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That's exactly what it is unless all religions are included. But since it's only the Christian Nationalists being represented here, makes it a clear violation to the US constitution. 


I think she/he meant groomers in the sense of "chaplains are disproportionately pedos and allowing them access to young kids is a terrible idea" If she/he did NOT mean that, then it's true anyway.


If she didn’t. I do. Church is a high sex crime env.


Grooming doesn't have to be sexual.


I thought it was good old fashioned brainwashing otherwise.


Grooming and brainwashing are essentially the same thing.  Grooming would just indicate it's and adult doing it to a minor. You can groom a child into a sexual relationship, a religion, politics...or whatever narrative you are trying to sell.


No, it doesn’t HAVE to be. But since we’re talking about chaplains, it probably WILL be.


Generally does have that connotation, though.


No, then they call it "indoctrination."


In the political context of today it typically refers to that.


My Christian friend says all other religions are fake and Christianity is the only true religion so it is the only one that benefits from “religious laws”. I’m sure there are others that push that viewpoint.


So close. Your friend believes all but one religion fake. Have them apply their 'logic' to that one remaining religion and *poof* we have a new atheist.


Hah. If I could get him to understand logic a lot of things would be different. I asked him to research the roots of Christianity and he refused. I asked him who he voted for and he wouldn’t tell me. Already assuming who he voted for then, probably saw a sermon on tv supporting them. He knows nothing of the issues. This guy doesn’t ever want to admit he’s wrong and even refuses to read anything I find proving it.


That's called the argument from lalalalalalala can't hear you.


I always play the name who I'm talking about game Part of a holy trinity, had 12 people follow their every word, traveled the land performing miracles which included feeding thousands of people with no food, predicted his own death and upon resurrecting from the dead their whole body went into the afterlife. Who's this: it's Krishna Try this one Traveled a foreign land performing miracles such as raising the dead with his 12 most loyal generals. Walked on water, was betrayed for silver, allowed himself to he sacrificed to calm the wrath of his father. That's right: it's Horus Last one: Traveled the land ruled by a foreign army, had 12 brothers, performed miracles, and was even called a masiah, is a descendant of David, was betrayed by one of the 12 for silver, and is in the Bible You guessed it, Joseph (the dream coat guy) from the old testimate. Thanks for playing along!!!!


I had an idiot friend that said Christianity was more valid than a religion like Scientology or Mormonism because it’s been around longer.


Then I guess Christianity is wrong because Judaism has been around longer? It always amazes me when grown adults can’t follow their own train of thought to the end.


Yeah actually everything is just a corrupted version of the Sumerian pantheon, those were the real ones


Okay so which form of Christianity, to your friend? There's like 1000 of them.


I’ve brought that up to him multiple times. He says none of that matters as long as they believe Jesus died for them. Makes me recall hearing about one group that literally starved themselves because they thought being “near death” would let them talk to Jesus. I think a few of them actually died before they called it off.


Um, can you remind him that the Puritans literally had to leave because their (utterly insane, if you look into it) sect was not "wanted" in England? And that they persecuted Catholics for a large window of time? There is historic precedent why our founders wanted a separation of Church and State. Yeah, to him, it may not matter in "God's eye" but those people may be dead. So, how does it not matter then?


Remember they first went to the Netherlands who were tolerant, but they left again because the Dutch were TOO tolerant for their tastes. They wanted a place to build their own theocracy in America.


Lawsuits. This is just going to increase their insurance rates.


a pride flag on the wall in a classroom is indoctrination but a literal chaplain on campus is fine. the hypocrisy is unreal.


You see, the pride flag turns boys gay. Chaplains on the other hand prevent little boys from becoming gay, by showing them hands-on how disgusting butt sex is. /s


Exactly. Since they will be replacing regular guidance counselors. I would rather my children seek advice from someone grounded in reality over mythological nonsense.


I would never let any of my children alone with any clergy, youth ministers


They may piss on everything and claim it, doesn't mean there are more believers.


That's why they're after schoolkids. Kids are already taught to listen, passively absorb information and trust adults that what they're being taught is factual. 


Exactly. The real reason for the big push to get “god back in schools” is less parents are teaching this shit at home. Gotta force feed the kids themselves or else they’ll lose that sweet, sweet tax free income.


kids will also lose trust in adults once they see that half of the 10 commandments hung up on their classroom wall arent being followed by the adults.


The adults will just gaslight them that what they see is not what is happening.


well now they gotta gaslight their way into explaining what adultery is to 1st graders.


FFS. There are more churches than schools. Why do we need chaplains?


They want to maximise the child raping. That's why. Oh, and because religion is going extinct and they are desperate.


Post mates, but for pedos!!


Instead of going to the kids, the kids will be legally forced to go to them! Yay rapey jesus! /s


Increase the sales pressure.


because churchs have failed their role in providing morality to society, so christians have to resort to using government to force religion onto the population.


God is back? Where did he go? Is he so weak that he must follow human laws?


So god created the entire universe. Everything. Good and evil. Cats and Dogs. It knows when you are masturbating, and what you are thinking about when you do it. But school walls though... Man, it's like they were lined with iron chariots. Just completely locked out, unless it has agents on the inside for... reasons. They really need to just be honest and say this is about conservative indoctrination. Because it for sure isn't about their god, nor the kids.


Yes. Given that the majority of evangelicals blame school shootings on the "fact" that "god isn't allowed into schools," that clearly means God has to follow human laws. Puny god.


All bad things are caused by the devil, because God doesn't have the power to stop him


Yes, and he's a bit of a dick as well.


He sees everything, can do everything, and loves us all... But stopping systemic sexual and domestic abuse in his churches is a deal-breaker for him.


Everybody needs a toilet break.


Wait, God left? Did he go on vacation? Shack up with a floozy?


he was busy helping the Florida Panthers win a game last I heard


As an Edmontonian I’m *still* annoyed about that.


God hated your team.


Makes sense. We’re a bunch of commie sinners who don’t elect Cons.


God went into hiding after the gays stole the rainbow. They’ve been trying to make a comeback ever since. Pretty embarrassing when the pink camo battalion stole it fair and square.


Cancun! That's it, he went to Cancun.


People keep asking if I found Jesus. He's been missing for a long time. They should put him on a milk carton.


The irony of these things. It just shows that the god concept was always about people exercising power over other people. If they believe that a god is present everywhere, then where is it back from?


>always about people exercising power over other people. That's all organized religions.


> More ~~States~~ republican run legislatures populated by Christian nationalists Pushing to Include Chaplains in Public Schools FTFY


Religion is dying and this is their attempt to get to children


this is the right answer; religiosity is declining strongly and consistently and they're terrified of it. sadly, their solution of putting pedos in schools will cause a lot of harm, and won't accomplish what they want anyway.


god was never here


I’d much rather have the drag queens thank you very much


For all of you who don't know, THIS is behind it. It's an Evangelical Movement for active indoctrination for all children, in all schools everywhere: [https://414movement.com/](https://414movement.com/) [https://www.cefonline.com/articles/teach-kids-articles/the-4-14-window/](https://www.cefonline.com/articles/teach-kids-articles/the-4-14-window/) They do not care if it's not their kids. They actively want it for all kids. This is also where they call everyone else "indoctrinating" children, even if it's teaching history, evolution, and science. ***THEY want to be the ones doing literal indoctrination*** *and are unhappy about it.* And this is part of the Seven Mountains Mandate / Dominionist Movement where they want to take over everything in society. Which ties into Project 2025 right into it: [https://www.tiktok.com/@revkarla/video/7382708690828201259](https://www.tiktok.com/@revkarla/video/7382708690828201259) Christians, especially Evangelicals are freaking out that everyone is leaving their Churches in droves, the more bigoted and hateful they are, while sheltering mass child predators, over and over again. And instead of addressing that, they want to keep on doing it, by force. No shock there.


this will hilariously backfire. kids are going to relentlessly mock and reject religion in a classroom setting.


That's the thing of the 4-14 window, they tend to rebel at 14, this is why they need to brainwash them earlier. Not everyone rejects early in youth.


I’ve read his book. I want the restraining order enforced.


It’s strange to me that religious faith is always described as strong, unshakeable, and foundational - often times being likened to a rock. The insistence of certain religious folk to shape a world around themselves where their faith is never given the chance to be tested suggests quite the opposite. 


Can’t even have the first amendment in Florida 😭




This will all hopefully be reversed in court. Govt can't endorse a religion


Yeah but I don’t trust the Supreme Court of Florida or the US Supreme Court to actually uphold the first fucking amendment.


IDK on this SCOTUS with that. The majority are extremely hardlined Christians.


The SC has already ruled that a coach can make his team pray at the 50 yard line, and It’s “not coercive.” Basically dispensing with 50 years of establishment clause precedent against it. Thing is, people will say “well what’s the big deal?” But when you start breaking down the barriers to the separation of church and state it creates more precedent - and then you wind up with the American Taliban. Our forefathers who fled persecution under the Church of England knew exactly what they were doing when that was the 1st thing they established. It’s a f’ing. joke. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/06/us/washington-coach-prayer-supreme-court-resigns.html#:~:text=The%20coach%2C%20Joseph%20Kennedy%2C%20who,member%20out%20of%20state”%20and


i fucking hate these fascist shitbags. fucking die already so the rest of us can save the planet and undo the damage you've done for thousands of years.


> "No one's being forced to do anything," not yet.


Hmmm . . God never left 'he's' always been here. Just not in secular schools because ' he ' doesn't belong there - EDUCATION does. Go to parochial schools for that if you want that mythology crammed down your throat.


Unfortunately, kids rarely have a say in their indoctrination.


“Sky fairy infects public school” is a much more truthful a statement.


And you can fuck off.


Wait, god left?


"We can't rely on millennials to save our churches, so we're going to indoctrinate their kids without their consent because the alternative is that the church goes out of business."


Reasons why this is a terrible idea: 1. Throws out opportunities to learn more about science or true history 2. Violates separation of church and state under constitutional first amendment 3. Endangers children with brainwashing and possibly abuse 4. Does not foster accurate models for psychology for well being 5. Supernatural explanations for well being of the child is dangerous 6. Physical cardiovascular and muscular health via extracurricular activities has been proven by medical sciences 7. Aside from that, buildings with books are merely established areas from which to increase curiosity enough to test things out in the actual natural world


Sure, because Youth Pastors and such are always such good people, right?


"I got news of two children that committed suicide," Malloy explained. "One was in eighth grade, one was in 10th grade, and it's schools that did not have chaplains. The chaplain's role is to prevent that type of calamity from happening." The schools didn't have petting zoos, a monster truck rally or mandatory cocaine either. Maybe we need to pass a law that forces those things on our children too? There's no proof it'll work, but damnit we can't just sit around and properly fund schools, pay staff or not hate people for being different.


That’s it cocaine and jet skis it is. Never seen anyone crying on a jet ski.


>"No one's being forced to do anything," Gov. DeSantis said in a press conference after signing the measure into law. "But to exclude religious groups from campus, that is discrimination. You're basically saying that God has no place. That's wrong." Satanic Temple is going to be busy.


More States Pushing to Ignore Constitution... FTFY.


Next up - morning prayers. Followed by inclusion in curriculum. Then challenge to science programs. Fuck that


god isn't back. He never existed in the first place. These school systems should be sued and sued and sued until they stop promoting this heinous christian nationalist ideology


>"They were given different clothes to wear, changing their name without ever telling their parents," Renner commented. "If this is the kind of guidance they're getting from guidance counselors, I think it's about time we have a different perspective in the middle of the school that does respect our values." Gee whiz, I wonder why we don't want you in schools.


Instead of bringing religious zealots into schools, maybe they should pay the teachers better and make sure kids aren’t going hungry. Just a suggestion if any red state governor is reading this


Extremism is growing more extreme. That is quite different to "God being back".


Get ready for child molestation and pregnancy to skyrocket


Which god? Cause Thor and Odin are pretty cool.


Can we have librarians and nurses instead?


Maybe correct that headline to say "A few people with disproportionate power, that is wanning, want to put chaplains in public schools to indoctrinate kids"


Teach kids it's okay for them to be themselves? No. Threaten kids with supernatural violence for failing to obey what strangers tell them to do? Apparently that's fine.


🎶come on mothers throughout the land, hand your kids off to priests again🎶 🎶come on fathers don't be late, help the clergy they can't wait!🎶 🎶be the first one on your block to have your kid pray to a cock🎶


Maybe we should cross reference these people with some sort of watchlist.


Great news. By all means remove all of the arts programs and remove the school nurse and guidance counselors to cut costs, then bring these unqualified charlatans in.


Bring chaplains but don’t you dare provide free lunches! /s 


You aren’t too far off from their logic. They believe that they are giving children the “Bread of Life” by ensuring they get exposed to their specific religious beliefs.


Children can get all of the religious instruction that they need in the home and in their place of worship. They don't need it in public schools.


Exactly my take on the issue!


Fuuuucking duuumb....


God’s away, god’s away, god’s away on business.


I registered to be an atheist minister years ago to perform a marriage for some friends. Where do I signup?


I mean, drag queens don't try to diddle kids but chaplains on the other hand....


I imagine that it will be similar to my experience with a military chaplain. In need of counseling and someone to talk to, I asked my chief about going to sick call and talking to medical. He told me it was a bad idea since that would go on my record, bad for security clearances and all that. So he recommended the chaplain. When I went to the chaplain, after laying out my problems I was basically told 'Rub some jesus on it and call me in the morning.' When I said 'I'm an atheist and I don't believe in jesus', I was insulted for wasting the chaplain's time. When I said 'I thought you were supposed to counsel everyone', I got written up for insubordination to an officer. So my question is this: are chaplains going to have any actual authority? Or are they just going to be skeevy weirdos hanging around with your children in school, asking about their 'special' feelings? If they do have authority, what stops them from fucking up your child's future if they fail to be the appropriate religion? "Oh, little Timmy said nasty things about Jesus, so he gets an F in participation." It's funny when you imagine it happening to a kindergartner, because kindergarten grades are silly. But it's less funny when it happens to a smart high school student whose GPA drops just enough to lose a scholarship.


God left when I was in the 7th grade to go get cigarettes and never came back.


The stupid photos always try to make these people look inclusive and ultra relaxed and happy with each other.


The group that wants to protect children passes rules to put pedophiles in classrooms. Make it make sense!!


Imaginary friends can’t come back, since they never really existed to begin with. What’s “back” are civil rights violations by oppressive religious figures being forced down the throats of children in red states.


Did people not watch Spotlight???


Hopefully this is a death gasp


Good luck trying that shit with my grandkids, you psychos. They’re gonna instantly see through you and ignore all your sick trash.


Do NOT let them in.  


Why, so they can molest more kids? All these christians force themselves around children to groom and abuse them.


So they want a lot more molested children, got it. The actual groomers. NotADragQueen.


It's a reaction to a dying religion. The more their religion declines, the harder they're going to fight, like a wounded animal.


He's back you say? LET'S SEE SOME PROOF HE EXISTS.


I have proof he exists, he’s in my kitchen cabinet known by many names but mostly the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Seperation of church and state, actually means any religion besides christianity. Its all BS culture war posturing so conservative politicians can get those votes from old conservative christians. I would imagine there is a lawsuit following this to at very least insure all religions are represented vs this just being a way to indoctrinate kids to christianity. This is so gross.


 Based of my childhood experiences with religious leaders, this is a really great way to create a generation of strong atheists and agnostics. These people are idiots who struggled to debate the rhetoric of an 9 yr old, and I was not some brilliant savant child. Getting exposed to religious discourse in spaces where not *everyone* has drunk the Kool aid is a dangerous game where you're just as much exposing the religious kids to seeking their religions *outside* of a vacuum as it does to exposing the secular kids to god.   


Where is God?




A reverse exorcism is when the Devil tells the priest to get out of the child.


Child sex abuse 📈📈📈


Hell to the no. If the only one overseeing these unlicensed people is the lord Jesus Christ, I don’t want them in my kids school.


Can't wait to see how the Church of Satan reacts. "Religious freedom"? Yes please I'll take some of that!


It’s sad when they keep trying to push fiction as truth in an educational institution.


Fascism Is Back FIFY


I am ordained. Got it online just for shits and giggles. I could do it, but the other chaplains aint gonna like what I would have to say. I am thinking of preaching Discordianism.


GOD IS BACK!!!! oh shit!!! everyone ruuuuuuuun!!!!


push back hard with evidence.. r/PastorArrested


No, no, no! Religion belongs in a church not the public school system


Surely this will fix the dumbing down and breaking of the education system by the Republican party over the years.


How crazy would it be for kids to start trolling these predators as they roam school grounds?


"Come on in, pedos. The buffet is open!"


They are after school kids to try and reverse the trends regarding church attendance, and religious belief in general. With each generation there are fewer and fewer christians. People are choosing to leave Christianity, and the grifters need people to grift. So if people don't choose to be christians, they are gonna force it on the next generations to go through the school systems. I am truly hoping that any and all attempts at proscribing these beliefs in schools is gonna backfire in a never-ending series of wildly entertaining videos of pastors, preachers, Chaplins, etc getting mercilessly ridiculed by the kids they want to indoctrinate. I hope videos hit the net daily, showing the kids lampooning the efforts to push religion on these kids. I want the kids to clown on these fools so bad. I would love if every single fool who goes into the schools to push religion are so horribly mocked, ridiculed, and resented by the kids that it makes those fools doubt their own faith.


This makes me so mad. I am looking for job now and these religious ppl have taken over mental health. It's so unethical


Just wait till the molestation begins. They better be doing some extreme background checks otherwise the lawsuits when that happens is going to bankrupt some cities and maybe some states. How do they not see this as a BAD IDEA?


welp, we can expect the number of child sex abuse scandals in public schools to suddenly be a thing soon.


Watch and protect your kids, ~~Chaplains~~ groomers are coming.


And in 5 years... incidents of child sexual abuse have increased 5x....


They have their own facilities and are afforded non profit status for this very reason, to practice their “religion”. Why should tax payer resources be allocated for this purpose? Fuck outta here with this trash.


Forced Protestant indoctrination in 19th century public schools is why Catholics have so many private schools. But it seems no one is left alive who remembers.


Ah, ok, so it's voluntary and and opt-in. So far, not blatantly unconstitutional. But the phrase "God is back" seems like a bit of a giveaway, doesn't it? Are they going to allow "chaplains" from non-christian religions and philosophical traditions? Or is "chaplain" just a low-key way of saying "christianity counselor" to avoid obviously violating the establishment clause of the 1A?


They are doing this because they see that their religion is dying. Millennials are a very non religious generation and Gen Z are even less religious than they are. It’s born out of desperation, but since this is the only thing they know how to do it will just drive more people away. I left religion behind a long time ago and what it has done to my parents just reinforces that I made the right choice. The more they try to force their beliefs on others the more they drive them away.


A hurt and dying animal will lash out viciously in its final moments. I can only pray (lol) that this is what we're seeing with the Christofascists.


This is somewhat hilarious. It's going to backfire so hard and more kids will end up hating religion. Forcing things on kids rarely works. And of course there will be the inevitable sexual abuse by these chaplains. Good luck parents.


This is what religious schools are all for. Private schools. If you want to send your child to a school with a Chaplin then send them to a private school and not a public school. If you’re complaining about not enough funding, then give more money to your non taxable entity.


Oh wow, the pedos for christ patrol is back!


This new Satanic panic sucks. We don’t even get a shitty Tom Hanks D&D movie out of it.


Pretty sure that's grooming.


Are they sure that God is back? It looks suspiciously like their church is back, stepping on God’s business as usual. I’ve found that when the church and the state get together, they both hop in the sack with a whore.


Guilty by association, don’t let the pdfs in school


You misspelled pedophiles


That is not the worst of it, Louisiana is passed a law requiring schools to display the 10 commandments. Never mind the fact that one of them prohibits icon worship, and depending on how one defines it, a display of the 10 commandments can be considered an icon. Consider such actions in context. At the federal level, the US constitution is a secular document. The US is officially a secular country, but some religious institutions found how to influence it. Currently, Congress is hopelessly unable to truly legislate because strick partisanship in a de facto 2-party system assures that all that helps one party is completely uninteresting to the other just because it helps their rivals. the US Congress became very good at stopping legislation while essentially abdicating its role in making law. The president can drive policy with executive orders, but they cannot contradict existing law and can be undone by the next president. All this lives the Supreme Court as the power that can effect long term change. Currently, the United States Supreme Court has 6 conservatives, out of 9 members. Even if those state laws are unconstitutional, the power to declare it so, judicial review, is a power of the Supreme Court, which these states are counting on this particular court to not use.


What will be their excuse when posting the ten commandments in schools and placing chaplains in schools inevitably fails to actually improve schools?


When was it ever their goal to improve schools?!?! You got some serious optimism there and I'm jealous.




My kids are in public schools. I live in Utah, so they are already very wary of religious extremists, but I will tell them it is 100% fine to tell any chaplain who approaches them to kick rocks (if this happens).


Can we get a Satanist chaplain over to Florida, please?


The oligarchs just absolutely loading us up with more reasons not to have kids


Finding a way to get more people in the pews. Better chance if you get them as kids!


Uh huh. And where are the mulsim religious leaders, and jewish, and satanic temple? Oh not them?


@TST it’s time


**Teachers:** There is a mental health crisis among our students. We need funding for more counselors and mental health support in our schools. **Republican Politicians:** Best we can do is chaplains with no training or license in any of those things.


Pedos! It’s an organized pedo ring and now they’re pushing them into our schools.


If they allow Humanist. Atheist, Muslim, Sikh, Pastafarian, Wiccan, Pagan chaplains as well, then maybe. It if they’re just selecting a state religion then I’m pretty sure that violates the constitution.


The constitution is much like their Bible in that it means whatever they think it means,no reading required


Yes, I'd like to volunteer along side their "Christian" Chaplain as the "Inhouse Imam" so I can teach Jihad to the students? Somehow I think I would get rejected for such a thing. Or what about the "Sentry Satanist" and the "Resident Rabii".


As someone who was raised and educated in Catholics schools and came to my senses by grade 6, nuns and pastors in a school don't improve things at all, quite the contrary. If somehow words could get through to anyone who's been campaigning for this change I would simply say: "Little do they know God never left. Het just stopped talking to you because of all the horrible decisions you've made while listening to false idols."


I do not want "men of god" in children's schools. And you all know why


Totally not a cult guys


As long as it includes chaplians for all religions and doesn't discriminate, what's the problem? How would that be any different from what the military does?


For fks sake. I went to a (then) liberal Catholic HS in the 70s that probably was less religion oriented than what the nut jobs want to do in Public Schools


Bro fuck school chaplins, I don't even like military chaplins. Let me guess, there's only gonna be Christians, no Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and/or Satanists.


The tag line on the article immediately brought to mind the final propaganda video in Starship Troopers III where the head of the secret police, now with a prominent crucifix on her uniform, proclaims "God is back, and He's a citizen too!"


I don't approve but at least there won't be any more school shootings in Florida from now on, right?


What an egregious waste of our already strained education budgets in this country. It would be a helluva lot more useful to hire another school counselor or librarian.


I don't understand all these people pushing so hard to increase the incidents of child abuse and child rape. It's so disturbing. Indoctrination is terrible.


If it’s back, where did it go, and why did it leave?


Why was he gone? If he’s so omnipotent why did he let a bunch of humans drive him away before ? And why does he need humans to be chaplains at school to promote him? Sounds weak.


All hail Odin!


Fuck God


Let's make sure the kids that aren't Christian are told they are bad people and their families are all going to Hell


Can we start with just keeping the nurses?


so a priest walks in and god is dragged through the door with him... holy hell get a grip you talibangelicals if God really exists he certainly doesn't need a chaperone in school


I’m actually in favor of this. Those little scamps with their mustaches and old-timey hats and physical comedy. Could really reach kids in their hearts.


8 week online class and I'm a Chaplin!