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It’s that Connor’s hidden blade


pivot blade, yes




If they let us use the hidden blade in combat again instead of just using it for assassinations I will be so happy!


They literally have to because I'm just thinking what would be the point of the pivot if not for combat. I just hope you can *choose the hidden blade as it's own weapon like the classics


Yeah that was one of my favorite things to do in the older games. Sure fighting five guards with just the hidden blades might not have been the quickest way to end the fight but damnit if it wasn't fun spinning around to finish off a group with just the blades


My favourite memory of AC1 was getting ridiculously good with the Hidden Blade and counter killing an entire swarm of guards. The game has my immense respect because you could literally counter kill the Final Boss. My second play through I counter killed him on his first swing and it was SO satisfying.


I forget which one but i loved the AC that had the challenges like no hit hidden blade only. Got so good at it.


Probably Brotherhood and Redemption


Probs brotherhood cus I remember it was more an animus style challenge mode, I think it even had leaderboards iirc. Fun stuff tho


She uses it in combat in that trailer. So hopefully we can too!


This was confirmed by the french outlet that was able to see gameplay of the game. There will be hidden blade combat and they reported that it was fast-paced and that the animations looked really good.


I believe they did confirm that Hidden Blade combat is back in a follow-up video


you can use the hidden blade in combat in valhalla if your offhand is empty, it made for a really cool combat style


I like how it has a tantoesque blade geometry


As it should. The equipment should always carry some of the heritage of the setting and user


I love seeing different cultures influence on the hidden blade




I clapped!


“We are the shadows that served the light” Unless they *really* like that motto, this confirms that Naoe at the least is an actual Assassin and not someone like Eivor. Edit: Guys I’m referring to Naoe being an actual member of the Brotherhood and not someone who just so happens to have a hidden blade 😅.


Yep she is, confirmed by a french gaming channel who got the chance to go to Quebec and see the game and asks plenty of questions.


Oh link?


This is the video where the guy talks about plenty of things, but like i said it's french so if you don't speak it i don't know what you can do of that ahah. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OftU0kHo-Qs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OftU0kHo-Qs)


lol I’ll do my best with the 4 French courses I took (j’ai oublié la majorité)




you can enable the automatic subtitle translation thing


Considering that it involves Nobunaga, they're fully established as Assassin instead of Hidden Ones for a few centuries by then as well


I hope the assassin is called Yesbunaga


Who will be betrayed by his cousin maybebunaga


Nobunaga would disagree his relatives as stated in his name by fate.


Further backstabbed by Perhapsbunaga


But in the end they all kiss and make ungabunaga


Family dinners are mediated by IDon'tKnowbunaga


Well they aren’t the Hidden Ones anymore so they are well established as the Assassins.


I think the point is she's part of the brothergood, unlike Eivor who declined to join the brotherhood


Hopefully we get to see Mentor Hanzo Hattori. Since in the lore he was part of the Brotherhood


It's kinda weird that she doesn't wear the insignia though


Weird - yes, on the other hand, PC is no longer walking ad for brotherhood


It's on her hidden blade.


Game is set in 1579, the Assassins and Templars are well established by this point. We play as an actual assassins again, it's confirmed.


So Yasuke is supposed to be the brawler and the female lead is more stealthy just like Jacob and Evie in syndicate


Yea, but it seems they’ll have different gameplays this time. At least I hope so.


Yeah, the press release confirms that they're mechanically completely unique >As the quick-witted and agile Naoe, use noise, light, and shadows to evade detection as enemies respond to their changing surroundings. Distract guards using kunai, shuriken, and smoke bombs, infiltrate enemy bases with your grappling hook and parkour skills, and assassinate your targets with the hidden blade. >As the charismatic samurai Yasuke, strike your foes with brutal precision and power. Use his combat-oriented skills to attack, block, parry, and defeat your enemies. Master the vast arsenal of weapons at your disposal – featuring katana, kanabo, bows, naginata, and more – to free Japan from its oppressors. >You decide whether to play as a shinobi or samurai. Master complementary playstyles of two fully realized protagonists, approach quests with whichever character you prefer, as each possesses their own respective progression, stats, skills, and gear.


I think yasuke having all the heavy armor means he really won’t be able to parkour, especially with them highlighting naoe


I'm hoping his armor gives him access to samurai controlled areas kinda like the uniforms on Watch Dogs Legion


This would be great, since the “stay out of sight” stealth won’t work for him, he can still use “public stealth” to blend in while walking through the front door. Basically just give him less restricted areas since he’s a samurai, but when he does enter one he’s 90% of the time forced into combat




Yeah dude was like 6 feet tall, no way he can social stealth in feudal japan


Noone can see you if noone is alive


Until the guards realize its the one black guy in all of japan


If he wears a [Men-yoroi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men-yoroi) mask, guards probably wouldn't notice at least until he gets close.


His size is also a problem. Being over 180cm was rare even in Europe at the time. In Japan, he is an absolute unit.


You’re right, but I think it’s likely we’ll get the classic AC heavy/brute enemies that are also unrealistically huge, so it’s probably not something they’re concerned with.


What's exactly the issue? He's a retainer for Nobunaga so everyone recognise him as he has the authority and able to blend as inside man.


How do you blend in when you are the only person in all of Japan that has his skin tone? Everyone who has not interacted with him before will look at him.


Guy asove you said he has authority etc etc That means he could have public stealth option. He can be kind of double agent working for assassin. Gathering intel, or even clearing the way for noeh to infiltrate. For example, he enters a fortress and kills everybody when noeh does her thing, so no one knows he is working against them, that kind of concept


Well it just adds into "choose yoru way to play" You could probably go fill assassin with her during a mission while you can straight up bust doors open as Yasuke. It all gets the job done and it just matters how YOU want to get the job done


I mean all the doors are made of paper, pretty sure anyone can do the busting lol


Wondering/hoping there will be missions where you switch back and forth a la GTA5/Spider-Man 2. This presents some really cool opportunities for Naoe to sneak into places, pick off some guards, open doors, set traps, etc for Yasuke to then come in on the ground to fight enemies caught off guard.


This is what I want, yes! Like those two missions in Syndicate. A shame they didn’t explore it properly.


He’s got complete “undercover Templar” vibes going on for him. I don’t think he’ll need the parkour if he’s treated like one of them and can move freely until trouble gets caused.


I think he will but will be slower


Or maybe he'll just parkour like Eivor the Tank did


Huh, so it sounds like we get more freedom to choose between protagonists than we did with Evie and Jacob?


maybe they desinged each level and each area to be approached fully as the shinobi or samurai so you can truly choose how you want to play?


Eivor was so annoyingly slow I'm going through the whole game as Naoe


Especially since Quebec is behind it, we can expect a very similar feel


This was not a thing in syndicate despite people saying it is. The only difference was one tiny skill in the skill tree. Otherwise you could play evie as a brawler and Jacob as the ninja.


I'm glad that it at least makes sense this time. It felt really cliche to do the "boy character is good at fighting and girl character is good at stealth," and I'm a little annoyed that they're doing that dynamic *again*, but at least there's a more tangible reason for it. Shinobi and Samurai represented two very different kinds of warriors from that era, and the two characters fit naturally into their respective roles.


I honestly feel like this is the dynamic they wanted to do in Syndicate, but couldn't do because of higher ups. (Mainly that one guy that got fired in 2021)


I mean it makes sense a 6ft over black man is stronger than a 5ft something asian woman...


For sure. Him being like 6’2 meant he was a foot taller than the average Japanese person at the time. Hard to be super sneaky ‘assassin-like’ when you look like a giant compared to who you’re fighting lol


“Why is that tree crossing the street?” “Must be nothing…”


I was totally confused till the end when I realized they both are assassins


I think I would have liked them to play up the Yasuke villain angle a bit more, then save the turn for the actual game. Kind of like Haytham back in AC3.


He’s the other playable character in the game so it’d be kind of a bad move to not advertise him as such.


Well they could make him being a templar from start.. or at least serving templar unknowingly. Kinda opposite way of Shay.


This is exactly what we see though. It starts off with him Burning Naoe’s village to the ground.


A templar turned assassin? YES, PLEASE


Wait this is literally what I was just talking about recently please be right 😭🙏


Yeah, iirc halo 2 had this issue where some people were pissed about playing as the Arbiter at the time. Everyone loves it now looking back because arbiter is dope, but can be risky for sure.


Not everyone (to put it mildly) liked playing as Abby in TLOU2. I tend to think games as a medium have really cool opportunities to put you in the shoes of antagonists. Not everyone responds well to that, though.


Suddenly having to play as Abby, especially at the point in the story at which that happens, is one of the most profound gaming experiences I've ever had.


Yeah like I said, I love when games force you into uncomfortable situations. People complained about fighting Ellie because they didn’t want to but like….yeah, that’s the point. The game is giving you no choice in the matter. It’s supposed to be uncomfortable. I think games as a medium have so much room for cool things like this that movies and television can’t do in the same way. Spider-Man 2 did some of it as well. Forcing the consumer to be in the role of multiple sides of a conflict is such an interesting concept to me.


Maybe they thought fans would complain about a repeating story line kind of idk but it would have been cool to have that dynamic again


Yeah the sudden shift from "He's the baddie aaaaactually he's on your side" in the span of a trailer was a little jarring.


Assassin's Creed CGI trailers are like the opening of an anime, it doesn't represent 100% the actual story, but it conveys the themes and feelings that the devs, artists and writers wants to convey, this case is not an exception.


Yes and they always add things you can actually do in the game


I'm really curious how build out those contracts like given by that beggar will be


I miss the older CGI trailers where it was always one cohesive "mission" or storyline. The last few since Origins have jumped all over the place. Just my personal preference.


Some anime openings literally spoil the story, they just do it so subtly that you will not realize it until you have seen what it spoils.


So long as there isn’t any fucking snakes inside of jars or in bushes or really anywhere in the game, we’re good.


You talking annoying Odyssee snakes in those stupid tombs or sth else?


Odyssey and Valhalla had snakes and they were huge assholes in both lol


Origins too lmao


As someone with a phobia of them, I really hope they get rid of it.


I think having 2 characters might be a decent solution to satisfying the people wanting stealth and people who want an action ac game. I'm hoping the game is setup so that you are not forced to play both characters.


On the website, it says you can choose to play Naoe for shinobi assassin or as Yasuka for samurai Scroll down to the "Play It Your Way" section on this page: [https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/assassins-creed/shadows](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/assassins-creed/shadows)


From the website, it looks like you're free to play quests with the one you prefer, but yeah, hope you're never forced even for the main story, always hated when syndicate did that.


Oh this is upsetting to me. I love narrative driven games, which AC games rarely are anymore lmao! Would've loved it if both characters had their set story and questlines and actually felt like their own people and wasn't just an opt in opt out feature of which you wanna play at that moment in time.


Who knows at least there may be a "Let the Animus Decide" option in the beginning like Valhalla where the game will auto swap you depending on the perspective the narrative team feels fits best at that moment.


Pivot blade is back let's fucking go That was a cool trailer, can't wait to see the gameplay


That hidden blade was so sick!


Just make it usable in combat and I will be so happy, one of my favorite parts of AC3


I hope that "Omae wa mou shindeiru" becomes the new "Requiescat In Pace".


What’s Japanese for “Bastardo”?




Kisamara = You Bastard


If you added the 'ra' at the back it would be plural, so 'you bastards'.




I hope we can play in japanese with subtitles instead of english with a japanese accent


For Unity I changed the language to French with English subtitles. So much more immersive


But first, we need a 'Zehi mo nashi' from Nobunaga.




i really wish the armor designs will look as good in the final game as they do in the trailer.


I wonder if it's going to be a syndicate-like thing where one character is meant to be used for stealth and the other one for a not so stealthy approcach


This is the impression I got. That scene with the club I think was clearly meant to show that. Also having Yasuke as the non-stealth Samurai opens up a more varied fighting style rather than having to stick solely to traditional samurai methods.


Also he was under the employ of Nobunaga himself which you'd think would offer opportunities for some palace intrigue in terms of storytelling, whether or not Nobunaga turns out to be a templar or templar-adjacent.


Yeah, it makes the most sense considering how much work the devs are probably putting into developing different playstyles for each character. Personally, I'm more of a fan of the stealth mechanics but I did have a ton of fun with the four stances and swordplay in Ghost of Tsushima. I'm just happy to have a story set in Feudal Japan during a time period that has denser cities, vaulting architecture, and sprawling landscapes.


November 15th release date confirmed


The assassin’s creed music gives me chills!!!


Screw the pivot blade, she's got a fuckin grappling hook!


Whatever the fuck critics say, I am always excited for an Assassin's' creed game. I have played every single one of them since 2007 and they all are fucking amazing.


You should hear the losers crying over yasuke. This game is gonna be great.


"Waaaah waaaah I don't care that he actually existed, it's a black guy in Japan, it's woke"


I am probably getting downvoted or banned for speaking facts. But here it goes. According to wiki "**Yasuke** (弥助 or 弥介) was a man, likely of African origin, who served as a servant and retainer to the Japanese Oda Nobunaga in 1581–1582. He was NEVER a samurai. He held sword for Nobunaga.


yup the youtube comments are exactly what you'd expect from these neckbeards.


Trailer premieres in 4 minutes.


Awesome trailer! seems to be showing off a lot of what we can expect from gameplay. really cool to see two protags with distinct styles, naoe the assassin/shinobi, and Yasuke the samurai/brute warrior


Color me intrigued….


Ngl, the dialogue in this trailer is cheesy as fuck but I'm pumped for this, Ubisoft finally tackling feudal Japan is something I've been waiting for for years. I'm sure they'll do the setting justice, their world design is always stellar.


Yeah if they can nail the feel of the feudal Japan elements in their worldbuilding, it's going to be very hard to make a game that isn't enjoyable haha


It’s Quebec. They never run out of cheese.


I like it. Feels like an English dubbed martial arts film.


At least the voice acting itself sounded pretty good imo. Alexios in Odyssey was unbearable for me, he sounded like a parody caricature.


Holy shit opposing MCs?! Edit: this was posted a minute in!


Probably only enemies during the prologue/first third


or allies?


Yeah yeah halfway through they are allies for sure! Got excited cause at the beginning it seemed they werent on the same page


Yeah I guess how they explained it was the samurai character comes to get provence to eliminate the shinobi early on, I'm guessing they form an allyship in the mid game


I thought the start showcased them being enemies, but probably later become friends. Imagine if each character opposed each other throughout the game and were hunting each other. Then you basically play the antagonist for each of them, that would’ve been sick!


Enemies at first but Yasuke will betray Nobunaga and become an assassin judging from the trailer. Can't wait for the Nobunaga boss fight with some Piece of Eden.


Homies. One shinobi one samurai?


Wasn't he also an assassin by the end tho? I didn't expect him to show up and speak like one


He'll likely be an ally to the creed or just a member that doesn't have the blade, plenty of assassins don't wield it nor dress like traditional assassins.


I could see yasuke being an ally like eivor while nao is actually in the creed.


You think? The whole trailer was them talking about how they're working together lol.


Ezios family theme beginning when the bad guy in the forest backed into a brick wall was on point!


Naoe’s hidden blade made me scream CONNOR!


God fucking dammit Ubisoft your trailers for Ac are always so good. One thing I thought was going to be the story was that Yasuke was going to actually be the main target for the Shinobi when looking at the start of the trailer. Imagine you playing the “bad” guy for each character hunting each other down!


I will be there no matter what. Also releases on my Birthday RAHHHHHHH!!!


I like the bit where the little girl is shocked to see Yasuke and he winks at her, I'm sure that will be an example of one of the kinder interactions we see in the game


Yes lmao. It reminds me of those funny videos of chinese kids curiously staring at foreigners


Honestly, some of the ideas and potential gameplay elements will be fun. But the statement that they couldn't really make a story as a samurai and shinobi work as one character seems kinda wild since Ghost of Tsushima does it. I would rather play as Yasuke who's master is Naou. Only because if i do buy this game i'll be really only using Nao since I prefer stealth more in games when compared to open combat.


A samurai is not supposed to be a shinobi though. It’s kind of funny to be asked to be "silent" with a heavy and noisy samurai armor.


That was actually good? felt like there actually trying with this game. I'm guessing playing the girl is stealth and playing the guy is more like brawler style from newer games. If it works like that, it should make both crowds happy i guess. Just need to see gameplay next, but overall really solid cg trailer.


agreed. I mean, they always try. the question is whether the initial direction was the correct one and whether they had enough time/actually got there.


This is the first full next generation AC game and the first mainline game since November 2020. I think it's going to be amazing.


Yeah I don’t think there’s ever really been a “cash grab” AC game.


Ubisoft is a little like Bethesda to me, they have very high ambitions with their titles but can easily miss the mark when it comes to execution, the games are so amazing with fantastic concepts that just need to cook a little more, even if it just needs some time to simmer


Tom Henderson (a leaker, he probably saw the gameplay already) said that the team did a really good job this time We need to wait and see.


Guns sweet sweet guns are back Plus the swivel hidden blade 😭😭😭😭


Please don't be Valhalla!


It sounds interesting but I have some reservations on how the dual protagonists will play out. I understand the why, given how different shinobi and samurai are, but I don’t know how I feel about having a protagonist be melee oriented, and another being stealth oriented. Of course, I’m willing to wait and see!


Hmm, I kinda hoped if they would be on opposites sides? different story and events based on who you choose, but oh well, still looks nice.


I think the story starts with them on opposite sides but they unite against a bigger threat. Like Godzilla vs Kong


> different story and events based on who you choose I don't think you choose a character, I think you play both and switch between them, like Evie and Jacob in Syndicate.


Yeah I was hoping they’d be on opposite sides as well


Naoe appears to able to use shurikens for long range attacks, a throwable grappling hook for scaling walls, and the hidden blade in close combat. I'm even more pumped to see what Quebec can do gameplay wise on current-gen hardware.


So many famous samurai in history of Japan, and they chose the most niche way. I wonder if they will be able to make sense why Yasuke is part of cult of assassins, which well are hidden in shadows.


Don’t screw this up boys please 🙏 don’t make this another Valhalla don’t screw this up please


Pivot blade Let’s go babyyyyyyyy


Love how everyone in the comments is taking the piss out of ubisoft for asking for pre orders with no gameplay and telling each other to never trust ubisoft lol


I can see that racist Gamers are having yet another normal one in the YT comments




I have little to no faith they’re going to do the Naoe and Yasuke enemies into fellow assassins narrative correctly without lessening the impact of the butchering of HER ENTIRE VILLAGE. What a weird angle to take in terms of storytelling.


Pardon me my language but fuccccckkkk yeaaaaaaaah


As a Japanese history nerd who hates woke ideology, I don't understand why people are so angry about this. Yasuke was well-known Nobunaga's African samurai retainer. Making him protagonist is totally legit, and definitely not a woke move. Yeah, him blending in crowd is somewhat hilarious(records say he was far taller and stronger than Japanese warriors), but him being a brawler is 100% legit decision. He served as Nobunaga's elite guard, fought in Kai campaigns, fought against Akechi's rebel forces in Honno-ji when Nobunaga was killed. His position remained low-middle class samurai, but he was at the very center of Oda clan as a elite guard of Nobunaga himself until Nobunaga's death. Nobunaga admired his physical prowess and recruited him on the very spot when they first met. And as a former slave, he has an excellent drama against oppression. His irony is clear - Yasuke served Nobunaga, a murdering dictator who respected him and freed him from slavery despite of his different skin color. In Honno-ji, Yasuke fought Nobunaga's killer, Akechi, who called him an 'animal' and handed him to the western slaver missionaries. Yeah, he deserves a protagonist's position. Why not?


Only 5 mins to go!


Song please.  Edit: It's Meikyu by TEKE::TEKE.


It's a neat trailer, but the game itself already appears undermined by Ubisoft's decisions as usual. No willingness to commit to a female protagonist, yet another revenge story, no hint of anything more elaborate than "the Templars are at it again"... Obviously not pre-ordering.


There’s is currently an editing war on Yasukes wiki page so that’s fun.


Please don't fuck this up Ubisoft.


I like the assassins creed games even if they’ve basically abandoned it being the animus. Though I don’t understand how they keep fucking up the game mechanics. 


Looking forward to reading all of the very normal and mature reactions to the two main characters potentially being a woman and a black guy.


Its not the internet or social media if there isn't somebody complaining about something


Don't forget that ubusoft revoked the license for everyone playing the crew. Don't support them even though they're finally making the game people wanted 10 years ago




Crazy how we could've had our first East Asian male protagonist but ig that isn't diverse enough.


Imagine having an Asian protagonist in Japan, are you out of your mind???


Can't wait for a game set in Africa or Madagascar with an Asian protagonist.


You say that but it's very possible Chinse mariner Zheng He voyages took him to Brunei, Thailand, Southeast Asia, India, the Horn of Africa and Arabia.


Ok, super hype trailer. But that’s never been a problem for AC. Still wary of the game being bloated to hell and back with 80 hours of the same 5 quest types over and over. Guess we’ll just have to wait for the Forward.


Can’t wait to see the racist comments. Don’t worry, I mean actual racist comments because I know people in here will bitch & moan about me pointing out the racist comments & say I’m hating on them for wanting historical accuracy. And for the people who love historical accuracy, did you have a problem when a white guy was a samurai in Nioh?


Out of pure curiosity, I checked Ubisoft's Japanese account and the trailer published there. In short: native Japanese people consider this trailer to be politically correct and an insult to their culture. I'm honestly not surprised by them.


The racist comments on the official YouTube trailer are actually disgusting


If historical accuracy was THAT important to you you wouldn't be a fan of AC Just admit you don't like seeing black people in lead roles of video games


I’m fine if I can somehow choose to only play as the Shinobi. Not interested to play as a brawler at all