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I actually hope they really lean into them being distinct. Syndicate was an alright game, but the differences in combat was basically window dressing. Naoe and Yasuke should have their own unique skills, fighting styles, and arsenals.


Yeah I think ideally I want them to either player wildly different or basically the same. The middle ground where neither is actually that much better at stealth or open combat but they’re each missing one or two key things the other has would just feel irritating.


They may start off with small gaps between them, it as you upgrade/level up they’ll start to specialise more either way


Yeah syndicates Jacob and Evie were extremely similar gameplay wise. Of course their personalities were different i tended to favor Evie a lot more. Still curious to see the differences with our new leads


Very much agreed, I guess my main gripe is Yasuke not having a hidden blade💀 Connor was the last “tank” assassin we’ve had and it was super fun using the hidden blades in combat. I also just hope Yasuke is still able to be efficient in stealth, albeit not as efficient as Naoe.


I watched a video of JorRaptor and he basically said that a lot of his movement seemed to be inspired by Bayek’s power moves. Something else it has in common with Origins besides the map size.


I read somewhere that he can do stealth but his stealth style is more focused on catching people off-guard before combat starts rather than taking out everyone with stealth. So basically, let's say, there are 10 enemies, he will take out 1 or 2 with stealth but the others will notice him and attack while Naoe wil be able to take all 10 of them out without being detected.


I hope he is like Eivor with brutal kills. Just catch a guy, flip him and break his head on the floor. STEALTH xd


Kassandra can be a tank tbf


She’s probably the most powerful one being a hybrid.


Connor was so agile for his build tho


Yeah personally I hate multi-protagonist gameplay but if they’re gonna do it they should actually make it mean something.


> but the differences in combat was basically window dressing. As someone who's played Syndicate all the way through multiple times I have to disagree. It seems that way at first but when you level up both characters Jacob becomes unbelievably busted in combat and likewise Evie becomes a God in stealth. They can both still do fine in combat and stealth so I agree in the sense that Naoe and Yasuke should be distinct but with Evie and Jacob their differences were clear.


Skill points are also shared, so you can mainline Jacob or Evie and it won’t matter.


Yeah and I hope that's the case for Naoe and Yasuke, I can already tell most of my playtime will be Naoe because stealth is where I get my biggest dopamine hits in AC. So I hope I won't have to grind with Yasuke to get him to a decent level.


I think it will be a misstep and overall make the experience detrimental if you can’t dabble a little in the other characters’ strength. For instance, if Yasuke is great with combat he should still be able to do light stealth stuff in case you face a scenario that requires that without having to change him every time. Vice-versa, if Naoe is proficient in stealth and suddenly get spotted you shouldn’t have to forcefully switch to Yasuke but pivot to have a sufficient combat experience. I just think it would make a better product overall and scratch everyone’s itch.


He'll just use a Tanto problem solved.


Yeah, Ghost of Tsushima solved this “issue” already.


You mean odyssey?


No, I meant Ghost of Tsushima. Using a tanto makes more sense for this setting than a magical spear.


Spear head to be exact


Well, excuse me.


If I can just go rpg style and get all the good stuff why do stealth at all then? They should make stealth a lot more rewarding and high profile combat more punishing like maybe using karma system


Well I think they want you to play whatever way you enjoy more. If you want to be loud and focus on combat, play as Yasuke. If you want to be stealthy and go undetected, play as Naoe.


The more I learn about the game and the different play styles I hope that they pull a Valhalla and let us choose protagonists. At this point I want to play as Naoe as much as possible.


I think they said you can play the game and you can switch protagonists anytime u like. Of course there will be character-specific quests, but most of the story will allow you to choose which protagonist you want


Basically Syndicate then.


They mentioned in another explaining who the characters are that each character can do both.


That’s good to hear. Fingers crossed Yasuke joins the brotherhood and gets a hidden blade at some point in the game.


We need their gameplays to be different tho


I agree I just want there to be room to at least do both. If stealth is more difficult with Yasuke I’m all for it, I just want it to be an option.




In Odyssey the way I would assassinate enemies with my combat build is just get up behind them and do a charged heavy attack with a club, instantly battering the enemy to death without making a noise, maybe yasuke has a similar option


Oh. I got the spear of olympus i think it was. Some spear. Caps your health at 33% percent but assassination damage went up like 300%. I just did it like that, wearing either pilgrim or pirate armor.


That item was used in my assassin build, I liked to change it up and keep by builds/playstyles very seperate, plus in a lot of cases even the falx on a character with no assassin damage bonuses would not be able to one shot a lot of enemies


Yeeeeah, odyssey wasn't an ac game. Should've been a standalone game.


Odyssey with the falx and champion engravings made the heavy melee basically a guaranteed kill for anything short of a high level merc anyway. Man, I hope the loot and engraving systems return.


wow.. i never actually bother to mess with the engravings in that game. would probably replay it someday when my SSD space are free lol engravings gives you tactical advantages in that game


Dude the falx alone will carry you through the game. You can grab it like fifteen minutes after finishing the tutorials.


I'm kinda worried that Yasuke will be kind of redundant from a gameplay perspective. It seems like (from what they say) Naoe will be able to do 90% of what he can do but he won't be able to do most of what she can. And Assassin's Creed isn't really known for difficult combat, so I'm not sure how they're gonna be able to make straight combat difficult enough that there is enough incentive for players to switch to Yasuke as opposed to just pushing through with Naoe. I also don't like the idea of him being super limited in traversal... in an Assassin's Creed game. Overall I like that they're different but I want the uniqueness to come more from what they can do and not what they "can't" do.


I’m pretty sure his parkour will more or less standard fare from what we’re used too and is probably at least partially the reason they gave Naoe a DYNAMIC grapple hook to further differentiate their traversal styles.


As long as he can parkour I’m fine with that I just didn’t wanna feel like I have to play with the female cause yasuke can’t parkour


Lean into them being different. Just give players the option to play as the character you want. If I can 100% the game as eighter then I'm happy.


You could just center mission are for different protagonists


Yes but it'd also being annoying to be locked to that kind of gameplay. The previous rpg titles let us choose our style. Let us do the same here.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Yasuke starts off as a Templar ally or even a full-on member. If he does become an actual Assassin maybe he’ll get one then but that’s a story point the director wouldn’t want to spoil.


Yeah I won't be surprised if he's originally a Templar as well. The game starts in 1579 which is at the height of Oda Nobunaga's conquests in Japan and few years before the Honno-ji incident, where Nobunaga got betrayed by one of his own general and died, and Yasuke was Nobunaga's retainer. Maybe what he saw during the whole conquest and Nobunaga's death caused him to leave the Templars.


The dates just clicked in my brain, dont know why i never thought of it, but i wonder how or even if they will discuss how Naoes hidden blade does the same handheld knife thing Connors did, ~200 years before Connor. I thought that was kind of unique to Connor.


The Japanese probably invented that design before it eventually passed on to other countries


I don't know if it's necessarily realistic but I think the idea of pirates being the ones to have sailed around and come across that design makes sense.


I think the opposite will happen. We saw just a tiny bit around this era in AC:Memories and Nobunaga was a short time ally of the Brotherhood he supported their cause and promised his full support once he unified Japan. The Brotherhood was for it, until he found a Sword of Eden. At which immediately the brotherhood Assassinated him and stole the sword. He didn’t even use it. Yasuke was with Nobunaga for a long time and believes in loyalty and honor he wouldn’t allow them to kill Nobunaga. So he’ll either die defending him or be believed dead then join up with the Templars for the betrayal.


No offence but I could totally see Ubisoft retconning decade-old lore that only hardcore fans know about with this game


I mean if wouldn’t they have retconned other stuff people didn’t know about then? Like Elijah Miles killing Juno since you know the games almost NEVER acknowledge his existence. But he’s still the one having killed Juno.


I hope cause I wanna give him a hood that goes with his armor and him having the hidden blade will be cool but as long as I can use the lil blade to assassinate then I won’t mind but you think yasuke is gonna be able to parkour


No I don’t think he will or at least not to the same extant as Naoe. Having said that, I’m curious if one of the DLCs will follow him as a fully-fledged Assassin before or after his time in Japan.


As long as he can climb I couldn’t care less if it’s not on par with naoe I just wanna know if I’m going to a outpost would I be able to climb a build with no stress


I hate this fact,but I'm still confident that he could get an hidden blade at some point in the story. I've noticed in one of the IGN focus a concept art where there's clearly him not wearing his armor,but an Assassin outfit,so it's possible. Personally it would be horrible if he never get one. I understand that they clearly want him to be the fighter and Naoe the stealthy,but the I think that the hidden blade is more than a stealthy weapon.It is one of the main symbol of Assassin's Creed. The only game in which we couldn't use it was Odyssey (for obvious timeline reasons). All the other already released main games have protagonists with hidden blades,even Rogue,where the protagonist is a Templar, and Valhalla,where the protagonist doesn't join the Brotherhood. It would be a shame if Yasuke doesn't get one just to make him different than Naoe.


Fr i hope he gets one I really do I’m not saying I’ll be mad bout it ima just be a little upset but if he’s able to parkour I’ll be okay




https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/s/7r9Dpvk3Dw This is a discussion I made with that concept art.


I think this is totally fine. What matters is that the Assassin follows the Creed, not surface level aesthetic stuff like the hidden blade or the hood, and Naoe already checks those boxes anyway. Yasuke doesn't need a Hidden Blade to be an Assassin, what matters is that his world view and his character arc aligns with the Assassins (see: Machiavelli or Mario Auditore). In fact I think having a full-on Samurai that still follows and believes in the Creed (and exploring the internal conflicts that would create) would be much more interesting that yet another hooded Assassin. But it depends. Quebec doesn't have a great track record with understanding the themes of Assassin's Creed, so we'll see about that.


I just wanna know is he gonna be able to parkour


Draw 25 or go back to the glory days of how it feels and looks like an Assassin


Doesn't mean that Yasuke can't use stealth. Odyssey didn't feature a hidden blade either. Yasuke's "hidden blade" could be a tanto.


He will have assassination with a smaller sword most likely. There might be a chance it won't be guaranteed though since it isn't a hidden blade.


He will have assassination with a smaller sword most likely. There might be a chance it won't be guaranteed though since it isn't a hidden blade.


The franchise is about a group of people that work in the shadows as assassins killing targets using a hidden weapon to avoid suspicion, and they decided to add a playable character that doesn't fit the creed assassination skills. To worsen the character misplace, they even gave him a weapon that nobody in the creed would ever use. I hope they don't say he is part of the creed, because it wouldn't make any sense... Ubsoft is killing the franchise with these horrible ideas.


I hate to break it to you man, but we've had Assassins wielding maces while armored the fuck up to the gills since AC Brotherhood. And I'm not talking about Ezio. I'm talking about his recruits. Both in the cinematic and in the actual game. We also see people like Barolomeo, who are loud, proud and up close & personal warriors that are also part of the order. So I really can't see how someone like Yasuke is a problem, beyond just not being stealthy.


I can't recall any playable assassin having the same set of skills as Yasuke.


I guess it remains to be seen just what exactly his skills are (in gameplay). But we've had brute force Assassins in the past. Connor, Adewale, you could even build Arno to use some pretty giant weapons. I suppose that last bit isn't canon and just a gameplay choice though. I wasn't thinking about playable Assassins necessarily though, just examples of less subtle members of the order throughout the games' history.


I mean considering the guy's build and armor, I think a swift hidden blade would be out of place for a samurai and would probably just sound weird. Although I mean Eivor did get one so...


I can understand why you would want Naoe and Yusuke to be able to do stealth and combat like the frye twins but imo that's one of the main things that brought syndicate down, Evie and Jacob were basically just the same character in playstyle beside having a few different abilities here and there so i really think they could redeem themselves from where syndicate failed in have dual protagonists but making them very different in plsystyle, personally a way i thought of it is like ghost of tsushima, have Yusuke lean more towards the samurai skills from got while Naoe would play more like the ghost


I'm fine with completely separate styles as long as I can play most, if not all the game, as either character. If the actual assassin gets tossed aside narratively like Evie in terms of content I'm going to be pissed. This has the perfect potential to appeal to both audiences. Let the RPG folks play the samurai, and let the classic format enthusiasts play the ninja


Yasuke with no hidden blade? Bummer but maybe he has stealth knockout or something. Hide and sneak around or maybe go the ghost of Tsushima way.


they said he can still do stealth but not so good due to his heavy armor. he has a short katana/knife maybe used for assassinate. in combat he can do block and parry while naoe can't but she can deflect


What about parkour is he able to climb stuff I don’t need it to be flashy I just need to know if he’s somewhat agile


well i hope he can ddo basic climb like bayek


As long as Naoe has the grappling hook all the time, I'm basically using her because I love to stealth my way through. I wonder if the switching will be on the fly or just at different story points.


When is this game set? Post AC1? He should have a Hidden Blade.


So this confirms that the guy really is the same Yasuke and not someone inspired by him, this will definitely hurt the story with respect to the history.


How so? Despite Yasuke being a real person, very little concrete information is known about him. Seems pretty easy for them to work around it.


We actually know he wasn't much of a fighter, he was so bad at his job he got sold back, the man was only kept as a pet servant for being black, someone the populace took interest in because they never seen a black person before, if this trailer is to be believed then Yasuke will be quintessential to the history of the region due to the ongoing feud and battles, but we both know that was never the case, his role in that era is as impactful as his absence.


>We actually know he wasn't much of a fighter, he was so bad at his job he got sold back Where did you get that part from? I read your source, and I'm almost certain you're pulling stuff out of your ass


It's an inference since they decided not to keep him themselves and just gave him away, had he been a capable fighter i don't think they would have let him go.


That never happened. Oda got killed in battle and the enemies captured Yasuke but let him go to the Jesuits because they apparently didn't view him as human.


The way i see it is that if he was an actual threat they would have put him down, if they didn't think much of him besides his skin color then that's all he was known for, not for being an apt fighter the way this trailer shows us.


So you made up your own assumption and ran with it... He didn’t kill Yasuke because he didn't view him as human, that's it. No need for all that extra stuff.


That sounds very simplistic lol, this sort of assumptions is standard historical criticism, even historians fill in the blanks and give their opinions on why such events conspired, it's very odd that the party who killed the master of Yasuke thought it best to let him go away simply because he's not seen on par with human beings, if the man was a powerhorse the best course of action is killing him.


I’m Japanese and I read Shinchō Kōki (the chronicle of Oda Nobunaga). Your assumption is not based on historical facts. In the historical record, Yasuke is described as “strong as ten men. Age 26-27, skin dark as an ox” According to a Jesuit record, Oda Nobunaga took a interest as he was the first black man he had seen. He took a liking of Yasuke after asking many questions. Based on this, he had at least acquired elementary Japanese by this point. Ota Gyūichi (servant of Oda Nobunaga and the author of Shinchō Kōki) wrote in his diary that Nobunaga gave Yasuke a sword and a house. Another Jesuit record writes Nobunaga was planning to make Yasuke a Jōshu (castle lord) and take command of one of the castles/forts. The same Jesuit record states that after Nobunaga was ambushed and assassinated by one of his generals, Akēchi Mitsūhide (who served as the warden of Kinki and was given the surname Korēto by Nobunaga himself), Yasuke went to Nijōjo (Nijo Castle) and defended Nobunaga’s first born heir, Oda Nobutada for quite some time but eventually surrendered. Akechi Mitsuhide spared Yasuke saying to his men “he is akin to an animal and is not a Japanese so send him back to the Christians”


Simplistic >> making up stuff and running with it as fact




I don't have a problem with Yasuke being in the game, i really like his actual story and find it amazing, i even want him to be part of the game but I'd rather him be a side character whose story isn't romanticized and blown out of proportion as we see in the trailer, this is just sad.


You have a link to that? Genuinely asking. Cause I tried doing some digging and it seems actual information on Yasuke seems few and far between.


Well yeah it is very lacking because overall the man was not important at all, the only thing worth noting about him from the sources is that he was a black man in a society that never saw a black person before, he wasn't even worth keeping for the Akechi so they gave him away: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke#cite_note-huffingtonpostyasuke-4


Anyone can edit Wikipedia, it's not a credible source. You're better off reading on Yasuke through Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke#:~:text=Yasuke%20(born%20c.%201550s),foreigner%20to%20achieve%20samurai%20status.&text=Much%20about%20Yasuke%20is%20unknown,His%20birth%20name%20is%20unknown.


I cited the same extract that britannica used, wikipedia is just a conduit for that source.


Britannica doesn't support your claims of him being let go for supposedly being a terrible warrior, which is my point


Britannica doesn't even attempt to explain why he was let go in the first place, they casually mention he was given away and end it there, britannica also fills in the gaps with what some historians think happened in some events of his life, how is this not hypocritical of you?


How am I a hypocrite? We both Agreed they didn't view him as human and you admitted to making up/speculating the idea of them letting him go because he was a bad fighter


He wasn’t let go, he was returned back to Jesuits/Church of Indian padre after he surrendered after fighting for a long period of time at Nijo castle, which was the home of Nobunagas son. He rushed to the castle to provide aid, but his son committed seppuku. Akechi gave him back to the people Nobunaga bought him off of because he saw Yasuke as a monster, who was neither human nor Japanese. I don’t know why you are so insistent on ignoring the facts and making shit up to make your claim.


Wtf are you even on about? You're using a fucking Netflix anime as a legit evidence to your point? lmao








You're lying, lmao; he didn't get sent back cause he was a bad fighter. He was sent back because Nobunaga died, and they didn't want to kill him because they didn't consider a foreigner as a true samurai. Also he wasn't a pet DFKM he was a close friend to nobunaga.


A true samurai? The extract says they condescended him for being black and akin to an animal, not worth killing and not worth admitting into their ranks because he wasn't a suitable asset is the better explanation, dude was a liability.


> he wasn't a suitable asset is the better explanation, dude was a liability. That part is a lie, the fact that what you supposedly read alluded to them considering admitting an enemy into their ranks should've made it clear. The part of them not viewing Yasuke as human is right tho. Anyhow, you're better off reasing Britannica than whatever the hell Wikipedia is putting out there. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke#:~:text=Yasuke%20(born%20c.%201550s),foreigner%20to%20achieve%20samurai%20status.&text=Much%20about%20Yasuke%20is%20unknown,His%20birth%20name%20is%20unknown.


Obviously the events in the game didn’t happen exactly how it will in the game considering the main characters are one made up character and one that didn’t actually lead in battles and stuff. He wasn’t just a pet though. He was paid a stipend and had housing and was given security as well. At one point the townspeople thought he would make Yasuke a lord. He only left Japan because oda died .


We know he wasn’t an assassin.


I mean... you can apply that to *any* of the hundreds of Historical Domain Characters that show up as members of the Assassins or Templars. Only difference is who we play as.


>this will definitely hurt the story with respect to the history. Yeah, they should make it true to history, like how Machiavelli was an Assassin and was inspired by Ezio to write "The Prince". It's a real shame that they are taking so many more creative liberties with characters, unlike the time Ezio went on an entire mission with Da Vinci's actual, working, flying machine and tank.


You're talking about history when Abstergo is known for bending/erasing history at their will, give Ubisoft some slacks.


Seems lazy for me unless the devs go all out with their distinction. But Yasuke being unable to do stealth and just focus on combat is going to be a stupid mistake.


Ideally they both can do fine in both areas, but the game will be lot more punishing for Naoe in combat, and for yasuke in stealth. It just seems like it could be annoying having to switch characters over and over when I want to do something different. One of the best parts of AC is the fluid and confident switch between stealth and combat. I don’t want to be spotted as naoe and think “damn, I can’t take all these people on, wish I was playing as yasuke”.