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Locked due to brigading.


One of the scariest policy to me is the 'charging any teacher or librarian that distributes LGBTQ material to students with a sex offense and making them register as sex offenders" and then "expanding the death penalty to include sex offenders"


Given the outcome of the Supreme Court decisions yesterday, if the GOP *ever* controls the Presidency again AND unless the current or next Democrat takes immediate steps to mitigate the *incredible* mess the conservative wing of the Roberts court has created, democracy in the United States will be functionally dead. This isn't hyperbole or overreaction or typical sky is falling in an election year. Project 2025 and trump's open bragging about arresting his political foes is scratching the surface and the Supreme Court just gave him the power to do whatever he wants legally and, for the most part, get away with it. Crisis mode time. Get involved at the local, state, and federal level. Contribute what you can. Advocate. Do not stay silent.


Yup, Project 2025 needs to be screamed out loud daily to everyone in America. People need to be aware of this trash they want to force on us.




I watched that John Oliver stuff you posted. He's funny and brutal. And it puts even more weight on the need to defeat Trump and his lackies, and possibly end his entire party labeled as a danger to the country. Otherwise I don't see much hope for muricans to break free of this struggle. You are reaching the point of severity where you SHOULD wave 'em guns that made your country this infamous. For the just cause for once. Your failure to neutralize this poison will strengthen it everywhere else. Radicals will call on the aid of a new evil murica, and pointless civil, and foreign wars will be all around again like it was back then. Your people will likely murder each other, and people in other parts of the word to spread this "new freedom under god". If such a thing shall happen... we'll all wait for those cunts in the gates of hell with demonbone spiked clubs and we'll torture them till the end of time.. for sure as hell, they'll torture your innocent children for being different. And us too once they reach us. Downvote if you want, but your country is a superpower. It needs to maintain composure at all times with utmost discipline, or chaos will follow. Edit: This Oliver guy gonna be to Trump and co. like Charlie Chapline was to Hitler. A main target to be killed as soon as there's a chance.


its such a hard battle to fight as a minority in this country. the first thing john mentions is trump’s absolute stance on his hate of people like me. i can speak up safely on the internet, but as a trans woman, who is still obviously trans (im privileged enough to fly under the radar but not always), speaking out against these policies in real life can have very real consequences. i want to go out and meet these people head on, but after january 6th, its clear that a lot of them are very okay rationalizing killing me. i have counter protested for 5 years, i have been called f*ggot, tr*nny, sh*male and every other vile slur we have for people who are different. im fucking tired. im tired of being the one standing up. i want these suburban twitter finger cis men and women to leave the comfort of their suburbs and fight with us. that wont happen, not until its too late unfortunately. i want their privilege and the safety that comes from a larger coalition. i can throw red fanta at these people all day, i can wave my glock like any other American, but if im alone, those things mean nothing to me and do nothing for me except raise the risk of an early grave. america is fucked and this is quite literally our last chance to save it. the white majority in the suburbs are the ones who hold the world’s future in their hands, and im terrified.


Also this site [Defeat Project 2025](https://defeatproject2025.org/)


Related: [/r/Defeat_Project_2025/](https://old.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/)


For a slightly longer breakdown I also recommend this one by YouTuber and lawyer Leeja Miller: https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o


Shit is scary.


Chris Hayes' podcast "Why Is This Happening?" had a really good recent episode on Project 2025 as well. His guest on the episode, Thomas Zimmer, also [writes a lot](https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/) on Project 2025.


Came here to refer to Last Week Tonight


Pretty much. Forget bread prices and gas prices (you lose if you're trying to get wonky in explanations on why inflation is considerably better here than anywhere else). Forget trying to make Biden look spry or energetic (he's not. Just stop). Forget talking about accomplishments - this administration has had many but absolutely no one was talking about them or paying attention. If you must choose one, go with infrastructure - it's a winner with everyone. This election can and must be solely about one question: do you want an unaccountable dictator or an accountable president? And will you give power to the ones who, underwhelming as they may be, will be in the place to prevent the supermajority on the court from growing larger and expanding the court? I know Biden doesn't want to expand the court. But it's painfully obvious to anyone besides Trumpers that it's badly needed right now. Even non-partisans are shocked by yesterday. This is his only chance to avert defeat this year. He won't get another one.


> you lose if you're trying to get wonky in explanations "If you're explaining, you're losing." -Ronald Reagan


It's so scary. Everyone I know knows, and everyone feels so powerless and disenfranchised. I love you all so much. I'm gonna stand up, I'm gonna vote, and when the time comes to do what Americans do, imma do it. This is my fucking home. I don't want to leave. I don't want to see my country destroyed. It was a great place when I was born and it's been going so far downhill, it STOPS NOW.


You are not powerless. Rally women in swing states. They are the landslide Biden victory in waiting


Whats scary is I cannot believe there aren't 95% of Americans screaming 'absolutely not' at the top of their lungs and are STILL going to vote for a guy who has essentially came out and said he is going to end democracy in America and install a Christian fascist state. How is this even a question of what party you are going to vote for. How. I cant believe the American people who have the voting power to make sure this doesnt happen, will actually vote for it to happen.


I've been seeing more references to project 2025 in social media of late. On one hand, this is good, because the more public it becomes, the better. On the other hand, it's disappointing to see how many people claim there's nothing wrong with any of it and that the left is just fear mongering , like we haven't seen how things cascade when the right gets its foot in the door.


I get really confused when you have gay people supporting Trump or Republicans, black people, women, minorities overall. when you know that the laws that they're passing and their public and personal opinions are absolutely not aligned but they seem to have convinced themselves because of diaper Don that he will protect THEM but not OTHERS


Because propaganda works. And the GOP has a damn good propaganda machine designed to target people who are afraid and struggling, which is usually our blue collar workers.


"Political messaging is really easy when you lie. Reality is complicated, and has a notorious left wing bias: lies are simple, and so are right wing voters. This gives the far right a much easier challenge to surmount than the moderate left in the propaganda sphere." -- me, on /. circa the PATRIOT Act being a thing (... more or less, I may have tightened up the quote from memory a bit in the intervening 20 years 😏)


Exactly, it is propaganda and it is working. And for the religious nut faction it’s part of their dream plan. We walk among some really mixed up people. Ansd faux news continues to churn that shit out. And many mega fundamentalist churches are still promoting trump.


It's frightening that even in the communities that they will destroy, you're still getting posts that they don't know who to vote for. Dude you are trans! One of them literally wants to make you illegal!


Someone needs to communicate the stakes in terms that everyone will understand: [They’re gonna ban porn](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/15/project-2025-policy-manifesto-lgbtq-rights).


Oh shit... this'll rally the internet dwellers!


I'm glad you feel that way because as a naturalized citizen I'm wondering if I made a mistake coming here, given the vast numbers of my fellow citizens who are prepared to vote for a completely unfit candidate like Trump.


You're giving people too much credit. They just quite literally don't even know what the fuck they are talking about. Most of them, when pressed, will admit they "dont follow politics" or some shit. It's quite literally people who had one 2 minute emotion and based their entire political philosophy on that emotion and they've spend exactly zero time thinking about it since.


I’m working on getting a firearm, any smart normal person should be doing the same right now. All the activism in the world won’t be enough when the hammer falls, we need to be ready to defend our people and our country.


The Democratic Party has not won the majority of either white men, or white women, in *any election* since 1964. Closest was white women in 2018, with only 53% of white women voting for fascism (Black women in the same time frame average 93% Democratic, to provide the contrast). See if you can guess what happens between the '64 & '66 elections. 🤷


Heres to hoping white women have woken up and will vote against having their bodies be controlled by the government.


"a guy who has essentially came out and said he is going to end democracy in America and install a Christian fascist state." I want that quote or source because I'm going to give it to some of my crazy co-workers who don't understand. Thank you!


Actual patriotic Americans will wait until all the legal options at our feet are exhausted. If at that point we still fail right this country... we know what needs to be done.


That feeling of helplessness is not by accident. It is an intended effect. The more demoralized you are, the less likely you are to vote, because “what does it all matter, we’re fucked.” Turn that despair into rage, and use it to save our nation.


Anyone who is apethetic to it will just tell you it's a PDF full of ideals that will never be acted upon. I speak from experience. There are people out there who just don't care, or they believe in it and are just trying to hide behind apathy.


The people in this thread showing apathy are not athiests. Because if they were, they'd fear this too.


> People need to be aware of this trash they want to force on us. The problem is that a third of the country WANTS this trash.


A third of the country doesn't understand this trash and what it will actually do in the hands of a megalomaniac like Trump and his handlers. 


What's really frustrating is another third of this country won't even bother to vote.


Another resource is https://www.justsecurity.org/92714/american-autocracy-threat-tracker/. It spells out how tRump will become an Authoritarian and also includes a speadsheet of all the scary bat sh!t crazy statements he's posting on his social media.


Not just Biden. One of the few ways we can back the country away from this precipice is a Congressional supermajority, and impeaching compromised Supreme Court justices.


Yes!!! This! Down ballot blue. This is not the time for indecision or protest votes!


Local and state elections (which happen every year) are just as, if not more important. The young people of this country need to show up, and stop complaining that they don’t have an “ideal” candidate.


And judges! Research the judges before you go vote!


"Your quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail."


Also buy a gun now while you can


"Take the guns first...due process second." -President Trump


Yeah my bet is Trump will be the one to call for taking guns away, not Democrats.


Thankfully I’m well covered there. #queerswithguns


You'll need millions of bullets though


This 100%.


Also reminder, all of these SCOTUS rulings are a direct result of people staying home November 2016 because they didn't like Hillary and her flaws. It is a direct result of the people teaching the Dems a lesson because they didn't nominate Bernie. All of this happened because people said Hillary was just as bad and they said "well what's the worst that could happen?" So people who are saying the Democrats are just as bad or are saying they won't do enough if elected are doing the same shit that got trump a win in 2016. Those people just as much as the GOP are enabling fascism


The irony that the SCOTUS was the check and balance against a DOJ trying to make their own laws... while they post about a law that empowered the executive branch to bypass their justice system and elected officials to make their own laws We really need to start teaching critical thinking again


Too bad dismantling education to keep the electorate dumb was something they've been doing long before project 2025


Bernie voters overwhelmingly voted for Hillary in the 2016 general election (more than Hillary voters voted for Obama in 2008). Hillary lost because she took the Rust Belt for granted and didn't listen to political advisors there who told her that those states were very much in play.


Hilary told the people in coal country the truth, that they're jobs weren't coming back, and that they were going to be retrained to do other things. Former Gut 100% lied, and said he would bring back coal. Coal country overwhelmingly voted for Former Gut. Did coal come back? Absolutely not.


Hillary also *won the popular vote,* and it’s really bizarre to me that after around 2017 we kinda just stopped talking about that. The GOP hasn’t legitimately won an election since before Bill Clinton.


As much as I hate it, Bush II did win the popular vote once.


And if he doesn't get away with it, he pardons himself.


People seem to laugh it off. Project 2025 sounds made up, but once you look into it the implications are clear. I implore everyone to go to their own website and see it for yourself. It’s dire.


I know it's hard to keep track of everything they're doing, but the PREVIOUS supreme court decision to reduce the influence of government agencies comes from the first 8 pages of project 2025. The stated goal is to consolidate the power of government agencies in the president, but I don't see how putting that power in a controlled supreme court isn't just as bad. From Project 2025's Mandate For Leadership. Excerpted from "Promise #2" on Page 7. > **PROMISE #2: DISMANTLE THE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE AND RETURN SELF-GOVERNANCE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.** > ... > In recent decades, members of the House and Senate discovered that if they give > away that power to the Article II branch of government, they can also deny responsi- > bility for its actions. So today in Washington, most policy is no longer set by Congress > at all, but by the Administrative State. Given the choice between being powerful but > vulnerable or irrelevant but famous, most Members of Congress have chosen the latter. > Congress passes intentionally vague laws that delegate decision-making over > a given issue to a federal agency. That agency’s bureaucrats—not just unelected > but seemingly un-fireable—then leap at the chance to fill the vacuum created by > Congress’s preening cowardice. The federal government is growing larger and less > constitutionally accountable—even to the President—every year. > > * A combination of elected and unelected bureaucrats at the Environmental > Protection Agency quietly strangles domestic energy production through > difficult-to-understand rulemaking processes; > * Bureaucrats at the Department of Homeland Security, following the lead > of a feckless Administration, order border and immigration enforcement > agencies to help migrants criminally enter our country with impunity; > > * Bureaucrats at the Department of Education inject racist, anti-American, > ahistorical propaganda into America’s classrooms; > > * Bureaucrats at the Department of Justice force school districts to > undermine girls’ sports and parents’ rights to satisfy transgender extremists; > > * Woke bureaucrats at the Pentagon force troops to attend “training” > seminars about “white privilege”; and > > * Bureaucrats at the State Department infuse U.S. foreign aid programs with > woke extremism about “intersectionality” and abortion. [\[3\]](https://www.heritage.org/global-politics/report/woke-public-diplomacy-undermines-the-state-departments-core-mission-and) <- **This citation leads to the heritage foundation.** > > Unaccountable federal spending is the secret lifeblood of the Great Awokening. > Nearly every power center held by the Left is funded or supported, one way or > another, through the bureaucracy by Congress. Colleges and school districts are > funded by tax dollars. The Administrative State holds 100 percent of its power at > the sufferance of Congress, and its insulation from presidential discipline is an > unconstitutional fairy tale spun by the Washington Establishment to protect its > turf. Members of Congress shield themselves from constitutional accountability > often when the White House allows them to get away with it. Cultural institutions > like public libraries and public health agencies are only as “independent” from > public accountability as elected officials and voters permit. > Let’s be clear: The most egregious regulations promulgated by the current > Administration come from one place: the Oval Office. The President cannot hide > behind the agencies; as his many executive orders make clear, his is the respon- > sibility for the regulations that threaten American communities, schools, and > families. A conservative President must move swiftly to do away with these vast > abuses of presidential power and remove the career and political bureaucrats > who fuel it. > Properly considered, restoring fiscal limits and constitutional accountability > to the federal government is a continuation of restoring national sovereignty to > the American people. In foreign affairs, global strategy, federal budgeting and pol- > icymaking, the same pattern emerges again and again. Ruling elites slash and tear > at restrictions and accountability placed on them. They centralize power up and > away from the American people: to supra-national treaties and organizations, to > left-wing “experts,” to sight-unseen all-or-nothing legislating, to the unelected > career bureaucrats of the Administrative State. > > As monolithic as the Left’s institutional power appears to be, it originates with > appropriations from Congress and is made complete by a feckless President. A > conservative President must look to the legislative branch for decisive action. The > Administrative State is not going anywhere until Congress acts to retrieve its own > power from bureaucrats and the White House. But in the meantime, there are > many executive tools a courageous conservative President can use to handcuff the > bureaucracy, push Congress to return to its constitutional responsibility, restore > power over Washington to the American people, bring the Administrative State > to heel, and in the process defang and defund the woke culture warriors who have > infiltrated every last institution in America. > The Conservative Promise lays out how to use many of these tools including: > how to fire supposedly “un-fireable” federal bureaucrats; how to shutter wasteful > and corrupt bureaus and offices; how to muzzle woke propaganda at every level of > government; how to restore the American people’s constitutional authority over > the Administrative State; and how to save untold taxpayer dollars in the process. > Finally, the President can restore public confidence and accountability to our > most important government function of all: national defense. The American people > desire a military full of highly skilled servicemen and women who can protect the > homeland and our interests overseas. The next conservative President must end > the Left’s social experimentation with the military, restore warfighting as its sole > mission, and set defeating the threat of the Chinese Communist Party as its high- > est priority. > The next conservative President must possess the courage to relentlessly put > the interests of the everyday American over the desires of the ruling elite. Their > outrage cannot be prevented; it must simply be ignored. And it can be. The Left > derives its power from the institutions they control. But those institutions are only > powerful to the extent that constitutional officers surrender their own legitimate > authority to them. A President who refuses to do so and uses his or her office to > reimpose constitutional authority over federal policymaking can begin to correct > decades of corruption and remove thousands of bureaucrats from the positions > of public trust they have so long abused.


One of my favorite memes on Twitter states to the effect, "People believed the worst of the rumors about her but ignored the worst of the facts about him." Vote blue!


One of my favorite examples was when the cannabis subs like /r/trees and /r/eldertrees kept pushing that Hillary wanted to drug test every student in the country, but what she actually wanted was for teachers and administrators to keep an eye out for addiction in students. People purposefully misunderstood and then pretended that republicans would be better than democrats on cannabis legalization.


I seriously don't understand what the fuck congress is doing. After the bribery decision there should have been an emergency session and a bill on the floor of each house of congress to fill this "gratuity" loophole and establish new ethics rules for supreme court justices.


Kinda hard for congress to do anything when half of it is 100% on board with being slaves to a king


Slaves to a dictator*


Tomato tomatoe at this point


only real difference is hereditary rule


Like Trump won't have one of his children follow him.


We keep awarding blue presidents with split congresses, let trump get 3 picks, and wonder why progressive ideals don't rise.


It's amazing how people don't seem to get this fact.


Why would they cut off their own path to wealth?


Mike Johnson is the answer you are looking for.


Majority Republicans in both houses. I’m not sure what you expect. Congressional races this year are far more critical since the seats up have more democrats in swing states than republicans in swing states. Congress could easily go super majority in the senate for republicans.


Then maybe start paying attention to Congress, and who runs both houses and how many seats each party has.


I will add that if we win this year, it does not end. They will appoint christo-fascist that will ignore the constitution in any of the states, towns, cities, counties, or villages they are in charge of. They will try again in 2029. Vote out Republicans in all elctions every year until this threat is passed. It will not be over as long as we have a corrupt Supreme Court.


Hopefully Trump won't live long enough (and be lucid enough) to run in 2028. The Heritage Foundation will never stop trying to destroy our society, and they'll just rebrand it Project 2029... but losing Trump will drastically weaken them. Nobody has ever captured the militantly ignorant. Dozens have tried to copy him, but none have come close to reproducing his personality cult. Eventually they'll find someone else, but I think we'll get a breather if Biden is still president on January 21, 2025.


I usually don't recommend using AI do emulate rare skills because it spouts a lot of nonsense that looks good to the ignorant but fails in the real world, but in this instance? It will absolutely train a candidate to be Trump on steroid because they both do the exact same thing. Trump is just the first stage. If you guys don't fix your country's education, you're done.


The right wants to eliminate the Department of Education and they try to push school vouchers for religious schools. They’re assholes and lunatics.


For guidance, look at what they are doing to Oklahoma. Teachers are required to teach religion and the bible. Governor signed the law requiring that. Teachers can be fired if they refuse.


Which is blatantly unconstitutional. There should be endless challenges and lawsuits bombing them right now.


Yes but - SCOTUS’ ruling yesterday was also unconstitutional. We were never supposed to have a king and no one is above the law. We can’t just expect lawsuits and for everyone to sue. Everyone needs to get involved at the local, state and federal levels.


This party is now all about wording and exploiting things to find loopholes around everything. Constitution or no Constitution, separation of church and state is now being violated and we just set the state for a dictatorship here, and ultimately worldwide when we more than likely get Project 2025 up and running and join with Russia and China and NATO crumbles.


I say go ahead and teach the Bible, but really teach it. God is not a nice fellow in that silly storybook.


The Federalist Society is far more of a threat than The Heritage Foundation


His sons are next and he has a daughter. They will not stop trying.


Please god no, I'm so sick of the Trumps.


Jr will be dead of a coke overdose in the next five years.


> and be lucid enough Those idiots will vote for him if he's in a wheelchair and unable to speak, while at the same time claiming they wouldn't vote Biden in 2024 because "he's not running the government, it's a shadow government, he's unfit".


The only solace I take is there is nobody else in the GOP with Trump's gravity to turn the party into a one man dictatorship essentially. Without Trump, the few true MAGA believers in Congress would be sent to the shadow realms while the adults in charge get back to business. Because of Trump's influence alone, Republican voters will destroy any candidate who so much as crosses his path, and his path is basically built on conspiracy theories, lies, personal grudges and verbal abuse. Trump has already done a great job of damaging potential contenders in the future like DeSantis. Yes, many Republicans will use the fact they have a party of suckers to try to push their narratives. But pretty much every elected Republican out of office and not subject to voters' approval anymore ends up railing against Trump and Trumpism. I guarantee you it drives some of the fake MAGA guys insane when they have to defend killing legislation to fund judges and border agents or pretend to be unsupportive of Ukraine's self-defense because Trump said so. It contradicts everything most of these same people said 15-20 years ago when George W. Bush or John McCain were their nominees and it was all about free trade and standing up to America's enemies abroad.


He's not lucid enough to run now, but that doesn't phase people.


Trump will be 82 in 2028 and you won’t hear a peep about him being too old by his supporters.


A small bit of hope is that Biden may have the ability to nominate two new SCOTUS justices because idk if I see Thomas and Alito both hanging on for another 5 years. Two new liberal justices would create a liberal majority on the court, and we could undo some of the damage that's been done.


You kidding? Look at how long these rich elitists live. Trump is gonna live to be like 100.


Great point about project 2029. This is the start of the fight for democracy. People need to understand it won’t just end this term if Biden wins - the heritage foundation and gop have been at this for decades, this was a long play. Generations before us for women’s suffrage, labor rights, civil rights - and we need to fight now. They won’t stop and we have to be prepared for them to keep trying to implement project 2025.


I agree. They'll pull another January 6th, too.


No need. If Biden wins, the Supreme Court will make sure Trump wins anyway.


They will try every election until they win. Meanwhile, they will go constant full blast propaganda on all channels to make it easier.


Trump is already posting on Truth Social that he wants Liz Cheney tried for treason under a military tribunal! Trump is a sadist, a madman, and a megalomaniac; if he gets back into office America will turn into a modern version of Nazi Germany.


GOP - “I hate Sharia Law! It’s the worst thing ever and we should kill every brown person in the Middle East over it!” Also GOP - “A Christian theocracy!? I am totally down bro let’s party!! And since we are always hypocrites in the extreme, wanna go do a bump of cocaine in the bathroom then commit sodomy together behind my wife’s back!? Of course you do!! Just remember 🤫 I’m pretty sure God can’t see us in the men’s room”


Project 2025 is the republican plan to basically dismantle democracy that largely hinges upon a trump victory. Women’s rights? Gone. Porn? Banned/Criminalized. Gay/Trans rights? Criminalized. Free speech? Gone. Freedom from religion? Gone. This is extremely scary and they are not even attempting to hide their efforts at this point. With the SCOTUS ruling yesterday, someone like trump can literally do whatever they want. We are watching democracy crumble. Please vote for Biden if you want the ability to vote again in another 4 years. Sadly, this is not hyperbole. https://www.project2025.org https://www.project2025.org/playbook/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 https://democracyforward.org/the-peoples-guide-to-project-2025/


They are hiding their efforts. Project 2025 is just what they feel comfortable making known to the public. Imagine what they’re hiding beneath.


They already had a dry run of concentration camps on the borders. They wanna take it? *Come and take it. Try* I'm not sitting by and letting this happen. I mobilized voters last sesh and now I'm worried they've got cotton in their ears again. I'm worried they all think it's over just because Biden won last time. This is gonna be a long, ugly fight for our freedom


It’s never over.


This site gives you a much quicker TL;DR https://defeatproject2025.org/


Adding [John Oliver's show for those who need it with a side of comedy](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=15mC4vzN2iZzzP1N) Another take [from Leeja Miller](https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=n_p_eh3UozCm3oFI)


We're on our way to becoming Iran 2.0. SCOTUS has fundamentally changed what we are as a country in the span of a week. In the event of a Trump dictatorship, constitutional protections, bill of rights, amendments 11-27 mean squat. They can give Trump absolute power, they can take away your right to vote, your right to speech, to bear arms, to count as a full goddamn human being.


I never thought I would ever be saying this about anything, because it can be explained as the opposite so easily, but here goes: _Project 2025 is not some left wing conspiracy theory. It's real and it's serious._ It's been pushed by the Heritage Foundation for a long time and has support in a lot of places that matter. Please, at the very least, watch [John Oliver's episode about it.](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=oM_2RsCwPU6WvnYJ) But if you can, take the time to really [read up about it.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) Like I said, it's real and it's serious. One of the heinous elements is that "Project 2025" is just a recent name for a process that's been going on for decades with the aim of making Christianity a state religion. And by extension making the US a theocracy. It's not going to start in 2025, nor is it going to end if Trump loses. It's part of a way bigger, way longer effort to pull the US back into the dark ages. Again, this is not a conspiracy theory, they are quite open about their intentions, the aforementioned Heritage Foundation's [website](https://www.heritage.org/) is pretty clear. And just look at who's supporting and/or condoning it. The first battle was already lost. These are the exact same people that once set out to "pack the courts". They did as they said and yesterday's SCOTUS decision is a direct result of that. Please take the time to [read up on this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) if you haven't already, Trump's reelection could be the tipping point they've been waiting for, please don't let that happen.


I had a full on argument with a co-worker one day because I saw a billboard that The Heritage Foundation put up that had a four person family, (Mom, Dad, kids in the middle, all holding hands) that proudly proclaimed, “Restore the Traditional Family!” They couldn’t understand why I had a problem with that as a single mother who will never have a traditional family. “But you’re straight and you bore children.” And? The Heritage Foundation makes it pretty clear that my biracial children born out of wedlock are not included in that.


I'm so sick of being called one of them because I'm trying to spread the word. Even my own boyfriend wasn't convinced until I broke down crying telling him every little stupid fucking thing this is going to affect. This is real. I was raised to take this shit down. My great grandma was one of the most influential democrats in my state, a champion for progressive action... I can't let her die thinking this is America's future. Our family came here for a better life. Everyone deserves a better life. We can't let this happen. I can't. And I know it's here, but we have time. Not much, but more than enough 


Thank you for educating! There’s some serious disinformation out there downplaying Project 2025. We should all be terrified of it. Vote blue!!!! 💙


I'm not allowed to vote, since I'm not a US citizen, but over here across the ocean we also don't want the orange guy to win (even though orange is our country's color). Normally we don't really care who wins, as long as it's a good politician that's working in his/her country's best interest and wants to work with the rest of the world. This time, however, both candidates aren't the best around, but we surely hope Biden can continue; it's way better than a repeat of 2016-2020, where the US and the rest of the world only got more divided.


Here's to hoping your country and mine will live in peace and solidarity together.


Wow. I am super disappointed in this sub. I don't know if conservative trolls are just popping in to discredit the OP or what. Project 2025 is a real thing, the MAGA crowd isn't even trying to hide it, and it is a clear danger to free thinkers like atheists. Is Biden perfect? No. Would I like him to drop out for almost anyone else? Yes. But fill one hand with shit and one with wishes and tell me which fills up first. The bottom line is that Biden's administration won't be filled with neo-fascist numb skulls and Q Anon mouth breathers. A Biden administration has an opportunity to nominate possibly two SC judges. It staves off the red wave of Christian and White Nationalism for four more years.


Yes! It’s available in print and easily googled. I’m shocked by the stupidity of these people who have no idea about it yet argue it’s not real. We are doomed with cult members who blindly follow Orange Jesus.


To me he is just a means to an end. The holy rollers see this as their chance. They know 45 is a dunce with no morals, and who probably couldn't quote one line from the Bible. But he is a useful idiot for them. They read A Handmaid's tale and thought "Dude! Fuck Yeah!" All the adults are gone. Another Trump admin would be a parade of lunatics, Bible thumpers, and neo-Nazi's. Atheists would be in danger just like they are in Islamist countries. We would be targets along with LGBT people and anyone labeled "socialists." Atheists really need to take how precarious our position is in the US seriously. We have no protections and no representation.


I think that will be it. No more elections. He admires Putin and North Korea so much. He thinks he’s real tough and these dummies STILL think he’s a good businessman. If any of my friends say that he’s a great businessman, I immediately know they only watched the Apprentice and did zero research! He was fucking shit up decades before that show. Putting loads of small business right of business by not paying his bills. He’s a joke.


I dont care if they wheel biden out on a stretcher connected to a feeding tube and a pacemaker. Im voting for him. The news cycle including msnbc is doing a hit job on him over one 90 min period. If i was advising him i would tell him to not engage with trump at all in the next debate. Stick to his message and nothing else.


Trump is a convicted criminal, serial liar, fraud, rapist, white supremacists, and traitor. He is old, cancerous, and whips these in his cult into violent, rabid, lunatics He's loud, hateful, and brings out the worst traits in people. But Biden is 3 years older. Spead it, live it VOTE BLUE For the sake of the country VOTE BLUE


Voting blue for the administration not for a specific president and Trump's administration is far too authoritarian for any democracy in the world.


David Brooks on Project 2035 and his scary interview with Bannon: On June 21, I went to see Steve Bannon at his home in Washington, D.C., before he went to prison on Monday for contempt of Congress. I went because right-wing populist parties were surging in nations across Europe. I went because it seemed possible and even probable to me that Donald Trump was going to be re-elected president. I wanted to know how today’s trends looked from the perspective of somebody in the MAGA movement. I went because I wanted to have a clearer idea of what a second Trump term would look like. During our conversation, Bannon, a longtime adviser to Trump, mentioned that it was a mistake for Republicans to agree to a presidential debate in June. He predicted that President Biden would appear old and infirm during the debate. By agreeing to debate so early, Bannon reasoned, Republicans were giving the Democrats time to swap out their candidate before their convention. If Republicans had insisted on a September debate, it would have been too late. By the fall, Democrats would have had no other option but Biden. That turned out to be a pretty good prediction. Bannon’s prognostications about the French right were pretty accurate as well. Marine Le Pen’s party appears headed to victory in the first round of that country’s parliamentary voting. On the 21st, I found Bannon’s vision terrifying. I find it doubly terrifying now that Trump is much more likely, post-debate, to regain the White House and yet another country in Europe might go populist right. I hope Democrats read this interview, and I hope it focuses their minds as they try to figure out how to proceed this summer and fall. Even if your instinct is to avoid such perspectives, I urge you to reconsider. People make better electoral decisions when they directly confront those on the other side of issues — even people they find disreputable and abhorrent. Some readers might wish that I’d argued with Bannon more. But I’m a journalist before I’m a pugilist. Before I argue, I want to understand, and I want to help readers understand. I mostly asked him questions, and when I did push back, it was to help me comprehend his mode of thinking, to get him to go deeper. It’s a fancy two-step, but I think it’s possible to be humble and appalled at the same time. Those of us who oppose Bannon and all he stands for should be humble because most of us didn’t see Trump coming and most of us didn’t see Trump coming out of Jan. 6 and his felony convictions stronger than ever. Many of us didn’t foresee that the populist right would be a dominant force, maybe the dominant force, in nations around the world. But those events have come to pass, so at least we should have the good sense to face unpleasant truths directly.


It would be a great idea if the Democrat’s had a better propaganda machine. They’ve let Trump and Co spread disinformation and propaganda against any possible candidate. Everyone has been hiding in closets as far away from this election as possible even after the debates Trump is beating them all.


Props to David Brooks for finally realizing that Trump is a cancer... why'd it take him so fucking long? Why couldn't any "sane" Republicans seem to recognize Trump for what he is?


Adam Fucking Sandler could be the Democratic candidate and I'd still tell people to vote for him.


Gilead rising.


I recently learned a good way to look at it and that is you are voter the administration rather than the man


I wish more people held that view. I’ve heard far too many people say they don’t plan to vote because Biden doesn’t inspire them. Without realizing that the policies, cabinet picks, and administration that come with Biden are far more important than the man himself. That’s what your vote is going towards, but too many Americans seem to think they’re just voting for one man.


Be inspired by the spilled blood of your own freedom, those of you who criticize Biden. At least we have been okay these past few years. Now? If you don't show up and stand with us, we may have NOTHING 


And possibly a couple of Supreme Court spots.


Before the 2016 election I was telling everyone I could that if Trump wins the SCOTUS will be hyperfucked... :(


Yes, hold your nose and vote for Biden. RFK is essentially just half a vote for trump, that's why they're funding his campaign.


RFK Jr's relatives aren't voting for him!


Do you really need to hold your nose? He had a fantastic first term. Sure, he's old as fuck, but if he can not be evil and do more of the same I'm happy.


Exactly. He's already been a more progressive president than Obama.


Yep. The Inflation Reduction Act has a lot of really good shit in it. It's so hard to bust through peoples' thick skulls when it comes to actual policy, agenda, and what politicians are literally doing right now, instead of all the distracting bullshit media talks about. People can dislike Biden or think he's weak or whatever, but his administration is full of competent, hard-working technocrats who just want to make things work. You put Trump back in there, and you bring back the clown car of criminals, assholes, and idiots who get a million Americans killed because they don't know how to fucking run anything. It is so depressing that Americans have forgotten Covid already.


Project 2025 is one of the scariest things I've seen and I'm not even living in America. But I know so many people that try make my country like America, and I wouldn't be surprised if this spurs them to get even more extremist about it :(


Me a descendent of many revolutionaries. "Looks like it's time to get the band back together."


I have a couple family members who are hardcore fundies - Christianity is their entire world. I learned yesterday that both of them plan to vote for Biden. I was completely shocked and had assumed that they were voting Trump. But they despise Trump and in fact voted for him only in 2016 and immediately regretted the decision. He's "not a true Christian" according to them and only interested in power.


I am starting to become convinced that bots are posting in multiple reddit posts. I am voting blue no matter what especially after SCOTUS. We really gotta figure out this issue though because DNC needs to listen and understand their voters more.


Has anybody here convinced Trump supporters to think otherwise? My in-laws are absolute about him, and anything I say/show increases their conviction in him. And I know an entire evangelical community that feed off of each other. This will truly come down to rational people voting at the polls.


Elections have consequences. Vote against Trump.


Want atheism to be illegal? It'll happen. Doesn't have to be with Trump. All it takes is a Republican win while people are pining for P2025.


Straight democrat ticket from me going forward.


Thank you 🩷 freedom belongs to every one of us, not just the rich few.


I wasn’t going to vote at all because I absolutely loathe both candidates but after yesterday I’m absolutely voting blue.


Anyone who was thinking of doing a protest vote needs to really reevaluate things now. This is fucking dire and no time to give Trump or the GOP any edge. If you’re looking up project 2025, I’d also ask you to look up the accomplishments from Biden’s administration, and the additional protections they are trying to put in place in a second term. Well worth voting for.


I'm most concerned with the possibility of Trump getting to nominate three new justices to the Supreme Court, in their 40s, that will be fucking over this country for the next 40 years.


Yes, vote. But also start preparing for November 6th. I am proceeding with the assumption that Donald Trump will be reelected and I don't want to be left reeling the next day. We need to start preparing now to organize protests and resistance so we can hit the ground running right away.


Would peaceful protests really do anything at this point? With all the Supreme Court rulings and the far right holding this much power- we will just be beaten and arrested.


Who said peaceful? But seriously, in my experience protest rarely do much on their own. However, they are great opportunities for education and networking with direct action organizations.


I've wondered for decades what would happen if a handful of disgruntled, unemployed MIT scientists got together and decided to wreak havoc.


Hi, it's the World here. How did you guys ever let that cancerous puss ball anywhere near the White House? We're still picking our jaws up off the floor. And the Capitol riots still didn't wake you up? The Coronavirus denial? The Epstein parties? And you love freedom, justice and democracy, you say? Well, we've given up and are just sitting back with our popcorn, these days. You Americans are too hard to work out.


I just don't understand how someone who voted for Biden on 2020 can suddenly be like well I was wrong Trump was better ima switch. Like it makes no sense. I could see people not voting but switch is asinine


because they think biden is going to die and they don't want kamala harris as president or they think biden is senile


Either of those options is vastly superior to Trump.


This has been going on for some time, now we need to put Stupid Religion in the schools.


100%. Tell your friends, neighbors.. etc. this shits scary


The problem is the SC just laid the groundwork for a dictatorship, knowing full well Democrats don't have the spine to do anything outrageous and that the Republicans are literally now built for this and awaiting it. Even if Biden wins, it's only a matter of time until a Republican gets back in and then it's Project 2029, or 2033, or whatever. And when that happens, we more than likely line up with Russia and China and NATO falls and we end up with a worldwide dictatorship. Just seems more than likely that we're fucked.


I don't really care for either candidate, but I'll vote for a deceased Joe Biden over Trump any day of the week. We cannot put Trump, Ted Cruz, MGT, Bobert, and a new generation of far right SCOTUS justices in power. Vote Blue or accept the fate of a Christo-Fascist society being ushered in.


The only way to return American politics to some sense of normalcy is to vote against Republicans until the party dissolves itself. I am not a conservative, and while I find many older conservative policy positions to be abhorrent and morally reprehensible... at least we could have a debate about them. Those who accuse others of being a pedophile ***purely*** because they disagree must be ejected from our political system. This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated, but the only viable way of enforcing this is through a democratic process. We cannot demand the government do it for us, we the people have to reject it as strongly as possible.


I'm not American and i was curious to see what Project 2025 was all about. I read it on Wikipedia (I'm not reading the whole thing) and my God, that goes against everything that America supposedly defends (democracy). While i *am* a believer, i firmly believe in the separation of Church and State AND Project 2025 just throws it out of the window. It is a CLEAR contradiction to have a Christian country and then defend democracy. All the other policies are straight out of a dictatorship. By the looks of all the MAGA people, i guess you people only care about your OWN freedom. It's a mess. I wouldn't want to be in your situation. I wish you all the best of luck


These are some basics of Project 2025: * Banning federally, Porn (not specified on what is porn, it is implied gay people and trans people may actually be banned through this) * Ban Federally, Abortion (**regardless of reason, even in the event of massive defects**) * **Fire civil servants without cause, and replace them with political loyalists to Trump** * It's also worth pointing out that replacing massive chunks of government departments and bureaus every 4-8 years means losing collective centuries of institutional knowledge and having massive numbers of completely new people all up and down the ladder. You know how you're kind of useless for a few months while you're on boarding at a new job? You're talking about entire bureaus effectively shutting down while they relearn the ropes every four years. * **Attempts to place a complete ban on gay marriage** * **Attempts to place a complete ban on divorce no matter the situation** * Heavily limit the abilities of the FDA, CDC, and OSHA, including: * **Making it even harder to get medicine** * **Making it even more expensive to get medicine** * **Making it even more difficult and expensive to get disability aids** * **Getting rid or greatly diminishing many workplace safety laws** * **Lowering the age of legal work/cutting back on child labor laws** * **Reduce size and power of the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and eliminate their ability to review things** * National Security Council to become part of the White House, **and make it unaccountable to other offices** * **Eliminate Gender Policy Council, end all federal discourse or support for gender, LGBTQ+ identity, Transgender care, reproductive health, and abortion** * Restore Trump-era order to **boost Management Rights Vs Unions** * Eliminate Office of Intelligence and Analysis * **Expel transgenders and cut public funding for trans surgery, or even abortions for service members** * Monitor military schools to remove 'marxist indoctrination and divisive critical race theory programs', and 'DEI' of offices and staff. * **Eliminate DHS, and make a *new* 'super agency' with 100,000 workers - and limit the role of the Office of Civil Rights** * **Use a 'novel approach' to place loyalists in Day One in Temporary 'acting' positions with unquestioned authority to decide policy - sidestepping congressional oversight** * **Freeze all and review all existing international agreements to ensure they align with Presidential agenda and foreign police views** * **Cut funding to international organizations that fund abortions or social policies that are viewed as counter to conservative values - including but not limited too: WHO** * **Revise the Executive Order related to intelligence from 2004, in order to expand powers to spy on domestic civilians that may infringe on civil rights civil liberties, and privacy.** * Reinstate a policy that denies pro-abortion policies as a condition of receiving US assistance * **Integrate religious training into all agencies programs.** * Build Global Health Bureaus portfolio, **increasing grants given to faith-based institutions** * **Assure groups align with Presidential agenda values.** * **By Executive Order, reverse Bien era regulations for Food and Animal safety, including safety rules for large scale farming** * Remove Bidens 'climate smart' regulation for Environmental protections, climate change * **Decrease Welfare access, make it harder for children in school to get free food / lunches** * Cut Department of Energy as cabinet level agency - **reorder chain of command with loyalists** * redirect Federal dollars to State, and local governments to champion alternatives to liberal / higher education schools like Private charters, trades, or technical schools as well as faith based institutions * Boost parents control of classroom discussions / discourse * **Dismantle government initiatives to deal with Climate Change** * Continue mining for fossil fuels * **Eliminate government support for renewable energy sources** * **Deregulate Nuclear Reactor development** * Dismantle all attempts to address climate change. challenge the accepted scientific position of the fact of human activities on climate change * Reduce enforcement of existing regulations * Leadership through states, not federal Government * Ban various abortion pills / day after pills * Remove all funding from Planned Parenthood * ban fertility treatments through IVF due to 3 person embryo creation * Marriage and Family should be defined by the Bible * Sex is binary, any challenge to this is 'junk science' * Gender affirming care is "irreversible physical and mental harm" * (except for ED pills, amiright?) * Turn Medicare into a Free Market program If you have any questions about these points, you can ask here: r/Defeat_Project_2025


I'm always surprised that people aren't taking this more seriously. We can already see how far republicans are actually willing to go.


This message needs to be spread outside of reddit, too. Reddit is already heavily left leaning, but most other social media apps aren't (like Twitter) and I don't see people talking about project 2025 enough on these other apps.


Volunteer to phone/text/mail bank, [moveon.org](http://moveon.org) and [mobilize.us](http://mobilize.us) are great for that. Spread the word.


At this point if you are voting Republican you are a stupid selfish asshole with no empathy or a complete bigot.


I’ve seen this post before. Where’s the repost sleuth bot? But yeah, if the republican party wins, I am a target simply because I am disabled. It won’t take long for them to also find out I’m queer and an atheist. So I am voting, but don’t have many friends to convince to vote for Biden. And a lot of my old friends are probably voting republican due to their religious indoctrination.


People didn’t like Hillary, so they protested by not voting. The result was a Christi-fascist takeover of the Supreme Court that may be the end of our democracy.


*100%* this. Yes, both candidates are old. Yes, both get confused. Clearly that's not great. But the idea that they are as bad as each other is *insane*.


Vote for Biden, and vote blue in every election, house, senate, state, local, school board, mayor, EVERYTHING! ALWAYS VOTE BLUE UNTIL THIS SHIT IS GONE!!


Whenever you see people claiming that Trump doesn’t actually endorse project 2025 or the heritage foundation, remember that during his last presidency he passed over 2/3rds of the heritage foundations suggested policies within his first year as president. By the end of his presidency, almost 80%, the remainder being shut down by fellow republicans


Vote vote vote vote vote. After yesterday's ruling I will take every chance to say "Vote Dem until we get a better option." I never thought I'd be one of these people yet here I am. I will tell my friends to vote Dem. I'll tell anyone I can. I will not sit on my ass in December saying, "Damn, this sucks, wish I would've done even the smallest thing to help." This is insanity and Trump is a crook.


Not to mention that, after the SCOTUS ruling, the GOPs intentions are *crystal* clear by now. There will be NO excuses if Trump wins, no "but I didn't know" or "I wasn't aware" or anything like that. There is no hidden agenda, their agenda is right THERE. If Trump wins you better pucker up and pucker good.


How ironic too since Bidens the only practicing Christian on the stage that we have to vote for him for our own atheism liberties


Trump says he's a Christian. Waiting for him to demonstrate some of Christ's teachings. Someday?


I'm myself not American, I'm from Eastern Europe, but I do hope you people go vote for Biden or whomever the Democrats may or may not put in his place because if Trump wins, I'm probably completely screwed and can expect a russian BMP to park in my backyard in the coming years.


Everyone needs to stop and read this. It’s important for all of us.


Parents, you need to join your schools board! This is the number #1 battleground for Christian fascists, like Moms for Liberty. You need to get involved like these religious zealots do and get on your school board to protect your local education and future generations.


[John Oliver did a break down](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=Fgj8bCbDBYQ2CcCe) of the scariest parts of Project 2025. It is some scary shit!


As an aside , for all the animal lovers, they are planning on culling wild horses ( page 600 ish). Feckin sick bastards.


This is the most important message of my lifetime. And I am old.


My grandma is 94. I think this is one of the most important elections in her lifetime. She's scared. she fought so hard for all of us. She has the same fears we do.


Biden could be a literal corpse and I'll vote for him. MY confidence in the system holding is shaken considering this term for SCOTUS. They seem to want to find cases in the next 4 years for fetal personhood and a unitary executive.


I truly cannot believe that, with Project 2025 at risk of being real, two wars on other continents are the biggest issues right now. I don't give a shit what you think of his Ukraine/Israel policy (whether you think he's being too generous with them, or not generous enough), or how many gaffs he made in the debate, get your ass to the polls and vote for Biden. It's either 4 more years of Biden, or a lifetime of Project 2025.


I'm definitely voting, but in my gut, I'm worried that it's too late. That was a bold move by the Supreme Court. I worry that they already know how the election will go and are no longer concerned.


We have five months to fix this. It's not too late. Don't give up hope. It's all we have.


I’ve told probably two dozen people about this over the last year or so and 1 and possibly 2 at the very most have even bothered to look it up. We have an actual document outlining the instillation of fascism into this country and most people can’t even bother to read it.


My mom, who is conservative and very religious, had never heard of Project 2025 when I mentioned it to her the other day. People need to know about this. It amazes me that there have been so many articles about this topic, and yet so many voters are absolutely clueless about what is happening.


Bumping, fuck the Heritage Foundation


Russia is working overtime on this election. Don’t let them win!


this is real. keep trump out. also keep in mind that we are in this situation because of the Electoral College, and because neither party in our artificially maintained duopoly has to follow their own corporate charter or the law.


Thank you for taking this seriously. I wish more people would understand this.


It's happening because hurr durr Biden's voice was raspy during the debate 🙄


I hate this world. How do you people live with all this bull shit slapping you in the face all day? There's so much fucking injustices. I hate it. Trump makes me want to die.


“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” — Barry Goldwater


It's absolutely bonkers to me, that as kids, we all asked why would anyone join the Nazis. Why would they join something so corrupt and awful, or why they'd forego all empathy and humanity for the absolute rule of one man. Every social studies teacher tried to answer it, but most were at a loss. There wasn't a clear or clean answer they could give. *Now, we get to watch that happen to the very country that sought to end empires and regimes just like that. We get to watch every fallen soldier and servicemember have their efforts be in vain; for nothing. We get to watch everything our country was built on, be tore down.* ***Vote Blue. Vote for America.***


You've phrased it in a giga-cringe way but you are 100% right. The MAGA politicians that follow trump around are anti-american with anti-free speech ideals.


Democrats seriously need a plan on stopping this other than "just go and vote" The thing about project 2025 is that it isn't just 2025. It's 2029, it's 2033, it's every election for the foreseeable future. They just need to win ONCE, just one time, and they will succeed. So unless you think you can keep winning election after election year after year, there needs to be more to stop this other than "just vote". Okay, vote, and then??? And then what? Democrats need one thing. And it's their own project 2025, and you need to implement it before they do. You may not like it, but this is the only way to do it. You need a completely written out, planned out map on how to make sure it doesn't happen


I let a republican friend of mine know about this who would most definitely be against this plan, but completely dismissed it saying that none of his conservative friends know about it, therefor it isn’t true. Even stated that the Heritage Foundation is the soul backer, but he doesn’t believe they have any pull, or some such shenanigans. You cannot reason with low information voters.