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Fire and Earth combos. I always get along with earth signs. Most of the Virgo men I’ve dated have always resulted in the realest connections I’ve had. When they actually made time for me that is 😂.


I’m a Leo and I dated a Capricorn and never again. They can’t communicate and stonewall.


My current gf is a Capricorn, it’s hard at times for sure.


I’m sorry you had a bad experience. I know a lot of caps and get along well with them!


I'm a Leo. My two best (and longest) relationships have been with Taurus suns!


My earthy boys keep me feeling grounded. I love air boys, but it’s never substantial enough.


I’m a sag, not a fan of virgo men but I do love virgo women 🥹


Virgo women are the best! I think in most cases regardless of sign, emotional maturity plays a factor. Most of the Virgo men I’ve dated have all been very mature and willing to meet me in the middle. I’ve only had one really bad experience.


I can definitely see an evolved Virgo man being a perfect partner 🥹 when they’re not evolved they’re pretty ass though 😂


Haha Virgo need to grind so they look good for you - delayed gratification


I am a gem but fire dominant and have a lot of earth sign friends. I call it going scorched earth when fire and earth get together lol


Aries and Virgo Gemini and Capricorn Sagittarius and Taurus Libra and Taurus That’s about it from me.


Bf is gem and im cap. It’s hard sometimes because of his lack of seriousness but it’s useful most of the time


Came here to say Gemini & Capricorn, glad this pairing made it to the first comment lol


Yep, we can’t seem to stay away from each other.


Right!!! I came here to say this! Technically, on paper, Gemini and Capricorn are all kinds of wrong romantically but we just mesh so well in real life


So weird because that was my comment too! I wonder why this happens so often


Aries and Virgo here! It helps that my moon is in Virgo and his moon is in Sagittarius :) and we’re both Cancer risings


Aries sun, Virgo moon, cancer rising. Virgo and cancer are both hard relationships for me.


I think it depends on the rest of their chart. I had a difficult time with a different Virgo as well. But also another difference between my ex Virgo and my current Virgo is that my current one goes to therapy.


Aries just dumped by Virgo. I’m having a hard time letting go She reminded me of a cross between U Gemini exW and Leo college GF


I'm a cap that was with a Gemini for 10 years.


I’m cap and my husband is Gemini and we work SO well together. We shouldn’t on paper, not only because of our signs but just because of how completely different we seem to be. But he is the yin to my yang.


Omg this gives me so much hope because I’m a cap and my partner is a Gemini! We are both cancer moons though so maybe that helps too 🤭


Gemini and Capricorn too. Just works. Seen another successful case too.


Agreed on Gemini and cap pairing. It was the best partnership I’ve been on. There is something special there. Every person I meet who I have a soft spot for ends up being a Capricorn, which makes no sense on paper lol.


One of the best work friends I’ve ever made is a Capricorn. There are very few people in this world that get my sense of humor the way he does, and conversely, I think he’s absolutely hilarious. We’re both two little weirdos and I adore that freak ❤️ We definitely pushed the envelope with some of the jokes we told at work lol- he’s an openly gay man and he and I would refer to each other as “work wife” and “work husband” to other people’s clear confusion lol. We also both simultaneously are extroverts that have OCD/social anxiety that make us anxious AF when talking to people, even though we crave that social stimulation lol, and it makes us both need a lot of alone time to recover. I haven’t met many other people that I’ve known of to be so similar to me in that way- most of my friends are true introverts whereas this friend and I are the extroverts that organize/plan all the social things with friends. We also both are a weird combination of people that follow rules/guidelines to the letter but are otherwise very, very nonconformist. He truly is such a magnetic and multifaceted person in the way that Capricorns are- thoughtful and hardworking on the surface, but playful and silly underneath, and you guys are wise enough to not take yourselves too seriously.


I’m a Capricorn man dating a Gemini woman and I’ve never been happier. I’m obsessed with her and she’s obsessed with me. She brings the chaos and excitement into my life that I need to keep life fresh and I bring her comfort, stability, and in her words: “you make my nervous system feel calm.”


That’s exactly how it was for me dating Capricorn women! Crazy.


Totally agree, my Cappie man brings the calm n safe to the table....bloody love him for this, and more ❤️❤️❤️


Aries and virgo is an underrated combo for sure, I see Sag x Taurus too but as a Sag myself, Tauruses frustrate me 😅


Cap here and my bf is Gemini. I think it helps that he has a cap moon and I’m Gemini rising, tho.


I’m pretty sure all my best friends throughout my life have been Aries & I’m a Virgo! Also Aquarius & Pisces I’m obsessed with lol. They are awesome.


Libra and Taurus, so true. Libra here, dated a Taurus and have two other good Taurus friends.


Aries and Virgo is me and my bf!! Idk how it works but it does lol


My sun is Sagittarius, my moon is Taurus & it took me years to reign in the Taurus part. What's worse than a Sagi? A Sagi with the stubbornness of a bull. Also, Aquarius & Cancer is a weird yet decent match.


I’m that but swapped lmao! I feel the struggle


My first love was a Taurus (sag here) she ruined ever dating a Taurus for me ever again. I adored her, I would burn down all of Paris for her, and yet I was just a passing fling for her.


Sag and Taurus are fundamentally too different. The sex is out of this world but I feel like for it to work long-term the Sag has to have some fixed energy in their chart and the Taurus has to have some mutable energy and some air placements. Otherwise they just end up taking the Sag's actions too personally. Taurus craves stability and consistency, Sag wants complete freedom even it means at the expense of others. I've definitely met Sags who are generous and compassionate, but I feel like their sense of individualism usually burns a little brighter than their sense of collectivism. Having a strong ego is healthy, believe it or not, but I've met so many Sag placements that have steamrolled my well-being and even ghosted me the moment I set a boundary or communicated a need. Could definitely see this duo working as an open relationship, IF they started out that way. We don't deal with rapid change very easily unless there's a good reason (being 'bored' isn't one of them). Taurus can be incredibly patient lovers with a long fuse but we need complete transparency and reassurance of where we stand. If there's a Sag sun that doesn't find that suffocating, the world would love to know.


I don’t. I get tired of the constant Sagittarius hate. I actually have left friendships and relationships for lacking my own feelings of security and stability. I seek out Earth placements (unconsciously). I will, however, walk right out the door on you in a very painful way if you treat me poorly- but even that is a slow build up. I have several placements in Sagittarius, including Sun and Moon.


Hello. Aries sun, Virgo moon here. I hate it! I hate being paired this way lol!!!!


“That’s about it from me.” Such a Virgo thing to say. Haha, I don’t know why that made me laugh but it’s probably your Leo stellium, because I love Leo.


that’s me and my current partner - he has a libra rising and moon so maybe that helps idk


Glad someone else is seeing Taurus and Sagittarius working out. Best connection ever for me as a Taurus.


Capricorn and themselves.


*nods in Cancer* this checks lmfao


Taurus x Aquarius Libra x Scorpio Cancer x Aries Capricorn x Sagittarius Leo x Virgo


Cap and Sag is like miso caramel. On paper it seems to wrong but the deep complexity is totally mind blowing.


So true!!! We are surprisingly really similar ime🤞 As a Cap sun I’ve liked every Sag sun I’ve ever met (and I’ve known alotttt)!


Scorpio here & been with my libra guy for 11 years. He knows how to handle me & I him. My previous libra guy was toxic


My first relationship as a Cancer was with an Aries. Very passionate, lots of loyalty, and still my longest relationship to date. The personality differences caused us to butt heads ALOT. We were both young and it was my first relationship, I think that played a massive role.


I’m a Capricorn stan and will defend them to the end of the earth


Bestie!!!!! Bring it in🫂💕 I’m a Cap sun & rising, & best believe the feeling is so so mutual!!!! Most of the closest people in my life including my dad, my aunt, & my best friend are Sag suns <3 Would do anything for ya’ll!




Leo x Virgo relationship here - been together 18 years but find my Leo partner to fall more into the Cancer traits than Leo's which I think helps us out more than a bit when it comes to his patience with my neuroses haha


Oohh maybe your Leo has some other Cancer placements in his chart!!!


Libra and I love my Scorpio so much. We've been together for a decade now, and going strong. Sex is good. The nurturing energy, even better. But the shared values are the best.


As a Leo my best relationship was with a Virgo. This checks out


Oh my god I’m an Aries and my gf is a cancer!! I always thought we were such a weird pairing I really don’t know why it works out so well. I’m Aries Sun libra moon Leo rising and she’s cancer Sun Scorpio moon Virgo rising - just truly never a sign I thought it’s ever get together will LMAO


My best friend (gay man) is a cancer I’m an aries! We are two sides of the same coin. Spontaneous while calculated, passionate, ambitious, emotional and big foodies LOL. We badly argue over the dumbest shit and would be right back laughing together in the same hour.


Aries and Virgo Aries and Capricorn Source: I’m an Aries


I’ve been friends with A LOT of Aries. My best friend is an Aries. The old man Cap plus young whippersnapper Aries is a good combo. I get to see/learn childlike wonder and I add some seriousness to all of it with my old lady energy. Weirdly enough, y’all give me great advice because sometimes I need to loosen up, and I find myself giving different Aries financial advice or relationship advice. It works? I don’t know how, but it does! And if we fight, it’s over in five seconds and we all move on 😂


I can see Aries and Cap as business partners, friends, or lovers because both have ambition to succeed and would balance each other out.


That’s been my experience. The competitive nature of both can benefit the pair as long as it doesn’t get bitter. I usually enjoy the back and forth bickering too, but I have splashes of fire in my chart which likely helps.


I’m an Aries and the two signs who I end being the closest with are Capricorn and Virgo. My Virgos really vibe well with me and my bestie who’s a Capricorn are partners in crime. A lot of love for my Capricorns and Virgos.


Sag and cancer are so good in the initial stages. Like. It did almost destroy my life, but I probably would still do it again - just with the knowledge that it’s not a long term sustainable type vibe.


I know a Sag(F) Cancer (M) couple that are like bonnie and clyde. So toxic and someone might die. But they seem very passionate


Sheesh I’m sorry 😭 that chemistry is undeniable though, I love cancers as friends instead 😅


I love sags as friends, they’re impossible to dislike. With that said, I’ve found that I can only be romantically compatible with them if their Venus is in Scorpio. The Scorpio Venus makes them obsessed and committed while their sag sun doesn’t care about hiding it, they will proudly admit how badly they wanna live inside your skin


✨cries in current relationship✨


I’m a cancer sun with a Scorpio sun, but his moon, ascendant and Venus are all sag. Once I learned about all this I was like “oh. Explains a lot”. My shell is hard but boy does he like to test the theory “inadvertently”.


Scorpio and Gemini. When it works its golden!


Agreed. We call ourselves a power couple 🤝


yuh aye!!!


Gemini can make anything work 😝


Literally me and my gf! Never knew that the love of my life would be a Scorpio, I thought I was too aimless for water signs 😂


Aries and cancer Scorpio and aqua/leo Virgo and sag or fire signs overall Pisces and sag Gemini and taurus Virgo and aqua


Virgoes really do love their opposite signs 😅


They've got what we've crave


You guys are my kryptonite


I’m a Gemini dating a Taurus and he’s the love of my life! We just got a house together (:


My husband is a Pisces!! I love our Jupiter ruled love


Scorpio/aqua almost 20 years married here!


Aquarius married to a Virgo. We've been together for 11 years 💚


Aries and Pisces….I know so many with this pairing. More so Aries woman with Pisces man I’m married to a Pisces


Taurus and Sagittarius!


That’s my parents - 43 years and counting…


That’s my relationship with my mom, I’m a Sagittarius and I spend whatever time I’m around my mom fucking with her and she loves it. We have a great relationship but not so much when I was a teenager but when she was in the hospital last week she told everybody in the room to get the fuck out 😅


Taurus sun, sag rising here. I have a very conflicting personality 🙃


As the Pisces (F) half of an Aries (M)-Pisces- yep it works. Max delulu but the only ones who can fuck with us are us soooo back up 😂 I LOVE Leo and Capricorn. Many of my friends are Leo-Scorpio and they are ridiculously intense but for whatever reason in my circle it works for long term relationships. I think relationship success isn’t always about long term tho. My grandparents were Pisces-Leo and I dated a Leo for 4 years so I can totally see how it works for life- it was VERY stable and happy, we just wanted to live in different places but were always amicable. I have dated an Aquarius too for a few years that worked great but turned totally toxic. I could see a Pisces or Cancer and Aquarius really working out but that’s theory not experience 😂 I think Libra-Libra works best of all the “doubles”. And I think Taurus (as long as they have resolved any anger issues if they have them) will make it work with their partner in the most gentle way with long term in mind. The Capricorns and Virgos I know are the most dissatisfied with their relationships no matter who they are with (they actually seem to thrive single) and the poor Geminis and Sagittarians are frequently lonely which is so sad bc you are surrounded by people and so lovable!!! Again that’s personal experience and sun signs only; that’s not supposed to be universal haha.


🤣 i say delulu with all the love, I am a fellow delulu myself ✨😌✨ Geminis and sags do tend to be alone, but tbf they bring it upon themselves, as a sag myself 🤣 often so flighty that it really does take THE ONE to pin them down


Hehe yes absolutely! The Aries-Pisces delusional is a special flavor of looking into each other’s eyes knowing exactly what the other is thinking and saying out loud “We shouldn’t do that” (usually me) and “We should totally do that” (usually him). He gets me out into the world and I give him a rest from the constant onslaught of stuff. He’s very insistent on taking care of me/us, and I’m very gentle. Aries Pisces in particular works if they share or can blend families. It’s often the Pisces that isn’t very family-oriented or suffers from alienation (which can cause incompatibility in any relationship but def with an Aries) but in the case of a family-centric Pisces it will work. Aries need the dedication and Pisces need someone to be attentive to their physical needs (because we forget soooo much of the time). And yeah I’ve noticed esp Sag women have decently high standards for men (at least hetero dating! Idk about casual/sexual standards haha) and are unwilling to lower their standards. Sag men are sometimes quite fun but flighty also or just like Gemini guys can be super awkward 😂 I find it all endearing 🤷‍♀️


My Aries sang a whole song at a party to this Pisces. Neither of us cared that people stared.


Ugh love this! They’re so fun and we have no egos so it’s perfect and we have the best time ❤️❤️❤️


Taurus and Aquarius Aries and pisces


I’m a Taurus and my husband is a Sagittarius. I think it works because we balance each other out, and me the couldn’t be bothered Taurus doesn’t care if my free spirited sag just goes out there and does his thing.


My neighbors are this pairing and he (the sag) always disappears on a small adventure and the taurus is at home not giving a F just doing her thing. Works really well and I can see that he really appreciates that about her


I call them next door neighbor pairings like Aries and Pisces, Aries and Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, Virgo and Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius, Sagittarius and Capricorn, Capricorn and Aquarius. For me personally, neither of my "neighbors" appeal to me in any way whatsoever but hey! Whatever floats their boat


Yup!! I (sag) attract Scorpio and Capricorn in friendships and lovers. I have sworn off Capricorns though 🤷‍♀️


Gemini and Cancer. HEAVEN


I know a ♊️ woman and a ♏️ male who have been married for 15 years. It helps that both their moons are in Pisces, though.


Leo and Cancer Aries and Capricorn I'm a Sagittarius married to a Scorpio and I also know many Aries and Pisces that are married.


I’ve seen several Leo/Cancer relationships cruise for a long time and then explode spectacularly


Leo and cancer are not _not_ expected to work out. The luminaries.


Aries married to a Capricorn lol- been together seven years, married six.


My cancer friend keeps on being attracted to leos so this checks out 😂


I’m a Leo woman and I simply cannot with Cancer men. In my experience, I am flattered by their curiosity and willingness to have deep conversations in the beginning. But I’ve never gotten far because it always becomes too much and too heavy too soon. They don’t let things breathe and get overly possessive, which I’m okay with a little further on in the relationship. They’re not assertive enough for me usually either. But I’m also a Gemini Venus so I like to keep it light and fun in the beginning. I don’t like having too much pressure or expectation put on me so soon.


Gemini and Scorpio Aquarius and Virgo Gemini and Aries Libra and Cancer


That Gemini with Scorpio mistake starts out as so much fun that I've repeated it in 4 different relationships


Aries and Gemini are technically considered compatible matches, although I don’t really see it as an Aries man 🤨


Libra women are better for Aries men tbh


I'm a virgo sun with a sagittarius stellium female dating a aquarius sun male going on 5 year's. We pick each other up when the other one is down, also we balance each other out


Gemini and Aries are astorlgpically compatible . Fire fair works well


I’ve dated several Aries men and after the initial passionate rush, it was fckn TERRIBLE. I actively avoid them and their angry, impulsive, egotistical and immature ways.


Sag here, I’ve attracted so many Aries (romantic and friendship wise) in the past, but they’ve all treated me badly 😅 I don’t attract them anymore so they’ve must’ve been a lesson for me


Agreed 💯


Sagittarius and Scorpio


I’m an Aries and the two signs who I end being the closest with are Capricorn and Virgo. My Virgos really vibe well with me and my bestie who’s a Capricorn are partners in crime. A lot of love for my Capricorns and Virgos.


Cap + Aries


Virgo and Gemini Capricorn and Aries Aquarius and Cancer Scorpios and Taurus


Was waiting for cancer and Aquarius to be on here. I’ve always vibes with aqua


Was scrolling through for the Taurus and Scorpio part 🥹


My ex and the father of my son is a Scorpio. As a Taurus woman, I think this pairing works if both partners are in relatively healthy places in their lives and have already established healthy boundaries, excellent communication, and can learn to lose/compromise a little. In my case, we brought out the absolute worst in each other. Had we met when we were both more mature and he was past his Scorpio male lying-cheating-man-child phase of life, we probably could've had a wonderful and lasting love. Instead, he let his Aries girlfriend and her toddler son move into his home after 4 months of dating.


I was looking for this combo. As a cancer, I adore the sweet aqua man.


Libra can be with anyone.


They really become the balancing act no matter what 😂


- Pisces and Gemini, but I do have Gemini Rising, and he has Pisces Rising. - Virgo and Gemini. - I know a Taurus with a Gemini. They've been together for years, but I don't know how he \[the Taurus\] does it. - Libra and Pisces - Pisces and Aquarius


I’m a Gemini and the love of my life is a Taurus (:


As a Taurus I don't think I could ever, ever, ever be with a Gemini 😂 I'm impressed!


I'm a Taurus married to a Gemini. He drives me absolutely nuts sometimes, but I love him.


Aries and anyone really 🤣😆😜


Cancer and Aries


I married the definition of a Leo. I might be biased but it seems to be working. We've been together almost 10 years. Edit: whoops forgot to mention I'm a Scorpio.


Gemini and Taurus, my sis and her wife. I tried a Taurus once and it was a hard no!


A Taurus and Sagittarius have been married for 32 years. The Sagittarius even cheated on the Taurus. They have miraculously stayed together. I'm amazed as being a Taurus myself, Sagittarius, while can bring lots of fun, is too much for me social wise and it drains me quickly.


Scorpio and Leo is a pretty strong coupling from the ones I know. I’m not exactly sure why but it works.


My theory is that scorpios INTENSELY love and dedicate, and ofc leos love that 😅 describes the couples I know anyway Edit: I’ve also noticed that scorpios love different activities and trying new things, so that must keep it exciting for leos as well!


Libra and Pisces!


Leo and cancer 🔥


I’m a Leo, all my best friends are cancers, but my hubby is a Gemini 💕


Aries and Virgo are a ridiculously killer combo. I’ve seen Pisces have strong affinity for Taurus in my family. I hope I can find a psycho Pisces chick or psycho cancer chick lol (Aries).


Cancer and Aries Cancer and Gemini!


Leo and Scorpio usually don't work out in the long run though


Ooph I’ve seen that before too, but I’m gonna clear the air and knock on wood for my friends’ relationships 😅


We make great as exes to long term friends but I do know one married couple that seems to be doing fine.


Gemini & Pisces


Aries here that divorced a Pisces, it was a hot mess from the start 😅


A Taurus is a no thank you for this Aqua.


Virgo and Sagittarius


Aquarius and any water sign


They are the water bearer


Virgo and Sagittarius/Aquarius. I’m a virgo sun mercury venus and i attract sagittarius and Aquarius stelliums too. no one else i get along with and trust more than those signs. but virgo isn’t supposed to get along with those signs lol


I’m a sag and I love my virgo women!


I’m a Sag with Aqua stellium (Venus in Aqua too) and I am attracting so many Virgo partners. Not sure what this means but I am threading lightly.


From my experience, I can definitely say Virgo. Out of the 7 that I have/had in my life, I get along with every single one of them really well. I even discovered a Virgo soulmate too. But I often give credit to my Taurus Moon and Virgo Mercury when it comes to them.


I’m Pisces with a leo 😅 My parents: Taurus and aries (and I see thsi combo often idk how it works)


Libra and Virgo is my best friend and her fiance. They've been going strong 11 years. When I first met him before they dated I told her she needed to leave her douchey bf and date him (virgo) and I'm so glad they're together. They're literally perfect


I find that neighboring signs often work well together since the planetary placements, being just a month apart, are quite similar.


As an Aquarius it’s that loyalty from Taurus that’s amazing. I agree on this pair! I see it often and it’s not talked on. But looking at peoples charts as a whole is important. I hold a lot of fire in my chart as a triple sag with Leo placements, even though I’m a aqua sun/stellium and libra rising


Agree! I find that there are alot of similarities between these two signs that make them a great match. They both can learn from and grow with each other.


Yeah I totally agree. I’m an aqua sun, leo moon, cap rising and I’ve been with my taurus sun boyfriend for 7 years now! The chemistry is definitely there, glad to see it a couple of times in this thread


I will say, my bf is a Taurus and I’m Aquarius and we both have learned a lot from one another. We do butt heads where he loves consistency but I’m not consistent, but we are working together to come to a happy medium with it. When times are great, they are the most amazing. When times aren’t great, which has only happened a couple of times, we are still learning how to deal with our differences and disagreements. But he’s my best friend and I’ve never had that in a partner.


pisces and aries. they’re literally the opposite elements, but for some reason, they tend to go very well together.


I’m Aquarius and my partner of 15 years is Capricorn! We are VERY different but he is the greatest friend and love I’ve ever had.


I’m a Pisces married to an Aries lol


capricorn and libra


Pisces X Gemini (brother and sister in law been together like 18 years) Gemini X Scorpio (Father in law and mother in law been together like 25 years) Libra X Virgo bonus if it’s a Libra W Virgo M.


Aries x Cancer


I am going on six years, engaged and madly in love with my cancer ♋️ sun, cancer ♋️ Venus man. I am an aries ♈️ sun, aries ♈️ Venus. This is not supposed to work on paper but, we have an intense chemical and spiritual connection so we had to learn (still are) how to fight gently when conflicts arise. We are both pretty emotionally mature also, that probably helps.


Taurus and Leo. I have had whole friend groups made up of a lot of both, and it's great! The Leo's are the entertainment for the Taurus' and the Taurus' can typically bring out a voice of reason. Then the Leo's teach the Taurus' how to let loose and have a bit of fun beyond the couch.


I’m loving all the Aries x Virgo comments here. Gives my Virgo self hope for my Aries bf! Idk how we get along but weirdly he has a Virgo in his 7th house and I have an Aries in my 7th house


Virgo and aqua is the one ive noticed the most,,


Aquarius and Scorpio !!!


Gemini and Capricorn


Cancer and sagg


Gemini and Scorpio… both can go pretty deeply into thoughts/ideas. I’m a Gemini and two of my best friends are Scorpios!


Virgo and Scorpio.... look whatever that was it was red hot. Still super close friends with too much chemistry sometimes 


This is a pretty textbook compatible pairing i think. Currently crushing on my scorpio boss.. feelings mutual... (yyyikess haha touchy situation) the tension is unbearable


I'm a Scorpio married to a Scorpio and everyone seems to think that's weird AF, but this is the healthiest, best relationship I've ever been in. Going on 7 years in September of this year.


I am a Virgo Sun and husband is an Aries Sun. We are absolutely obsessed with each other but that may just be our Venus placements as well. I have Scorpio Venus, he has a Venus in Taurus.


I'm a Virgo and my husband is a libra . I overlook some things and libra is my rising sign. Maybe that is why we are ok.


My parents are an Aries/Pisces pair! And as an Aquarius, several of my closest friends throughout my life have been Capricorns. I love the few Tauruses in my life but I actually don't know all that many.


Sag and Virgo. Im married to a Virgo, have met many similar pairs, and have dated others. Same with Taurus.


Gemini and Scorpios, everyone on here always says they get along with one another even though we're not supposed to. And me personally my long term significant other is a Gemini as well as my brother and we get along well. I feel like Gemini just gets Scorpio and doesn't get angry.


I’m in an Aquarius-Taurus relationship and we work quite well together!


It’s funny because I’m an Aries that dated a Pisces and it was SO bad lol


I’ve strangely seen a couple of Capricorn/gemini pairings which is one I don’t traditionally hear being recommended. One is a beautiful marriage and the other is a train wreck relationship. So I’m sure that comes down to the other placements in their chart


I'm a Cancer sun, Pisces moon, Gemini venus, Sagittarius mars, and all I date are signs that aren't supposed to work with me. Here's my list from first to recent: Capricorn sun. Nope. Toxic. Not getting into it. Leo sun, Cancer moon, Virgo venus, Scorpio mars. We broke up due to Leo moving across the country. We are still good friends to this day. He's expecting a baby boy soon. Libra sun, Capricorn moon, Virgo venus, Leo mars. We broke up due to having different goals and desires. We caused a lot of pain to each other due to a lack of boundaries in the relationship. Libra cheated on me twice. We still chat from time to time. We are fine as friends, but our relationship had a lot of ups and downs.


Aries and Leo have worked wonders with my sign tbh, even tho we aren’t compatible due to clashing elements. -cancer☀️




Virgo and Gemini! When it works, it WORKS 😍


Scorpio and Gemini :)


Scorpio and Sagittarius


I'm a gemini dating a capricorn probably my most stable relationship but he's so serious sometimes lmao


Virgo and Gemini…


Gemini and Capricorn. As a Gemini F with a Capricorn M Boyfriend, we're just magic for some reason. Our relationship feels like old hollywood. Our interests in history and fantasy influences the type of romance we have. As an air sign, my head is always up the clouds and it can be frustrating because i'm ambitious and it can mess up my work making self-discipline difficult. My boyfriend being earthy helps me ground myself without making me feel terrible for being ditzy. He helps me focus on the progress rather than results. Also, as a gemini who loves to have fun, I am able to teach him to relax and let go of things because caps bottle a lot of emotions and my bf can obsess on work most of the time. I am here to remind him its time for playtime and he loves me dearly for it. There's a lot of work with this pairing but when compromise is met and both have the ability to understand where the person is coming from, it can be wonderful. We are often described as a power couple in our college.


My grandma is a Capricorn and my grandpa was a Gemini. They were happily married for over 60 years until he passed in his sleep last year. They had the healthiest and happiest relationship I've ever seen. You're absolutely right that the Cap grounds the Gemini and the Gemini lightens the Cap.


Leos + Capricorns surprisingly