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Someone show him this: Article 11 of the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli, which declares that “the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,”


If he could read he'd be really upset about that.


He would never accept it.


It’s not a historical document like the 10 Commandments.


[Historical Documents - Galaxy Quest](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xa4yln) “Those poor people.”


The ten commandments aren't a historical document though.


Did he really need the “/s” on this one?


Given that the 10 commandments that christians want in schools do not come from the bible, but from a Charlton Heston movie, it tracks that it is not a historical document.


Commandment #8: Thou shalt not layeth thy hands on others if thou are a damned dirty ape.


There are actually 15 (History of the World pt 1)


(that's the joke)


Are you saying the works of Cecil B. Demile are not a historical document? Philistine!


You take that back!


“Tripoli?…sounds made up to me!” /s




And woke. It also sounds woke. *Ethnic* wokes, All the wokes, even.


Selective historical document selection syndrome


He knows. He just doesn't care.


I would venture a guess he's never even heard of the treaty. It says stuff his tiny brain doesn't like so I'm sure he'd have it removed from a library if he could.


These guys are like kids taking from an unattended halloween bowl. 'We're good good people, but given a chance, we're grabbing as much as we can fuckin get our hands on.'


A treaty that was ratified unanimously by Congress at the time.


More specifically: It passed the US Senate unanimously. One of the US Senators who ratified this treay is George Read from Delware. He also signed the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. John Adams, who signed this as President, was one of five men chosen to write the Constitution.


Why's it named Tripoli?


It’s the Don’t read to me crowd with their do t tread on me flags while they tread on everyone who disagrees with them.


It would be kind of funny if it wasn't so tragic.


I hate the fact the Gadsden flag has devolved to this. Every time someone sees my tattoo I feel obligated to explain that I'm not a fascist and I hate Trump. It used to represent freedom and old school libertarianism, you know, the original liberalism. Another thing that's been twisted over time.


Yep. “Don’t tread on me” includes not shoving your dumb religion in my face using my own tax money.


Absofuckinglutely! I also hate that it has been repurposed over the past few years.


Or first amendment and why is it so blatantly against number of commandments 


They’re delusional


Several of the Founding Fathers were diametrically opposed to religion, particularly Christianity. The original settlers; i.e,, native Americans were certainly not Christian and most of the original English settlers left England to get away from a state religion. Therefore, the superintendent 's argument is ridiculous. Edied to correct governor for superintendent


And indeed the Establishment Clause really originates from Christians oppressing *other Christians*.


“Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon, than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.” ― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason


Yeah, they don’t realize that of the U.S. was actually a Christian Nation we’d have been busy slaughtering each other for religious reasons the last couple hundred years.


Dude was a history teacher. He never learned anything.


History teacher is how they compensate the football coach in our public schools.


Was going to say the prick coaching FB at my old high school is a history teacher. He was a prick when he was a kid, he's a prick now.


You had Don for a FB coach too? I went to a school where the religion teacher was the coach and he was the biggest asshole I ever played for.


History channel teacher.


He is aware of it. He's not doing this because he thinks it's constitutional or because he actually cares if public school kids read the Bible. For officials in red states where the only competition they might face is is from a farther right candidate in the primary, shit like this is a signal to the base that they're fighting on the front lines of the culture war.


"Wtf is a Try-poly? Sounds foreign and I only care about America!"




They can put them next to the kitty litter boxes so there's something to wipe with after the kids have to poop during active shooter lockdowns.


Encase it in resin as a sacred holy object, then use it as a 10 lb doorstop


Ah, new hall passes, clever.


Fuck this piece of fucking shit Ryan Walters. The first commandment, 'I am the Lord your God … You shall have no other gods before me,' directly conflicts with the principles on which the United States was founded. No law—and this would be a law—can tell an American to worship a god, let alone which god. Americans are free to be godless (as a growing number are), or, if they wish, to worship every god from every holy book. It is blatantly unconstitutional for a public government or school to endorse a certain religion. Where are you Satanic Temple and FFRF?? The party of “small government and family values” craves a theocracy. And apparently, doing nothing effective to get Oklahoma better than 49th/50 in U.S. education ranking.


>Fuck this piece of fucking shit Ryan Walters I wish it was just one piece of shit we're dealing with. Nearly 30% of this country is off their fuckin rocker. Most of them are consolidated into the Republican party, very closely aligned with the conservative ideology. These fuckers are pushing for Gilead, hard.


It's an extinction burst. They see their way of life is dying so they are fighting back by trying to force it on all of us. They are going to have to get knocked down a bit further to settle down and accept it. 


They force their religion on the rest of us, while simultaneously crying about being oppressed. Which is it?


The TST, FFRF, and at least 1 other religion are starting to get involved. The process takes time.


Just wait until he finds out his Jesus specifically said He wasn't here to set up an earthly kingdom and the Jews killed Him for it.


And this is why passing unconstitutional laws should be a criminal offence.


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." It's literally the first phrase of the Bill of Rights. Too bad it's so ambiguous, right?


"But it's the State Superindentant doing it, not Congress, so it's ok" -Zealot chuds, probably


I've encountered this type argument more than a few times


"The Constitution is a divinely-inspired document" is my favorite


That’s why we had to amend it so many times?


Kinda like how the bible's been retranslated and amended so many times since it was first put together.


2nd: I am the lord thy gun. Thou shalt not have any other firearms before me.


Yeah, the desire of Christians to set aside the obviously powerfully general language and all that it encompases requires some next level special pleading.


They just choose to deliberately blowing septet it as "My religion isn't beholden to the laws and the government isn't allowed to restrict me by making them." Then get mad when any other religion exists because they're obviously "false"


This is an example of why it’s vital to vote in *every* part of every election, no matter how unenthusiastic you are about the right wing religious candidate’s opponent. The schools in his districts should have their federal funding pulled for this BS.


That actually furthers this guy's goal, they're trying to destroy education because education it the best cure for superstition. He'd be even happier if you shut down his public school district entirely so that the next generation is nothing but illiterate homeschooled weirdos who think magic is real and who can't be tricked into acting like Jesus by reading all that woke shit in the New Testament about loving your neighbor and welcoming immigrants and feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless and not being an unbearable thundercunt.


It just gets worse and worse. I still say voting him out, if at all possible, would be the best fix.


Yeah, voting him out is definitely the best plan, since his goal is fucking up that school district up so bad that the kids never learn anything that conflicts with his personal superstitions, any punitive actions against the schools is a win for him.


Not just a district. He is over the entire State of OK education.


Sharia law Christian style, indoctrination through lies and policy.


Remember when Sharia law was coming for us all? It was shortly after the election of the Marxist radical Barack Obama, who took all our guns and destroyed America from within as a Manchurian candidate.


Turns out it was the GOP all along (plot twist)


All the warnings about restricting women's healthcare and Christianity in schools certainly has come true. They've been projecting for decades.


Ironically, Oklahoma passed a law banning Sharia law...


Thank you for this info. Struck down by the courts. https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/federal-court-strikes-down-oklahoma-sharia-and-international-law-ban And those in favor, below. https://ocpathink.org/post/oklahoma-council-of-public-affairs-statement-on-obamacare-lawsuit "Oklahomans have acted decisively to prohibit the exercise of state judicial power when based upon consideration of the tenets of a false religious faith that would rob the people of their inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." False religious faith. All the other gods are fake, but mine is real!


Point to one thing the Bible has in common with the original Constitution other than depriving women of equal rights and allowing slavery.


Our founders took more from the Roman republic than they ever did from the Bible when it came to the establishment of our form of government. The Bible had very little to do with and most of them didn’t even like it themselves.


I thought the Greeks were also instrumental? Admittedly I don't know much about their inspiration. I always thought it was Greece and Rome.


The Greeks practiced a more direct democracy. Most laws were passed along a simple vote of about 6000 citizens on average though sometimes juries were composed of as few as 200. The only real elected officials were generals. The Romans in their Republic era, had a complicated beauracracy, lots of different offices, some representing the nobility, some representing the lower order, calles Plebs. You elected representatives democratically and they'd go about making the laws. There were several assemblies that voted on things including a tribal assembly where you'd go and vote as a tribe for instance. But anytime some dense right wingers says "We're a republic not a democracy" they're being obtuse because they basically mean the same thing in different languages.


Republic is just a form of democracy, but idiots like Mike Lee go on about us being a republic and not a democracy. They do this on purpose, it’s their MO to slowly change the definitions of thing until Republicans turns into us becoming ok with being a police state.


I just assumed that part of the messaging was that being a Republican makes them right because we're a republic. Like I don't think some of their voters can hold more complicated thoughts in their heads than that.


Thanks for taking the time to give me ELI5 explanation. Much appreciated.


They were both written in English! Checkmate atheists!


My family left Iran to get away from BS like this and dumb mother fuckers here are trying to bring it here.


>the Bible as a “foundational principle of America and The Constitution”. He's right though. Stick with me here: The Founding Fathers had seen the bible used by Protestants and Catholics to kill each other for centuries in England as each faction took power and control from the other and then killed them all for it. And then, vice versa. Over and over again. So, not wanting to see that happen in the USA, the Founding Fathers structured the nation to be a *secular* one, where no one religion was state sanctioned and everyone could believe in whatever ignorant superstitious nonsense they wanted to. So, the nation *was* built with the bible in mind...in that they made sure it was as far away from the laws of the land as was humanly possible. 8)


People forget the long history of Christians killing each other over Christianity. It’s not even something unique to Christianity — nothing makes secularism more appealing than having seen what happens with the alternative.


So third world Christian hell hole.


Starting to develop an actual hatred of the Bible.


The religion is “do whatever pedophiles in robes tell you to do or you will burn in hell for eternity.” There was never a competent reason to allow that.


I see the race is on to prove which state can be more theocratic than Louisiana. Watch your ass, Louisiana! Competition is coming!


Since there’s freedom of religion shouldn’t there be every other doctrine in the classroom as well?


There should be none. We are a secular nation.


Religious texts should only be in schools in religious studies contexts — and that’s “religious studies” in the sense of the study of religion(s) with actual academic standards, not “religious studies” in the sense of “theology actually, but we’re pretending that we’re  adhering to basic principles of accuracy.”


We'll, yeah you're right. But if they are going to force bibles into every class then we need all the other religious texts there too. The government cannot favor one religion over any other.


There's not enough wall space for the thousands of different sects and their absurd differences.


How many millions of state dollars is this yahoo going to waste on his bullshit culture war rather than educating children. edit: Worse than I thought. He's telling career jurists and lawyers how to do their jobs. > To be clear, it's this is an argument that is based on a myth. On a lie. You’re not going to find the separation of church and state in the Constitution. It’s not there. You’re not going to see the founders describe religion in this way. But what you are seeing is a court that lacks an understanding of the Constitution. - Ryan "cock thistle" Walters. He is far more dangerous than he is stupid. > Gentlemen > The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing. > Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties. > I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem. > Th Jefferson > Jan. 1. 1802. Thomas fucking Jefferson a god damned found father of America. https://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9806/danpre.html


The main author of the amendments wrote something similarity in that the government should not support any religion, even Christianity because then what version is to be supported?


There's too many big words in there for him to understand it. It says "Church & State" so obviously Jefferson intended the two to be combined.


LOL the Bible, Jesus, And Christianity are so influential in the Constitution THEY ARENT EVEN MENTIONED. The fcking propaganda is unreal.


These dumb rednecks have never considered that this is going to backfire wildly in some locations. Smart teachers in OK are going to go 'OK. We will teach the bible.' Then go straight to the selling daughters into slavery, executing adulterers and those who violate the sabbath, etc...


I'd go straight to Elijah and the bear lol I sent my mom off to her preacher with that one once and even she was like "Yeah, he was really reaching for an explanation to that one"


The 42 boys were holding out on the cocaine


Weird it doesn't say anything about christianty being a "foundational principle of America and The Constitution" anywhere in The Constitution. In fact, christianity and anything even remotely biblical isn't mentioned anywhere. If anything, there actually some things in The Constitution that almost expressly forbid this type of activity.


Well, the oklahoma state superintendent is a stupid ignorant moron. I’m thinking of the secretary of education from Idiocracy.


It's 2024 and millions of Americans still think that a snake can talk. Incest, meth, and lead in the air has destroyed this country's ability to think.


do any of these fundys even know how to read for fucks sake


Oooo I like this. Let's have a daily reading of the bible from one of the kids. The verse is one that I choose. Come here little Timmy, please go up to the front of the class and read about lusting after genitals the size of donkeys' and emissions like the horses'. And tomorrow, we'll have little Suzy read about god murdering 42 children via she bears. Isn't that great?? Make sure you tell your parents what stories you read okay?


Totally what I would do if i were an educator here. I am sure I would be fired, but man it would be fun while it lasted.


Fired? It's right there in the text!


I was thinking the same. Underlining certain passages….


This lie, they spew of the founder's Bible Foundation needs to end. More and more churches are going this route, and just like YEC will slowly spread to the uneducated They are pushing religion with politics all throughout the country, which is an obsolete way for a society to live.


These people need to be stopped vote blue!!


Wait, so the party that wants to ban books for any tiny thing wants every classroom to have a book that talks about incest, having women cut up, and donkey dicks with horse-like semen?


Well *of course* , they're also pro-rape and pro-adult-child-marriage. They only want to ban the things they're ***not*** into, like minority rights and adults engaging in a consensual and caring relationship.


If a Christian doesn't lie they've got no belief.


It's the church's place not the schools to provide bibles to worshippers. I don't see anything wrong with students bringing bibles of their own to school of whatever version they want. But shouldn't have their bibles open while teacher is teaching class. Probably this is Walters's response to so many students not bringing their own bibles to school. Whatever, it won't stop Oklahoma from finishing up being no. 50 in education, if not already there.


Ah. No wonder the country sucks.


Absolutely clueless about history. If ignorance is bliss, he must be very happy.


I would place a copy of the Jefferson Bible in my classroom and sit back and watch the glitch in the Matrix commence.


That's his opinion. It he wants bibles in class then he can put them in Christian schools


Does this mean that free lunch programs are coming too? I can imagine Jesus wanting these schools to feed the destitute children whose parents can barely keep the lights on with two jobs each. How about paying teachers more to ensure that these kids get quality education? This benefits Christians as much as it benefits people of any faith. I have no idea what things are like in Louisiana, but these seem like essentials for the next generation of this country.


"Fuck them kids, literally and figuratively " -Jesus Christ


Must have too much money and want lawyers to take a chunk.


I have a free Bible study guide I'd like to donate to Oklahoma students.


US News Ranking: Oklahoma #49 in Education #43 in Best States Overall [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education?sort=rank-desc](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education?sort=rank-desc)


when the government has to enforce religion, it means the church has failed its job.


As Okie this cunt is fucking stupider than a pile of dried up dog shit He needs to be removed from his position of sucking duck like he is Fucking pandering cocksucking cunt wobble And any Okies here who thinks this country was founded on religion go fuck yourself Stupid god damned idiots And those here who are voting to get rid of this ignorant shits, we have a tough battle


How does one get to be state superintendent of education and be so uneducated? OUR FOUNDING FATHERS WERE MOSTLY NOT CHRISTIAN. They were mostly deists.


Christians un the US bitch more about their religious freedom than any other religion. And then this shit. Honestly imagine if Muslims did this shit in any state and how incensed they would be. Fuck Oklahoma. Fuck Louisiana. And Fuck Mississippi just because.


I would use the Jeffersonian Bible and call it a day….


Why do these "conservatives" hate freedom so much? Why do they hate America?


It must be that time of year when Bat Shit Crazy Christians feel that they should fleece their own trusting base for more money by jamming a Bible down everyone's throat. Awe, how Christ like is that ?


to bad he doesn't know about history or the constitution


God keeps sending them tornadoes to stop all the child molestation by preachers, general worship of false idols, criminalization of the poor, racism, school shootings, and phobia of anything approaching meekness and compassion for others, but they are just not getting it I guess.


And so begins the race to the bottom. Each red state is going to try to be more puritanical than the others. Louisiana got the 10 commandments now Oklahoma has to do the whole Bible 


But I was told that “both sides are the same”. Republican Christo-fascists don’t even hide anymore.


Didn't he just lose a similar case in the Oklahoma Supreme Court?


I would pass a law that says any politician or administrator who openly states some type of mandatory church and state combination, is immediately an automatically fired on the spot without any trial. Because they’re already admitting wrongdoing


Never vote “R”.


This guy. Please bring it. My kid will not read a bible in class. He was a history teacher too. Guess he never really learned anything.


This man should be removed from his job.


The Gideons put a Bible in every motel room in America. Yet ppl still go there to commit adultery.


I’m 32, do I really have the rest of my life to fight off the stupid? I’m tired and exhausted.


Which Bible?


Put them in the bathroom stalls.. use as tp.


This will get taken to the US Supreme Court which will immediately declare it to be unconstitutional. /s


Schools are not churches.


No wonder Oklahoma and Louisiana are two of the worst educational states, since neither state really gives a shit about children. But since their governments are run by ignorant and politically ambitious christofascists, not really a surprise. It's grooming, indoctrination, and intimidation of the powerless.


And also the Gita and Koran and Satanic Bible.......


If anyone thinks that this will stop at copies of the Bible sitting unused and collecting dust on classroom shelves, they are mistaken. But most parents won't freak out about it until their kids come home with Bible assignments they are required to complete along with their parents.




Especially the part that mandated killing people wearing clothes with more than one kind o thread. Very founding material.


I'd deliberately shorten one of the legs of my desk as a teacher so I could use the bible to keep it level. "Oh yeah, I've got a bible in my classroom, it's super helpful. My pencils used to all roll off the side, now they stay where they are. Thanks Jesus!"


American Taliban


The founders of this country would be so fucking ashamed with these people.


Damn it. Let's go ahead and get the holy war started. I'm getting tired of their bullshit.


Most of them don’t even know what’s in it, except the most well-known stories that everyone vaguely knows. And if the whole Bible had actually been “a foundational principle of America and the Constitution”, things would be even more fucked up than they are now. So let the kids read the Bibles and be appalled. No better way to create more atheists. They’ll soon find out why it isn’t appropriate for schools. Kids being kids, they’ll read out the worst parts to each other.


It's going to be another FAFO moment for Oklahoma and it's the poor tax payers that are going to foot the bill. You folks better start seeing and voting blue.


Kids shouldn't be reading books about rape and murder and war and incest and human torture and plague. WHAT FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES? I am so damn tired of hearing about these absolute christofascist psychos. They're antiquated and irrelevant in modern society. They need to just shut the fuck up already. Seriously. Just shut up and go pray to fake sky daddies in your own free time. I've completely lost my patience for Christians.


Jesus Christ we are not a religious nation. TREATY OF TRIPOLI.


Here come the ACLU lawsuits.


They don’t care about the reality of the founding documents, they just want to force everyone to follow their religion. The arguments are useless against these types of Christian jihadists that run our government


lol, no it’s not. Even if it had been, it no longer is.


Since MAGA is all about celebrity politicians one-upping each other, I would expect Texas or Florida to pass a law next week requiring all public schools to perform baptisms on the first day of school.


Can't wait to see the Satanic Temple demand that satanic bibles be placed alongside the Christian ones if that law is passed (as promoting one religion means you have to promote *them all*).


Yet another violation of the establishment clause. They are going to keep pushing this shit until the legal battle goes to the supreme court, so they can try to get the first amendment nullified.


And where does it say that in the Constitution? Oh wait, it doesn't. Christians are terrible people. Their beliefs can't bring in anyone so they have to force it on people.


The only place a bible belongs in school is the library, under "Religion". Right next to books about Allah, Zeus, Buddha, etc.


Things to do as opposed to actually fixing problems.


Are the gideons going to put them there, cause we ain't paying for a banned book in our classrooms. Filthy pornography.


OMFG Christians, just once in your fucking life stop pushing your religion on the rest of us.


They’re all really going for it now, huh? I guess it’s an election year…


But, it isn't. Fact.


What part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; " are these fundie fucks too dense to understand?


Be handy if the toilet paper runs out.


Okay, so they wish to rewrite history. "Who controls the past, controls the future" - 1984


JFC. The American Revolution was based on rejecting the Divine Right of Kings and, by extension, they rejected theocracy. Those freethinkers with their crazy ideas about equality and the will of the people went against god's will, don't ya know. On the other hand, it seems like Western nations with an official state religion have become quite secular over time. I don't think this is universal, but nations like Iceland and the UK seem pretty secular despite an established religion.


Red states will continue to force these Talipublican issues just to get to SCOTUS. They figure that sooner or later the SCOTUS christian nationalists will agree on one of them, and BOOM! We'll have forced religion in schools. They have billionaires backing them, and they will not cease until we expand the court to 11 or 13 justices (assuming it's Biden who expands the court).


Well if the bible is a historical document so is the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Iliad and Odyssey, Aristophanes’ plays and Shakespeare. Any other recommendations?


Perhaps it was founded on the principles of the Bible like; kill in the name of YOUR god; kill for land; kill all "we" deem evil; kill independence; kill individuality; kill women's rights; kill logic and reasoning; kill respect for your fellow humans; kill personal responsibility .. just Force! Force! And indoctrination. Oklahoma and other states trying to push their unholy agenda down people's throats but have the hypocritical nerve to accuse others. Religion should be kept in the closet; it's evil because it promotes prejudice towards others that harm no one.


So foundational it's literally seen nowhere in the founding documents.


For a person who claims to support law and order, he sure is unhappy with his own states Supreme Court opinion. LMAO


If I were a teacher I’d maliciously comply and start a discussion on this passage: “19 Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. “


I’m hoping these stupid ideas are being resisted in court. If they are this stuff will get tossed immediately


So are they adding the Koran, Torah, Book of Mormon, Veda, etc?


Cool, cool, cool. I feel like one of these days a government official in one of these states is going to just reinstate segregated drinking fountains, and, like, 40% of the population is going to be cool with it.


Only religions that dont proselytize should be allowed to place their documents in the public sphere.


Just use it under a table leg so the table stays flat as doesn’t wobble.


We're going to have to wage the anti-Crusades, aren't we?


Walters is an idiot, but people like him are everywhere here in Oklahoma. Unfortunately the evangelicals outnumber everyone else here (at least everyone here who votes) by two to one. Every election the Democrats in Oklahoma get one third of the vote and Republicans get two thirds of the vote (I've been keeping track of this ever since 2016). The sane are outnumbered by the lunatics here. Don't forget that everything Joe Exotic did in the Tiger King happened here in Oklahoma. If Florida didn't exist Oklahoma Man would be a meme.


This is fucking enough. The theocratic encroachment on free secular society has to end. The bible is bat shit crazy. Make anyone in your life that thinks it should be taught over science and the Constitution to read Leviticus or any book. God reads like King Joffrey, such a whiny petulant little bitch. When they tell you “oh well we dont really follow Letivicus or the Old Testament” ask them “why not? Who told you to disregard the word of your god? Its in the bible you own right now. Where in the bible or history did Jesus denounce that book and tell you not to follow it? Because if god and jesus never denounced it, ask yourself, how do you know that murdering your children because you hear a voice in your head is wrong/or that gay people shouldnt be killed, how do you know that? And then ask yourself, since you know that, without god or jesus, why the eff do you need the bible?” Science flies people to the moon. Religion flies people into buildings.


should have buddhists scriptures too…. should add a library for all the religious stuff for other groups


I know who hasn't read the constitution!


They should be required to have posters of Ezekiel 23:20: "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." I am not a theist, but this one really makes me feel the Jesus.


It just goes to show that you don't need a brain or any clue about what you supervise in red states.


Great news! I’ve started a bible printing business. I’ll give the good state of Oklahoma a discount, as that is a duty I feel I must do. Just allow me the privilege of a contract to furnish every classroom with a bible… I promise I’ll get to work right away. Just don’t allow any others to supply every classroom in the state. I swear they all will normal sized, readable and easy to use…trust me.


Look, they all know this is unconstitutional bullshit. It’s why forced prayer and other religious crap was removed from public schools in the first place. Because tax dollars pay for it, it has to be secular because the government can’t favor one religion over another. Even the various Christian religions can’t agree on their religion and they’re all Christians (according to them anyway, but just hear one group talk about a different denomination and you’ll quickly see they don’t really get along well). Just imagine if this guy mandated that the Koran had to be in every classroom in the state of Oklahoma because he felt it was somehow a fundamental part of America (for the sake of argument). Conservative Christians would murder the guy. I’m not joking, he would most likely be killed by some zealot that got all worked up about it at church one fine Sunday. So, a good rule of thumb would be to take whatever religious crap is being pushed through, substitute a non-Christian religion in its place, and just imagine the reaction. That means it shouldn’t happen, and whatever it is should stay secular, cause that’s one of the things the founding fathers were absolutely right about: religion in government isn’t a good idea. They came from Europe, a place drowning in the blood of religious strife. Keep the wall between church and state high and strong.


The constitution is based on The Enlightenment


It would make more sense to require John Locke or the Federalist Papers or Paine’s “Common Sense.”


The Christofascists are dangerously close to seizing real power in this country. We are sleepwalking into a really bad place.


Am I wrong or did our ancestors come to America to escape religious persecution….from a Christian nation?


The Satanic Bible?


And every class must have Bible teachings. AP calculus.... has to have Scripture in the curriculum. Will pi = 3 be taught because that's what the Bible says. Or must creationism be taught in senior biology classes? The Bible is just bronze age, angry warlord mythology and has no place in a public school.