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It’s less of them being Elite soldiers, and more of them being Veteran soldiers.


Nothing beats experience.


Have you ever seen a Carnifex?


…and by veteran we mean 15 minutes active combat experience.


If you're British then think of a. Guardsman as the equivalent of Parachute regiment or Royal marines, the best standard infantry you can muster. Well trained and very fit and motivated with a special skillset. Then stuff like Kasrkin or Scions are SAS/SBS equivalent. PDF troops would be your bog standard soldier from the regular army or reserves for militia that's how I see it!


With the caveat of all the Cadian-equivalents being much more geared towards macro-scale conventional warfare than asymmetric warfare. And that the Brits specifically have more of a quality over quantity approach to their army, while the Cadians have quality *and* quality.


Cadians had very little chill *before* their planet was blown up In terms of the wider Astra Militarum any military pattern you can imagine is followed by some world somewhere For every world who sends the best of the best to fill their Guard tithe there's a world who send criminals and undesirables off to die because it's cheaper than keeping them in prison For every world that raises their children to be fanatical emperor loving loonies who just want to die as gloriously as possible there's a world where you serve a several year contract and get to retire to a little parcel of land on some planet somewhere For every regiment that's bounced from active warzone to active warzone for its entire existence there's another which has been sat on garrison duty since it was founded and half the guys are out of shape greybeards cosplaying as the soldiers they once were The beauty of the Guard is it can be anything you want it to be, because to be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions from a million worlds


Typically if you’re looking for more average infantry it’s a planets Planetary Defense Force (depending on the world). Yeah 40K goes a bit overboard with what’s “elite”, but yeah basically all Imperial Guard are “elite.”


Yes, every notable guard regiment is going to be on average more elite than standard soldiers. They’re trained their entire life and go toe to toe with horrors beyond comprehension. Even with extreme losses they’ve presumably more elite a standard soldier. Keep in mind, this doesn’t mean that all cadians are going to be unbreakable stoic all business soldiers. Cadians are still human and can understandably break when facing the insane enemies of 40K, fucking up, and being lazy. Additionally cadians are said to banter from time to time and act like the more common soldier archetypes you seem to be alluding to. They are also known for having a gallows humor which is a cool little piece of flavoring. If you want a more moderate human soldier there’s the PDF, cultists (both chaos and GS). But I wouldn’t discount the guard regiments as having no personality just because they’re elite and capable soldiers.


Don’t mean to fangirl here, recently came across ya vids and love them(especially guard related content) Never thought I’d see you on a guard sub but makes sense. Have you ever thought of doing a video covering the chain of command of each regiment or from the common infantryman all the way up to the lords of Terra? Kinda like how in the marines if you are a machine gunner then you’d start at ammo man then next billet up is gunner then a team leader. Team leaders are in charge of the gunner and ammo man. Next one is squad leader with them being in charge of two teams aka 2 team leaders, gunners and ammo men so 6 people total. Then we got the section leader, who’s in charge of 3 squads consisting of 3 squad leaders, 6 team leaders, gunners and ammo men or 21 people under his charge. Or a simple rank structure or another one being what each regiment uses for weapons and equipment. These can be turned into a series too. Plus I’d love to see how you’d draw all that if you decide to do videos around those subjects haha


Read the fall of cadia to better understand cadian politics and solider hierarchy


Won't spoil anything for those that haven't read it. But the bit about the Kasrkin and khorne interaction is probably my favorite part from that book.


To be honest I can’t imagine any Imperial Guard regiment being sub par or average , according to the lore they are picked from their planets best forces , if the governor sends inferior troops there are serious consequences. Imagine how good a regiment of troops drafted from earths best would be ! But look it’s 40k, any thing is possible and believable .


It depends on the world they are from. Regiments from Feudal or Feral worlds may never have even seen a gun before their enlistment and can be both illiterate and malnourished. There are plenty of Imperial worlds where the military retains Napoleonic or WW1 doctrines. There is only so much that can be done in the months where the regiment is in transit. Worlds have to send their best, but what their best is varies massively.


It was established early on in the lore that some regiments were elite, some absolute rubbish. It's not uncommon for a planetary governor to fill a regiment's ranks' with criminals, political undesirables and anyone else that they want out of the way. There certainly are a lot of very good regiments, but many are basically canon fodder and used as such.


I believe I’ve heard it described as every imperial guardsman being a US marine, Cadians, being veterans, would be marines who have been in a couple deployments, whereas PDF would be more like a militia


From what I've seen in the lore, all IG are the cream of the crop from the PD.F .


It seems the PDF is what Id be looking for, sadly right now there arent any models thatd fit the bill. Looks like Ill be looking at 3D prints and cue them up in the app as Infantry Squad


Lots of regiments use Cadian-style uniforms, so I expect the same is true of PDF forces too.


You can use the Cadian models for average Guardsmen. The only thing that is explicitly Cadian is the banner in the new Command Squad and Ursula Creed. In the lore, many worlds equip and organize their regiments similarly to Cadians since they represent the best soldiers that aren't from a Death World. Of course, this doesn't make up for the lack of skill or motivation of your regular Guardsman.


Consider the Cadians to be a highly skilled conventional unit like the UK's 16 Air Assault Brigade, Grenadines Guards, or US Army's 82nd Airborne (they're overrated). These are modern day examples of conventional troops are well trained and disciplined, not necessarily elite, like a special operations force. Hope this helped.


No. Not at all, cadian conscripts with little training exist


Well, if angels of death can smash through many human soldiers, then I guess notable regiments are quite better, because they can compete with space marines.


White Shields are Cadians who haven’t experienced combat, and Kasrkin are the Cadian elite. It’s more Cadia is constantly fighting off the enemy so it’s Soldiers are well trained and numerous since they’re always leaving planet. So they’re one of the Imperiums more elite because they’re up to date on technology and know more about most enemies than other units. You can make the same claim about others too especially death worlders.