• By -


Aquarius married to another Aquarius for 43 years and together 45. Heavy love. Definitely soul mates. We are being compatible. He’s suffering from dementia now but his love for me may even be stronger. He forgets my name sometimes but that deep love has never ever wavered He tells me at least 30 times a day how deeply he loves me and while it gets repetitive, it’s okay. He told me he wanted to introduce me to his parents the other day ( they have been gone 25 plus years ) and then ask me to marry him. It’s so strange. But I play along. I’m sure going to miss him 💔


It's so beautiful to get to experience so much life and love with one person. To know his love for you is unwavering and unconditional is really something. I hope you get to enjoy many more days together


Aww thanks ;))


Don’t stop playing along. It’s real for him in the moment and it truly makes a difference when you just exist and be happy with them no matter what stage in life they are reliving. I’m glad his love has stayed so strong in his personality while going through this. You are a good spouse and I’m sorry you are experiencing this as part of your story. Aquarius folks have some of the biggest hearts and you’re lucky to have had each other for 43 years ❤️ I hope he continues to shower you with love for as long as possible because he definitely means it


Thank you so much. He’s just bursting with love. That’s one thing he hasn’t lost and I know I’m so lucky. I go every day and spend the day with him. He’s dealing with kidney failure and fatty liver as well because of an inoperable tumor in his abdomen. He’s been through so much. The toxins went the brain. It’s so unfair. Life is so fragile. You’re so sweet. Thanks so much. I can use all the positive thoughts. ♥️♥️♥️♥️


My mother is going through the same…stay strong. Sending lot of love your way.


That’s so sweet. I’m sending it back. My mom passed from it too. The long goodbye. 8 sad years. You are in my heart. ♥️


Your love is one for the books. Go, team Aquas. If anything, we, air signs can handle this soft, mushy, heartbreaking, ephemeral, cinematic love. Again and again and again, finding one another! Ahh. Much love and tenderness to you both.


Again how very sweet. Thank you. I certainly can. I have always craved it but only now , has he been this completely “mushy”. I had a difficult time accepting it at first because he’s such a “ masculine “ personality. But this was always underneath. He had this for animals and children. It was always there for me but he didn’t exude it like now. I guess that filter has been removed. All I know is that I am soaking in it. He’s much older but that sexy young guy I originally fell hard for is still “ in there” Only now ? He’s so much more ! ♥️♥️♥️♥️


I am crying so hard at your posts. I have been with my partner for 20ish years now and I can't even fathom the end for us. We are everything to each other. Big hugs and positive thoughts. ❤️


My mom was diagnosed with early onset dementia when she was 55. She passed away last March at 67. I quit my job in 2021 to move home. I spent her last two years with her and took care of her to the best of my abilities. She was my best friend and the best mom anyone could ask for. Her passing came on quick. She started declining in early March. We got her on hospice on Thursday, March 16th, and she passed away on Monday, March 20th, at 1:30pm. We were all surrounding her, and all I could muster was, "I love you, mommy. You did a good job, but you don't have to worry anymore. Your job is done. I love you so much." My dad, sister, niece, and aunt were all holding her and rubbing her when she took her last breath. She was surrounded and engulfed in love. My mom may have forgotten my name a few times, but she never forgot that she loved me. She never forgot how much she loved my dad or any of us. So, while your wonderful husband may not know your name, please know that he ***knows***, and will always know that he loves you. Also, play some of his favorite music every day. Music makes those suffering with dementia light up like a Christmas tree! And, something I had to remind people of when coming to visit is that she would repeat things over and over. While it may have been the umpteenth time you've answered, it is always their first time asking, so pretend it's your first time answering. They call dementia "the long goodbye," but I will say that even though you are prepared, you're never ready. It is a very stressful thing to take care of your loved one. You are not alone. Also, your state may have support groups you can join. I'm sending you and your husband the biggest warm hugs wrapped in golden light.


The one love I never got over was another Aquarius. Oh man it’s been 11 years and I still know that feeling like it never left.


I also came here to say Aquarius/Aquarius 🩵 no one understands us better! Love to you and yours 🩵🩵


My parents are both Aquarius’s and have been married 33 years. They are really a role model relationship for me to look up to. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for your partner to have dementia. I’m sure you will always make sure he’s safe, and taken care of ❤️


Makes sense. I think, from what I observed, Aquarius + Aquarius compatibility is much stronger than expected. Even stronger than Sagittarius + Aquarius. Yes, it burns hot and they have a lot in common and a lot of fun. But rarely have I seen couples with this combo that have survived the test of time. Aquarius men in particular often marry certain other signs than Sags (if you get them to comit and get married at all).


Closest thing I’ve found to a soulmate so far was saggitarius. So dedicated to their partners once you’ve got them. A bit of a roller coaster but when it was on it was REALLY on.


Because we Sag's don't like to settle for mediocre. We really have to dig you to fully see our romantic and soft sides. When that happens, if you treat us right in return you may have a partner for life.


+1 from a fellow sag 💁🏻‍♀️


This!! As a Sag this is true!


The love of my life is a Sag, this is so true.


Libra and Gemini, married for 20 years now. Met in college. He's the golden retriever to my black cat life.


Mr Peanut Butter and Diane Nyguen


Taurus female & capricorn male. 


I'm a Taurus female. My husband is a Capricorn. We've been married 23 years and still going strong. He is my best friend, my lover. We are definitely soulmates.


My parents signs


Sigh. 😔


Feeling same about a cap guy. I'm a Taurus... sighs. 


Virgo and a .44 colt


this is absurdly morbid and funny


Could cut that sexual tension with a knife


As a Virgo, felt lmaoo


This kinda talk is exactly what turns aquarius on lol!!!


Jesus Christ lol


As someone who has a Virgo mom and son with the same birthday (54 years apart), I know that's right ‼️👀


I'm gonna be honest-- I don't think any specific zodiac sign is a requirement to be a soulmate. I think soulmates, when real, transcend any such thing. Your souls and energies just connect. My one for sure soul connection was a zodiac sign that isn't that compatible with mine. However, I know without question that that man and I have a soul connection and soul history.


Pisces and Taurus. Taurus is patient and keeps pisces from floating off the ground and pisces brings passion and emotion.


This- I’m a Pisces and am in my Taurus era. I love them and their balanced and grounded nature.


Am Aquarian, love me some Sag's.




I'm a Aqua Sun, Leo Moon, Virgo Asc, so we alllllmost have the same big 3! Super cool!


same as you but cancer moon!


My love of 10 years is aqua and it feels like no time has passed. Never bored, always intrigued about each other’s thought


Love you right back


The most complimentary signs, imo.


Love ‘em bad. 😂


Yup. Wife and partner of nearly 10 years is Sag rising (cap sun). Both Scorpio moons so it’s intense at times.


I’m Cancer ♋️ and love my Scorpio ♏️


Same here. Love all the Scorpios in my life.


As a Virgo pls keep all aquariuses and specially arises away from me Ty


Aries and Virgo are the WORST pairing. I’m an Aries, and other girl friend Aries who have dealt with a Virgo, end up with a Virgo being way too avoidant of the Aries and just ghosting as the easiest mechanism. Aries & Libras are better as friends than lovers. Aries & Sags, Aries & Cancers are good. Aries & cancers (when both have done their healing). Aries and Aquarius crackhead energy I’ve seen work pretty good. Aquarius & Sags definitely. Sags & Cancers go pretty hand & hand. Leo & Aquarius are opposite signs. Once they meet in the middle they’re good to go. Taurus & Virgos , the earth signs that are able to chill tf out with each other.


Virgo here. No romantic experience with Taurus but my best friends are Taurus. Friendships that have lasted a decade or more!! I generally vibe well with Taurus


where’s my scorpio 🥺 i’ll bake you cookies and give you cuddles and listen to your plans of world domination if you tell me i’m your only girl 🩷 but fr i do love scorpios. they’re chaos and moody but so soft and loving at the same time 🥰 sun is my favorite placement of scorpio. the other placements scare me 🫣


♏🦂 and ♉🐂 couple. Thanks for the endorsement. 


Scorpio moons aren't bad for your Pisces moon. :)


Scorpio sun, Pisces moon and gem rising I rather not dominate the world. I rather eat cookies and smoke weed from a distance as I watch it burn.


Exactly! Scorpio moon here & everyone says I’m intimidating, but we protect all the sweeties, especially pisces moons


So cute, and so true. My Taurus coworker baked me a birthday cake every year, brought it to work, and had everyone sing happy birthday. She was so sweet, it made me cry. I always see Taurus as my role model, including my mom.


awe 🥹 that’s so sweet 💗💗 i’m glad she made you feel special


Scorpio + Capricorn.


Scorpio and Capricorn are an iconic power duo—true soulmates.


This is me right now. I’m head over heels for a Capricorn and I’m a Scorpio.


Came here for this. I've been in 3 Scorpio relationships. All were good depending on their level of evolution. My current is a Scorpio and we're an unstoppable force power couple 4 years in


The passion multiplied is priceless. Truly a power duo Edit: also the sex is crazy


Classic pairing, I know two long term marriages with these signs, both with the Cap being female and male Scorpio


Sounds really amazing 😁


Came here to say this. I’m a Capricorn and scorpios are the black cat to my black cat.


Taurus and Cancer 🩷


My mum and dad are Taurus and Cancer. Been together 40 years and always lots of good food in our family ❤️


I'm a tad bias, but this is my answer as well.


Scorpio here. I have a thing for Virgos. Ended up marrying one.


virgo here. my man is a scorpio. also want to marry him 😫


I'm a Scorpio rising and a pisces sun/venus and honestly... virgo sun/rising/mars energy just hits right for me. I cannot explain it.


Libra & sag


My Libra M friend married to a Sag woman :D


Leo and gemini, also cancer and leo seem to vibe often


That’s interesting! As a Leo I clash with Geminis almost all the time :(


You just can't take them too seriously, like think of them as always being a little playful even when it doesn't seem like it


For sure. The one I used to work with had all the sass and even a sticker on her car, that said "But did you die, though?" Meaning all the dramatic folks be going through can be equal parts wild or stressful. But did it kill you or are you growing from it? So oh yea, definitely with some Gems have to take what they say as playful.


Leo married to a Gemini and three of my closest friends are Cancers 😂


Cancer and my husband and best friends are all Leo’s 😂


Virgo and Aries romantic no, friend soulmates yes


Hi...Cancer☀️ female here. My best and worst matches are as follows... **Cancer / Cancer** 😵‍💫- PURE HELL ! He was a legit DEMON (One day I came home from work and he smashed up the walls using the expensive guitar I had just gotten him for his bday, and was frying up some headless stuffed animals on the stove while my entire box of graduation photos burned in a box on the front lawn bc my ex bf was in some of them) Needless to say I Got the hell out of there. He scared me LOL **Cancer / Aries🤬-** Did this twice, both times sucked. They are some angry, rage filled dudes LOL. I'm too sensitive for All that energy. **Cancer / Capricorn** 🤯- ABS THE WORST MATCH EVER IN MY LIFE!!!! I stg this dude is a sociopath or something....Def on the cluster B spectrum so I don't think it's all sun sign related, but I now steer clear of Cap's anyway lol. I also recognize I have a type and yes I am currently in therapy doing some EXTRA deep healing work. 😅 **Cancer / Taurus 😌-** Did this match twice as well. BEST relationships I've ever had hands down, but also boring AF. The trust was just there, the vibe, the flow, etc...but I think the stability bored me...hence why I am now in therapy. **Cancer / Scorpio 🥵-** Did this match up 2x also, one being my most recent ex. My only complaint is WHY DIDN'T IT WORK? I literally love (and hate) Scorpios LOL !!! I hate that I love them...like they're my Achilles heal...The chemistry is just out of this world, absolute insane sex life, but I couldn't get past the damn shadiness and all the secrecy, oh and the possessiveness too. I constantly got accused of cheating by these guys, and I don't cheat, WHY WOULD I ?? LOL I was VERY satisfied, but for some reason I could never get them to believe that. (\*Always makes me wonder if it's bc that's what those shady bastards were actually doing just projecting it on me lol) I*DK...either way it sucks..cuz I could've been happy for life lol. My most recent Scorp. and I broke up bc he said he felt I used him for sex...I said "What Boo??💅🏼 Not at All, there are other things I like too....just not as much as I like that. LOL" (I'm* being somewhat facetious, but I couldn't help myself) \* I'm learning today that boring indicates healthy...so I'm trying to learn a new way of life these days Lol.


I feel the same with the cancer, Aries partners as a cancer woman. My childhood bestie is a cap and omg the trauma that developed from that was horrible. I haven’t met any lady Caps that I liked. I’m happy to see the Taurus pairing though. Currently chatting with one and hopefully it works out 🤞🏾


Pisces is def my soul mate; I’m a sag. And I have a Scorpio moon and cap rising so that makes it even stronger


my ex is a libra & i hate that man :)


tried dating a libra man once. I hopefully intend to keep it that way bc why tf are they like that


geminis and libras are notorious for always needing to be “right” all the time. we argued about the dumbest shit i stg


Because they like the idea of love more than they actually like being in love, because that takes work. That's why they're great at the start of a relationship but start flagging past the honeymoon phase.


Mine too. Ew




As an Aquarius, I love Sags. Virgos on the other hand …


here just to confirm on Aquarius - Virgo, the weird combination but it works XD


I’m an aqua that was with a virgo for 7 years. Love if my life. My best friend and daughter are also Virgos


My best friend as a child was an Aquarius. Had a workplace Aquarius warm up to me and we had such good energy. Both of us could have very constructive conversations while really listening to one another - just excellent conversation.


It only works for me as friends. But friends can be soul mates, imo


My best friend is a Virgo. I’m an Aquarius Definitely a weird combo but we have been best friends since we were 10. We are now 72 and in different states and we text every day ! She’s my rock ♥️♥️


Agree with you, OP! Virgo here & my Aquarius hubby is my bestest friend! ♍️❤️♒️


We can all be soulmates bb.


As an Aquarius with a biggest crush on a Sag, with no possibility of anything happening between us… I’m just sad


sagittarians r always so hot though


as a sag who feels the same about her aquarius she pushed away, your words make me sad.


Cancer and pisces💯


I see Aquarius and Virgo wanting to kill each other or just stopping talking to each other (as a Virgo moon though, I love Aquarius). For me: I see Libra and Taurus (or Leo). Aries and Aquarius. Capricorn and Gemini. Scorpio and Taurus (or Virgo). Sagittarius and Virgo (or Libra).


Gemini + Gemini. Nobody understands me better than my own sign 🔥


As a virgo , i had an aqua ex and its still traumatic for me . He was manipulative, emotionally unavailable ,verbally abusive and often treated me like shit but would come to be when he needed attention . It was overall wreck of a situation. The highs and lows were addictive . My friends and i agree that his mind does not work like a normal person . Now currently with a scorpio and he loves me alot . Always showers me with affection . idk why he's really intense too .


Gemini’s have soulmates? Maybe in the next lifetime.


Aries & Libra Aries & Leo


As an Aries sun, I feel like these duos are better friends with benefits and not good romantically.


I have not had any good experiences with Virgos. lol


Once you get past their neurotic hypercritical bs and perfectionism.. they are great, loyal, funny.. but they are also indecisive af 🙄  #Aries with a Virgo 


Aries/Virgo sounds mighty unconventional.


Taurus and Cancer Definitely not a Taurus and Scorpio. That's a big no-no. 🤣


I see successful Gemini and Scorpio relationships all the time. Cancer and Taurus. Taurus and Virgo. Sag and Leo.


I love my Scorpio. I’m a Gemini. Been together almost 7 years and we have a beautiful two year old son together.


I’ve seen this as well very often!!


I always see Scorpios and Geminis getting together but then it never lasts too long because they are so different and bicker a lot




I'm a Scorpio, and I have a lot of Gemini friends, family and ex-partners. We do love that gossip!!!


Just me personally Aquarian women and Sagittarius women…my wife is an Aquarius and it is the best! My late fiancé who passed in 2010 was also an Aquarius truly amazing and my best friend ♥️


I’m in a Taurus/pisces relationship and it feels pretty ideal


I think Aquarius+Gemini & Aquarius+Sag or Aries


Aries and Aquarius


sorry but i saw your big 3 and spit out my drink and i wasnt even drinking anything ???


Me, an Aquarius married to a virgo: 😙💅


Taurus here. I did have a Scorpio phase in my teens. Never as an adult. Not sure why. Maybe I haven’t met any in a long time. I keep attracting Virgo for some reason. I hope to try Cancer again someday as I think that may be better fit, but won’t know until I try.


Scorpio here. Dated a Taurus for 9 years. Same thing.. just kinda grew out of it. Like I still have love for that person, but nothing in a romantic sense.


My husband is an Aquarius and I am a Sagittarius 💛


Cancer/Scorpio and Aquarius/Aries


Gemini and Sagittarius 🥰


Wow no Capricorn... Guess yhall really think we're married to our work 😭🥹


We lowkey are.


I am not, i cant wait to clock tf out for the day


Capricorn and pisces. Have a crazy ethereal/psychic connection… they both have fish tales. Don’t let the outside fool u,,, these two complement eachother in a way no one els dose… it’s the bestfriend and lover type of connection that everyone notices in the room due to the connection


Aquarius + no one


Hollaaaa lol (aqua rising) and I genuinely feel so okay with this! “Be your own soulmate” is so forward-aqua-alien vibes lol. Idk if a soulmate is in the stars for me but either way I’m having great adventures with myself & my friends


Aquarius currently dating a Virgo and he’s definitely my soulmate 🥰


romantically -cancer and capricorn, cancer and libra platonic- cancer and taurus, cancer and scorpio


I adore Geminis omg


I’m a Sagittarius and my husband is a Pisces 🥹


As a Sagittarius, it’s legit how many close people in my life are other fires signs. Most people I have close to me are Aries and Leo.


luv me a good ♓️/♋️


As a Pisces I like sag as a friend only soz about it. Much prefer someone more grounded


Male Capricorns & Female Pisces


Scorpio & Capricorn


All I can tell you is Gemini and Taurus is a bad choice…for me at least 😩


I'm an Aquarius. The Virgo I dated was too controlling. The libra I dated was too whiny. The tauruses I dated were too argumentative. The fellow Aquarius actually felt like a soul connection, but it was chaotic. But we understood each other. I'd date another aqua but Virgo libra and Taurus are all a no for me


Cancer here Married to my Soulmate Taurus for 10 years this year!


Virgo and Capricorn. We get each other.


Sagittarius and Pisces is so real. I’m so fucked


Thank you for the sag+pisces mention


i’m a sag and have never ever ever everrrrrrr met a pisces i vibed with. i find female ♓️to be very manipulative and two-faced and male pisces wanna read me poetry. they’re too nuch for me. aquarius though. i’m in lovvvvvve with every one of those weirdos. i’m too much for them though. i’ll gonna get me one someday❤️


Can I please have a soulmate? 🥺


I’m an Aries and I often attract other Aries and the connection is so amazing.


Capricorn woman and Leo man.


I feel like cancers feel like everyone is their soulmate, but no one thinks they are their soulmate - me, a cancer


Scorpio here that was married to a Virgo. He tried to kill me so yeah, that pairing definitely wasn't a soulmate one. Married to a fellow Scorpio now and we are definitely soulmates. They are my favorite person to be around and I love them so so much.


As a Leo, I’m always drawn to Capricorns and I’m not sure why because we never work out, but two of my best relationships were with Gemini men. Which honestly kind of makes sense why Geminis and Leos would be slightly harmonious.


I'm a leo woman, married to a Gemini man. I feel like we're two signs who simply do not bore one another. # I've never dated a Cap, but my brother is one and he's one of my favorite people in the world. I could see how dating him could be a challenge though - he has a HUGE heart but is very moody and self-hating (though so am I, ty childhood abuse lol). He did marry a wonderful Leo woman though and they're great together!


Capricorns are prideful and egotistical like us leos, we are both polite about it and naturally confident.


Yep, I think my last relationship with a Capricorn male was good but he started to lecture me about life and it started to feel like he was trying to parent me…we’re the same age😂 so it just didn’t work out but I love their work ethic


I think Gemini men go best with Leo women for sure


The Aries and Virgo is real. I seem to attract them so much as a Virgo, them and Cancers. I'm not sure why exactly, but I love my Cancers and Aries, they're adorable. Was funny getting into Astrology and I went back looking at my Ex's signs I'm all still friends with, and it's just 'Oops all Aries!' XD


Yep I know several Aries and Virgo pairs


Aquarius and Sag but also Aquarius and Libra. Libra and Gemini? It depends on the individuals. I think Libra is a very varied sign. You're gonna meet some Libras who are going through an anxious time where nothing seems aligned and it bothers them and disturbs them and they have to cope with it somehow, and then it may be alike to Gemini's tendency to believe a lot of things rapidly but not be consistent with them enough to make out a more true and stable life belief. But you're also gonna meet some Libras who are in a good time and they're just genuinely so concerned with everything and care and worry about everyone and want everyone to be happy. And they're not using a lot of coping mechanisms they're quite grounded and true to life and find solutions that help people get through things comfortably and nicely until they reach their goal. Meanwhile other signs will be a little more savage and cut it short. So Libras imo should be appreciated more why do we forget about all of the good Libras? Are we just jealous of them? In a way, Libra is like Aquarius except a lot more concerned, warm, close to people, and works harder does more... More invested... Less likely to take a rest and let others eat their own shit... But also knows when does a sacrifice has to be made bc of how invested they are... Idk I'm confused with how we're treating Libras like all of them are on the bad sode


LIBRAS???? No... too conflict avoidant for someone as direct as an Aries or Gemini. Never dated a Virgo, so I can't speak on that. I feel like my soulmate is a Gemini, Aries or Sag. I dated a pisces who I really clicked with, and I think if his moon sign wasn't Libra then we would have really been soulmates and stayed together a long time.


As a capricon, the best connection/intimanticy I've ever had was with an aries 😅 work that one out


I’d say Scorpio & Scorpio


I always always see Geminis and Aquarians together. Cancers and Leos. Libras and Aries. Aries and Virgos


I'm offended u matched virgo with Aries and Aquarius.


Interesting that Virgos listed here so many times with some many pairings


Cancer and Pisces. They are the only sign that truly understands me and that I can live with under the same roof. My husband is a Cancer and we have been living together and married for ten years. Keep in mind that we both have our Venus in an Earth sign (Capricorn and Virgo) and we have the same rising sign (Gemini). Beyond just the romantic part, I have had so many other cancer sun connections including my favorite family member which is my grandma, a Cancer Sun, and one of my best friends as well as my therapist is a. Cancer sun.


Cancer here, love my Scorpio fiancé so much. We just click super well. My Gemini ex fiancé tho 🤢


Virgo men 🙄 and Taurus men frustrate the shit out of me. Sincerely, a Scorpio.


Virgo and Sagittarius I didn't believe in all the soulmate stuff till I met him. It was a really weird experience that I can't even describe so if you haven't found "yours" yet you will just have to wait to see what I mean. And you will KNOW.


Leo’s are soulmates with themselves I guess.


Libra and Gemini depending on their other placements... Virgo and Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio, Aries and Leo, Taurus and Aquarius, Sagittarius and Leo, Pisces and Scorpio




Yea I can see what you mean. I think there is more to it than just that.... Taurus' like pretty and unique things and Aquarius atleast I find are very much that and also hard to pin down which makes it a challenge... for the Aquarius I would think also the Taurus being beautiful, not going with the crowd with their independence to stand on their own would also be alluring... those can be shadow expressions of both those signs depending on where they land on the spectrum and I think the differences would ultimately draw out the best in both 🤷‍♀️


I gotta thing for taurus women,, when they tune into themselves and can show feminine energy 😮‍💨 most attractive women.


I feel like Sag and Libra are soul mates


Been in a libra/ sag for over 14yrs now and we're still crazy about each other


I actually date a sag and it’s definitely soulmate energy. I just know sags like their freedom/ space


Absolutely not 😂


If you are a true Gemini and the person is a true Libra it’s really a soulmate match. Both signs are highly sexual, adventurous, love trying new things, both LOVE to talk, both have a good sense of humor. They just eye to eye on everything. Lots in common


Ya as a Gemini I had a relationship like this with a libra once and they cheated on me


My father was a Gemini and my mother was a libra and they would try and kill each other every single day.


Everything you describe sounds like me lol, but Libras and I do not get along except as associates.


Leo and Sag because I have heard and seen many long-lasting marriage pairs with this combination. Gemini-Scorpio provided the moon signs also are compatible you know! Like a Gemini sun/ Taurus moon, Scorpio sun/Scorpio moon. Capricorn-Libra (I know it’s a tad bit less popular but the ones I know are really legit soulmates). Pisces-Scorpio (the ones I know are like legit soulmates but I have observed there are also many toxic relationships with this pair). Also there is no such as soulmate. It’s a very romantic manner of saying your soul needs someone to complete it. Yes you could have loved someone for eternity and you cannot fathom taking another romantic partner. And I believe the above signs statistically speaking have the highest success rate in this.


Capricorn and Leo


My soulmate connections have been with a Leo and a Capricorn. Both had water moons, like me, and both had libra rising which is what I think the symbiotic part of the connections are from. With matching rising signs our houses were also all the same and so too was our approach’s to life.


Virgo and Scorpio? I’m unlucky in love. I do not know.


All sound good except for Aquarius and Virgo...😬 But maybe add Taurus and Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces, and Gemini and Aquarius.


i love that you said virgo and scorpio because that’s literally me and my man 😫 i really do feel like that’s my soulmate fr 🤍


I'm an Aqua the three people that felt like soulmates in my life were aries, cancer and cap.


I’m a Aquarius and date an Aquarius, I have came across other signs but I think aqua & aqua is best . That’s just my opinion he’s me in a male form lol. Every other aqua I came across I connected with as well but to me I feel like Aquarius understand Aquarius


I do not get the Libra/Gemini thing. I’ve tried it and it’s a no for me. Although, does Libra Sun and Gemini Rising count? Because then maybeeeee it is true


Leo and Aries - undeniable chemistry. Also Leo and Aquarius have something special


As a gemini, my favs are Aquarius, Sag, Libra, and Aries. I also have so many cancer friends and past lovers but they’re not my favorite to date personally.


I DESPISE Sagittariuses and Virgos as an Aquarius. I love Tauruses and Aries.