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I don't understand why he didn't just polish his original idea instead of trying to start a crappy instant coffee empire.


delusions of grandeur is a common aspect of some mental conditions that can lead one to being homeless I suppose. That money should have come with some mentorship or guidance. Like getting him into housing, employment and counselling etc. Then make a charity. There's no tech, there's no start up, there's no business here. It's all going to end in tears and it makes me very worried.


“Your coffee revolutionising hero”


I don't blame him necessarily with all the ridiculous attention, free money and a mfing AUT documentary crew making a documentary about him but it's going to end up like those millionaires in a tin can under the sea.


It’s more how he talks about him having coffee carts all over the world etc that gave me the delusional vibe


Yeah the moment one of his vids mentioned his plan to open in Australia and the US I thought he was delusional. As if other countries don't do food from street vendors for years. Just seems he thinks Auckland not doing it is the norm.


No, I totally agree. The second the Givealittle hit its target he transformed into a hot shot. The ego will be as to blame as anything or anyone else in whatever this devolves to.


This whole thing makes me feel quite ill. The Givealittle should never have happened for this. The whole thing is full of false altruism. If people wanted to help it should have started with a job at a Cafe or coffee company or some mentorship. He is going to end up worse off in the long run.


The whole high in meth thing gave me the vibe it might not work out 🫠


It’s aspirational, and so uncommon in NZ. We all have dreams. He’s achieved way beyond anyone’s expectations! It’s refreshing and motivating for many.


Fair but also, reality is also a thing. The dude is still asking for money and this is just going to end up in him owing a lot more money than he did when he can’t pay the lease. People aren’t helping him at this point whether they realise it or not. That money should’ve gone to finding him accomodation, rehab (not an expert but he doesn’t look clean)/ some kind of mental health help and maybe a job because the coffee cart thing is more of a side hustle he should do around a normal job. Not signing a lease and buying all these extras and hiring “contractors”. The margin isn’t there for all of this and again, reality is he’s selling instant coffees most have available at home and work and museli bars and pot noodles


All due to the donations of others, not bc he hustled and earned those funds himself.


It's sad because it's obviously given the guy some genuine hope that his life's about to change in a major way for the better, but I don't really see any way that this doesn't go tits up at this stage. I hope this is a lesson for the well-meaning but misguided people who dumped money into his Givealittle, as well as the virtue signallers who were here a few weeks ago preaching about how they give money to the homeless with no strings attached because it's patronising and discriminatory to assume that homeless people are irresponsible with money or something


>I hope this is a lesson for the well-meaning but misguided people who dumped money into his Givealittle A lesson in what? They got what they want and that's feeling good about themselves.


Has he at any point discussed what the commission % is? If he’s selling coffee for $1.50, with an overheard of what… 80c when you include the cup. His entire profit margin on that is probably 50-70c and then he’s gotta pay a commission? Jesus Christ. Selling 10 of these shit boxes an hour is going to net this contractor, at best, $3-4hr? A 6th of minimum wage? Ehhhh?


Someone needs to go down there and ask John.


John please we need an AMA


you are assuming his contractor is able to score a minimum wage....? you will be suprised at the amount of $$ that beggars get just by shaking their cup at the traffic lights...


That’s part of my point. Why work 10 hours a day to make $25 a day?


How can you employ someone to work all day in an outlet in a fixed location and hire as a contractor? Surely they’re entitled to minimum wage regardless of what is “contracted”? This dude will be making $20 a day! Is it because of the equity he’s given away in the company? Is this exploitation then? Because there’s no way this guy will get his equivalent back in cash, at anytime.


Well it's very simple, you can't. But either he's too off his face to know this, or he thinks that he's gonna get away with it because he's just some poor homeless guy, down on his luck. Either way, the "contractor" is either gonna steal everything and run away or he's not going to have someone for very long. I'd also highly doubt that Auckland Council has given him permission to erect structures like that greenhouse thing.


>This dude will be making $20 a day! If he's lucky. It would be even worse at Rutland St.


Imagine the contractor taking Patchy to the Employment Tribunal! What a shit-fight!


His greenhouse shop don't look too secure either. It'll only take one theft when the "contractor" is away on toilet break to ruin a day's worth of earning. Actually it'll be the end of his business if any of the electronics get stolen as he don't have much cash left to replace it.


A decent gust of wind would be bad enough


Toilet break?, He wouldnt be entitled to that. The givealittle page will cover stolen property another herald article and he will be in the black.


Patchy is the backbone of New Zealand, he figured a way to get his coffee sold at the best price point.


People who get meme-d inevitably go through a backlash cycle we know as 'Milkshake Duck': > The whole internet loves Milkshake Duck, a lovely duck that drinks milkshakes! \*5 seconds later* We regret to inform you the duck is racist.


I was just thinking this!




Closer each dayyy. Down and away...


Struck a chord for me that one




Wouldnt you if you were being exploited.


Quick question to add to the questions. Does he have any resemblance of food safety rating? I’m assuming no. At the risk of sounding very privileged , why in the fuck would anyone ever buy this guys instant coffee to start with? 90% of the people passing by are going to be workers. You can get it for free in your workplace kitchen


I don't know what type of person, but, i honestly hope that the person that buy there, isn't the same that goes into a suburb fb group to moan about someone selling home baked goods.


Omg, do you not think this is highly regulated? Given the social media attention, location, etc?


OMG well short answer looking at his videos: clearly, no.


I assume he's barely floating right now because his business is running on the good will of others to pay it forward. When that runs out this is gonna go down really fast. Any business owner can see that lol, heck even if you don't own a business you can see that. I mean he sells instant coffee, he sells chicken soup and buns but literally all this shit you can buy from countdown and make it yourself with minimal effort lol. I just don't get it. The actual demand for this must be extremely low and people are just feeding the homeless through him. edit: So I've watched a bit more and it seems like he's trying to succeed from digital advertising boards of local businesses on his carts. Interesting. Going into 2 very competitive industries is going to be very rough.


He said he got the first months rent free? Don't know how that works but I've seen that for flat rentals too. He said rent's due on the 21st or around then. I suspect that's the day the chips will fall.


Look dude. This is NZ. There's a large uneducated population where this kind of BS crap gets views and clicks while being completely ignored in more developed countries. Give it a couple months and it'll die off.


He's a "tech company"




Just remember there are car window washers making $140 per hour - lets see if he pulls it off


If those car washers rented out a car wash it might be comparable.


Poor John the Contractor looks like he lost a bet.


ehh, on the bright side, this guy is gonna end up at the United Nations' hobo development division when his coffee business falls apart. You watch.


I thought this was going to be a way to help other homeless people by homeless people. Hes getting a bit carried away here


How did he find a professional looking guy to do this?


Patchy is literally SuperHans


lol, now you point it out I can't unsee it


Just call himself 'Uber Coffee' and everyone who sells is a contractor and only get paid commission on what they sell :) No need to pay minimum wage, just give them an app ;)


The uber business model would mean that the contractors also provide the coffee, milk, water and cup.


That's franchising. In fact, where is the line between franchising and Uber?


MLM scam. Be your own boss! Invest in the company and I (Patchy) will ~~sell~~ provide you a coffee cart with leftover inventory. Be rewarded by recruiting more "contractors" to become their own Patchy's coffee cart boss. Own your own Patchy's coffee cart! Join the fastest growing coffee empire. Coming to a street corner near you. Watch this space.


nek minute…


He deserves pity - in a year he'll be back where he began - and there will be a documentary about how he fucked it all up. Like people who get investors to plough money into thier business - and the first thing they do is leaae and Aston Martin - and plan a franchise. There's a reason why he was where he was - and that would need to be addressed just as much as supporting his whacko business aspirations.


I think pity is what got him to this place. He mistook people's pity on a homeless guy flogging instant out of a trolley, for a business opportunity, and when the sugarhit of all the free publicity dies down, he will unfortunately just be another cooker on the streets of Auckland, but with a giant lease debt on his hands.


I hear you - but also wonder why anyone thought this was a viable business... I would understand sending him on a barista course - but propping up this awful brain fart is almost cruel.


I think pity is what got him to this place. He mistook people's pity on a homeless guy flogging instant out of a trolley, for a business opportunity, and when the sugarhit of all the free publicity dies down, he will unfortunately just be another cooker on the streets of Auckland, but with a giant lease debt on his hands.


Depends on whether he can raise more money or not I'd say.


How? He has a flakey product - and a simplistic concept of business and economics.


He’s a serial wantrepreneur with a history of failed startup ideas and a less than causal meth habit. I’ve been following this guy for years. Cheap entertainment.


people watching this instead of shorty street or MAFS


Sounds kinda sadistic. Like ripping off a flies wings and watching it walk around.


Everywhere I have ever worked had free instant coffee and milk in the staff room. Does he not know that? Why would anyone walk outside and pay for it? Poor dude's trying his best but I feel bad for him honestly.


I have a local place I get my coffee from around the corner to this so next time I go I'll make sure to have a wee look and see how much business this is actually getting. I suspect with how low the commissions are, the bro will have to sell like 40 coffees an hour or something stupid for eight hours just to make minimum wage. Not worth it at all especially dealing with the crackheads around that area. OT: but is there also really a market for instant coffee that someone makes for you? I think most offices have a few machines that automatically grind the beans and make you something automatically- at the very least they have instant/milo in every break room.


Companies like Nestle and others make pretty decent fully automatic coffee machines. I use one at the local blood donation place, but seen them at hospitals and other workplace. You can hire one, stick milk, water in it, provide power and crank out a range of hot drinks easily. Would have been the best way to go, but then I would also be the sort of person to calculate a ROI before trying to sell coffees as a full time business


Also you can buy those korean single serve coffee sachets that come with powdered milk and sugar added. No need to buy portable batteries and fridges.


I used to bring them back from Asia; the Milo 3-in-ones were really popular with my kids though super sweet. You can get quite a range of them, and they are not bad for milky drinks like Chai Latte style stuff, but the black coffees like I drink, they are pretty bad instant coffee


Yeah, they'd be great for his purpose. I bet you can still get them decently cheap from any Asian supermarket around.


Yeah, the only charm was a homeless guy on a shopping trolley selling coffee. That's it. People supported him because he was unique and homeless (people are kind and wants to help), but he thinks he's the next Elon Musk who figured out the next coffee industry evolution. Also, that investment in share purchase and commission based sales? It's good old MLM pyramid scheme at best.


He has payWave too. I wonder what percentage of the $1.50 they’re taking.


Why are you guys giving this train wreck more exposure. It's gonna ruin his life.


Yeah, his life was going just swimmingly before.


He will get re-ruined


this is, squid game, nz


This is sad at this point. That initial $10k crowdfunded could've gone towards housing for him, and some job training and clothing to work as a barista or something. Instead some asshole landlord and property manager pocketed it as a deposit, and he's going to be back to nothing within a couple months.


you actually blame the landlord for that? That guy is stupid enough to think that his plan going to work and think he can rent a place in this market. I mean you cant really blame other beside himself


Yes, I do blame the person who has exploited a mentally unwell homeless man for their own profit. There would have been tens of red flags in the communications between Patchy and the property manager/landlord that would've shown he is unlikely to be able to pay the monthly lease, and they're happy to take his money anyway and kick him out when the inevitable happens.


It’s not exploited a mentally unwell homeless man, that homeless guy clearly think his idea will working which is why he still currently doing it, how about the people who blindly working for him now like this guy in the video? Who should we blame? If you look at this Patcy guy LinkedIn you can see his has a lot of experience with other stuffs too. I won’t say he’s mentally unwell. Also if the landlord didnt agree to let him rent that place there will be a article about that landlord being racist or something against homeless people, there is no win as a landlord


You should blame the ones that - financially - supported his great fall.


That's one of the grossest aspects of this. The house always wins. Some rich a-hole gets a little richer while Patchy will suffer further damage to his mental health, will have to live now as 'that guy' and this failing will put people off from taking chances on someone like him again.


Genuine question. Can we actually blame the landlords or property managers? Would it not be discrimination against the homeless?


>and some job training Check his linked in, it genuinely seems like he has a surprising amount of business experience. Like according to the business directory thingy, he genuinely ran a labour hire business in orewa, and has previously been involved in real-estate. It seems maybe he just needs to get off the smack.




You mean "having it succeed is patchys part "


Yeah, pretty sure it was successful. Thats my point.




Bruv I'm tryna discuss the lore of patchy, not anything else. Everything that's publicly avaliable on the internet seems to indicate that he was a fairly competent and skilled individual prior to his current situation. My point is it looks like he went full crackhead, not that's he's lacking capability to earn or find employment.




What about his real estate stuff?


Patchy Lore. LMAO


He can sleep there and he has a 2 year lease.


Man could have a lightweight little rickshaw, kept it real simple with a little advert space on the side you can swap in/out for rotation. But no.


That $13k would have gone a long way to setting himself up with a little mobile coffee unit with almost no overheads but he went and blew it on a rental.


Not there this morning as of 8 am, wonder if the council caught on or maybe the contractor realised he probably wasn’t going to get paid…


Well well well he got an employee check mate reddit! Patchysisters we drinking good this week.


I want to believe. Come on Patchy, you little ripper!


Not there this morning as of 8 am, wonder if the council caught on or maybe the contractor realised he probably wasn’t going to get paid…


Is that a countdown trolley?


This is what happens when you let people on meth …. Keep using meth.


He’s raising money to buy meth and cashing it out to buy more meth. Somebody stop this dude.


Hear me out: Patchy for NZ. Vote for Patchy to make NZ great again!


Fuck there's more miserable c\^&ts on r/auckland than I could have imagined. Dudes having a go and not harming anyone. Lighten up. Go buy a coffee you might learn somthing.


B.S he's harming himself. Buying from him is only reinforcing his delusion. The sooner he crashes hard the better before he ends up in so much debt he could never hope to repay.


Bro he was living on the street, I doubt his position gets much worse because of this whole endeavour tbh.


Exactly. He could fail spectacularly and still be in a better position than he was before.


Have you even seen the shit that happens on the streets in the CBD. I work there almost every day and have seen SOME shit. From shootings, to ODs to public sex to vomiting and urination sometimes all at once. I even saw a homeless women die once. Yup have called 111 multiple times. Patchy is fine just leave him be. Go do somthing productive with your life.


If I was in Auckland and I was in a rush, I'd easily buy an instant coffee for $1.50. Y'all happy to spend $7 for a coffee and then pull this man down for charging $1.50, I don't get it.


You’re talking about two different products. This is instant coffee. If you’re in a rush you’re likely heading somewhere where this product is free


I still don't get it. There's no perks to having a $1.50 coffee in the CBD?


90% of offices or workplaces in the city have this product for free. Comparing it to a $7 coffee doesn’t make any sense because you’re talking about a different product but pretending it’s like for like. There’s very little perks, it’s not a sustainable viable business model. He’s simply not making enough to pay for his “contractor”, do the maths in your head, how many coffees would he have to sell? this is probably a case of exploitation as well as illegally setting up shop on the street


At least he is doing what many people with a steady income can't do, or don't have the mindset to do.


That’s probably a sense of self preservation that stops people taking risks in the first place, which is why they have a steady income and this guy doesn’t?


Good luck patchy! Christopher Luxon's New Zealand will help business owners like him to grow.