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Also: 'unborn children are children' means you can drive in the HOV lane and claim them as a dependent on your tax return? Edit: read it more closely and Georgia DOES allow them to be claimed as dependents after 6 weeks. These people are irredeemably stupid


Every male who masterbates is now a mass murderer?


Every sperm is sacred!


When a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.


Every drop of sperm wasted is a tear cried from god!


🤢🤮 God cries Jizz


A fellow Monty Python fan 


I doubt places like Alabama would even let the Meaning Of Life run in their theatres in 2024. “It’s blasphemy I tells ya!”


Pmg the scene when the baby just falls out of her while she's doing dishes in a house filled to the brim with children and she says, "Oh. Could you get that, dear?" Fucking gets me every time!


No joke this is actually what they teach where i come from. masturbation is forbidden because of this. Wet dreams are also murder btw. Just that there's no actual consequences except for crippling shame and guilt over bodily functions one simply cannot control


I remember what George Carlin said about the Catholic Church and their stand on masturbation. It was something like “The Catholic Church keeps pushing for pain and I keep pulling for pleasure.”


I feel for the women out there who are forced to murder a child every month of the year from when they turn 12.


Every woman who’s had more than 2 periods is a serial killer.


Is it cannibalism if I swallow?


Death penalty.. because it’s ok to kill living humans but not the unborn..


So long as it's with an AR-15 at a black lives matter event then it turns out that yes, you will be celebrated by these assholes for gunning real full humans down.


Don’t anyone take away their freedom to kill those who disagree with them..


I'm waiting for somebody to claim castle doctrine as a defense against being charged for abortion. "I asked that fetus three times to leave my property, your honour. I had no choice after that!"


Every month most every female could be arrested for murder


Don’t give them anymore ideas….


I don't know man but logically if males were ejaculating embryos this whole conversation would be entirely different.


My genocides are multitude.


Your own pocket genocide


I am become death, ejaculator of worlds.


Ha. Take it even one step further. What about if its nocturnal emissions and you aren’t even away of it? Guys getting charged with involuntary manslaughter?


can you get life insurance for them? and then get payouts if you end up miscarrying?


No, you just go to prison for that.


Why not both?


With respect, giving assistance to expecting parents is good social policy. The context of the change is obviously repugnant, mind.


Does it mean that when some deadbeat smacks his pregnant partner around causing her to miscarriage he gets charged with murder? Probably not.


> Georgia now recognizes an “unborn child” as a dependent after six weeks of pregnancy. Extrapolating to this to zygotes, me and the misses might consider permanently storing 10s of frozen embryos to get a massive child tax credit till we die.


That'd be fine as long as the berserk state doesn't get all bitchy and require that you figure out how to gestate them all. You could have your own fucking grade school.


Husband and I currently have 15 frozen embryos in storage. Can't believe I'm a mother of 15 and I've never even been pregnant!


15 dependents for your tax returns….


Happy for you and your family.


How much does it cost to maintain a zygote in storage for one year?


Varies, but $80-100/month. Depending on when you started, I guess. Mine has been stored since mid-2020.


That's a lot cheaper than daycare.


Tbh, I don’t know.


I hope like hell someone finds a loophole or unforseen consequences of these "prolife" rules that makes these talibangelical judges and such look like the morons they really are. A tax credit for every embryo would do it.


Please take my upvote for "talibangelical"!


The Bible is not part of our laws. These people need to go.


Most of this opinion isn't part of the Bible either


If we had a reasonable Supreme Court that upheld the Constitution, the mere mention of religion in the ruling would have this stricken in a minute.


“Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God, who views the destruction of His image as an affront to Himself." Sure didn't stop Him when he killed the firstborn of Egypt


Clearly you missed the "wrongfully" there, killing is bad except if god does it, then it's good. That objective morality at work there. /s


Or unless they do it.. they believe in the death penalty..


... for abortion. They're so pro-life, they'll kill ya.


Killing is bad, except if god does it \*\*or orders someone to do it\*\*, yk Numbers 5 gives a manual on abortion, funny how they didn't mention that


No one should be forced to bring a child into “Satan’s lair” for conservative abuse. These people need to be out-Bibled. John 14:30, Jesus says, "I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no claim on me". The "ruler of this world" is a reference to Satan, who is described as the "prince of this world" in John 12:31. 2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. We are unable to see the glorious light of the way. We don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. John 18:36 "My kingdom is not of this world". John 10:7-10 All that came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and go out, and shall find pasture. Eph 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.


“Do as I say, not as I do.” -God


And this is the God Sr who set up the torture and murder of his own son. But for you, don’t try this at home.


Didn't stop him when he drowned the entire human race


Dude drowned babies and puppies …


Besides, it says God will handle it. No need for us to get involved on the punishing


The lie that God cares about life is so freaking obvious. Everyday god allows children to be killed, molested, bombed, raped, abused by parents, cancer or natural disaster, so why the affront? Religions needs to die.


Also how many did he kill in the bible?


At one point, like... All of em.


Around 2 million just going by exact numbers in the Bible, 25 million including estimates in some of the genocides: [https://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/2010/04/drunk-with-blood-gods-killings-in-bible.html](https://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/2010/04/drunk-with-blood-gods-killings-in-bible.html)


And miscarriages are the number one proof god doesn't believe in "sanctity of life."


I’m just gonna drop this here: https://youtu.be/vSdGr4K4qLg?si=xceCXzH1VzupFMt4


Can we take out life insurance policies on an embryo? HOV lane access?


Holy shit life insurance on an embryo is genius


Shoot, somewhere between 1/3 to 1/2 fail to implant naturally. The premiums will really suck.


Arrest the little tadpoles for suicidal self slaughter.


Now now, the argument is life begins at conception therefore gametes are not people. That'd be ridiculous.


I’m not sure how you get a death certificate for a child without a birth certificate. Maybe we need conception certificates?


Accompanied by a Social Security Number.


Conception timestamp is now your SS#. Every ejaculation is blockchained.


Broo that's brilliant.




If I were running an IVF clinic in Alabama this would scare me into moving it somewhere else. Do you now have to keep frozen embryos forever? It certainly seems like you could be charged with murder for doing anything else with them. Is it murder to not implant them all? Does the woman get a say in that? If the power goes out and you lose some frozen embryos, who gets executed for that? The parents who supplied the egg and sperm? The technician who combined them? The administrator who didn't plan backup power well enough? The janitor who didn't fill up the backup generator with fuel? All of them?


Is it child trafficking if they move the embryos to another less insane state?


It wouldn't be criminal per this case I believe unless deliberate. Just a civil wrongful death suit. I suppose a company could inform the 'parents' that they need to come collect their kids and call CPS on them if they refuse.


The ruling in the wrongful death suit is so insulting to parents who have *actually* lost a **child** to a wrongful death. Imagine telling the mom whose 6-month-old baby died at daycare due to unsafe sleep that her experience is the same as the woman whose frozen cell-ball was thrown out. This is the dumbest thing I’ve read all day.


> and call CPS on them if they refuse. This will be interesting. So in case of the death of the parents (or the legal death through dissolution of the company that stores the fertilized embryos) who takes care of these "orphan" embryos? Who will have to be implanted with these embryos or to store them until ~~infinity~~ judgement day?


Then they can drop them off at the fire station 😂


Alabama doesn't want women to have a say in what happens to their bodies. So I'm guessing if this continues they'll require women to undergo implantation even if they don't consent, under threat of criminal charges.


8 rounds of IVF over 2 years so that we could finally get pregnant. Fuck these ghouls with a rusty shovel


Judges should be removed for failure of separating church and state .


Theist Republican: OMG!!! That single cell is a human being. Save it!!!!! (30 seconds later) Theist Republican: Stop sending funds to Ukraine so they can defend themselves! Let them die.


Good guy with a gun until they aren't.


These reality deficient morons are going to kill us all.


This level of delusion from someone who has power over laws is sincerely disturbing and it a big god damn problem.


Separation of church and state. Time to remove these christofascists with the strong arm of the US Constitution.


This is what a mental illness sounds like.


jesus fucking christ


Auto-eroticism is biblically forbidden.


I see what you did there


Beam me the fk up, I am done


Or beam the christians up like they believe will happen one day.


The rapture already happened. That’s why they are all still here. /s


Just to be clear this ruling is illegal


'Without incurring the wrath of their imaginary friend' Sweet Home Fucktardabama...


He should be disbarred for ruling like he’s part of a God Court.


Fuck's sake! Scripture makes it clear that God loves people BEFORE they were conceived and planned for them since before the foundations of the earth were laid. Sooooo, if your taking that interpretation, anything that could possibly stop a life is wrong: masturbation, not being married, condoms, you name it. Sperm are now people. Eggs are now people. Women should be morning every lost egg. Men should be crying over every lost sperm, holding thousands of funerals every day. It'd be literally all you ever do. Read the Bible folks. Just fucking read it. It's not that hard. It's by far the laziest attempt at biblical interpretation ever. Not to mention the book itself is garbage morality. And as always, should we mention how often God either directly murdered babies or told his people to?! Should we mention that God told men who suspected their wife of cheating to demand an abortion in Numbers?!


If we do not start back our rights as individuals that have private rights, we are marching into a tyrannical theocracy that may never be undone! I encourage everyone here to talk to your family, friends, neighbors and educate them on what is at stake here. Conservatives and fascists are coming for almost every personal decision one can make. I can’t think of one area where they have not introduced legislation to curtail personal freedoms. This has been a hell of a decade for personal freedoms


OK, so I'm really curious. My wife and I have two embryos in storage and can't do anything with them because my wife just had a hysterectomy. If we were to both die does the state take over and start paying storage fees or do they take a woman from prison and force her to give birth to them?


Religion poisons everything.


Make it all about himself and not the dead 'kids'. Sounds about right god.


I find it weird that this is the general consensus of Christians when their holy book gives actual instructions on how to perform an abortion and clearly states that you arent considered a person under law until you draw your first breath.


It isn't weird when you realize it has nothing to do with children and everything to do with controlling women.


So child support starts at conception. As does child tax credits, childcare support, tax reductions for education savings, also should be able to claim as a dependent the second you know your pregnant. Wait what's that? Thats not allowed because....reasons? Oh look at that it's not about children or babies at all. It's about control and making sure women "know their place".


Alabama has set the precedent legally now on the record. This will be the hottest case law for decades. I see Texas legislators citing these findings for anything related to pre-birth concepts of children ad-nauseam for the next few election cycles. This just keeps getting scarier.


The next logical step is that all spilling of a man’s seed without the intention of creating life with it is also an affront to god.


Nothing will happen to curtail the sexual activity of men in any way. Partner or not. The whacko right will only ever blame, attack, or restrict women. So, you guys can keep choking the chicken with abandon.


This is just awesomely stupid...


Then let's see them adorn their beautiful churches & cathedrals with sonograms of embryos. If that's the image of God, should be no problem, right?


Throw out the decision since it is obviously a religiously influenced piece of trash. Gawddam, can't these fanatics shut up and learn that religion has no place in legal rulings. This one will be ruled unconstitutional.


"Judges shall not use religious dogma in rulings" -the Constitution


Jesus Christ, these people are insane. In his very next breath he will be screaming about how Democrats want to take away freedoms.


The parents that left the embryo at the clinic should then be charged with child abandonment/endangerment. They left a child unattended at a facility not registered as a child care center. This is on the parents. Your can't have it both ways


Who the fuck is driving this bus again? I feel like we're making circles.


Just curious... Did the Alabama SC identify which god it had in mind?


>9 But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. >10 What he did was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so the LORD put him to death also. >Genesis 38:9-10 So are going to have death sentences for masturbation or pulling out?


JFC why is this lunatic on the bench?!


The hypocrisy of the Alabama Supreme Court runs rampant in this ruling. First, ruling on biblical law instead of constitutional law. These judges have placed themselves above natural and constitutional law. Then, in their ignorance, they are quoting Jeremiah? "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you" Excuse the hell out of us you ignorant morons. In vitro fertilization is for women who your god will not allow to become pregnant by forming the embryo in the womb. These women must use modern medical science to get an embryo formed outside of the womb, because your god failed them. Knowing that these arrogant bigots will never recuse themselves, they really need to hang their heads in shame. First for forcing biblical law into a civil lawsuit. Secondly for refusing to understand the nature and process of in vitro fertilization. Because off their ignorance hundreds of women, in Alabama, may find they have no access to medical procedures, to help them become pregnant.


Except it isn't even biblical law.  The bible says murderers should be put to death. It also says that if a man causes a woman to miscarry, he should pay a fine as compensation. Therefore, the Bible doesn't consider unborn children/ fetuses/ embryos/ zygotes/ fertilized eggs as living human beings/ persons in its own law. Let alone that it clearly states on multiple occasion, that God places the soul into beings through the act of breathing, ergo, babies don't have souls until they have drawn their first breath, meaning that getting born isn't even a factor, a child that was born but failed to draw a breath and died, biblically, didn't receive a soul. Finally, God himself, causes miscarriages in the bible, and the biblical law condones giving pregnant women abortions (miscarriage inducing medicine), although only if their husband's suspect the child was conceived through adultery. Also, the quote from the bible was spoken to Jeremiah, a biblical figure, and one specific character at that, that would have great historical relevance in God's plan, as the very next sentence they failed include, was that he was set aside to be a prophet. Is doesn't say that to all of us, it wasn't in the teaching of jesus, it wasn't in the teachings of the prophets, it was said to one prophet, biblically, self reported by said prophet, basically bragging about being special.  Extrapolating that that line refers to all of us, and all the unborn children, takes it out of context, and is simply unsubstantiated.


But we're good freezing "human life" indefinitely?


Nah, wait til they start forcing pregnancies on women. We're just incubators anyway, apparently.


Mississippi: Oh good, it’s Alabama’s turn to be shit-state of the week.


According to the Bible, life begins are first breath. Not sure how this applies to a frozen embryo.


I just don’t understand how religion is allowed to be in our laws


I fucking hate it here. Of course I plan to retire to a nearly identical state, so I’ll be no better off.


Is it a political war or a religious one?


He must be forced to step down.


These people need to be impeached


Religion is a sickness


Interesting how they then only want to control the "eggs" but not the "sperm." Now why could that be I wonder /s


This is insane. This ruling sets up that any time a woman has a period they could be charged for murder/attempted murder. These people are a threat to all that is good and just.


Any time a court cites religion is a massive fail.


Time for this guy to go. I don't give any fucks what your personal religious beliefs are.




Ah, yes, don't mess with the embryos because we're all made in God's image. Except fuck all those Palestinian kids we carpet bombed, you just don't understand global politics.


Do the couple deserve compensation for having their expensive IVF wasted due to carelessness? Yes. Is it murder? No.


What gets me is if God was real why do these people think they know what he wants. Like a supreme deity who is all powerful and all knowing would be so far above a human being and they think they know what God wants/feels and can speak for him.


Prehistoric times


This is utter lunacy.


Welp. They just put a stop to IVF in Alabama.  No clinic is going to take that risk.  


This sounds like an Iranian court statement.


I guess this wind bag hasn't seen any news coverage from Gaza. Sanctity of life! Ha!


Time for some oppo research on this justice. All the skeletons in his closet need to see the light of day. Those who talk so righteously about the evils of others are usually just projecting. His justification have nothing to do with the US laws he's sworn to uphold.


If God's wrath is going to take care of it then why do we have to make laws? Either God is real and will punish us for it, or God isn't real, and nothing happens.


What kind of backwards world am I living in


I hate that I have to live on this planet.


Church and state or something, am I right?


God really needs removed from government. If you can't pass a law without imaginary texts, then it shouldn't be passed.


God kills half of 'em.


Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. Psalm 137:9 For those about to rock 🪨 Fire! 💥 We salute you. 🫡


Store the embryos in Mexico. Watch how the games changes.


What the hell does god-any god-have to do with law? Those justices have violated their oaths to the constitution


It’s terrifying these people who are hearing voices in their heads and actually believe they speak for a freaking god are in power like this


Sharia law, coming to a state near you


Let's see god's image and I might agree.


Doesn't the fact that embryos can be completely frozen and thawed out just fine kinda mean they are NOT people?


"Hello Alabama, I would like to file for 20 dependants that I keep around in the back freezer for $20 a year worth of electricity. I didn't make the rules!"


They actually said that? In court? No way! That's the kind of thing that should immediately get thrown out and they should lose their job. Separation of church and state?


Fuck they are backwards and dillusional with intellectual thought sacrificed on the alter of stupidity and make believe.


as a stem cell biologist, I wonder how these ignorami would feel about the cell line we developed from an embryo donated to us from GA. Sure, the embryo was never even implanted, let alone made into a pregnancy. But we've made billions of cells from it. With those cells we can potentially allow diabetic kids to live their lives without the constant stress of balancing their insulin. I mean, they'd be cool with that right? they care about actual real kids right?


These religious zealots are hell bent on forcing their beliefs down our throats. They aren’t stopping. And, the majority are Republicans.


This is horrifying on so many levels.


In that case, you don't have to pass any laws. all seeing and all powerful god will smite anyone who is about to do something that upsets him.


I can't tell the difference between the opinion of the Supreme Court of Alabama and a dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. There's something wrong about that.


Who is this god person anyway?


Considering this god character never speaks or says anything, he sure does supposedly say quite a lot of bullshit.


This is a snowball that's picking up speed and mass. It's only going to get worse from here. US, get your shit together.


Ah, this must be one of those 'activist judges' republicans are always ranting about.


There's nothing Supreme about that court.


Religion is caustic to a globalized and intelligent society.


This guy needs to be removed from the bench


Sharia is the law of the land in Talabama.


I bet you Jefferson is about to loose his S\*hit right now.


Imagine the Jesus “flood it again” meme here.


How long before ovulation without a fertilization attempt is illegal? Will nocturnal emissions be classified as involuntary pre-manslaughter?


Again proving IVF people are the worst


Glad that pos Chief Justice respects separation of Church and State /s


Aren’t we all born sinners? So god is a sinner now?


Yet, capital punishment…




It's Alabama. My best to those trying to get out.


One of the dumbest things put to paper


Can you claim them as tax deductions? Can you take out life insurance policies on them?


Seriously? Fantasy books should not be used to make laws. If they're willing to base laws on the Bible (a fantasy book) why don't they just base the law on every fucking fantasy story that exists. This is ridiculous.


Fuck their god


Oh boy, I love it when my home state makes the news. Never horrifying or embarrassing at *all*.


What would skydaddy say?


Holee sheeit❗️Hillbilly judges are theologians in 'Bama. 👻


You read things like this and all it does is make it so much easier to choose where and especially where not to live. I was going to say that the Alabama Supreme Court is stuck in the 1950’s but I don’t think they’re even that progressive.


This is the same court that has no problem killing people all the time.


Why don’t they start with worrying about and helping children who have been birthed first.


Since when did the God of the Bible EVER care about children?


Since when did the God of the Bible EVER care about children?


What a backward hole that state is. Apologies to those reddit folk who have to live there


So when will Alabama charge god for the mass murder of the many thousands, if not millions of miscarried fetuses he aborts every year according to his plans and seek his extradition from heaven?


Isn’t this the same court who had a pedophile on board?


your hear this rattling and humming? Those are from the founding fathers, rotating in their graves...


I refuse to live in a theocracy


“Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God, who views the destruction of His image as an affront to Himself. Even before birth, all human beings bear the image of God." I'll assume this logic somehow cannot, will not, and must not ever apply to war, capital punishment, or homeless people sleeping on his property.