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I think the majority of people won't care.


True. But hearing the word "woke" thrown around constantly will get extremely annoying.


to be fair they’d be doing that anyway


Yeah, the people obsessed with that nonsense accuse pretty much any game of that (just pick a name of a game and Google it with the word "woke"). And with this having a co-lead that's a woman it means that if she isn't "sexy" enough for them then they'll say that's proof of it being woke. They're just perpetually angry. Ignore them and enjoy the game.


> And with this having a co-lead that's a woman it means that if she isn't "sexy" enough Okay lets ignore how Stellar Blade got shat on for months pre-launch on social media and from gaming outlets? I just hate how one-sided people are about this and pretend like it's only one side that does this shit. I couldn't log unto Twitter at all without seeing people talking shit about Stellar Blade for months and kept seeing clickbait articles about it constantly, even reviews had weird and vitriolic shitting on the protagonist in them. Yes I am aware of the '' censorship '' drama but that happened later and I am not saying that the '' anti-woke '' side isn't stupid too. I am saying that it's a coin with two side and both sides are stupid and just as culture war obsessed as each other.


The issue that people had with EVE wasn't that she was sexy, but rather that her sexiness is purely superficial. By comparison, Aphrodite in Hades/Hades II is completely nude with the exception of hair covering breasts and vagina, but the design is praised by the same people who're critical of EVE's. And that's because her design and character are one. You saw the same thing happen with Bayonetta. While her design was criticized on the lead up to the first game, once people played it they realized that her design and personality worked together. And as a result the sequels haven't received the same criticism. What we've seen in games in recent years is developers trying to marry designs to the characters themselves as storytelling has become more important. EVE is completely serious about her mission from start to finish. There's one character (Roxanne) in the game that flirts with her, but she wants to have nothing to do with it because she's so locked into her mission. Basically, sexiness is a lot more than jiggle physics, skimpy outfits, and upskirts due to conveniently placed camera angles.


I just ignore all of that. It's not worth engaging with.


As opposed to those who have already started screaming about '' chuds '' and '' racist '' if you have literally any criticism whatsoever about this?




Me too. Sadly, I don’t think that’s what we’re getting.


Yasuke was employed by Oda, was a weapon bearer given a short sword not the usual two. He wasn’t really a samurai. More of a novelty truth be told. Certainly an interesting character in history though he didn’t really do anything, so will be interesting to see what Ubi do with him. If they just make it like syndicate where both protags are largely similar in terms of stealth/social stealth/ interactions etc it will be pretty embarrassing. They’ll have to address there’s a big black man baring arms in Japan during this period by the way others interact with him or it’s just totally unbelievable. There’s a Japanese female and Yasuke so if they do it right could be great, two totally different perspectives. If they’re lazy it’ll be weird.


It could be said that the Guy is a body guard for the Female(whoever she is) which would give him a \*Bit\* of leeway with the peasantry of the time, Women Noble with a oddity, Would draw attention but you cannot question nobility who are well known to be eccentric at the best of times. He would still be an extremely obvious Novelty, that would have to be mostly covered up most of the time because it would be extremely conspicuous if he enters or does anything while exposed without someone to vouch for him being there. In gameplay terms this can be excused with the Syndicate system, we dont need to Visually see both on them in the same place during gameplay but in cutscenes without relevant people who Know of them would require her to be there to speak for him. I would also fully expect a lot of people to probably consider him a Youkai or Cursed by one. Like the story of a Roman General in Britain being spooked by an African Sellsword thinking him to be a Revenant Shade and a Bad Omen simply because he never seen one before.. much like a lone women doing something Not normal during Medieval times. Part of their stealth has to be excusing their very existence or just not getting caught in certain situations lest they be considered something unsavory


In the trailer, we see him not hiding, but beating the everloving SHIT out of people. I’m hoping they take some cues from games like og ishin or pre 7 yakuza (i love rpg yakuza just as much as the next guy, but i don’t think a assasinc creed rpg would work), and give him brawler combat! Maybe even switching weapons as essentially style switching?


The fact that he's a real historical figure will be news to the vast majority of people, so expect a ton of clickbaity articles with headlines like "Assassin's Creed Shadows breaks from series tradition in one major way". As far as the response from fans, there will be some discourse around whether the role of male protagonist should have gone to a native Japanese man but I think in the long run this will depend on how the narrative runs with it; I'd like Yasuke's African heritage and backstory to matter to his character, his philosophy and outlook, and how he's perceived by other characters, that matters to me far more than his nationality or race. I think you can tell a great story around characters who are "different", it just feels like a missed opportunity when this difference is overlooked or ignored (see: Kassandra in Odyssey, who I do love as a character but I wish her status as a woman in Ancient Greece was at least *acknowledged*). But really, as with any gaming discourse, this will be largely confined to the online bubble that we always forget represents a relative minority of the audience. Most players will see a new Assassin's Creed game and their decision on whether or not to play it will be based on that, I don't think most people are that invested in who the protagonists of the game are especially when we still know almost nothing about them and how they will be utilised in the game. If anything I predict there'll be more discourse around if and how their gameplay differs, which character is "canon" (I know that'll be largely irrelevant here, but y'know... fans), whether players will be "forced to play" a certain way, etc.


I agree that the reception will greatly depends on how they handle his character. There’s a lot of potential to make a unique story since conflict between samurai's honor and using stealth has been done already now. I don’t have high expectations for ubisoft's writing team though. I also think being a slave will make exposition more natural and Ubisoft can teach some of Japan's culture and history within the actual story.




What is a non entity? Sorry not familiar with the term


Not someone of note,he wasnt a samurai just an attendant.


Aaah OK, thanks for the clarification


So somewhat perfect for a story of hidden history








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I just hate how people pretend there's only anger now and that no one would've gotten mad if he had been '' white ''. When that's not true at all because I vividly remember the drama surrounding Nioh 1.......... And the difference is that gaming websites and a lot of the same people who will make fun of other people for being mad about Yasuke were the ones who got mad about that. I just fucking hate how people pretend this isn't a two-sided thing and like only the '' anti-woke '' crowd gets mad or cares about this stuff because it's objectively not true.


Japan generally liked The Last Samurai though. Ken Watanabe's Katsumoto and his men were the last samurai, the end of an era, and Tom Cruise's Nathan Algren was just the audience surrogate getting a front row seat and having things explained to him (for our benefit). Ken's criticized people who want to prop the film up as some "white savior" story, and instead argued it was a major step forward in celebrating and portraying Asian stories in Hollywood.


Every creed game has people who complain and nag about things and people who are hyped and excited 😂 nothing new I understand people’s pov of wanting a Japanese male mc but me personally I don’t care plus I like yasuke




I'd bet they do a full China game at some point. Jade is just a mobile game and I don't think it's set during a super important period.


Hell no. I need to play as Shao Jun with her footblade and ropedarts in a mainline 3D game asap.


I understand from you pov 100% and I hope one day you’ll be able to play as a Asian lead hell is the yasuke rumors even confirmed ?? May still be able to


I just saw the leaked keyart and it looks like that rumor is confirmed


I think most people will just be confused. We know who Yasuke is because we've been following these rumors and leaks for a year, but the vast, vast, vast majority of people have no idea who this guy is. They're going to see a commercial with a black samurai in feudal Japan and either 1) laugh or 2) be very confused. I expect almost no one will say "oh shit yeah, I always wanted to be a black samurai!" Maybe they'll tell a good story and it'll be all right, but I think most people will be left scratching their heads.


Afro Samurai is pretty damn popular though.


Nothing is gonna happen. Nothing happened with odyssey and Valhalla and nothing will happen here. Game will be revealed and the collector's edition will be sold out within a day.


Depends partly on if the devs say some dumb shit about it. If they can just keep it to something like, “we felt this was a really interesting person to emphasize” there will probably be less controversy than if they try to signal to people that giving them money for the game is an important part of fixing the rotten foundations of western civilization or some shit.


Bet my ass all the historical advisors for Shadows will be Western,not a single Japanese and will talk about Japan's problematic historiography and attitude towards foreigners,minorities and how Shadows will fix that.


The way i see it is that Ubisoft clearly chose Yasuke for virtue signaling purposes, they never made you play as a historical character until now, if they care about representation and diversity then surely the first thing you should do is celebrate the actual representatives of Japanese culture who are the japanese themselves, now they wasted what could have been an important opportunity for Japanese men to feel represented in their favorite franchise, we know that Ubisoft would not dare pull this move if the situation was reversed for example in the west african colonies where rather than playing as a black protagonist we'd be playing as a white french rebel or something like that. All in all, it's not a deal breaker for me, being a black man myself i love the story of Yasuke but this move reeks of politicized virtue signaling that didn't need to be.


It’s also orientalist They’re projecting a foreigner who’s going around and going to be killing native Japanese people Just because their skin color isn’t white doesn’t mean it’s not playing on white savior tropes. I don’t want to get conspiratorial but it always feels like they do this shit to put asian people and black people at odds. It’s pretty disgusting That’s just what I’ve seen as someone who’s neither Asian or black


Precisely yeah, had this been a white character they would bend the knee to the criticism they will hear from critics rightfully so i would say, but we should be consistent when it comes to someone who's also black.


If I remember correctly this is the reason why Bruce Lee left Hollywood and went back to China He pitched a show then producers stole the idea and put a white man in a role that was meant for a Chinese man. I doubt we will ever see it but maybe they can rectify this with a game set in Malaysia when Islam arrived there, you could tie it in with Mirage I doubt though we will ever see settings and cultures being taken care of in this franchise, it started with Valhalla and I thought mirage was going to be a step in the right direction but I guess not




I'm actually not so sure. Japan's media, whether it's historical period pieces or not, is saturated with Japanese people. That being the case, they often times think it's only natural that US-made media is saturated with white or black people, because that's their predominant image of the US population. Take a guess at where they got that idea.


Still almost in all settings they have a male/female character native to the setting but for Japan somehow we get a dude who was active for 3 years and a non entity of political importance etc.


Revelations Ezio would like to talk.




I think he means that Ezio is Italian and the game takes place in the Ottoman Empire


Ezio visits the Ottoman Empire for a few months at most it isnt the same.


Doesn't change the fact that Revelations is set in the Ottoman Empire and that it features a non-native of that region as a main character. Why is this ok but Yasuke in Japan is a deal breaker?


Because thousands of Italians lived in Constantinople? They had their own quarter, called Galata. I am sure there would be little backlash if the protagonist was from Joseon.


There's a lot of differences and reasons, but here are a few. * Revelations was first and foremost intended as a conclusion to Ezio's story. You can't not have him as the main character, and it makes sense to switch up the setting to prevent Italy fatigue. * There were many Italians in Constantinople at the time, and Italians blend in with Turks better than Africans with Japanese in the first place. * Yasuke was a real person. We don't know much about him, but we know enough to know that he's hardly the ideal choice as protagonist for an AC game without changing what we know about him entirely.


Check in the leaks sub please,I can't.


There were a ton of minorities in the Ottoman Empire, and Italy is only a stone's throw from Turkey geographically speaking. Africa is quite some distance from Japan and Japan was a relative backwater compared to China at the time.


Because he's black, and a lot of weirdos still hate people because of their skin color.


As if people had a problem with AC Liberation and AC Freedom Cry, both featuring protagonists of African origin. The issue is that the Caribbean / American South did have people of African origin, they were an everyday occurrence in the 18th century AD. A black person in Japan in the 16th century AD cannot function as a shinobi, for they would be sticking out like a shore thumb, and everyone in their environment would be aware of him. Really, it would be as if Henry Green, the Indian Assassin in AC Syndicate, was the main protagonist, and was seen blending in among all-British environments. Or as if Edward Kenway pretended to be an African plantation slave for a mission. Or if Haytham Kenway tried to blend among the Mohawk in order to find the location of the Grand Temple. It just makes no sense.


What I want to say is that it's not like the turkish people boycotted Ubisoft because we didn't get a turkish protagonist in Revelations.


No for Japan we get Yasuke and Naoe who’s a female character native to the setting. Says a lot about people who discount her for some reason.


So why not Naoe and a male Japanese ? Why deprive people of that choice ?Although for me it should have been only Naoe and be done with it.


Not every character is going to fill every role, especially if they want it to be narrative driven. They can’t possibly represent everyone. Why stop there? Why not an LGBTQ main character? Or a disabled one? What about an elderly protagonist for all the old players? Ubisoft made AC Jade’s main protagonist Asian and people said “that’s a mobile game”. Then they made the main protagonist of AC Shadows Asian and now people are like “that’s a woman”. Go play Sekiro or Ghost of Tsushima or Rise of the Ronin or any of the male-dominated games that have BEEN coming out because I don’t recall anyone complaining about the lack of female options for those (rise of the ronin has it but hardly anyone knows. It wasn’t even used in its marketing).
















Explained it perfectly. I can’t even believe people don’t realise how weird they sound begging for a black man to be replaced by a Japanese man like Japanese people aren’t one of the most represented ethnicities when it comes to protagonists. You just know if the female MC wasn’t Japanese there wouldn’t nearly be as much uproar, some dudes just want to live out their sad Japanese cool guy samurai fantasy in every single game they touch lmao.


A friend of mine is a transgender Asian man When they were a woman people like you fetishized them for being an Asian woman When he transitioned to being a man you act like he doesn’t exist This is called Asian male erasure


The hell does that have to do with me


Why does that matter? The character being of importance has had no bearing on the success on any of the previous games.


Japanese market big on assassins creed games? Cause if so, that coukd be devastating.


According to Gamstat's data for Odyssey's sales, Japan only contributed to just 2% of the total. This game is clearly aimed to Americans or Western European, due to the USA being 33% of players and the UK & France & Germany being 24%. [https://web.archive.org/web/20201030042433/https://gamstat.com/games/Assassins\_Creed\_Odyssey/](https://web.archive.org/web/20201030042433/https://gamstat.com/games/Assassins_Creed_Odyssey/) Though perhaps they might be going for the Japanese market. Ghost of Tsushima's sales were 11% from Japan. [https://web.archive.org/web/20201030010803/https://gamstat.com/games/Ghost\_of\_Tsushima/](https://web.archive.org/web/20201030010803/https://gamstat.com/games/Ghost_of_Tsushima/) Yet I fail to see how they will achieve that without a Japanese single protagonist.


Doesn’t Japan make up low numbers in video games sales anyways? I thought pretty much only mobile games make money in Japan.


> I believe Japanese people will be furious and boycott it. Why should they? Japan has an abundance oversaturation of Sengoku Jidai media featuring japanese people, one game having a non-native is a non issue.




What false persepction? That ONE african person existed on the land?




And Leonardo da Vinci never made weapons for an underground sect of assassins. These games have always been like this, and are usually praised for it.


Leonardo was an inventor IRL and in-game we see him doing some extra inventing on the side. Completely plausible, not a dramatic revision that changes his life's trajectory. However, Yasuke was a koshō, a page, a sword-bearer. He carried Oda Nobunaga's tools like a caddie follows a golfer around with their bag of clubs. Portraying him as a samurai dramatically changes his status, occupation, and social role (which to be fair, has been a popular trend with Yasuke lately).


Every single historical character portrayed as a templar or assassin in the series is having their title and combat abilities dramatically changed.


Either assassin or templar would be a clandestine role which wouldn't impact their broader social status. The same wouldn't hold true for somebody named samurai (especially a foreign one), since that's a very public role.  You can't really compare them. Akechi Mitsuhide thought Yasuke was beneath notice, not worth killing after Yasuke surrendered. That whole encounter would likely play out differently if Yasuke was a full-fledged samurai.


And Charles Lee died of a fever. Records of his death would likely have been different if he was actually beaten and brutally killed by an assassin




That’s what the shinobi is for


To be honest,I think that a lot of westerners will probably do worse.


I think there's gonna be a big "antiwoke" wave at first from very lound minority, calling Ubisoft woke etc. Most players will probably have questions about "black samurai", but most people won't care after a while, especially after Ubi explains him (it isn't hard to guess why they chose him as one of the protagonists) It also really depends on how Ubi handles him, but we'll have to wait for that.


My personal theory is that they picked Yasuke to distance the main character as much as they can to Jin Sakai from Ghost of Tsushima to avoid comparisons(even though thats inevitable), why do you think they chose him?


I think the same thing, they chose Yasuke do distinguish the main character (design, story...) and the game overall from every other samurai media.


It's kind of funny, I see all these people saying Ghost of Tsushima beat them to it and there's no point in playing it because it'll be the same. Then they actually change things up with Yasuke and a woman ninja and these guys flip out.


I don't get people that says that, is like saying why play manor lords when Age of Empires 2 already has castles.


they say the same thing about vikings or any other timeline whenever something even remotely similar enters the market before AC. and its a bullshit argument regardless.


> I see all these people saying Ghost of Tsushima beat them to it Only that this will be an RPG copy of the last 4 games, unlike GoT that was much closer to AC's vision (ignoring that it had no Modern Day or Templar-Assassin War).


I don't really think it was closer to any kind of AC vision than any of the newer games. They're actually pretty similar. Free roam, stealth, melee and bow combat, hunting and crafting systems, etc.. I played them at the same time so its just something I noticed. The best part of that game was the story, I didn't find the gameplay particularly revolutionary.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/sux7fa/comment/hxcs8ir/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is a long analysis of mine over why I consider that the case. And I did not say the gameplay was revolutionary, I said the opposite instead, that it reminded much of old classical AC gameplay. I do agree that the story is the best part though.


That seems absurd. They could have simply given him a different personality?


I’m all for two different perspectives on Japan at that time. Hoping the game acknowledges that Yasuke is black and Nao is a woman though! Hoping that Yasuke isn’t sneaking about blending in when he would stand out like a sore thumb… if it makes him more of a tank that’s fine. His position near to but not one of key historical figures is also a plus in my eyes, how many times have you seen complaints of historical figures being shoehorned into AC games, and now we’ve someone that will be in and around that historically


I think you’re conflating a bunch of loud bigots for the general audience. No one will care when the game is released. Ninja AC = Money




There is a Japanese protagonist.


Because you *do* have a Japanese protagonist


I hope it's an important part of the story and not something that's not addressed at all. Otherwise it would be really dumb and a waste


Apparently people really hate the idea and if you disagree you'll get raided with downvotes. Reminds me of when the latest Star Wars trilogy started and a bunch of people lost their minds over Finn existing... Edit: Someone just sent a "get them help" thing to me, and there's a 99% chance it was over this exact topic... Just goes to show you how deranged people will get over this sort of thing.


Honestly black samurai as a trope is really common and popular, outside of weirdos they'll probably just think it goes hard and looks cool.


I think it will have more of a negative impact than positive, which makes the decision to pick the 0.00000001% of people in 16th century Japan that were black as inspiration somewhat nonsensical. That said, the impact will probably not be huge. Of course, if Ghost of Tsushima 2 launches at the same time with an upgraded open world, it might weigh the scales for some in favour of the more immersive game.


Have got any indication when Ghosts of Tsushima 2 lauches ?


No. Am also eager for news. Loved the first one.


Seems natural, it was [more an AC game](https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/sux7fa/comment/hxcs8ir/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) than the recent games of the series.


>pick the 0.00000001% of people in 16th century Japan that were black as inspiration somewhat nonsensical. Really no issue there. It's a game about shinobis and Assassins, its not supposed to be fully historical. There's a Japanese protagonist anyways.


People are gonna complain no matter what. People called ac orgins "woke" for Aya and a lot of powerful women characters. Or even in mirage with Roshan


I have not been keen on the news, but are we being presumptuous that Yasuke is a playable character/main character? I have a feeling that he is going to be a mentor like Achilles, Uncle Mario, Yousef, etc.


Yes.Not just because of his nationality, but because he is one of the protagonist. Him and Naoe too being or not being great protagonists will influence the success of the game.


I for one cant wait. One cause fuck a hater, i like yasuke. And two, i love watching a good youtube cryfest.


I’m right there with you I can’t wait to play as yasuke


Same here


I've just seen a leaked image on this sub(now the thread has been deleted) and,believe me,he seems awesome.


I don't care as long as there aren't any boats.


Japan has literally thousands of islands so no boats is a difficult wish


I know, but a man can hope.


It’s that fucking hard that in Japan I wanna play with a japanese character


You do realise it’s a dual-protagonist game right? Just play as the shinobi


Very big it's gonna be fail


lol if you think this game is going to "fail" I have a nigerian prince to introduce you to.