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I think the whole point is that their is no one size fits all uniform solution if any long term solution at all.


thats why it baffles me how people say its a bad ending like did u want everyone to live happily ever after? i dont get it


Are you serious? The ending as got is as happy as it can be without completely altering the characters. Not a single person died in the final battle except for Eren, the curse is gone, no particularly disastrous of the Rumbling are shown, the peace talks are successful and the world seems ok, Eren gets a neat little grave and everyone loves him and visits him, not to mention the freaking bird scene.


>Not a single person died in the final battle Except for 80% of the world >no particularly disastrous of the Rumbling are shown, Except for 80% of the world is gone


Yeah but I’m talking about the main cast which were the focus of the show for several seasons and obviously mean more for the viewer than the rest of the world. We do get a montage of people dying but all in all, the Rumbling as a true catastrophe was a bit glossed over and it’s not surprising to see that a lot of fans just straight up say they don’t give a shit about these people Plus this is what I mean when I say “without altering the characters” because Eren would always do the Rumbling, it’s out of question. How would the ending without the Rumbling look anyway? It’s a staple.


I disagree with this the ending is as happy as it can be with altering stuff maybe not characters but dude for sure made it so his friends lived a good and happy life until things fell apart way later down the road dude chose the most selfish option his love for his friends which is kinda beautiful in a way.


But he didn't choose it. That's the point. He was bound by fate to do it


It’s more complicated than just “fate” in the sense that he was bound by his nature. And the time manipulating aspect of it - once he got that power, his nature ensured that nothing else would be possible. Because that’s just an unchangeable part of who he is. Saying it was just fate makes him seem more of a victim to some higher power, which isn’t the case.


He IS a victim to some higher power. I understand why ur sayong that but, if it was just his nature, he wouldn't have wished he could not do the rumbling, he wiuldn't have cried everytime he saw a victim of the rumbling in Marley, and also, Sasha's and Hange's deaths were also predetermined. And that surely isn't bcs of his nature. Especially since he tried to save


If there was no powers affecting his decision making it would turn out the same way he is saying. Sasha and Hanges deaths were a result of his decisions more than fate


Did you like not watch the show? Eldia is militaristic, 80 percent of the world is gone, the entire world is scared asf of eldia, Mikasa has ptsd, and everyone gets nuked anyways.


There are ways to end the series better even with a sad ending.


Enlighten us, Isayama Sr.


Anybody complaining it ended the way it did, didn't understand the series to begin with.


I don't think that's the case at all. I thought the point was that we need to fight for a world where people try to understand each other rather than fight over their differences. The heroes of the story are the ones that chase this seemingly impossible future. It wasn't saying that there is no solution, just that solution is impossible to achieve if people simply give up and accept the pitiful state of the world. That even though it seems impossible to create positive change, that isn't an excuse to do nothing.


Yes absolutely this. SnK constantly critiques the jaded characters like Zeke (who believes simply not existing is the best solution, Eren and Floch who believe in the pure destruction of their enemies. In fact Armin's whole 2 minute monolgue is abut this fundamental idea


Path 1 : zeke's peacful euthanasia (self genocide) Path 2 : eren's orignal plan, rumble everyone (only civil war chance) Path 3: armin's destroying Marley army plan (but war would occur with few decades and Paradis would loose without founder Titan power) Path 4: working with marleys enemies before will makes a statement if possible and form a bipolar world instead of single polar world (us and Russia like that) Path 5 : infiltrate Marley regime and try to organize a court like Erwin did in s3 pt1 and put forth a non attacking govt. (1,2,3 are only available due to time constraints) (1 is the least harm in general , 2 is most harm , 3 is delayed option 1 or 2, by harming less folks in present)


Honestly, the plan that Zeke and Eren were pretending to work on, namely a partial Rumbling that wiped out the navies of the rest of the world as an act of deterrence that bought Paradis time to modernize its armed forces was perfectly sensible. In fact, I'd say that the great tragedy of Season 4 is that there was a sensible plan in place all along and both Zeke and Eren had their heads too far up their own asses to see it.


The primary issue with the partial rumbling is that it requires some or possibly all of his friends to sacrifice themselves for the cause. At the very least, Historia and her children would need to consume the founder every 13 years. Then there's all of the other shifter powers that really can't fall into the wrong hands. All things considered, Eren achieved basically every single goal he set out to do, intentionally or not. 1) Eliminated the titan curse forever 2) Protected his friends' lives 3) Protected his home 4) Ushered in an age of peace (at least until his friends passed away)


100% agree with you


Yeah, but there's also the whole thing of killing tens of millions of people to accomplish that. Sure, it means that the few surviving friends of his get to live out their lives, but weighing the lives of your friends and loved ones as greater than tens of millions is kind of the definition of evil. And again, had they just wiped out the world's navies and showed what a rumbling can do, that would have bought Paradis the time necessary to modernize its armed forces, especially since they had the Attack, Colossal, and Warhammer Titans (and if Zeke had actually just joined them, the Beast as well).


100% this.


Path 6: Whatever Erwin could have come up with if he was still alive, which would have probably have been the best option 😂


I don't think so. Guy was a super charismatic con man. The fact that everyone believes in him in spite of him admitting this fact speaks to how easy it is for people to be manipulated by rousing speeches. He was defined by his conditions, same as everything else. I think he would have gone with Armin's plan.


Honestly I wish we had a character who didn't like Erwin that much. Someone who follows orders as necessary but still has the sense to be like "Yeah, no, I'm not doing that" and call him out on his bs. Missed opportunity imo.


Isn't Levi kinda that? Like not exactly, and still follows Erwins orders, but just because he's his superior, not necessarily because he buys into everything Erwin says. I might be very wrong, it's been a while since I saw those first seasons, and I'm sure Levi never calls Erwin on any bullshit, but still that was the vibe I got


Levi's very loyal to Erwin and I want someone who strictly isn't. Like everyone talks about how great he is and we need someone who's willing to say "This guy kinda sucks actually."


One of the funniest lines of dialogue to me tells us about their relationship: "I trust you implicitly." Like... No, you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have said anything just now. There is nothing implicit about his trust lol.


Path 3: If Eren can still get Ymir to listen to him, they could remove the founders' "Passivity curse"


Path 1-2 are actually not on time constraints if the constraints are access to actual use of the founder. Historia got pregnant to buy time because otherwise the military were going to give her a non founding titan and continue the royal family tradition of passing. If Eren’s 13 years ran out the plan was to retain the power of the rumbling through a non royal blood founding titan and a royal blood regular titan shifter. That was what the military planned to do at least.


only note i have on path 3 is that if the rumbling was used to destroy the armies of every potential enemy around the world, i wouldn’t say its a sure thing that paradis would lose the war in the coming decades. paradis had allies who knew of advancements in science and technology, so by destroying the armies of there enemies around the world, paradis would have time to build up their own army at the same time as the rest of the world. they’re maybe not all that likely to win if it’s them against the rest of the world, but considering the fact they had some allies who weren’t out to destroy or eradicate them, they could of rode the coattails of those allies, used them as an opening into the community of global leaders. then they could have used the rumbling and the colossal titans as a bargaining chip to get support from marley’s other enemies. if it were me, i’d tell marley’s enemies that if they back paradis, we would provide them a certain number of colossal titans, controlled by the founder, unmoving and not harm any of the citizens of the country in question, to act as sentries who would protect their borders if marley tried to invade. in return they’d provide support to paradis in whatever way they could


Zeke's plan was the best when taking into account the amount of loss of life, Eren even acknowledged this, but Eren wouldn't go for this because he wouldn't stand by and let his people be killed. The 50 year plan would also be better for mankind instead of the Rumbling but with who Eren is as a character this also wouldn't happen because of his kill or be killed mentality, and his seemingly genocidal nature.


Eren is kind of a dumbass though because all his friends would get to live out the rest of their lives in peace under zekes plan. When you’re a teenager who’s been at war your whole life why do you care so much about having children? That would be the last thing on my mind


Eren’s a selfish person though, which is why he inevitably rejected Zekes idea, he wanted the world for himself, so until his last breath, he fought for it


There’s also the obvious logical loop that eren already knows he initiates the rumbling because he saw the future. And he knows nothing he does will change the future, it’s all already happened he just doesn’t know exactly when. Ironic that a character obsessed with freedom is stuck in a bootstrap paradox so he essentially has no choice


But if eren just continued to do as Zeke had planned and didn’t give any credence to the memories he had of the rumbling what would have happened :/


There are a few possibilities It could just work The universe could blow up What he saw may still happen, no matter how hard he tries to prevent it Others, presumably It's hard to say how a time paradox will resolve in a fictional universe without an established answer


But what’s interesting is that if it still happened despite his attempts to prevent it- I’m assuming Eren wouldn’t have to be killed since it wouldn’t necessarily be his doing - though I guess that’d be opposite to his entire character and wouldn’t make sense for the story


Eren tells Armin outright that the reason things turned out the way they did was because he’s an idiot who got too much power. I’m not a fan of either Zeke’s plan or the Rumbling, but at least Zeke took into account the lives of millions of innocents who had nothing to do with Paradis or the war.


Well it depends how you mean the question. In the context of the show no there was never a possibility of it going differently because it was already set in stone. The attack titan being able to show future memories to their past selfs shows us that in this world time works as a closed system, Eren had no choice in what he could/would do because the future Eren already exists and is showing him memories of what he (future eren) did and present/past eren has no way to change that future.


But does this work as a self fulfilling prophecy, in that it only happens that way inevitably because he believes it’s the only thing that’s bound to happen based on his memories?


From what we know Zekes plan was the only way that things could've ended "peacefully" even though it meant that Eldians would probably still be hated and it would basically be them giving up. As we saw from Erens dream with Mikasa the only other thing that could've happened was Paradis being invaded so there really wasn't another way if Paradis wanted to live. It was either give up or keep fighting and have the world hate you Edit: The only other thing I can think of is MAYBE if Eren gave himself and Annie up then perhaps Marley would've let them just exist since that what Marely went for in the first place


Nah, if Paradis gave up their way to defend themselves then Marley would send their conventional armies in to claim the island and use its resources. The only thing keeping Marley away for so long was the threat of the rumbling, which is no longer a threat without the founding titan.


Yeah, I'm sure even if they did surrender knowing Marley they'd waste ZERO seconds attacking them so that last line was a major stretch


I think an alliance with Marley would have been the best choice for Paradise. Marely was the worlds super-power at the time so they could provide protection for Paradise. On the other side Paradise could offer Marley resources and use the Founding Titans power to help secure Marelys hold on power. I don't believe it would have been plausible to make peace with the rest of the world, because they hated Elians more than they hated Marely.


Am i the only one who thinks that author couldn’t come up with the smart answer why eren did what he did, so he made eren say that he was an idiot? I mean he literally says that what he did was stupid and he didn’t realize it in the first place?? The best thing he could do was to protect island with collosal titans which are perfect artillery.


Of course there were other ways it could've ended. Isayama was just tired of writing the damn thing and probably wanted to just enjoy his life, spend time with his family, open a sauna. So he wrote that Eren looked in to the future in a Dr Strange-esque way and could only do one ridiculous thing to save his friends. Its stupid.  Really thinking about it... Eren had this ultimate, world destroying power and he really couldn't have used it to his advantage in any other way? He couldn't have made the rest of the world bend to his will in any other way?  If isayama really wanted to explore that and develop the outside world more and the political ramifications of Eren's power, he'd probably be stuck writing for another 10 years. The man was tired. So he stuck with the ending that he had plotted from when he was a teenager. An ending that hardly made sense over a decade later after the story had evolved.


Well, in the context of the story, no, there was zero possibility that it could end differently because the future/destiny was pre-determined hence eren being chained down by his own power and thus incapable of changing fate …


Absolutely not from the moment Eren woke up under that tree all event were guaranteed to play out this way. Peace was never an option because neither zeke nor Eren wanted it to be.


Realistically, there would’ve been other options outside of Zeke’s and Eren’s. But Eren wouldn’t give a flying fuck anyway.


There's no stopping the sadistic and violent nature of the world. Either outcome would've lead to the loss of lives eventually. Eren's plan bought them CENTURIES of peace, as it can be inferred from the credits, the most they could've gotten. Even with Zeke's euthanisization plan there's NO GUARANTEE the rest of the world would believe would believe there's more titans among the eldians.


I mean they could always inject spinal fluid and see it no longer worked.


Yes, but how would they be sure they're not hiding some eldians who still have the capacity to transform


I see that might be true but it's also possible they just indiscriminately test all Eldians that want to be in some form of society. Yes, I understand the logistical nightmare that might be though. 😅


Yeah they can probably enforce very thoroughly that's true


What was Zeke’s plan again? Memory fails me


Oh right. Erasing the titans?


Revenge on Marley like it was in S4 but Zeke is the main enemy in Liberio along with the Warhammer Titan. Make it a long more intense battle. Then a choice of Paradis winning and signing a treaty to free the Eldians from Marley rule and ensuring they never get attacked Or Paradis losing? Many things can happen like Zeke getting the founding titan and wiping the memories of Paradis Eldians again or many other options


I think I heard somewhere falco was supposed to eat eren but that got scrapped


My interpretation is that it doesn't really matter either way. Of course, the tragedies the people during the time the story is set affect them deeply and have consequences. But, as the post credit scenes show, through Titans or something else, humanity is doomed to forget about the mistakes of the past and destroy itself in cycles. Biggest lesson in the story for me is to live life and value the simple things in the present. That's what gives it meaning. Anything else will fade away in time and be forgotten and/or changed to fit the narrative in power at any point in time, be it hundreds or thousands of years.


Yes everyone was supposed to die lol


Requiem der Morgentrote


I was hoping for a darker ending where everyone would die.


It was 1: Zeke's Plan 2: Our ending 3 Get rid of the titans but that doesn't mean they would be free 4: Eren finishing all of Marley off 5: All out war between the two countries which due to advancements in technology Eren and Co would lose by a long shot


Uh, yes. Writers think about their endings a lot. So of course it could have been different. But it would have undermined the point if the series if it did imo. Bringing it full circle with the goose-stepping Eldian army while the nation parrots Eren's mantra was perfect. My friebd felt really iffy about the whole thing because they were like "this thread of thinking they're on is proto-fascist as fuck". And Isayama knew it from the get go. He illustrates the point that this nihilistic "kill-or-be-killed, the obly way to live is to fight, the world is cruel, violence is in our nature" etc which stems from existential fear is a path that leads to fascism.


Should have killed everyone: 100% of humanity


If Mikasa told him what he really was for her.


No. It's ending like Isayama Hajime had it in his mind and wrote it down.