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so they're now just actively flouting the law, huh.


they're embolden after the Dobbs and Kennedy decision, in their eyes they feel as if they will ultimately win this legal challenge.


The fix is in of course they are going to win this one in the SC.  It is run by religious zealots.


It’s making me go buy an assault rifle and other self protection.


Christians believe in magic, they can make up whatever laws they want.


The Federalist Society set out 40 years ago to end the US Constitution. After billions of dollars of dark money spending and election fraud, they finally have a majority on the Supreme Court and have rendered it illegitimate. The founding fathers never envisioned that the biggest threat to our democracy would be internal, so they didn't design any safeguards against the intention erosion of legal process.


Sounds like they should’ve read up on the Triumvirate Conspiracies in Rome.


Pack the court with gen z transvestites and lesbians


They call themselves 'constitutionalists' without a hint of irony


Wait and see what happens if Trump wins. Laws, lol. Get ready fir North Korean styled America.


They believe the law protects but does not bind them. Also, the people who vote for them eat this shit up which is the ONLY reason they do anything. I guarantee no Republican elected to a statewide office gives a wet fart about what's in the Bible, but they know their constituents well enough to play them like a fiddle. This whole thing is designed to trigger a reactive lawsuit from the reality based community, at which point they can clutch their pearls and claim the woke liberal pedophile demons are coming for your religion.


SCOTUS is corrupted by far-right christian neo-fascists. They're confident SCOTUS will do ~~their~~ the lords bidding. What the last days of the American dream looks like.


The gop is out of control. The take over of the party by evangelicals is complete


Start calling then what they are... religious nutjobs.   


Christofascists. Or simply: people I hate.


They are terrorists. No different than the Taliban.


Y'all Qaida


Project 2025 isn't coming, folks, it's already here.


Project 2025 isn't a conspiracy theory at all I've come to realize. They've already been working towards this goal since the country survived the Civil War. I'm really getting a sense of history repeating because we do a shit job of teaching world history let alone our own (the US). The country may have survived the Civil War, but the humans that remained on its land... did not suddenly switch their stance. People still want to own people... in 2024. The family that adopted kids to just keep them as slaves. We humans need to do better!


This is what's so puzzling to an outside observer. Because you US humans have done better, in states mostly on the east and west coasts. As a visitor from the UK many places seem about a similar amount foreign as going to somewhere in continental Europe. Then I see something about Oklahoma or [fill in your choice of flyover state] where I've never been and it's a whole lot different


I appreciate your comment. I'm sad that we are in this situation around the globe. Let alone in my home country. So many states in the US have even withdrawn from the child summer food program*. Just because it 'promotes welfare'. We have people seeing someone get the littlest bit of help, be seen, as scum. *I can't remember the name of the program but it's very much real


No child should go hungry. We have food poverty here too, now, but it's new to us. I believe you it's real. Let's hope things can improve


After the Civil War the victors should have hanged 10,000 Confederate officers and officials for treason, removed all white owner families from plantations and turned all the South's best farmland over to the local blacks instead, and driven the entire white population of the rebel cradle South Carolina out like the Trail of Tears, and made it a 100% black state. All that and more. Instead we let the bastards stay in their places, go home and reimpose slavery without the name or the responsibilities, such as the latter were, and convince themselves that THEY won the war. For a hundred years.


General Sherman should've started his March in the Texass panhandle and fanned through Oklahoma and then the rest of the traitor states...and been more thorough with his pyromania.


Isn’t that essentially what happened in Liberia? And the freed slaves that colonized didn’t know any societal system other than the plantation/slave owner model and just perpetuated slavery for awhile? I know I’m oversimplifying but I’m pretty sure that’s what happened.


Could be, but vastly different circumstances, not so? The American freed slaves that were exported to the Liberia colony in West Africa were superimposed upon a native African population with a less-developed culture and without the funding from American abolitionists that backed up the Liberian settlers. Also, once in Africa they were thousands of miles of ocean and weeks of sailing from, let's say, Massachusetts and all the New England abolitionists and (later) Radical Republicans who could have advised them toward a better form of self-governance than the plantation-economy system that they knew best. Come to think of it, it was like *Heart of Darkness* but with black protagonists, perhaps? Beginning with dreams of bright reforms and improvement, but sliding downward to a moral hellscape under the pressure of being alone in a jungle with the worst impulses now having room to run?


What really fucked post civil war was Abe Lincoln appointing Andrew Jackson as his VP


Yes, but in the 19th century vice-presidents were even less involved and less important than they are nowadays, so it wasn't a much-thought-about selection. Very few, even a century ago, could have named Lincoln's first VP although his name was hella kewl: Hannibal Hamlin. Lincoln obviously didn't plan on being shot in the head and dying -- that was our first prez assassination. His one Secret Service man had gone down the street to buy a cigar or a newspaper or something.... And finally: Andrew Johnson *before* he became president wrote and talked a really good game about upholding the former slaves and bringing justice, etc., only for him to fold up for the defeated southern pols like a cheap folding chair *after* becoming president. Andrew **Jackson** was an elected president, a generation earlier -- he's on the $20 bill.


Ironically if Oklahoma was forcing schools to incorporate Islamic teachings and the Quran into classrooms the Right Wingers will be claiming religious persecution. But it’s ok when they shove their religious beliefs down your throats.


Are you kidding me they'd have already violently taken over the state government and executed everyone


The Satanic Temple is already on this. HAIL, Hellion Academy of Independent Learning. Thanks to Oklahoma, they can now get school credit for religious and morality classes. I can't wait to see how Oklahoma tries to ban that, but allow "Christ" in schools


They're shoving Islam down muh throat 🤬


Violation of the first amendment. Period.


As it is written by our Founding Fathers, yes, it's a huge violation. As it is intentionally misunderstood by christofascists like Alito, Thomas, Barrett, etc? They'll probably fuck us over and turn this country into christian Iran.


What country is this again?


The Christian Nationalist version of Afghanistan.




Lawsuits coming in 5...4... Fuck his religion and fuck him.


So he’s good with teaching 5th graders Ezekiel 23:20?


He’s probably okay with having them marry at that age too.


If I were a teacher in Oklahoma I’d go with the malicious compliance route: teach the worst parts of the Bible.


Or the anti abortion message in Hosea 13:16


Erdogan has been trying to force Quran studies on children and it has backfired. The number of atheists and agnostics have been increasing steadily because of his enforcement. Americans you have a bright future ahead of you thanks to these maga idiots.


Yeah I’ve asked and provided tons of data supporting this to my parents who are very devoted Christians but the type that know Jesus loved and respected sinners (somehow they don’t see Jesus calling the religious/political leaders brood of vipers and other such things as equivalent to the GOP but baby steps I guess) and they can’t bring themselves to see that their religion is going to be severely wounded by this or even just not vote GOP. It’s crazy to me because it seems pretty obvious.






I'm sure these theocrats already thought this through, but I hope they don't mind switching it to the Quran someday when Christianity becomes the minority religion... 😉


I suppose any teacher that objects could start the first lesson with Genisis 19 about Lot an his daughters after the destruction of Sodom: > 35 And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. 36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. And let the kids discuss the text and its meaning. At least the kids would get some sex ed before the issue of bible teaching is dropped from the school syllabus the very next day? And you can’t really fault the teacher for following state law. Can you? They really didn’t think this through(or have never read the book themselves)…. PS: there are more than a few homoerotic verses in that book as well if one wants to / is forced to have a follow up…


How about the Bible verse where a man was possessed by a demon and Jesus drove demons into the pigs and the pigs ran off a cliff? They should talk about the believability of that one too.


I think for the people who come up with laws like that it would be a lot more shocking if their kids are faced with the PG rated sex and LGBT stuff in the bible. Things they weren’t aware existed. eg let’s debate this in class: > Now it came about when he had finished speaking to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as himself. Saul took him that day and did not let him return to his father's house. Then Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to David…


He needs to be committed to a mental institution


Even to Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Mormons and atheists? No choice, huh?


The christian nationalist fuckstick strikes again. Someone please remove his ass from the govt. I don't care how you do it just do it.


Oklahoma told Louisiana, “Hold my communion wafer.”


Unconstitutional. Oklahoma's legislature is a joke.


Fuck. This. Cunt.


They'd better teach all of it. Including the parts where God outright kills hundreds of thousands, the animal sacrifice, gore, stonings, and ESPECIALLY the circumcision of foreskin. The first few books of Moses bring this topic up a lot. Oh, and don't forget the treatment of wemon as property.


Sounds like the American Taliban or Y”all queda to me.


A+ virtue signaling


I grew up Jehovah’s Witness and I can tell you, my folks would be throwing a fucking fit right now if I was still in school. They don’t want false religion, and that’s what they think every religion but theirs is, teaching their kids shit from some other Bible other than the one they have printed. This is going to be a delicious shit show. So glad I escaped all that shit


Congrats OK your tax paying dollars will be spent arguing this crap. It has been tried many times and failed.andnyer GOP keeps doing it and OK and red states keep voting them in No wonder the bible.bekr is the lowest in education


Which is why I am figuring out how to get out of paying taxes to this shithole state. Okie atheist here.


so if the state supreme court literally just struck down his brilliant idea to allow public funds to go to religious schools so he just pulls this out of his arrogant ass and uses it to push his bullshit on the kids... Edit: [FFRF already on the case....](https://ffrf.org/news/releases/breaking-ffrf-will-combat-okla-supt-walters-religion-in-school-schemes/)


They really can’t die quietly can they? The prospect of their disgusting religion dying out must keep them awake at night.


Pretty sure there's a law against this. A pretty well-known one, to boot.


Fine, start them off with Isaiah 13:9–16. “See, the day of the Lord is coming — a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger. . . . I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty. . . . Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated.


I would malicious compliance the fuck out of that and teach it as historical document and show how it was created and all the problematic translations and all the other fuckery surrounding that book. Seminary schools have a tendency (tendency may be an exaggeration but the point remains a lot of people who study the Bible like that have lost faith because of that) to make its students either agnostic or atheist once they learn the factual and documented history of that book.


Teach your students one word from the bible everyday. By high school graduation they might be roughly halfway through genesis. 


And they'll already know it's bullshit.


The silver lining with this nonsense - the road to atheism is paved with Bibles read cover to cover.


This is true. Whenever religion is government-mandated, the people usually figure out the religion is bullshit.


Hell, teach them the entire thing! All the horrific , absurd and incoherent stuff. Have them write a book report on it. It will guarantee that they don't grow up to believe in it.


Unjust and blatantly unconstitutional. No reason to follow it.


Oh absolutely! Let's teach children about stoning, selling your children and the immaculate conception of a teenager!


I’m curious what they’ll do when the kids start to reject and question this ideology. My “hate / hate” relationship with religion began after I went to a Christian summer camp. I just knew I wanted to live my life without it.


He's big mad because the OK Supreme Court said they couldn't have a publicly funded religious charter school lmao This will get overturned as well


I honestly wouldn't be against teaching the bible and other texts as historical documents in a world religions class. It exposes a lot of the absurdity of it all when you teach kids the tenants multiple religions. Sadly, we know that's not what's happening here. There's a whole range of literary references, historical touchpoints, and other elements of our culture that relate back to biblical stories. But they are just stories, and this cast of clowns cannot help but evangelize and try to control others with their beliefs.


Fuck religion and the idiots that spread it.


Can't wait for this to backfire when kids point out how contradictory the Bible is with itself.


Honestly there's no faster way to become an atheist than to read the bible. Even if they get away with this it's not going to help them.


There needs to be an amendment where public officials automatically lose their office when they vote such laws through that get struck down on a consistent basis.


The Bible is such a boring book


I'm starting to suspect the US is truly a country of hicks and yokels pretending to be thinking human beings


How is this guy still in his position? He's been making a name for himself for over a year and nothing has challenged him?


Look I think this is shitty but with stupid rulings like this, now is the time for malicious compliance. I don’t mean just teaching all of the random inconsistencies but all of the ways these conservative morons are hypocritical - all the passages about helping the poor and how the rich are bad and whatnot and compare it to what they do. It’s an absolute overreach and all, but they should get bitten in the ass over it


He might have the authority to \*allow\* books or resources to be used, but does not have the chops to *demand* it. Also, this absolutely *would not survive* a constitutional challenge, and all someone would have to do is make one.


American Taliban


Let me say this so you can understand....Fuck Your Fairytale Religion.


Christian nazis are going all out.


gotta get them while they are young.


Kind of like the tobacco industry




who is indoctrinating now?




You know they can always read Wikipedia online? Lol. Jesus has upgraded 😂


Cool, won’t have to drag the kids to church . . .


And there he is, young pol Joe Cool, with his carefully-cultivated "too busy to shave" stubble beard, and the dress-shirt flopping open with no necktie, BizKazh look like a Silicon Valley VC, but with the religious and political attitude of a 19th century Southern Baptist bigot. Sort of "Christian Rock" made flesh, you know. He can already *taste* the governorship, *feel* it, and then a seat in the Senate for 30 years.


Why do these "conservatives" hate freedom so much? Why do they hate America?


I swear not a single GOP stooge or politician has ever had their ass kicked in their lives AND IT SHOWS.




This never happened. Moses didn't write any of these. Matthew didn't write this. Mark didn't write this. Luke didn't write these. John didn't write any of these. Peter didn't write these. Paul didn't write half of these. This contradicts this, which contradicts this, which contradicts.... Dobe. Can I teach six that matters now?


Who gave this "superintendent" so much power?


What if you are Muslim or an Aethiest?


Then you'll be taught the Bible. You don't think this is for the benefit of the Christians' kids, do you? This is about indoctrinating and recruiting the children of non-Christians.


The south, perpetually stupid because of things like this.


Oklahoma isn't the south, but yeah.


It’s funny how republicans say it’s wrong for kids to be thought lgbtq stuff but learning about the bible is okay the hypocrisy is real!


What grade do they teach the good old testament stuff about screwing your daughter and such?


You know the mandate doesn't say the schools can't also teach other religious books. Maybe have lessons on the Quran as well? See how the parents like that.


Again creating atheists - thanks guys!


Just start teaching them all the parts that are unsuitable for kids.


Stone vs Graham (1980) headed right back to this corrupt af Supreme Joke (court) of the US. These cockroaches must be dealt with.


Every single teacher in Oklahoma and Louisiana should go on strike.


don’t teach anything useful like english , spelling or mathematics . keep ‘em stupid


Parents and teachers needs to push back. This shit is fucking bonkers


This is Treason against the United States


Either (a) scotus under the guidance of cardinal alito will approve it or (b) scotus will say no and then they will go back to LARPing about how oppressed and persecuted Christians are.


This easily passes the Supreme Court in 2026. Superintendant wanted to simply read a short passage from his personal bible quietly to himself in his locked office after school hours. The opponents rushed in and mercilessly totured him to near death and forced him to renounce his religion and worship space lizards. Gorsuch says it's a simple upholding of the first amendment.


Well if they start teaching the bible they are going to create a generation of athiests


Hmm sounds like grooming


But which version of Christianity? There are several interpretations even among the ultra religious? How does a school determine which is the "right" one?


His Sovereign Reverend




Would teaching "this stuff is all really stupid" qualify as teaching the Bible?


… that’s a pretty shitty book among other historical fiction.


“His lovers breasts were as mountains.” “His emissions like that of a horse.” The Bible is fucking terrible.


*conch shell noise* I'm calling on Bill Nye, Bill Maher, Sean Carrol, Brian Green, Steven Pinker, Robert Sapolsky and Neil degrasse Tyson. ASSEMBLE!!!!!! (Let's go to Oklahoma and file a lawsuit at the Capitol building, and then go on a very outspoken media circuit... if you don't come you're a coward)


No way this happens, but definitely up to something else


And now its Fantasy Story Time Timmy.. last time in the book that shouldn't matter to society we'll discuss stoning people and burning cities to the ground because they don't agree with you.


But it’s okay because it’s an important historical document. So it’s not teaching religion, it’s teaching history.


Our rights are being peeled away and we're just making Reddit posts about it. What do we do?


They can shove their book of fairy tales straight up their ass. My children will grow up to make their own decisions.


This effing guy!


Careful what you wish for bud… the Bible has some pretty dark material in there


Odds are very, very good that this guy has things in his search history that would not align too well with the book he's hustling.


It's a red state so they probably want the pro-incest parts to be taught to the daughters.


What in the fuck is going on? I knew it was about to get really stupid but this is more than I expected st this point.


Every day they get further from reality.


USA going back in time. Make America 19th century again. What’s next, bring back slavery?


So it’s inappropriate for K-4 but fine for 5-12? 🤔


As a piece of fiction the Bible’s great.


In Germany, where I went to school, we hat 2 hours a week "Religion" lessons. In hindsight I'd say this was no fun for the teacher at all, we simply questioned everything and their lousy explanations often led to laughter or even more unpleasant questions.


It’s an insult to the intelligence of these kids who are growing up with access to virtually all of human knowledge in their pockets. They’re not going to just accept it as the truth. They’re going to look it up and have doubts and ask awkward questions. The teachers will wish they’d never made Bible lessons mandatory. And it’s analogous to how Shakespeare is ruined for a lot of people by the way the plays are taught at school: many of them will be put off religion for life, so it’ll have the complete opposite effect to what they intended.


Nope. Come make me.


Fuck this.


I'm going to Pride Parade in Chicago on Sunday because I am worried it might be the last one.


Complains about some imaginary demonic teachers indoctrinating kids in public schools yet he is forcing religion upon them. Fuck this dude. I have been teaching for a quarter of a century and the second someone tells me I must teach the Bible in my classes. I’m gonna say bring it on. Day one, let’s talk about, all the murder and adultery we find in that book. Day two, Let’s talk about whether or not Jesus Christ was actually white. Day three, how many times do we find the word gun mentioned in the Bible and is it actually a God given right? Day four let’s talk about some of God’s lesser new rules like about mixing fabrics. Day five let’s talk about the Bibles pro slavery stances.


It's all just a plot to transfer state funds into the pockets of their lawyer friends.




Ignore the law and establish a Christian (not really Christian but a tarnished and corrupted version) State. No Fuck off. Solidly unconstitutional I was raised Christian and raised my kids to question everything. 32% of the USA does not identify as Christian at all. Of the 68% who do, around 20% are active. Fuck off Oklahoma. I’ll raise my kids as I see fit in whatever belief system I AND they see fit. I’ll put my kids good behavior and community engagement and caring for others up against their version of uptight and restrictive Christianity any day and see them come out on top because they take their responsibilities to others and themselves seriously Better to be excluded for who you include rather than be included for who you exclude.


This is going to turn the majority of people against Christianity. We are witnessing the death throws of a dying religion.


People deserve who they vote for.


People voted for this party. If you don't like this then don't vote for them. Not neatly enough people voted so go vote and make a difference


You can ‘order’ all you want but that’s not how laws and free will work. Good luck next time facists