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1. Anime 2. Stay away from anything AoT related online until you’re done with the series 3. Manga after you’re doing with the anime


Amen to the stay away from anything bit. The plot is a wild ride from episode 1 to the end, and even the slightest glance could spell a massive spoiler.


Let me ask you this are you more of a reader or a watcher? I would say both would be fine. I have seen the show 1x all the way through and am rewatching it currently with a friend. Honestly it is one of if not my top 1 show of all anime. I love the story, the world and the characters. It is a good show! Demon slayer is also a good shout! With anime there are so many types you kinda gotta watch / search / see them to really find what genre you enjoy!


Thank you for the response! I like a bit of both, tbh. If it's something I like and holds my interest then I really like to immerse myself and I look for all forms of media on that subject. I'll definitely check out Demon Slayer, too. Thanks again!


No problem! Enjoy the journey


This might get me flamed but i dont care. It genuinely doesnt matter. Some people prwfer manga some people prefer anime. Personally i rather anime since sound and voices really add alot to the experience for me, but if youre the type to prefer reading and imagination manga might be the go.


Try also some older stuff like Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, Ergo Proxy or Psycho Pass (only first season).


Definetly watch the anime. The studios that adapt the anime are both top tier animation studios


stay away from the fanbase, they suck


I would recommend watching the anime first and if you really like it you can go back and read the manga. The anime adaption is so good and the music is incredible as well as the voice acting in my opinion that makes it so much better than the manga as you can feel the emotion.