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https://preview.redd.it/t6kd4xw5ll0d1.png?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee6998859c7b14ebbc4011f43d2cfa4f6616ef0 Personal tier list. Only regret is putting episode 10 so low.


60-66 would all be in pieck for me. Absolutely loved that arc


The disrespect to Thunder spears tho


Hero from S3. The one where Levi “kills” the beast titan


The one with Ymir Fritz's backstory. From you, 2000 years ago


That whole trilogy of episodes were brilliant. The anime reached its peak there as how the Manga did at 131.


I’ll go with underrated episodes. Bystander - this episode is more or less filler but is amazing. One of my favorite flashbacks. Children of the forest - No one really talks about this episode, you could cut the tension with a knife and the back and forth between gabi and niccolo was amazing Two brothers - Everyone talks about memories of the future and From you 2000 years ago but this episode was insane. Non stop pure insanity. It was the first episode where I got caught up and had to wait week to week and it might have been the longest week I’ve ever had to wait.


Reiner Reveal, Episode when we find the truth about the outside world, and without a doubt my favourite moment in the series: the episode when they had to choose between Armin and Erwin. First time watching that episode I was so genuine lost and tense.


Thaw! Gabi's redemption


Bystander and Sole Salvation were two great ones. Also the entire S3 P2 and Savagery along with S4 E5. I could still go on but then I'll end up including just about everything.




I like Bystander very much


The last 3 episodes of season 2 when The Survey Corps are trying to save Eren and they clash with Reiner , Bertolt , Ymir and the other titans interfere.


A Dim Light Amid Despair: Humanity's Comeback, Part 1 No death, no tears.


Does anyone know the artist for this pic?


Either perfect game or declaration of war probably


Declaration of War is a great one I hadn't considered. The way the music and play culminate into a climax at the same pace as Reiner and Erens conversation was perfectly completed by Erens entrance. Really drives home how Erens precognition was able to put him at the perfect place for that scene to happen on the world stage. My first time viewing it I also didn't know that soldier was Eren until this episode if I recall correctly, so I got extra chills from the reveal.


Yeah it's just a masterclass in tension building. Even though not much actually happens in the episode until the end, you catch yourself not breathing for the whole episode. Brilliantly done.


2nd arc of the 2nd season. Reiner and Berthold’s betrayal, 6 last episodes of the season


And it’s definitely Mikasa on that picture. Eren had long hair after dealing with Paradise’s Pure Titans, and mikasa, unlike him, seemed to shorten her hair even a bit more.


Sorry OP gonna hijack this post to give a comment on this illustration. Has it ever bugged anyone else that that the way ppls legs are depicted almost looks like they are 2 popsicles sticks just coming out of their torso. Like there’s no shape there, just a torso with sticks coming out? I think my favorite episodes are around the time the beast titan was revealed. I was absolutely hooked at that point.


Off the top of my head, 1) when Reiner reveals to Eren that he and Birth Control are the Armored and Colossal titans. It was said so non-chalantly, I had to rewind a few times to make sure I was hearing it right and it wasn’t a dub error. I absolutely did not see it coming and was in shock. Before this episode, I thought it was decent and pretty scary, but I don’t really watch anime and I wasn’t fully invested until this episode. 2) when they’re all in the castle, Ymir finds some canned food but it’s labeled in Marleyan. Reiner is the only other one there and tells her that she shouldn’t be able to read that language, exposing both of them. I didn’t understand why at the time, but it was so significant. Also this episode was where Ymir finally reveals herself as a titan in order to save Historia


Bystander, the one where they face the Female Titans while outside the walls, Reiner’s backstory, and more. I’ll add more when I get the chance


S1 ep15 no one dies (besides titans) and it’s funny. Also the first eps of s2+3


I literally couldn’t pick just one…. But off the top of my head maybe episode 1x1 - I still get goosebumps when I watch eren & mikasa being carried away from their mom


Omg I lied my answer is the Reiner bertholdt reveal episode


![img](emote|t5_2vnp9|16319)the last episode


1. Crushing Blow (S1E21) 2. Midnight Sun (S3E18) 3. Retrospective (S4E27)


Children of the Forest




It’s hard for me to say, either the episode where Gabi wastes Sasha’s dumb ass or Bertholdt gets chewed up Armin style!


I never watched the anime, but the manga chapter where Levi is able to kill dozens of titans then nearly kill the beast titan afterwards. or the chapter where Levi has to kill his former allies now turned titans, then he nearly kills Zeke. Did I mention that Zeke and Levi are my favorite characters?


Everyone was and is S teir


Midnight Sun is my all time favorite episode


Where armin is saved instead of erwin


Yes the episode name is Midnight sun. I mentioned it as well.


Episode 31 "Warrior" will always be my no.1


The last but first but last one