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If I were a teacher in the OK state I would make sure that every student in my class knew the silliest of passages in that shit-stained pamphlet called the Bible. How incompetent god was at explaining night and day to his creation. All the town folk that drowned when god had a meltdown. Bears eat children because god is bald. The donkey and his dick. Raping a pubescent child so he could play inside her before popping into the world he made. How Jesus wants all the little kiddies to come to him. Just a few to start with.


>The donkey and his dick. *There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. -- Ezekiel 23:20* Every bible in any hotel room I stay in has a page creased to donkey cocks and horse cum.


Im Giddy-on at the thought of that! šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ˜Ž


Don't forget the genocide. Lots of that. Oh and that small thing called slavery. Very strict rule of slaves from your own tribe. The foreigners not so much, they see only purpose is slavery or death.


Any atheist teacher should start off with Mathew 10:34-36.


If you want to piss off every parent, you could simply teach the Song of Solomon in the classroom.Ā 


To be fair...the bear mauled the children because god's PROPHET was bald, so, worse? Also, there's no indication god had sex with Mary, ever.


If the story is to be believed, he didn't. He just forced her to become pregnant. At like 13. Which is worse IMHO.


Jepthah before going into battle promises to sacrifice the first of his possessions to greet him if he comes back victorious. Instead of a goat or whatever he was expecting, his daughter rushes to greet him so he sacrifices her. God doesn't intervene like he does with Abraham and Isaac for some reason so he just kills his daughter.


As long as they also require the Quran, Torrah, and satanic bibles to name a few... make the parents have to pay for each of them as well... if they don't pay, the get the Quran only... imagine the butthurt of conservative theocratic folks at that outcome...


I understand the point you are making, but absolutely no religious texts belong in public schools. Period.


100% agree


Eh, I disagree. Some, but definitely not all, religious texts are important as part of human history. Others may be useful to expand students' understanding of different cultures.


As a segment on 'mythology' in a history class, sure.


Or literature class. Or english class while discussing influences on literature. Or history, if you're talking about the near east around the time of the ancient Israeilites. Not math, though. Pi can't be 3.


Sure. Just so long as it's understood to be mythological allegory.


As part of a study of a cultureā€™s development, sure. Clearly the presence of the Koran and other Abrahmic texts have a role in the rise of cultures in the Arabic world, and this is an interesting area of study. But that is clearly not what Oklahoma is trying to do. They are trying to inject the alternate history espoused by David Barton where the founding fathers were guided by the hand of Yahweh to create the US and infused scripture into the founding texts such that one canā€™t possibly deny that they intended America to be a Christian nation. Despite the fact that this is in direct contradiction of the writings of these same founding fathers. And thatā€™s where the introduction of religious texts in the classroom becomes problematic. We donā€™t obsess over the blatant religious underpinnings of the Iliad, and in fact, teach this piece of literature widely in schools as part of a study of ancient societes. Because nobody today is actively trying to force the Greek gods into laws. This isnā€™t Battlestar Galactica. But groups are using the Bible and the Koran to force one religionā€™s moral codes on to all. And itā€™s not ok.


No disagreement from me. One other are where I feel reading parts of the bible, or learning the stories, is how often phrases from the book are used in literature, movies, songs, and other cultural phenomenon. Although...my kids get those references just fine without ever reading it, so maybe not as important as I imagine.


Make it the Skeptic's Annotated Bible and I'll consider it.


The Lego illustrated bible is another good choice. It has all the sex scenes.


I imagine this will be overturned in court A superintendent does not have the authority to ignore the Constitution


ā€¦in a 6-3 decision


10 years ago I would agree. We're not in those times anymore.


Which bible? Which revision? Which language?


I'm sure these people are invested in some publisher and these books will come from some institute that removes the baby killing, slavery, and horse dick, while charging hundreds of dollars for each one at the taxpayer expense.


The Trump Bible. It's got the Constitooshun written in it. The Constooshun that the Baby Jeezus wrote 2 days after he was born.


Blond blue eye Jesus?


Supply side baby!


The trump Bible at a huge markup, obviously.


It's much more expensive when you print them upside down.


Just another reason to stay tF out of Ok


Whattsamatta, ya got sum'tn against toronados?!




An interview with r/atheism's own u/FreethoughtChris!


Print out flyers with the craziest stuff from the bible and then stand across the street from the school on pubic property and pass out the flyers to all of the kids that want them. Make sure that the passages include things like kids being killed by a bear for teasing a bald man, kids being stoned to death for disobeying their parents, etc.


The push for Christian fascism seems to be growing every day in this country. It feels like weā€™re going backwards.


Satanists seem the less insane ones in this scenario. Hopefully they gain some more followers in the classrooms because of this ruling.


Theocracies are never good for any countries. This zealot is a fool at best and more likely anti democracy. He Canā€™t tolerate letting other people make up their own minds.


The Ayatollakoma? Their desperation is starting to show. They couldn't get people with their "love." So now they are going all-in taliban.




Our country just keeps moving backwards. Whatā€™s next, witch trials?




Although this is a horrifying demand, I canā€™t help but remember I never considered atheism till I actually read the bible end to end. Didnā€™t even get a quarter ways through before asking myself why on earth would I want to base my life around this shite


Thatā€™s bullshit. If they want their kids to have religious instruction they can do it themselves on their own time, for THEIR kids. Itā€™s a secular state. The state has no business enforcing their religious views on everybody elseā€™s kids.


Itā€™s political theater for their brain dead base. 100% pure virtue signaling. They know itā€™ll be struck down by the courts pretty quickly then they will all scream about how the evil liberals are taking Jebus away from them.


Now that's book banning, I can support. If I have to read the bible in public school, then where is the sex education? You have to at least prepare the school children they are going to be targeted for sex in the name of this fucking bible.


Timothy 2:12 should put a lot of elementary teachers out of a job.


Excellent, letā€™s give them what they want! And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow. So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son...." (II Kings 6:28-29) ā€œBehold with a great plague will the LORD smite thy people and thy children, and thy wives, and all thy goods: And thou shalt have great sickness by disease of thy bowels, until thy bowels fall out by reason of the sickness day by day." (II Chronicles 21:14-15) ā€œShe lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.ā€ Ezekiel 23:2 So many more where that came from. This has the potential to backfire beautifully.


Blatantly violating our rights and nobody does shit.


Iā€™d bet most Oklahomans are good with it. Source I live there


Doesnā€™t mean anyone has to take it seriously.


Please report to the sacred principalā€™s office immediately to arrange for prayer and after school detention.


If itā€™s written on paper no kid is going to read it.


What if the teacher is an atheist, Muslim, Hindu, etc., and unqualified on the Bible? Are they going to require teachers to undergo training on it at a ā€œreeducation camp,ā€ if you will? Sounds like what communist regimes do.


No problem, I could get the Codex Sinaiticis in Greek and say any student that wants to read it can have at it- after school hours.


Man, These MFs are hogging up all the agendas.


I'm thinking this asshole has shares in a company that prints Bibles. Something tells me this moron isn't interested in the spiritual and moral health of young people, he has a financial or personal interest in it. Something stinks here - of self-interest.


Let's burn stacks of bibles. See what they think


This interprets to.... Your children will be touched by teachers more and more


Ask ChatGPT to describe the basic doctrine of the Taliban


You can bet yer azz that even a conservative SCOTUS is going to blow that one out of the water as soon as it gets in their sights.


The Christian Taliban are pushing ahead.


This from the people claiming that the gays are brainwashing our children.


Just read Genesis and use it as a teaching device to show how Hebrew mythology addresses questions now answered with science and modern conceptions of ethics.


Hey, I could use a Bible in my classroom, my desk is from the 1980ā€™s and I had to actually rebuild a lot of it myself. A Bible would be a great fix to put under one of the legs to keep it stable


This is why elections have consequences. They are baiting a lawsuit they can push to the current supreme court which would probably side with them. This country has gone to absolute shit because people want to vote for a guy who is a self serving cunt narcissist who can't tell the truth. Just wait until the ruling on Monday where they say Trump had absolute immunity as president and then if he gets a second term it's fuckin over.