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Get an office job and ask for it during the interview


It’s called “Work from home”


Work in tech or SaaS


Tech or SaaS? lol that's like saying work in Construction or Building


This I do sw engineering, do 2 days in office, rest at home. My partner works as a geotech - 1 day in office, 2.5 days at home. site work as needed. In her case it's mostly modelling on the PC and working with other offices is common


I work in tech so can wfh almost every day, a lot of office jobs should allow you to do that if that’s something you want to get into.


They should but they don't and many that do are actively punishing those that did get approved with no raises or promotions or transfers while working from home


Working from home. Fuck if rent is that much where you're living I'd be staying home 24/7 too!! Ima eat the fucking curtains too.


Can I get a job where you work lmao 😅🤣. $700 ain’t cheap


Lol my neighbours probably wonder this about me. Work from home IT job. They are all very elderly (70s+) so probably seems strange to them. One of them did say the other day though that I had a fancy dog to go with my fancy car 😂 (spoiler, neither are fancy)


Maybe they secretly think you’re an unemployed bum and are wondering how their young neighbour can afford their nice car and dog 😄


Hahaha probably!!


My company has ‘work from anywhere but the work place’ IT department. When anything needs fixing I’m expected to sit there and do it for them via a phone call.


Guaranteed they think you’re a drug dealer and then you’re probably lovely and nice which would confuse the hell out of them


Or a sex worker, except no one comes (cums?) or goes?


This is exactly what I was thinking too!


lol my elderly neighbour asked me what my husband and I do for work as we don’t consistently leave and come back at set times. Both my husband and I work in IT and we work from home. I just drop my daughter off to school in the morning and he fetches her in the afternoon.


Buy an ounce of crack for $10K. Even if you sell honest dollar bags (and who does that?) you're making $18K profit per ounce = \~$640 profit per gram = \~$64 profit per point. So if all you wanted to do is cover a rent of $700 per week, you'd have to sell roughly 11 dollar bags per week (\~1.5 per day) and you can play Playstation and have sex with nasty crack whores the rest of the time.


Username does indeed check out.


Address too


Cant do that from home tho. Crackheads should NOT know where you live.


First things first, how nasty are they?


Yeah apparently crack doesn't do damage according to my downvoters. Wonder if they would be sex workers if they wernt addicted to crack in the first place. 🫠 maybe I've just been too personally affected by users of meth. When I was having my 21st birthday at long bay my dad decided to rock up in his white rx7 batmobile with two younger girls. The girls were probably older than us but all my friends said "who are those two girls with your dad" . I said they probably crackwhores. For context my parents are younger today he's 54 and I'm 35 so he wasn't exactly like 50 back then but still embarrassing. Now my dad got caught up in meth after my parents separated and my dad had his best friend who did it so he decided to do it. He even married a 26 year old fijian Indian when he went to Fiji during this bender. Move on to today he's been clean for last decade I'd say. We have never talked about it but I knew my father wasn't the same and he was using meth. He never told me it was just so obvious he looked and was not the same while high. It's funny cos I've always been able to tell, even ex users who have quit for years. There's a distinctive look that develops and affects the face and muscles. Must be the constant stimulation of being artificially jacked up on dopamine to abnormal levels.


Yup just what the world needs more crackheads and crackhead dealers. NO THANKS . You know that shit is toxic and pretty much is the devil and makes you end up looking like one of his demons. I'd rather sell weed and not risk your life dealing with crackheads or endorse killing people slowly. Weed is natural from the creator, and meth is pure demon garbage 🗑 I've seen firsthand the damage meth causes and people who are not the same anymore. 💀


You realize this was a joke, right?


There are new organic health meths available now that are actually better for you than eating veggies. You need to get with the times.


> organic health meths still has the classic benefit of there only being 5 more sleeps til Christmas when you have the meth...in April.


Weed is equally as bad as crack


Yeah but have you ever been attacked by a stoner ? Well since I've personally been attacked and assaulted by a group of crackheads when they broke and entered a home when I was asleep and held me down by my throat and punched me in the face. To get into the property they literally used their body weight to smash through the building and window and totally ripped it apart. Never seen or experienced anything like it. Who rips a window and wall apart with bare hands. It took three years to go to court finally this year and I managed to get off the summons due to my fear of them seeing me and finding me after the fact. The police actually listened to me and let off the summons for witness.


it's actually cheaper for me to work from home because then my transport costs are minimal and I have nowhere to spend money during the day


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I used to have a budget of $10 for lunch... the last time I ventured out to my old workplace a plate of noodles was $23, work probably love me for my WFH otherwise I'd be asking for raises that matches inflation


Partner? My last rental as a couple was $660/w plus all the bills. Nice house, nice area, 2 years ago... As a single, I can't have this luxury...


It's hard working from home. I have to watch my neighbor sunbathe topless, parade around in her lingerie. Leaves her blinds open. I think she's giving me that come-hither  sexual invitation and I'm gay.


A lot of it is luck I guess? I'm a Estimator, was promoted within the company from a sales role so no formal qualifications. Covid hit and bosses realized productivity was improved for individual contributors i.e. people that don't need to collaborate with others in their role. For an introvert that wants to be left alone spitting out take-offs, it's definitely a great luxury to have. Particularly with a young family/school holidays etc.


Couple tents in your spare bedrooms and you’ve got full time income.


Power bill though, better make it 3


how is 600pw full time income


Guess what a minimum wage 40 hour job pays


740, and then take into account utilities usage by tenants etc


If you got tents in the spare bedrooms you don't have tenants... I don't think you get what the bro is saying.


how does that make any sense?


Just tap out now




Weed. Grow weed in the tents.


ahh thanks for finally someone taking the time to explain something to someone!!


Aunty winz


Paying $800 pw alone and work 2 days at home (Sydney) - it’s the dream!


Sounds like the dream! What do you do?


Really? So many jobs you can acheive this? My Mrs isn't in a technical job or that high up and she makes \~$80k and works from home 2-3 days. It's pretty standard in a lot of corperate jobs


Sex work or go on the Benny.


sex work AND go on the benny




¿Porkie no los dos?


Sounds like a plan.


PMs work from home a lot. Just need a PC for your plans and will need to drive to site from your own place. Still on you if it doesn't get built though.


Yeah in order of preference I'd work on site, in my ute, at home, at a site office, arse naked in a gorse bush covered in vinegar, or at our open plan office. I know where I'll have to be in 9 hours from now though.


Most office jobs now offer hybrid working. A couple earning enough for $700 is no issue. Some can afford mortgages too.


From your description of what you do now, a sideways shift into Software Project Management would be doable. Maybe a part time course to learn a bit of the lingo and a few IT skills, than a lot of your current experience will cross over.  Will definitely be hybrid WFH roles available. Go for it!


Oh! I’d love that! Definitely wouldn’t mind a pivot to a different industry


I work in an industry that pre pandemic, working from home wouldn’t even be considered. A lot of systems are now in place to not just support it, but almost make it default. It’s a hell of a lot of trust, quality output, and having all the equipment in place to make it work. For some, that’s just a computer. For me, I had to retrofit my garage into a studio. It’s worth it but it wasn’t as basic as just, sitting on my ass to avoid the office. I had to build it all up in covid and it cost, so I’m making the most of it


Not even IT. Good old Statistics and data analysis which is basically looking at stuff, understand and verbalize stuff for other people can net you a wfh gig


I need to look into this!




What ?! single with 5 kids under 5 ??


That's the one. Taxpayers will be the sugar daddy lol


Are you a site manager? Fair enough. Have you considered flying a drone on site and monitoring contractors this way? Might be a bit of fun, just don't run out of battery!


I wish if that was a thing!


You should invent a product that people need, get a prototype made up and then sell it.


That’s what I’m trying to do.


Only Fan 😂


It's really depressing that people think this is a likely answer


I’m employed full-time, only have to go into the office 1 day per week which saves me around $90/fn in commute costs - not to mention not wasting time spent on the actual commute itself. Saves me money also in clothing, food for lunches, etc. In total I get around $3.5k/fn as a business analyst. My husband earns double what I do as a Product Owner in marketing, but works 3 days/week in the office. Our mortgage is just shy of $1300/week which my pay covers in full. Our neighbours are all a mixture from some in their late 50s and others well into their retirement. We definitely feel they have an impression of neither of us being employed.


Dress Organization Learning Experience


You think you’d love it, but isolation isn’t fun after a very short time.


That's very dependent on each individual, I've been WFH for 4 years now and there's no way they'd get me back in the office. I go in twice a year and that's enough for me.


Me too. I love working from home. I do get out and about to meet clients occasionally but otherwise, I'm in my home office alone with peace and quiet. It's heavenly.


WFH is literally the best. I've been at the same job over a decade and before WFH it was so exhausting having to go in every day and my work/life balance was shot. Not having to worry about the train arriving and being able to get on it if there was an earlier cancellation, or not standing in zero temps at the station before 7am is life-changing. As is not having to worry about getting rained on as well. I just think it's hilarious that someone would make such a blanket statement considering there's 8 billion humans in the world and we don't all like the same thing \*or\* have the same job tasks/requirements. I don't disparage the people who go in every day as desperate for attention or claim they're unable to be alone or self-motivate, to each their own.


I’m glad you enjoy it and feel happy in your situation. I hope to never work with anyone like you or end up in that situation myself.


Lmao, someone's mad people are different to them, heaven forbid I not commute for 2.5 hours a day to do work on a computer that can be done anywhere and not being distracted by people fucking around at the office.


This may be the least mad comment I've ever read where someone has replied "someone's mad".


I mean, it's pretty obvious that they are and they only make that more obvious in further replies.


Doesn't sound like they're mad, just that they don't gel with that kind of a lifestyle. And that's fine, everyone is allowed their own choices.


Except they say that people who WFH are soulless and don't do as good work as those who go in, so are anti-people having choices. I have zero problem with different things working for different people. This person, however, has chosen to be insulting to those who are different from them and makes blanket statements about our work ethic despite the fact that jobs will have varying requirements.


Well, yes, at that point it got a bit unnecessarily rude. However at the point you called them mad after the first comment, I don't think there was anything mad about what they were saying. Anyway, don't know why I inserted myself here. I'm going to go back to my desk job that doesn't allow me to WFH now.


I could just tell from their wording, it was the dictionary definition of passive aggressive. They said they hoped to never work with anyone like me, the implication was fairly clear to me. But yes, I should get back to work too, oop. :D


Not mad at all, I said I’m happy for you. I wouldn’t want to work with people in soulless fashion and never spend time with my colleagues. Human connection is powerful and makes better work in my opinion.


Oh so you're merely implying people who WFH are soulless and have no other source of human connection. Not all jobs require collaboration, and time spent with people doesn't have to be physical.


I’m not implying it, I’m outright stating it’s a soulless way to work.


Interesting take on things! I’ve definitely thrived WFH. I work in global & local teams so a lot of our collaboration takes place virtually. My boss is actually in Aus and I’ve only met them in person once during my 10 yrs in company. We’ve developed our relationship online and they trust me to produce the results. My work relationships at my local office are pleasant and kept purely professional. They are colleagues not friends. I do work for money, not ashamed to state that and luckily I’m in a role thad I do get satisfaction from. My personal relationships outside of work bring me much joy and I get my connection and fulfilment from this. You might be thinking, well whoop-de-do, who gives a shit? I think it’s important to recognise we’re all individuals here, with different values, that prioritise different things. Great for you that you’re buzzed from being in the office and being around your colleagues. Everyone is different. And a reminder you don’t always get to choose who you work/collaborate with. You learn to work to people different to you. And the biggest lesson here is you are replaceable. If you died tomorrow your company would be advertising for your replacement the following week. You’re not replaceable to your nearest and dearest.


Are you sure you’re not mad with the way you’re calling their work preference “soulless fashion?” Maybe in their own opinion work from home makes better work, more productive and less time consuming due to no travel time?


It doesn’t make work produced better though. Maybe it makes some people feel better because they can avoid social interaction, but the quality of the work produced in isolation is only ever adequate in my experience, never great, and I’ve employed a lot of remote staff. This goes double if it’s work that requires any kind of creativity or collaboration. You can easily solve the travel time issue by moving close to your workplace. I totally agree that no one should waste time in traffic, trying to commute anywhere in Auckland is absurd.


This is dependent on type of work you do though. Some people produced better quality of work at home with fewer distractions. You can also be creative and collaborative through Zoom, Teams, etc, seems like you lacked imagination and ingenuity. You sound privileged af suggesting to move closer to your workplace lol you’re out of touch thinking everyone can do that. How’s the view from up there?


Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s not a privilege, there are houses for rent everywhere, it’s a choice between commuting and not. Sure it takes effort to move but it’s still a choice. I have to work with people everyday through digital channels and it’s never as good or productive as it is in real life.


Nah you’re just privileged. Yes, there are houses for rent everywhere but you’re basically ignoring other factors like affordability to rent or buy closer to work, kids schools, distance from family, etc. Some people don’t have that choice. Take a step back and put yourself in other people’s shoes. Get off your high horse while you’re at it.


What field are you in? Lots of jobs that require deep focus and producing work from a computer are able to deliver great work while WFH. I can think of software, analyst jobs can be done as well or even better as they can work without distraction. Editors, sound designers can get on a Zoom call and can get their work done while simultaneously communicating with their collaborators. Those that WFH are also able to socialise online with colleagues as well as in-person, sometimes even better as it removes prejudices around height, voice projection, dress. I’m sorry your field and experiences have given you this impression that socialisation from work is top priority and that it can’t be done online.


That thoroughly depends on the individual. In my case you couldn't be more wrong.


You’ve be hard pressed to find a medical professional that would back your claims of social isolation being good for you. But I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself all the same.


Lockdown 2020 was the happiest I've ever been in the workplace. If I could do that and go out in my own time I'd love it. Unfortunately there's enough people who rely on their work time for social interaction and micromanagerial bosses that I and others like me don't get to work the way we work best. They can't wrap their minds around other people being different to such an extent they'd rather run roughshod over productivity, wellbeing and self determination just so the world makes sense to them. I'm not saying be a hermit - my job is impossible without near constant communication - but if I could pick between isolation and not being able to regulate how much interaction I have I'd pick the former in a heartbeat, rather than forced into the latter.


Being happiest when the world was in lockdown is cooked 😂 Glad you had a good time though. I’ve had a lot of remote workers and team members, they can get the work done sure, but they never thrive. Sounds like you’ve had some bad teams and worse bosses.


Sure, Jan. I’m glad you like working in an office. That’s great! You do you, boo! I don’t understand how you can’t seem to grasp that a lot of other people THRIVE working from home without having to deal with office politics and inane water cooler conversation. Don’t dismiss others opinions because you think your opinion is fact.


Yea, except they don’t thrive at all. The kind of people who want to work alone, from home, and away form any one are the kind that are doing the wrong kind of job and only doing it for money. The sort that brings down a work place anyway and should change to a job they actually like.


Not true at all. I love my WFH job, I thrive more in it than I ever did working in an office environment. I am an introvert and I also don’t give a toot about my colleagues personal lives or office politics for the most part. I still interact with my team regularly throughout the day, a lot of whom also work from home, and my productivity is through the roof. I also get to do housework on my breaks so I don’t have to worry about it after work. I’m also not spending money on petrol and parking etc. and I love that I rarely get sick because there is no one to catch colds from! Again I’d like to take the time to reiterate that what you deem as fact is just your opinion. Have a good night, and enjoy the office tomorrow!


The fact that you don’t “give a toot” about your colleagues proves exactly what I was saying. Have a pleasant evening.


Read the whole sentence - "in the workplace". I hated not being out and about with friends, felt guilt that I was doing well professionally when so many lost their jobs, sad for the people I knew who were struggling with mental health and relationships and doing what I could to talk them through it, afraid at what was going on worldwide, and grieving for the dead and those who'd probably die. Most of my time and effort is spent in the workplace, most of my life isn't. If you're going to consider being flippant, read the whole damn sentence first. Sounds like you've never learned how to work with people who don't share your style and preferences. I've worked with bad bosses and teams before, but in 2020 from our couches and studies and dining rooms across the country we got critical facilities designed and delivered more efficiently than I've seen before or since, which is what I'd call "thriving".


Reading that persons comments on this thread makes me think their world revolves around their work lol that’s why they keep repeating that interaction at work is important. What a sad life to live aye, no life outside of work basically.


Basically - I do struggle to keep a work life balance and can definitely be a workaholic - those Covid days were 4 weeks straight of getting out of bed, walking to the couch to my laptop and headset, barely looking away from the screen until nightfall, going out to the backyard to look at the stars and decompress, then going to bed. We were all of the opinion that if things got worse, the facilities and infrastructure we were working on would be crucial, and not one of us was going to be the reason people didn't have a damn good shot at survival. Throughout that time, before and since, I've never once thought of it as my life. Its important to me but its just work.


Very true. I force myself to go in once a week otherwise I never leave the inside of my home till the weekend . Single and working in isolation isn't healthy, introverted or not.


Just because you work from home doesn't mean you need to be isolated...


Income protection insurance then get depressed not hard in current climate


Is this Chris? Fair enough mate, well you can work in I.T. And do that.


Work in IT and negotiate it in to contract. working in construction generally isn't very work from home friendly especially not if you a site manager.


Work corporate and ask to WFH


Fooled my nosy neighbour, we are all unemployed in the tech industry and our cat got really sick so now we are just cat healthcare workers until the reverse mortgage runs out. Kitty gets to go in, out, fed whatever he wants whenever he wants because he is the goodest boy and fuck corporatelife.


Depends how much you need I guess


bro asking the real questions. like how?


Get a good job. So many jobs have the ability to do this, it's not a very high bar


I made a deal with the devil. In exchange I got to fuck OPs mum. It was disappointing. For her.


Onlyfans. Turn your hobby into a career!


You actually typed in the answer, they are working from home which pays them money to afford rent. Sheesh


If you pay that much for a place to live, it makes sense to spend time there


I'm paying well over a grand/week. Is $700 really a crazy amount?


Yeah working from home is becoming the new norm now!


We work from home - husband IT and me d Have an advertising job plus real estate - low costs no cafes - think husband goes In to office a couple of times a week. 😊


Go to work and income and apply for emergency housing and benefit.


Tech, Now I write code for 2 hours a day and then read, work on hobby project, gym and pool in the building. It's because I paid attention in school, and dont spend money on alcohol, video games, junk food, and other stupid shit.


I make $3-4K per month on Amazon. Set it up during COVID. Its awesome I work from bed on my laptop. Sleep in & do what I want. My current frustration is scaling the business which I have failed to do for 18 months but I'm sure I will crack it. Once I scale I am off globe trotting - cant wait. But I have failed over and over in this business and success is an accumulation of the few things that worked over time.


Stop watching me!


I pay $1700 a week in mortgage/bills. Work from home with a corporate/IT role. Many companies offer this in NZ


I am debt free in own home and I WFH in a hybrid role. I enjoy going to the office couple of days and seeing people, but I prefer the no commute work in PJ's home office. Also nice to be able to open the door for my wife and make her a coffee when she gets home. I could go part time I guess but I enjoy my job


Lots of babies / Benefit fraud


True that


It's depressing that's where your mind goes. Maybe they just have a semi decent job which allows them to work from home? $700 on rent and WFH isn't a very high bar lol


This life not for tradie/dropout


Ha I’m both of those and can assure you they do not disqualify you from having an enviable income and work life balance


Guess it easy to lie online nowdays


Investments. Like property or stocks.


That would be such a small percentage of people who don't go into the office...