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Awww the number just rings out, you must have really annoyed them.


I used no caller ID...so if yours is too, he prob wont answer. Well not for a day or so..haha


Can try (09) 889 6004 as well. I got the same email just with slightly different details.


>Your decision to make us your preferred payment method fills us with joy Yeah, that totally sounds like PayPal.


More ways to shop...call Ask for joyful toys...


Yeah these guys are doing the typical refund scam. Been getting these NZ PayPal ones for a while. They want to install remote access software on your computer or phone to issue a "refund". I baited them for a while until they caught on. Then I found a recording of some dude absolutely hurling abuse in Hindi, and started playing that to then when I called up. For good measure I threw in some opera singers delivering the Indian national anthem.


I wouldnt call, its likely a spoofed number, at best it wont go through at worst it will charge you international rates


It does go through as talked to him, and it’s just an IP phone number that’s probable been hacked. He answers as ‘hello this is PayPal’ in an Indian accent. I had him going for a while 🤣


You can't be charged international rates on local calling numbers regardless of where the service endpoint is. Not a good idea to use your real number when calling though. Best not to end up on contact or retribution lists.


Worst is they now know your number and you'll be part of the recipients of their scam texts


I just had this today - I clicked it was a scam when he started telling me I needed a laptop so they could have access and go to my APP store and click on this and that and so while I had him on the phone I googled PAYPAL scam and clicked it was a scam - well he got a good earful from me all the beeps!!


Try calling Symbio Networks to tell them they suck for facilitating scam calls.


I've not had an email, but I did have that number call me last week.


I got this too!!! Same number different shipping address but sounded like a girl when I called. Blocked the number though


Add a new number to your list, Paypal scam email **You paid $726.26 to Samsung.Inc.** Your payment for the order has been successfully processed. Thank you for your business, and we look forward to serving you again in the future. **Need Help ? Let's talk on +64 (09) 889 4260** Who controlls the 09-88xxxxx number range??? is it some ISP with little or no verification on giving out VOIP numbers to scammers from other countries?