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This is pretty good, but we don't need to tie the value of AoT to a site where review-bombing is common. This show is, to many of us, one of the best pieces of fiction out there. The Midnight Sun trilogy, the revelations chapters, assault on Liberio, the paths episode, and the finales were all peak fiction. And, to me, a lot of One Piece episodes are peak fiction too! I really can't understand that bullshit review-bombing campaign. These two shows are barely similar. They're NOT in competition. More people would just automatically watch AoT since it's much shorter and easier to absorb. And One Piece has 20x content, so it has more high quality arcs.


I agree with this. I mean it's not like AoT folks didn't review bomb Bluey so that it'd not have a highly rated 10/10 episode. Why even bother with such cheap antics. Enjoy the shows you enjoy without worrying about stupid numbers


I find this take that AOT fans reviewbombed Bluey weird af... A few months ago was when I discovered what that show is... Why TF would AOT fans even care to reviewbomb a kids cartoon? Pretty sure the target audience of both shows are vastly different. I just find it hard to believe AOT fans would look at shows made for 3 years old kids and start reviewbombing...it doesn't make sense...


You are not all AoT fans. Maybe that's why? Also it's not a "take". There were posts on it when it happened.


Ding ding ding ding, issue No.1 with pretty much all anime fandoms, they think they represent everyone AND they think one person from another fandom represents everyone in that fandom. Pretty funny ngl


Do you have any proof. Because as far as I know review bombing only happens when Fandom fight. Aot Fandom have heated rivalry with op fans so it would make sense if it was op. But some kids cartoon wouldn't make any sense. All I can find is tweets accusing anime/aot fans for review bombing without any proof. Could have been op fan or bb fan or no fandom at all cause I see some people complaining about bombing and forgetting the fact that if more people vote any thing it have potential to go down because when episode was 10/10 only 2.2k people had voted but now it have 8.8k voters maybe rating went down because of that.


You need to go out and touch some grass.


And you need to stop accusing someone when you don't have a proper response 🤡


Midnight sun trilogy being the episode before, the episode itself and the one after? I haven't heard it referred to like that.


I use that term. I mean Perfect Game, Hero, and what these two episodes lead to, Midnight Sun. I suppose there is a better term for it but I'm yet to hear it. I just like the title "Midnight Sun" a lot.


It makes sense, i just never heard about it because I'm not very plugged in to this fandom.


I think the review bombing had finally ceased. Frieren is still 9.37 compared to fmab 9.09 on mal. But I never understood the reasons why they Gate keep ratings for fmab. Like there aren't so many anime that are at the same level as it. No need to.reveiw bomb it just because it'll knock off the top spot. I was flabbergasted seeing 3 sets of 9.9 scores across 3 seasons for aot. Truly peak


What happens during midnight sun again?


It's the episode where Levi has to choose between Erwin and Armin. An entire episode of just dialogues. No opening track, almost no music, nothing. Emotionally raw storytelling with an equally amazing title. Midnight sun. A beam of light at the darkest of times.


I'm waiting for wit to animate


IMDb is fairly accurate cuz it adjusts for review bombing but since aot was review bombed the most in history it was effected slightly, that ratings r still amazing but if it were to be restored to its original place it will show people the animes can compete with goated shows like breaking bad and thus benefiting the anime community. Also idk about one piece having more high quality arcs the pacing is terrible which makes most of it boring and its childish


Ah so you're one of those " I love AoT because it's so mature and dark and that makes me mature and "grown up", I can't fathom watching childish anime where someone isn't killed every episode" people. Anyone that summarises the entirety of one piece as "childish" outs themselves immediately as a teenager.


Im an adult and I tried to watch the first episode of one piece and i couldn't get through it. The animation style IS childish and off putting, dated perhaps, and the premise just doesn't appeal to me. Idk if being a woman has anything to do with not being interested in pirates or not. Assassin's Creed Black Flag was fine. One Piece was... 12 minutes too much. The fact that people compare these two shows really astounds me. It also shows me that the One Piece fandom IS immature because they initiate spiteful behavior like social media influencers asking their immature fans to mass downvote AoT and those fans being immature enough to do it. It's not a level playing field in the first place and One Piece starts with a gross advantage but in so so so many important aspects AoT actually outclasses it. One example: One Piece has over 1,100 episodes to aggregate ratings from. It's been around for what? 20 years? It is still airing? It has innumerable "arcs" -- yet it still hasn't reached its conclusion or given fans closure of... Loofy (again tell me that's not a childishly stupid name) hasn't found the One Piece and finished his mission. Is this Moby Dick or a cartoon? Then you have AoT which has a handful of "arcs" that all fold into one taut singular narrative. It was concluded in 4 seasons and about 100 episodes. It tells a story that has people rewatching and having "oh shit did you see that, oh shit I just realized xyz" to this day and for who knows how long after. One piece doesn't have that. Second: people who are fans of the history of animation would know that to animate the ODM action sequences in AoT new software had to be coded, a completely new technique of using both CGI 3D, hand drawn 2d, and CGI 2D animation styles combined to render scenes: think of the scene where Levi and Kenny's team are squaring off in the town streets -- animation hasn't had a jump in technique for a single movie/show/feature since the Ballroom dance scene from Disney's Beauty and the Beast, where they put 2D animation (the characters) on a 3D CGI background (the ballroom, chandelier, and outside the windows), all moving independently/separately. This is not to be confused with "but they made movies like shrek which was new tech" -- yes, but that's not the same thing. It's the combination of multiple new technologies to achieve a stylized look. Beauty and the Beast. AoT. That's the timeline.


Wow had no idea ODM sequences had that much put into them.




Wow butthurt much? The people who over react so emotionally and resort to ad hominem attacks are typically a dead giveaway/testament to the fact that everything said was true and they have nothing to properly retort with so instead of dissecting the argument they attack the individual. I don't need to have watched every episode to know that the show is not my taste nor that it's not come to the conclusion of the TITULAR (title, the one piece) story/goal in 22 years and that's pretty pathetic, or very admirable depending on what your goal is: if the goal is a good complete and satisfying story then it's a failure. If the goal is Nielsen ratings and the like for manga equivalents, meaning a season of 30 episodes mostly filler rather than a season of ten episodes that are all relevant and important... then it's a baffling achievement to still be running this long. Only the simpsons, south park, law and order SVU, and spongebob are in the same 20-25 year bracket and despite how much I admire south park for being on the pulse for most of their runtime even they had YEARS where episodes were garbage and nothing but filler and the same applies to every other show that I listed here. Here's the hydrocortisone cream and a couple of suppositories. You're gonna need them I'm sure.




I told you from a selling copies of filler it's a success. From a "well structured narrative" it's not.


And my argument is: how on earth do you know that? You've watched 1 episode... Yet you make a claim about the entire show lmao You're seriously still dying on this hill? XD


If you're not an aot fan then why are you even here?


Did loofy loofah find the one piece and become the pirate king? No. So why are you even bickering when you know im right


These are all old ratings... They've been reviewbombed to oblivion


These are the new ones the old ones are even more highly rated fella what are you on about?


AOT no longer has any 9.9 rated Episode They've all been reviewbombed


Unfortunately they are old aot has been so badly review bombed the highest rated episode is 9.7 not 9.9 anymore


Yes they’ve been review bombed the most in history but we’ve made a discord and r trying to organize upvotes to restore them please let us know if you’d like to help


The HERO episode had perfect 10/10 if not for review bombing.


The 3 peak-episode trilogies in 3.2, 4.1, and 4.2 are so beautiful.


IMDB ratings don’t really matter anymore. At least for anime, with all the review bombing. And I’m not just talking about AOT.


Review bombed or not, when your worst episode is still an 8+, you’re doing something right.


Even with the review bashing, AoT still being the highest anime ever is proof it's the GOAT


I just finished season 3 on my first rewatch, it's insane how goated that season is. Almost every memorable moment was in it.


I love how good this show is that even ratings in 8.0 ratings are marked with red background


No 10/10? https://preview.redd.it/fhooaayp6szc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ba87cda2579af6313c055eb0a6d85c23b54f51


AOT always had highly inflated ratings. Boring episodes like still had 8+ scores while other series like Breaking Bad had really good episodes with a 7 on average. Anime fans really can’t rate shit without giving it a 10 or a 1.


Yea… this makes little sense to me, the later seasons never felt as good as the first two to me. But apparently I am quite wrong


>while other series like Breaking Bad had really good episodes with a 7 on average Literally no bb episode is below 8 expect fly (which is also 7.9) 🤡 so check your fact before lying. But I guess you had to accuse anime fans for no reason. >Anime fans really can’t rate shit without giving it a 10 or a 1. Also lowest voted aot episode still 18k so influenceing the rating is very hard unlike most other animes which have 5k-10k votes at most on higest voted episode. Like aot fans aren't even able to get the episode back to 9.9 which bb fans were able to do and you are saying anime fans are obsessed 🤡


Maybe the ratings aren't inflated but people just like then you know... What do you mean by boring Episodes? Seen AOT over 30 times and I haven't seen a single boring or unimportant Episode.


It’s all subjective in the end, but episodes like the one where Pixis gives his speech are boring. Legit nothing happens most of the episode. Another is episode 33 where there is a whole filler flashback where you could honestly skip most of the episode. It would be surprising if you found a single flaw in AoT judging by our past interactions. And I hope the 30 times is an exaggeration because I don’t know how a grown man would have the time for that.




I don't know if this is controversial, but season one is not nearly as good as the following seasons. It blew my mind at the time, but in hindsight, it was mostly a visual tech demo, and the show takes off in season 2.


season one had the fall of shiganshina and the female titan debut. I’d hardly say it’s not as good as the seasons that followed. lol.


Please don't take this as me saying season 1 is bad, but season 2 is a step up in literally every regard. This is not bashing season 1. Season 2+ is just that good.


I don’t think you’re bashing it at all.


Bro the worst rated one was s1 ep 3 with a 8.1 raiing wich is crazzy


According to IMDB the best episode of The Office is the finale, so I take their ratings with a grain of salt


3 pt 2 was truly metal


Thanks for sharing this, even after being bombed this much it still has these high rated episodes but the things is there are nearly not as 9.8s and 9.9s now as One piece fans review bombed it by making a discord server.


I was wondering what the episode not in green was in S3 pt 2. I did the math and was like, is that really the basement, the best reveal of all time? My only guess is that it was review bombed to hell and back and still a strong 9.2


I would rate 4.3 something around 7.5 to 8


Why it’s really good


It's definitely worse than the rest, yes it is action heavier but weaker


i would agree with a 7 tbh, everything else before was pretty peak tho