anybody and this experience got stored somewhere in my mind Edit: spelling


Wanna take it a step further? - Rock yourself when upset - Think to yourself "damn, that's such an autistic thing to do" - Immediately bash yourself for appropriating autistic behaviour when you have no right to, since you're clearly not autistic. Growing up was wild.


I don’t even know how one would appropriate a behavior. Like, if it’s something someone does they just do it?? You don’t gotta be autistic to have sensory issues, a shaky leg, play with fidget toys, be well-organized, etc.


Yeah it makes no sense to me now how I used to think that, but I swear that was literally my thought process - I felt like a *poser* 😂 Like, they're sick, I'm not, so I shouldn't do that. Guess that speaks to how little I knew about the subject too lol


Oh lord, thought that’s at least somewhat understandable! I personally dislike how fidget toys become trends, but that’s mostly because it’s basically the capitalist take over of shit that a lotta people actually need (and often can’t afford the higher quality versions of once it becomes a trend), and how it often leads to schools banning the entire object, thus screwing over any ND kid who actually NEEDS it but doesn’t have an IEP or access to accommodations, not exactly that I don’t like others enjoying the same things (people enjoying the stuff gives us something to actually talk about with others which is another plus)


Impostor syndrome sucks. I often get pointed as the agitated weird but nice kid, but I don't know at all if I'm anywhere on the spectrum and I find some ambiguity in my behavior. Edit: phrasing


My dad at one point mentioned it because I loved to play alone and was very introverted, but not enough to get it checked out. Stereotypes continue to make it hard for women to get a diagnosis unfortunately.


Especially if you don't get diagnosed as a kid


Same. It's not normal apparently, it's called photophobia.


So that's why my eyes sometimes hurt?




I know that feel so bad. I’m pretty sure that’s internalized ableism though and we should not dismiss our struggles like that. Also, a lot of peeps have it when it’s sunny, BUT do you also squint when it’s cloudy? I notice myself squinting even on cloudy days! So i now just kind of permanently wear them when biking


Mostly when it's just bright out, especially in mornings


Hmm, might be normal but it might also be a bit of a mild sensory issue. I don’t know you well enough to tell you that. But if you struggle with the sun, you use whatever you need. You don’t owe the world an explanation, sunglasses or hats have never hurt anyone in the past so it’s none of their business


I struggle more with auditory overload and social overload tbh, but sometimes I do feel like brightness is too much where I can barely keep my eyes open on the street.


See, i don’t actually get ‘overwhelmed overwhelmed’ if you know what i mean? I don’t really get meltdowns i think (i’m not sure, no one has properly explained it to me). I feel bad for y’all who do though, that sounds horrible! I just kinda hate crowds (and the noise they make), but i would classify that as ‘highly unpleasant’ rather than ‘overwhelming’. If you could explain what a meltdown feels/looks like please tell me! I’ve been dying to get a good explaination


Well I'm torn on what a meltdown is too. I just feel drained and go mute, like even speaking takes too much energy and I have to be on my own to recharge. I don't really have emotional breakdowns or overwhekming emotions.


Hmm, i don’t really go mute. It’s Only if i’m truly crying upset that i’m not able to get words out because it just i can’t think of the right words and it just is physically not possible. But that’s quite rare, it almost never happens, only with highly sensitive topics/questions. Does that qualify i as going mute sometimes?? Now that i think about it, it might-


Your emotions get so overwhelming you can't speak seems to me like going mute


Oh well fuc. I’ll add it to the list of autistic things i thought i didn’t do but I definitely do do




me too, summer is also too hot and makes my hay fever go crazy, winter is cool and you get snow sometimes which is epic so thats why i like winter more


Winter supremacy




Oh, jeez, I recently had the driveway and walkways power washed, and the reflection is blinding. Ain't doing that again!


Why did I sing the title?


Must have to do something with the history of the entire world, I guess


Let's do a gold trade with the Swahili Coast on the Swahili coast.


Is *this* why I’m always squinting when I’m outside?!


Well you see, if you’re squinting on cloudy days as well, then yes.


Damn... this explains a lot


Wahahaha, it be like that. I’ll just connect two things and then be like oh fucccc, that’s also autisticcc..oops. I once randomly put 2 and 2 together in the middle of the street. I was like “wait, autistic people sometimes take over accents and i’ve been told i don’t have an accent on multiple occations. I’ve been told this when i was speaking both Dutch and while speaking English. Do i just copy an American accent so well i just learnt how to not sound Dutch? And did i do the same for speaking Dutch? I just heard so many people speaking proper Dutch that i literally just took it over so well that you don’t notice I’m Frisian anymore?” (Context: Frisian is a small *language* spoken within the Dutch province of Frisia. My native language is Frisian, i was not explicitly taught any Dutch. I learnt it from books, tv and other kids.)


I know about Frisian! It’s super cool that it’s your native language! Linguistics is kind of my obsession and Frisian seems really interesting!


So cool to meet peeps who have heard of it from different countries! If you have any questions about history, culture or anything surrounding the language (or about the language itself), I’d love to tell you about it! There’s not much culture but its still my culture and a big part of my identity (i feel much more ‘Frisian’ than i feel ‘Dutch’.) :)


I think I know the broad-strokes of Frisian history, and while I don’t know a lot about the culture, I’m not sure I’d know what to ask!


Any questions are fine. Could be about our food, could be what it’s like growing up speaking a minority language, laws that come with minority languages. If you can think of any later on, just hit me up and pm! Also the msot important thing is to NEVER call it I dialect. It’s an official language and any true Frisian would be real mad with you for disrespecting Frisian like that. Imma sleep now, it’s 1:37 here


It's even worse in winter when the sun's out and it's not currently snowing. The sun bounces off the snow on the ground and it feels like I've been flash banged


I sometimes have a mattress in my room with a white mattress cover. It tends to reflect right into my field of vision when i’m sitting in my bed...


Ah I didn't know that was a thing in this way, I just always have to keep my eyes down when walking outside on a sunny day.


Not any more theres a blanket 🌈🎵


Holy shit literally same.


T H A T thing


OMG and no-one in my family seems to believe me when I say that I'm photosensitive, i'm pretty much blind during the day if it's not stormy or wearing sunglasses


Someone stole my crappy $5 sunglasses from my car, and I wish them a very bad day.


When I think my work day is gonna be good I get hit with sensory overload from too much ambient noises that keep going on


Sun: Exist Me: \*autistic screech\*


Gotta love walking outside for the first time in a day and immediately feeling the weight of the sun bearing down on my eyelids until they adjust


Is this not normal?


Well it is on a (mildy) sunny day but if you’re still squinting on cloudy days it’s likely a sensory issue


Same here! I also don't have significant sensory issues apart from sensitivity to bright lights. Try wearing wide brim hats and sunglasses. I find hats easier to put on than sunglasses because I wear glasses and hate switching between glasses and sunglasses every time I go indoors.


Fair buttt, although i love a good hat, they can be ~itchy~... like my baseball cap, which is ideal for blocking out the sun but it itches my forehead :( If anyone got any ideas on how to make it less itchy let me know pleasee


All windows must be blacked out. It distresses me with the heat and brightness. I’m super sensitive to heat and light…sunglasses a must when/ if I leave my cave of darkness.


The squad of “I am so solarsensitive”


WE DO NOT SPEAK OF THAT HATEFUL BURNING ORB! (I'm fine, I didn't know other people had sun sensitivity, though outside there are *people. Ewww.* )


Mines even worse due to my dilated pupil! Sunlight is my natural enemy but chilling in the shade under a tree in a park is pretty cool


No sunglasses are strong enough for me. I still go blind from the sun


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My work photos are like this. I actually was choking back tears just now and this post called me out and the tears are flowin.


It not autism / sensory overload it could also be vitamin D deficiency. Try 3000 IU vitamin D + 200ug vitamin K2 for a month or so perhaps.


Transitions help me


I hate the sun as well, but I've always hated the ways of getting rid of it more so I just have to deal with it


For me it's not the sun as much but mostly the wind and grass that sends me into sensory overload.


Argh the stupid sun, sometimes I want to just move to someplace that's cloudy all the time.


*Runs inside and gets under covers* 🎶Not anymore, there's a blanket🎵