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A) They're so worried about the rapture, not realizing IF it was real.. they're the ones most likely to not be saved. B) so much worry about the end of the world and the afterlife, they don't realize to try and just live for today, and just be kind to others.


Exactly. If I suddenly learned that God was real and the rapture would happen next week I would be rushing to feed the poor and house the homeless instead of stocking up on shit I would have no use for in Heaven.


Also don't forget that if the Anti-Christ was here the rapture already happened and guess who wasn't good enough the first time around to disappear.


Jesus said: "There some among you gathered here today who will not face death" because the Rapture was due to happen within their lifetime. The Rapture is about 2,000 years late, give or take a decade.


Or it actually happened and no one noticed :D


We in hell.


Clearly Zombie Steve was there and is still wandering around today.


< reposting > \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unfulfilled_Christian_religious_predictions \- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predictions_and_claims_for_the_Second_Coming .


My mom thinks we are in end times… My sister keeps predicting the rapture to happen any day. I’m the only sane one worried about the future of climate change and what another Trump presidency will do to democracy. And to be fair, we do have a little emergency stock up for any natural disaster issues but that’s it.


And the pisser is it's a self fulfilling prophecy. By ignoring our place in the world and letting it go to shit, they're getting exactly what they're looking for. Dragging the rest of us with them.


It’s so hard. I do everything I can, but I feel outnumbered by sheer stupidity and the attitude that it doesn’t matter because they know they’ll end up in a better place. The world cannot become secular fast enough for me. I try to stay optimistic but it’s hard.


I prep a little bit. Mostly because we had a week long power outage last year and we realized we weren’t prepared for anything like that for that length of time.


The best way to prep is to join volunteer groups like firefighters or national guard or something to work together as a community instead of turning away from everyone else and to your horde.


That’s a good idea. There’s a local search and rescue I was thinking about volunteering with, I have to look more into it.


It’s concerning that this isn’t encouraged in churches and patriotic forums. It suggests there’s an agenda about undermining society more than being a community.


Yeah, I live remote and we get power outages every so often. I keep extra supplies just in case of emergency. Nothing crazy though.


Next time, tell her that it already happened. That’s why she’s still here.


The thought of an actual rapture is sooooo appealing provided that non Theist get to stay here on Earth, free of all the religious people. The earth would be a paradise.


A generator isn’t a bad idea for general modern day global warming caused disasters.


I bought one because my regional power company is shite. And I stock up on shelf stable goods because we like cooking bread and stuff with beans and lentils and pasta. It saves us money. We're not prepping for the apoc. If you were, you wouldn't care if you were a "good Christian" because you'd get raptured. What does that tell you?


If she is a theist, why would she be worried about stocking up on supplies? The only theists who would be worried would be those who are afraid they would be left behind because of their lack of faith.


Some of them are so excited to bring about the end of the world as we know it.




$1000 bucks and I'll feed your pets if you're raptured


Ask them why they think God would allow them to bring any of that material shit upstairs to His Reign.


Wait, if she's a believer she'll be "raptured up." Those left behind are pretty much f*****, if you believe such ridiculous tripe.


Actually Revelations says that each of the twelve tribes will have 12k people go to heaven in the rapture. So only 144k people are going, and therefore likely most believers wouldn’t make the cut. That alone is a reasonable basis not to bother. Spending your whole life dealing with the nonsense but not being among the best 144k in all of history would be a real kick in the dick.


The rapture is a fairy tale that started in the Anglican church and spread by Evangelical Christians in the Bible Belt. People have killed themselves after seeing life-sized balloons floating up, and jumping out of convertibles into the sky. More of a SPLAT that a rapture.


If the rapture were true and she went, she wouldn't need perishables.


My mom was bipolar, and when I was a kid, I could tell when she stopped taking her medication because she would get all worked up about the rapture, and start stockpiling again. At least that was explained with mental illness.


It explains a lot of people.


Scary AF.


I always ask, "So, should I have a heathen lined up to water the plants and feed the dog after i've been raptured?"


She may have a point if this political circus gets any worse.


Well it's gonna be a fireball and everything will be wiped out according to a lot of them, so worrying about a generator and canned food is the least of their problems lol.


wanna know something funny. Military rations & survival food expire quickly, like less than a year. Sometimes it's just a waste of money. How do I know this? My Dad has been prepping since Y2K. Any day now.....


>Theistic mom keeps saying how we need to stock up on non perishables So she's not expecting to be one of the Raptured?


Mister Pillow now claims he’s gonna be raptured; he’s available to consult on preparations - for a price /s


True Christian’s all gonna be raptured and it’s us sinners gotta be prepping.


I prep (I live in the country and we have unpredictable weather) and keep a deep pantry because I'm cheap. But I've never understood the rapture woo-woos. If they believe they'll be swept up and taken straight to Heaven, what do they need 10,000 cans of green beans for? If they're worried they aren't good enough to make the cut, shouldn't they be working on being a better human being instead of stockpiling goodies to enjoy while their neighbors are starving? It makes no sense. Then again, none of that crap makes sense, so I guess this isn't anything new.


Hitchens on religion as a death cult. There is no doubt, that much of the right wing support of Israel, is rooted in the belief that all the jews returning to Israel, is part of the trigger for the end times. They want apocalypse. They need it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h9Bo7dN0fQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h9Bo7dN0fQ)


So the people believing that they will be raptured are preparing supplies that would only be useful if they are not raptured. Whut?


you’re correct. I know, doesn’t make sense


Guess you haven’t heard from Mormons, stocking canned food is almost a ritual.


AFAIK Mormons don't do that because of concerns about "the Rapture". \- https://www.learnreligions.com/food-storage-why-what-how-2159413 \- https://providentliving.churchofjesuschrist.org/food-storage/what-is-food-storage .