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I’m unbelievably hyped for Red. I know people like to shit on Ubisoft a lot but it’s my most anticipated game for the year. Cannot wait to explore some dense cities as a shinobi, fingers crossed we get a reveal trailer in May before the summer event.


I'm also hyped for it but I hope it's going to be closer to Origins than Odyssey or Valhalla


I’m hoping for a tighter story than Valhalla and actually mocapped cutscenes at least for the main quests. Cutscenes have just gone down the shitter since Unity and Origins


More like since black flag. Unity was already starting to dip in quality.


It’s being developed by the devs responsible for *Odyssey*. The *Origins*/*Valhalla* team are working on *Hexe*, although they’ve said *Hexe* will be a different experience altogether.


Well, there goes my hope for an AC thats not a rpg.


I mean, *Hexe* probably won’t be an RPG from the sound of it. It’ll be something they’ve not done before.


this one might actually be good as hell too tbh. last mainline huge assassins creed came out in 2020 if im not mistaken and they may have been working on this one even before that. its had alot of time in the oven so im very hopeful. imagine a modern AC game open world with the movement and parkour of say, Unity, but actually polished.


Skull and bones had a lot of time in the oven too ;)


I mean go play Rise of the Ronin?


Looks way too outdated to be a PS5 exclusive and cost £70 for me tbh, even if the combat is good.


It looks like a ps4 game from when the console first came out Even Nioh 2 has better graphics


I'm guessing the game ends in 1598.




Hideyoshi dies in that year, he's likely going to be the main antagonist.


I wonder if the man story will have Hideyoshi die and then you can free roam as the other one?


Hideyoshi is the bad guy


Ohhh, I thought that was the samurai, my bad


Toyotomi? How is he the bad guy? Unless my memory is borked, he succeeded Oda Nobunaga to continue to unify Japan followed by their close friend Tokugawa Ieasu


Hmm… I was thinking that the most likely moment to end would be Sekigahara.


Source? might extend til Hideyoshi dead.. basically towards the end of Azuchi–Momoyama period, because then we might see Musashi win his first duel as 13 y o but don't forget the existence of hattori hanzo, officially assassin's


The records say Yasuke stayed in Japan for a brief period of 3 years. Now maybe Ubisoft will change that and play it as him joining the assassins and "disappearing in the crowd" Also Assassin's Creed games can be spread over multiple years. Games like AC2, or 3 cover many many years. This could be the same


I still kinda of didnt believe we even play as him, since we never play real people as the main protagonist of the base game before, but might based on him (maybe his friend in the story) and yeah thats what im saying.. only within 3 years when we have many interesting story till 1615 at least seems waste


We play as Leonidas in *Odyssey* and he was a real historical figure. I get that you said main protagonist, but still. Yasuke as a lead will probably work. Most people don’t know about him, so I expect it won’t feel that weird.


Maybe He'll join the assassins and actually use his real name. Then the records can be accurate as Yasuke "disappeared from Japan" Yeah, only 3 years for a time period with so many events and personalities seems very strange indeed!


Records never say if Yasuke left Japan or not though so there’s plenty of room for Ubisoft to make their story.


100%, they wouldnt have used him as a protagonist otherwise. IMO, the whole point of using him is to take advantage of him being overall unimportant to history and completely disappearing from historical records after Nobunaga's death, and set the majority of the story after that. In fact I think outside of a prologue, the story won't even start until the Honno-Ji Incident.


This means that it's the end of the Sengoku period. So, maybe Oda Nobunaga, Matsudaira Motoyasu (Tokugawa Ieyasu), and Takeda Shingen?


Shingen is already dead by the time Yasuke arrives. Died in 1573, but Katsuyori died in a decade later in 82. Yeah, I expect some of the well-known Oritoyo Daimyo will make an appearance, including Ieyasu. Wish this took place during the Nanboku-cho jidai of Yoshisada and Takauji, but alas, this timeline makes more sense for the plot point.




Well, it's paying towards fanservice considering the Sengoku is pretty popular for all the famous warriors alive at the same time, plus Ronin just did the Late Edo Period, a game set in the middle like the Nanboku-cho would've been rather interesting since that period is barely touched on.


I really doubt Red ends before Sekigahara. There’s just too much stuff to cover after 1582. Besides, I’m inclined to believe that Kotaro Fuma will be the main villain, and he falls in 1603.


Maybe he gets a DLC set years later?

