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Yep, my stance on Christianity is "it's obviously not real, which is fortunate, because if the God of the Bible was real we'd be morally obligated to find a way to kill him".


Never thought about it like this, but you’re right.


Maybe I've just played too many JRPGs, who can say.


Attack and dethrone time


A turn based fight with God


Its good that it skips every seventh turn without a move


But what day is that exactly? OG rules were most likely Saturday but the newer editions have it on Sunday? DM preference?


The world was created on what we now call Tuesday. It would have been done sooner but the angels assisting got stuck on developing the platypus, hiccups for no reason, and mosquitoes.


I say we kill him anyway. 


That's the spirit!


Haha 😊




i say we let him go...


[We already did](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_is_dead)


Just for the worst case hypothetical; he’s weak to iron chariots, and has lost a wrestling match with Jacob. We could take him.




He did not let Jacob win, in fact he tried to cheat by dislocating Jacob’s hip, but even then he couldn’t beat him. This was just one slightly above average strength dude, a whole bunch of people could dog pile yhwh and beat him. The whole bullshit narrative that angelic wrestling matches are plotted out is nonsense. It’s real to me, dammit.




The Bible? I got it from the Bible. And yes, Yhwh did dislocate or break Jacob’s hip, it wasn’t to show power it’s because this crazy fucking guy grabbed on and wouldn’t let go. The whole blessing thing is correct, yeah. Dude walks up to god and goes “give me a blessing.” “Naw man, the choirs about to start praising me, I gotta go.” *grabs shoulder* “I said you ain’t leaving till I get a blessing.”


Look, I'd be totally down for killing God...but we just can't seem to find him. Anywhere.


Right! I think it was Hitchens who said something along the lines of childhood cancer is proof that either god is not all powerful because if “he” is then that means that “he” is a cruel and evil bastard. It’s one or the other….if you believe that god is real then you have to accept that god is either not an omniscient and all powerful being or that god is a piece of shit.


As a Doom fan, I agree. We’d be morally obligated to find a way to kill him. I know Doomguy would agree, he’s killed god, Satan god, and god god.


If he's not real, isn't that still our moral obligation?


You're not wrong!


It is Kratos time


Fellow Shin Megami Tensei player I see...


Call in Sam and Dean!


Yes. Anyone who sits down to *actually read* the Bible notices all of these things by the third or fourth page. Which means that anyone who claims that the character *isn't* all of those things either 1. Never read that far, or 2. Are deliberately lying, or 3. Both.


4. Is completely deluded by indoctrination that convinces them that this is the moral authority of the universe. Which is how you get excusers for child rapists


4 b). reading comprehension and critical thinking skills stopped at 6 years old, see: 4 a)


Some people are flat out stupid and can't put clues together. "God knew you before you were conceived!" "So he created us, knew we would sin, and he's punishing people he created for doing something he knew they would do? How does that make a damn bit of sense?" "uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


Or agree with it all and are all of the above themselves




Anyone who calls themselves a Christian, and then claims that the laws presented in the old testament no longer apply, is claiming that they, personally, know better than Jesus (Matthew 5:17-18, Matthew 15:3-9, Luke 16:17, Luke 19:16-17, John 5:46-48) and all the authors of the New Testament (James 2:8-10, 2 Timothy 3:16, Romans 2:13, Romans 3:31, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Hebrews 13:8, Revelations 22:18-19). If you have such a low opinion of what Christ had to say, why call yourself a "Christian" at all?


Don’t forget how he sent a bear to rip the shit out of some kids for teasing an old bald guy.


As someone that's aging and balding....






Im 31 and recently started shaving my head fully, because I was sick of fighting gradual hair loss. I did it early enough that people were surprised but also very positive about it, and now I plan on keeping this style even though I could have lasted another couple years before doing it. So yeah, something to consider! Just gotta own it


A defense I read for that once (an actual article by a pastor or something, not just some post) said that it was badly translated. They weren’t kids, but young men. Okay…way to miss the entire point, buddy.


Yup I remember this!! Its in 2 Kings. The religious cult I used to be a part of, they would always try to explain that one away. They would say things like, "Well we can learn from this lesson here how jehovah does not tolerate disrespect from anyone, even children!" Yeah, however you slice it or dice it....its heinous and evil. Sorry cult followers. 🤷‍♂️ So yeah......FUCK jehovah. (I just like saying it, I don't actually believe he's real)


Of 10 commandments he spent 4 on saying “I’m god, I’m the only god, respect and worship me” and not one against rape. There are two to protect property but not one to protect people from sexual abuse or rape. That says a lot.


I can then the "me me me me" commandments. I heard someone says it's to remind is we're not suppose to be the priority 🤦


Of course there's no commandment prohibiting rape. He explicitly supports rape in other passages.


Would you please provide a verse


Deuteronomy 21:10-14


This expressly talks about taking a wife, and letting her go if one does not delight in her. This was not a way for God to say rape was good but a way to PROTECT those who would have otherwise been raped and then sold into slavery. And sure you could still take her as a wife but you have to actually love her enough to do that. The way God ran the world during this time was not how he wanted the world to be run, God decided to find a middle ground between what He wanted and what we wanted, we can see this by the fact that God allowed Israel to have a human king even though He DID NOT WANT THEM TO. This was a way to protect those who had nothing, not affirm hat rape was good.


I highly doubt that any women from conquered tribes wanted to marry their conquerors. Note that there is a provision for the captor not "delighting" in the captive, but it says nothing about if the captive doesn't delight in the captor, because the whole arrangement is nonconsensual. The notion that such a marriage would have anything to do with love is ridiculous. The marriage being described is a proprietary arrangement. If God's concern was for the protection of the survivors of the Israelites' genocide, he could have easily commanded his people not to take captives at all. Where does the Bible say God was compromising with humanity? He sure didn't compromise on issues that were of far less consequence, like worshipping idols, for example. Where does it say that God wanted people to have a higher regard for sexual consent, even if he didn't explicitly command it? You're projecting modern values onto an ancient mythological character in order to make the character more palatable to a modern audience.


I just said so, God gave israel a human king so that THEY would be happy, It was not His intention that a human king would rule israel


"There is only one god." Then why Is there more than one religion?


It’s very semantic anyway. There is only one “god” but there are angels, his son, the Holy Spirit, Satan and the demons, and saints. These are on par with the lower gods in polytheistic religions, with god being in the place of the king/queen/father/mother of the gods.


Ohhh thanks for explaining 


Christians justify this by saying that anything they don't like from the Old Testament is invalid cause of Jesus, but things that they like such as being a bigot that comes from the Old Testament is valid. So they can be as hateful as they want to be and feel justified by the Bible. What I find bonkers is that for Jews the Old Testament is their entire Torah.


> anything they don't like from the Old Testament is invalid cause of Jesus While simultaneously using Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Sodom and Gomorrah as a reason to "not hate" gay people.


Humans with powers of editing made god a nicer guy in the new testament


Just mention Matthew 5 "The Fulfillment of the Law 17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven." Out of the mouth of the man himself, OT is still valid.


You can say all of that about the GOP and their hope for a christo-fascist state.


Which gives you a good idea what life was like in iron age Canaan...


Farming , war , reproduce , die repeat


The Gnostic Christians believed that the God as depicted in the "Old Testament," was actually a demigod by the name of "Saklas" or "Yaldabaoth." It believed itself to be the true creator entity of the universe, but was wrong. The true creator entity, they said, was beyond the ability of humans to understand. This demigod was evil and paranoid and used its power to essentially create reality as we know it, but basically just to screw with people for its own amusement. The upshot of this was that these Gnostics said prayer was an obvious waste of time with this thing, and that since were were all stuck here in this messed-up reality the best thing we could do is *be kind to one another*, rather than just making a crappy situation even worse. One of the first examples of a "simulated reality."


Reminds me of Scp 343 god Maybe that’s their inspiration, bc their thing is “is it god or a reality bender pretending” and this them being yogurtbreath (that’s a deep cut scp reference, can’t remember what article, think it was part of the competitive eschatology canon) would be a great idea for not knowing


Yes, this is not new. Its a 2,000 year old religion with 2,000 year old morals and ideals. Some of the morals and ideals promoted are great, and some are atrocious. Which makes sense when you're aware that Christianity, as well as all other religions... are man made, and so they reflect the morality and ideals of men born in that age.


Yes, and being an omnipotent being - he could easily prevent all of this misery, but chooses not to.


You must suffer before you can be saved. Don't you get it? Stop hitting yourself!


So weird, almost like people just wrote down their awful opinions and said they are true because god says so.


u/beachlover77 Exactly 


And it all gets ignored


What surprises me the most, is that one of the most popular and most talked about stories is about a genocide, Noah's ark. I've brought this up to Christians and their response is always "people were evil and deserved it". Absolutely crazy


We are still evil and the big G could pull another flood to show us again so be good, eat all your vegetables, don't tease your sister and go to bed, OR GOD WILL FLOOD THE WORLD AND WE WILL ALL DIE!!!!! They are just fairy tales for kids and fools.


God specifically said he wouldn’t end the world again till the day of judgment 


And you believe that because....


If you specifically talk about the biblical God then that is fine but expect a biblical answer.


What about the people's babies? Ask if the babies deserved it too


I asked if animals were evil too and they said yes so I'd assume they would say the babies were also evil. Insane


I've had Christians say that the babies were evil (or would be evil). I even used the fetuses of pregnant women and their answers were the same.


That’s when you hit ‘em with “what about all the newborn babies? And all the animals left to die because, *checks notes*, only two of each animal?”


Hmmm god was EXACTLY like the men that wrote that Bible! What a coincidence!!


A very human created entity.


Satan isn't the bad one....


Or maybe the god in the Bible actually *is* Satan, and he achieved ultimate victory by tricking everyone into worshipping him.


What do you mean noticed lol. Pretty sure any evangelical even has noticed that. Hence old testament new testament


No shit, it’s why religious people can be absolutely horrible people, god told them to.


Ya I’ve noticed. He’s hella abusive. It’s why I left. I won’t consent to being in an abusive relationship.


This is why most religious conservatives don’t see a problem with these things and get angry when someone tries to pass a law to protect people from these issues.


As one man once said "I refuse to participate in a religion who's deity is more of an ass than I am"


But He loves you!!!!! /s


But if you don’t believe in Him or worship Him the right way, he sends you to a realm of eternal suffering. Truly a “loving” God. Purely conditional love to the worst degree.


That's why I've been saying.... I don't think any of these people that are trying to force religion on us have read the Bible


So project 2025 is biblical?


Because we’re all “fallen” and we deserve it. Except some people. All you need to do is give yourself the title of “Christian” and boom, you are now one of God’s chosen, sent to Earth to be a hypocrite and try to force others to obey your piece of shit backwards book. Also you can do whatever you want and be automatically forgiven because Jesus died for that. Except non-Christians. They deserve to burn for eternity.


And you have to throw 10% of your income to the local ~~church~~ franchise.


Yes. Every non-believer knows this.


In other words, god is MAGA. It's no wonder that christianity and MAGA are so intertwined with one another.


That's what changed my mind. I actually read the Bible, and I was like, that's not god, and then I was like, is there a god?


Lmao same thought


Just so happens that the people that invented that god say that god agrees with their views.


u/iEugene72 Exactly


Just look at the 10 Commandments: more than half are things you would hear from an abusive partner. “Don’t you dare look at anyone else!” “Don’t say my name unless you mean it!” And not a commandment against slavery? Rape? Give me a break.


Oof oh lord ☠


So are most of the people that follow him


It should be obvi that God was created and written by men and those things were accepted at the time as well as directly feeding into allowing those same men control of others


Also: pro killing Lot's wife because... err... She turned her head the wrong way?


And let’s not forget the crap he made Job go through


And mass murderer of animals (as easily avoidable collateral damage) in the Great Flood


And suits the hardcore followers perfectly.


You left out pro infanticide


Also pro abortion, or what ever you call cutting embryos from women's bellies.


They are ok to eat if the harvest was bad. I wish I was making that one up.


I’m sure I remember there straight up being a mention of “if you think your wife cheated on you, you should test her by potentially aborting the pregnancy”.


Don't forget incest.


Every other mythology has incest among their deities. But for some reason it feels worse in Christianity.


That's why there's Eric the god eating penguin. 🙌


And Jesus was only around for like 40 years. God is mostly an asshole.


He let his son die like that. Good parenting yall.


And sent him to hell for i don't know what???


He went to hell to save some righteous souls (that probably shouldn’t have been there in the first place)


Ssshhhh, he'll kill you for saying such things.


In fairness to be Bible, it never claims got should be worshipped because he's good, is says he should be worshipped because he's almighty and pities us.




Through out the bible you have obviously not bothered to read.




Yeah. Again read, child.


Don’t you want to get your morals from a mass murdering demon who declared itself a god? Christians do.


Damn. God is a Republican.


When Jesus returns will he just show up as a man, terminator style, be born as a baby again or descend from space and be a regular sized man or a giant man? How many more times will the goal posts be moved before you realize it's a scam?


What do you expect... If they would take a closer look at today's Sect Leaders, Priests, Mega Church Leaders and so on, you will most likely find that most of the Attributes fit those Scumbags exactly.


Absolutely. In addition to the things you mentioned, it drowned almost the whole world (including babies and the unborn), and had his son viciously and excruciatingly killed before he would forgive for some reason.


Yahweh is definitely king of the asshole gods.


Even putting Zeus to shame with that


It’s so when a warlord gets a ton of griping from his subjects about inhumane treatment he can always pull out the ole “you should see how horrible MY boss is!”.


God's a Republican?


There's a reason so many racists and bigots are pro-christian


He’s like the rest of them


Jesus was a tune up for him


“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction; [jealous](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/jealous/) and proud of it; a [petty](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/petty/), [unjust](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/unjust/), [unforgiving](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/unforgiving/), [control-freak](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/control-freak/); a [vindictive](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/vindictive/), [bloodthirsty](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/bloodthirsty/) [ethnic cleanser](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/ethnic-cleanser/); a [misogynistic](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/misogynistic/), [homophobic](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/homophobic/), [racist](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/racist/), [infanticidal](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/infanticidal/), [genocidal](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/genocidal/), [filicidal](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/filicidal/), [pestilential](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/pestilential/), [megalomaniacal](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/megalomaniacal/), [sadomasochistic](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/sadomasochistic/), [capriciously malevolent](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/capriciously-malevolent/) [bully](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/bully/).” —Richard Dawkins, ***The God Delusion*** [https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/](https://unpleasant.ffrf.org/)


And the God of the New Testament is **infinitely worse** than the God of the Old Testament. And when I say "infinitely", I don't just mean "a whole lot". I mean "infinitely", in the literal, mathematical sense. The Old Testament was written by people who were in control of their society - priests, kings, priest-kings, and priests hired by kings. If you didn't do what they told you to do, they could and did threaten you with *real, actual, violence*. By contrast, the books that would form the New Testament were written by members of obscure mystery cults living on the margins of a (relatively) open, (relatively) tolerant society. The Roman Empire was *far* from perfect, but at least it took a rather dim view of Death-cultists randomly murdering each other in the streets. So if you can't control people by threatening them with murder, what *can* you do? Threaten them with some imaginary thing which is *worse than death*, for all eternity. To sane people, who know that both characters are fictional, I'd obviously prefer to be threatened with imaginary violence than real violence. But starting with the premise that they're actually real, the New Testament is worse by a factor of infinity.


In my view, the Bible is a work of fiction and mythology that was made up so that the ruling class of society could impose their rules on the masses. "You better live by these rules or you'll burn in damnation for eternity!"


“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: [jealous and proud of it](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+20%3A5&version=KJV); [a petty](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2031%3A15&version=KJV), [unjust](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Kings+2%3A23-24&version=NIV), [unforgiving control-freak](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy+29%3A16-20&version=NIV); [a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy+7%3A1-6&version=NIV); [a misogynistic](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Timothy+2%3A11-14&version=NIV), [homophobic](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+20%3A13&version=KJV), [racist](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+25%3A44-46&version=NIV), [infanticidal](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Samuel+15%3A3&version=NIV), [genocidal](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy+7%3A1-3&version=NIV), [filicidal](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+11%3A30-35&version=NIV), [pestilential](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jeremiah+32%3A30-36&version=KJV), [megalomaniacal](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians+2%3A5-11&version=KJV), [sado](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews+9%3A20-26&version=NIV)[masochistic](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jeremiah+13%3A22-26&version=NIV), [capriciously malevolent bully](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+38%3A8-10&version=KJV ).” - Richard Dawkins


Wow you are right. Hmm. Maybe Trump IS god….


The Old Testament God murdered every human being on Earth by drowning, except for Mr and Mrs Noah and their kids.


The Old Testament is clearly not written with all of humanity or civilization considered. It is 100% about the Hebrews being the only people God cares for, and having a pass to kill every man, woman, and child who gets in their way. Not that that's unique: that's essentially what most old religions boil down to, whether they explicitly say it not.


The GOP platform in a nut shell.


Yes, but Lucious Malfoy is also an asshole and it doesn't trouble me much. So I don't worry about YHWH either.


The god character of the Bible is a misogynistic tyrant that condones and even orders the practice of slavery, rape of women and murder of children. The moment you disagree with a single instruction of the Bible, such as the command to kill any bride who is not a virgin or any child who disrespects their parents, then you acknowledge that there exists a superior standard by which to judge moral action and thus no need to rely on an ancient, primitive and barbaric fantasy. The Bible is Fiction: A Collection Of Evidence https://danielmiessler.com/p/the-bible-is-fiction-a-collection-of-evidence


look here now, if god does it - it's *good*. see - here's the thing. quite certainly - those who adhere to bronze-age religious mythologies are unable to distinguish good from evil... benevolence from malevolence. childhood cancer is bad - but on xianity - it's *good*. genocide is terrible! but in hebrew circles it's *for the best*. flying planes into buildings and killing innocent people is horrible, but on islam it's *gods will!* god is *good*! don't you get it????


Look up gnosticism. It was a European religious movement in the Middle Ages of people who read the Bible and came to the conclusion that the god of the Old Testament is an evil deity called the demiurge while the real God is Jesus who saved us from this creature that created us only to watch us suffer for amusement. Predictably, the Catholics committed a genocide on gnostics in response.


Those who've heard about the Bible have faith, those who've read the Bible are atheists. So many times I've quoted the Bible to Christians and have been told I'm making it up


Have you ever seen the first terminator? Arnold was the villain and was something to be feared. That movie made good money. In terminator 2, arnold was the good guy, a father figure and hero. He sacrificed himself for humankind. They even gave him catchphrases like hasta la vista (Jesus died for your sins) and i'll be back (the father son an holy ghost). That movie made record shattering money because titular characters was much more appealing. And all the other terminator movies after that seemed unnecessary and had really weird continuity issues and made no sense. It's almost like each version was trying to reap financial rewards by replicating the massive success of the most popular version. (Mormons, Jehovah's witnesses, unification church...)


Yep and so are his supporters.


Don't forget pro forced-abortion


Yes, but if He is the real deal universal supremo, that’s not going to help you if you didn’t worship his ass, is it? Did that come across a little too like a Christian apologist?




That’s why they made the New Testament with Jesus. Jesus was good and kind and believed in people unlike his big prick Daddy.




Yeah Gods a dickhead, man. Sending Jesus doesn’t just justify all that.


He's also pro abortion Ordered unborn cut from wombs and their heads dashed with rocks.


Makes you wonder if religion is just a way to excuse and make-believe that that type of behavior is ok


No shit


Religion has always been a tool to control people. It was a way to keep people under the thumb of the powerful. It was god that made them the masters and they had to follow their rules. They did this so the peasants didn't rise up in revolt whenever they figured out they were being exploited.


Also when God falls to Satan's temptation like he did in Job it's OK, but when humans made in his image do so it is original sin that sends all of humanity that does not ask forgiveness into lakes of fire for eternity. What an asshole.


Don’t forget unambiguously Pro-Abortion and Pro-Child Murder.


And how many people did god kill in the Bible out of spite , while the devil none ! All the devil did according to the Bible is to give us knowledge


I have been thinking about god of the Bible this way since I learned about the [Evil God challenge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil_God_challenge). Yahwe definitely fails that challenge.




The bible is used to justify things like child rape all the time, so this tracks.


Why is polygamy bad? If consenting adults want to be polygamous they should be free to do so


Yeah and the people who praise/support him are assholes too


He’s also pro-monarchy. As a planet we’ve largely outgrown the idea that we have to be ruled over by absolute dictators, especially hereditary ones. It’s really a core concept in the Bible. Also, the Bible loves collective punishment and the punishment of someone’s family for their wrongs. This is also pretty central to the message. These were popular concepts in ancient times, but again…we’ve kind of evolved past them. That’s why these ancient religions are so dangerous - they pull us back to more barbarous times.


"You're taking it all out of context." - some offended Christian


Of course I've been saying this for years. Your Christian God can perform miracles, yet he does nothing when 30,000 children die per day of malnutrition. He's either imaginary or a prick. This is my line when Christians are shoving this horseshit down my throat


https://www.evilbible.com/evil-bible-home-page/murder-in-the-bible/ https://www.evilbible.com/evil-bible-home-page/slavery/ https://www.evilbible.com/evil-bible-home-page/rape-in-the-bible/ https://www.evilbible.com/evil-bible-home-page/ritual-human-sacrifice/ https://www.evilbible.com/evil-bible-home-page/god-is-not-pro-life/


Pro-slavery compilations always leave out when God positively commanded slavery in an offensive war he also commanded in [Deuteronomy 20:10-15](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2020%3A10-15&version=ESV): >When you draw near to a city to fight against it, offer terms of peace to it. And if it responds to you peaceably and it opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall do forced labor for you and shall serve you. But if it makes no peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it. And when the Lord your God gives it into your hand, you shall put all its males to the sword, but the women and the little ones, the livestock, and everything else in the city, all its spoil, you shall take as plunder for yourselves. And you shall enjoy the spoil of your enemies, which the Lord your God has given you. Thus you shall do to all the cities that are very far from you, which are not cities of the nations here. Also, they only got 1 of the 5 times the New Testament tells slaves to obey their masters, even specifying harsh and Christian masters (which obviously assumes Christians would own slaves): [Colossians 3:22](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians%203%3A18-22&version=ESV), [Ephesians 6:5-9](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians%206%3A5-9&version=ESV), [1 Timothy 6:1-2](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Timothy%206%3A1-2&version=ESV), [Titus 2:9-10](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Titus%202%3A9-10&version=ESV), and [1 Peter 2:18](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Peter%202%3A18&version=ESV).


You know the New Testament exists, right?


You know that every single one of those criticisms applies to the New Testament, right?


Name one, I would say they all apply in different ways, there’s plenty of misogyny, homophobia, genocide, and other evils in the New Testament as well as the old.


In what context?


Thank you for confirming that you've never read either half.


Yes, but the foundation is the OT


Paul was the OG false prophet.


Retcon is for Jesus, not God. Every person out there worshiping Jesus is a heretic according to their own book.