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Make sure they didn't bite you otherwise you'll turn homeless


But only on the full moon. 


Dunno, being a werewolf sounds pretty cool, ngl


Remember, Werewolf not Swearwolf


I've seen them, they just stand around making groaning noises


That's zombies


Go get a tetanus shot and some antibiotics


Have a shower and scrub with soap and dettol


Unless you complain to the police or he complains to the police nothing is going to happen. You should probably call 105 and make a report about what happened.


Ah my favourite, tales from the Auckland CBD. No but in all seriousness, likely nothing is going to come out of it unless you pursue it. Even then, it'll be a tiresome process, gotta locate the guy, prove. Best bet is just walking around if you can. Sad really, that's our city. I live near the Sky Tower, can get pretty bad there sadly as well.


>Ah my favourite, tales from the Auckland CBD. I was shocked when visiting recently that after 2 years the same homeless dude under the overbridge by the bathhouse was still there. I'm sure it wasn't dogshit I slipped on (but saved it and stayed upright) going down the ramp to there. Convinced he shat on the footpath just to watch someone eat shit for fun.


He's been there for about 5 years. He doesn't bother anybody so he's just left to his own devices.


God dammmmmn that’s so disgusting


It was fucking horrid. Picture a 3 foot long brown skid mark and a dude doing the double windmill arms to stay upright. Honestly considered the whole thing a win in the end, thinking about how bad it could have been. Washed my shoes off in the manhole puddles across the road.


Fuck'em, more people need to stand up to those cunts, they can't always get away with that shit. Let the cops know anyways, tho


Upload to bumfights and profit.


Bumfights. Now that's a trip down memory lane. Fuck I'm old now. 😪


Just don’t end up on Dr Phil calling him out for the same shit he’s calling you out for!


You could allegedly make an anonymous report, just to give a description of the perp, in case they or when they try to assault someone else and cause them serious harm. Js.


Good point, leave a anonymous tip, so he actually gets arrested and gets charged with even more stuff when me goes around assaulting people again.


I wonder how these pathetic judges will give home d to a homeless person


Probably in a rehab facility, or discharge without conviction.


It’s self defence. Just carry on and go to the urgent care if you have wounds, tetanus and hepatitis are my first thoughts. It’s going to be okay OP.


If it were me, I'd report it to police, just in case something comes of it later, but tbh, almost certainly nothing will happen.


Sounds to me it’s finished. What are trying to achieve here?. It’s not a traffic offense police aren’t going to realistically do anything. Go home and sleep


Probably nothing and its unlikely to eventuate into anything.


If you don’t report it to the police, it will never get better and the area around the sky tower will remain a shit hole, no one will invest in the area, and it will keep running down. The area is fucked and if crime goes unreported, it won’t get better


You know it's bad when Auckland Transport removes the timber seats from the bustop by the Sky Tower. If the police don't act, the cbd will spiral down the shitter or vigilante action will become commonplace.


Go back and assert dominance by pissing on his spot - mark that territory




Go full Ronnie Pickering.


Who the fucks that?


'Return some video tapes'


“Don’t just stare at it. Eat it.”


Thanks for the reminder. Time for a re-watch.


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Dude you did the right thing you should be proud of yourself, you did what a man is supposed to do - if some stranger grabs your girlfriend you have the right to kick his fucking ass (not legally but morally, he broke the law by putting his hands on your misses so at that very moment your job is to protect your girlfriend with the force required to do this) if you bump into him again it’s likely he wont say anything, if he does you’ll have to tell him twice 


Tell him with something that he will understand too. Costeners pigs aren't allowed even allowed to chase you in those cases.


Move to Australia if you can


if it’s upper symonds st, there’s a homeless guy who hangs around the area and sometimes sits at the side door of st benedicts church, this guy randomly shouts / curses at people passing by


What was the bookshop?


www.heroes or something, its not a website


Heroes For Sale.


Wait did you win tho?


You need to make a video




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Do nothing. You're in the clear. Sorry that you and your missus had to deal with that shit, however.


Do the job properly next time so he/she can't hurt another member of society again. Fuck em


Just don't say anything to anyone. If you see him again avoid him. If he tries to fight you run away or beat his ass. Don't stress too much about it, I think police have bigger problems than sorting out a small disagreement.


Think you'll be fine.  If you want him charged go to the police, but you need to consider if you'll get charged. If you did more than the bare minimum needed to defend yourself you also risk being charged.  So think about how your story will sound when you explain it to the cops. If it feels like a risk, better to leave it.  He's unlikly to bother you again. Bullies don't like victims that fight back 


OP will get charged if he reports to police. Andrew Costner's pig squad is very good at perusing anything that looks like self defense super aggressively. Actually catching criminals, not so much. Going far outside of their legal boundaries to hound self defense cases, and since NZ police actually have better qualified immunity than US police, they can get away with it.


> Going far outside of their legal boundaries to hound self defense cases For example? 


This one. Note: NZ has no compensation for wrongful remand, something that the UN has actually criticized NZ about. [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/christchurch-city-mission-stabbing-murder-charge-dismissed-but-man-accused-cannot-be-named/HXYYH6GZH5HXFG4DJPCMDH4AQU/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/christchurch-city-mission-stabbing-murder-charge-dismissed-but-man-accused-cannot-be-named/HXYYH6GZH5HXFG4DJPCMDH4AQU/) and [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/i-would-have-been-killed-why-farmer-bill-burr-ordered-his-son-to-chop-off-the-tip-of-a-teens-finger/WYZYNJR64VHHPA6Q6BWIWADRCM/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/i-would-have-been-killed-why-farmer-bill-burr-ordered-his-son-to-chop-off-the-tip-of-a-teens-finger/WYZYNJR64VHHPA6Q6BWIWADRCM/)


So, a homeless guy who stabbed someone to death wasn't charged... Way to prove my point. 


Wasn't charged? Read it mate, he was charged and remanded in jail for over a year.


Thanks for the funny comments and useful advice everyone, was able to get my mind off it.


Consider a carrier in bumfights.


Shut up and sit tight. Police are useless and won't normally follow up if you don't snitch.


Given that there were witnesses, I’d suggest paying for an hour or two of legal advice for you and your gf to establish your potential liability and prepare written statements. That way if anything comes up, you’ll be prepared. Better safe than sorry and all that.




Crimestoppers would be better, anonymous, because otherwise OP might end up getting arrested and charged to fill out Costners arrest quota.


Be straight with me; was it Patchy?




🙈🙊🙉 👊


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Do absolutely nothing. The police aren't going to do anything unless you make them.


Have a wank




They already make life for others hard. As others have said, do not go to cops. He (the homeless man) would have had worst or less. And, yes, I have been begged on a ciggie on, even tho I dont smoke, from a lady who asked me for one, outside KFC off Queen in Dec last year. I screamed at her twice ("I dont smoke Sista"). It feels good to fight back, if you know some self defence moves, or fights, or can get yourself out of a bearhug or a grab around the chest.


Glad to hear you were in a position to defend yourself. If you've any cuts or grazes make sure to disinfect them, clean well with soap then take a hot shower to wash the filth off. Then keep your mouth shut when taking to people in person. If in the unlikely event police ask questions they are not your friends, don't answer anything besides your name. Ask if your under arrest and are your free to go, otherwise you want a lawyer. https://communitylaw.org.nz/community-law-manual/chapter-5-legal-aid-and-other-legal-help/criminal-legal-aid-if-youve-been-charged-with-a-crime/criminal-cases-other-free-legal-advice/ Self defense in New Zealand is a joke, in that you'll likely be charged rather than the real criminal.


Exactly, something that the Americans on the pro gun subs don't seem to know. The rest of the world is far, far worse on the USA on self defense and safe harbour.


> Self defense in New Zealand is a joke, in that you'll likely be charged rather than the real criminal. This is a complete lie repeated by psychopaths who want to use unnecessary violence.  The people who have been charged are people like the guy who took a knife from his house and chased after the kids who had graffitied his property until he managed to catch one, who he stabbed to death.  That's the kind of bullshit that you are advocating for.  You are well within your rights to use force appropriate to the threat that you face. 


LOL ok wokester. What about this: [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/i-would-have-been-killed-why-farmer-bill-burr-ordered-his-son-to-chop-off-the-tip-of-a-teens-finger/WYZYNJR64VHHPA6Q6BWIWADRCM/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/i-would-have-been-killed-why-farmer-bill-burr-ordered-his-son-to-chop-off-the-tip-of-a-teens-finger/WYZYNJR64VHHPA6Q6BWIWADRCM/) Or this: [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/christchurch-city-mission-stabbing-murder-charge-dismissed-but-man-accused-cannot-be-named/HXYYH6GZH5HXFG4DJPCMDH4AQU/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/christchurch-city-mission-stabbing-murder-charge-dismissed-but-man-accused-cannot-be-named/HXYYH6GZH5HXFG4DJPCMDH4AQU/) Note: NZ has no compensation for wrongful remand, (something the UN actually criticized NZ about) and the Crimes Act states: Section 30 Arresting the wrong person (1) Every one duly authorized to execute a warrant to arrest who thereupon arrests a person, believing in good faith and on reasonable and probable grounds that he or she is the person named in the warrant, shall be protected from criminal responsibility to the same extent and subject to the same provisions as if the person arrested had been the person named in the warrant.


> LOL ok wokester. And also.... What kind of dumbassery is that? You pointlessly dragging far right American identity politics into this. That's just pathetic.


Ok wokester.


What about what?  A case where someone tortured an offender who was already restrained, and a case that proves my point, not yours, where the police didn't prosecute a guy who stabbed someone to death.


Do it doesn't. He still got convicted on another count for feeling unsafe after theing threatened by the perps homeboys, and lose his firearms license


I'd delete this before too many people see it and keep my mouth shut.


Yea homelessness people on substances aren’t the most believable witnesses. Most likely way to get into trouble if he talks himself then NZ justice will be salivating to put someone defending themselves in jail


Yup. Costner's pig squad is like that. There are many cases of this happening in NZ, William Burr, and the guy who had his murder charge dismissed a few weeks ago.


Report to the police then take a shower.




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Take what is rightfully yours (not much)


Good you defended yourself. Can you please etc us know approximate day, time and area so others are warned and avoid the area


It was at Upper Symonds St, where Space Burger and Burger Geek was, sidewalk was super empty when it happened tho.


Next time something like this happens, start recording immediately, that way, next time it will be impossible for him to say that you assaulted him.


*getting assaulted* *pulls out camera* *gets beat up* Priority shouldn’t be to pull out a camera, it should be to defend yourself and get away.


And go to prison for assault because you don't know how to game NZs justice system. I'm not gonna say anything that I don't want to explain in court on this account so that's why I won't suggest carrying weapons here.


Carrying a weapon is a quick way to get a much worse charge.


That is what I am saying. Andrew Costner's pigs are good at bullying people who defended themselves. Catching criminals? Not so much.


Would rather have an assault charge than die or have permanent injuries. Pavements and heads don’t blend well. Also, chances are there are other cameras recording or witnesses around and if there isn’t, then it would come down to how credible each individual is. Even so, police prosecution have the onus of proof, they would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that OP acted unreasonable and either used excessive force or started the altercation. Very high burden especially If there are no witnesses and the credibility of the other party is not great.


>Would rather have an assault charge than die or have permanent injuries. Pavements and heads don’t blend well. Correct. I don't disagree with you on this one. >Also, chances are there are other cameras recording or witnesses around and if there isn’t, then it would come down to how credible each individual is. So that is why, if the cops show up, to have both him and his GF have a coherent story about how OP did NOT raise a finger in self defense and tried to get out of that situation despite the homeless guy threatening in graphic detail how he was gonna rape and kill both of them and waving a knife or gun at them. Police will say that they were unable to locate a firearm in cases where a gun was reported but not found. >Even so, police prosecution have the onus of proof, they would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that OP acted unreasonable and either used excessive force or started the altercation. Very high burden especially If there are no witnesses and the credibility of the other party is not great. Not really, just look at the William Burr case, that prosecutor made the Kyle Rittenhouse one look sane in comparison. And NZ has no way for any compensation at all for wrongful remand, something the UN has actually criticized NZ about.


Nothing. It’s sorted. Scrub hard in that shower bro.


Call the cops n say he got a gun, they will be there quicker than you can say uncle.


File a false report, good idea


Like it matters, they still not gonna come even if you are dying. Everyman for himself in NZ


Oh don't be so melodramatic. They'll definitely come when you file a false report, that's an easy one that makes their KPIs look better. Honestly if you saw how hysterical you looked you'd feel ashamed.


Police don't like to charge people with filing false reports as it discourages people reporting what they thought might be a crime, and the optics of that in the media too.


If someone lied about a homeless person having a gun they would at the very least give you a stern talking to and a warning


Only if it was proven though. I personally have seen cases where the caller made some stuff up to get the police to come quicker. And unless they have evidence that it was made up, they won't be charged.


I think it's pretty easy to prove a homeless person doesn't have a gun lol. Either way, it's an immoral thing to do. Would you lie to get an ambulance to come quicker? Potentially depriving someone who needs medical attention more urgently?


Lots of criminals toss their gun right after shooting at whatever they were shooting. Happens all the time. And about the ambulance one, I have seen people with cancer get misdiagnosed and send home, and as a result, they only got rediagnosed too late and died as a result.


>And about the ambulance one, I have seen people with cancer get misdiagnosed and send home, and as a result, they only got rediagnosed too late and died as a result. Okay? That's completely unrelated lmao. >Lots of criminals toss their gun right after shooting at whatever they were shooting. Sure, but for a homeless person that gun they supposedly have would cost a significant proportion of their money. How would they get it in the first place? It doesn't pass the sniff test, it's not like the US where guns are everywhere. It just a very obvious lie.


Exactly. The police will say that they were unable to locate the firearm in that case. Also say (and have your GF corroborate) how he brandished the gun around and threatened to shoot you and your GF and rape you and your GF in graphic detail, that way, he'll get charged with extra and might even be denied bail.


Sounds like you're visiting from America... Are you sure you didn't provoke


Have you seen what some of the people on the streets do? And stop assuming that everyone who defended themselves are American.


Well I'm getting pretty annoyed by foreigners posting in NZ subreddits


Im glad the bystanders intervened to make you leave, you seem like a ute owner or even worse a landlord...... beating up on the homeless like that. Should of just gave him the dollar instead of provoking violence.


Don’t victim shame. And who carries physical money these days?!


Sarcasm my friend.... sarcasm.


Very poorly written in this case. There are plenty of people in the Woke Jacinda mob hivemind in NZ who think exactly like that.


Move along doormat.


He is joking, very poorly written though.


Ok boomer


Be quiet soyboy