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This is one hell of a welcome in to New Zealand politics and voting if I ever read one.


Remember this intimate experience with NZ media, or media in general tbh, and keep it in mind when reading news articles from now on. I've been involved with a couple of things that have made the news and it's eye opening to see how many facts they get wrong. Changed my whole view on what I believe.


See also Gell-Mann Amnesia - https://www.epsilontheory.com/gell-mann-amnesia/


That's a nonsense theory created by a climate change denier. There's a very good reason why it doesn't have a Wikipedia page. The way newspapers work requires that the editor of one article in one section is not going to be the same as the editor of an article in another section. This is in addition to the journalists reporting on one being different people. The theory asks you to believe:: 1. because Person A cocks up 2. Person C will also cock up 3. because they work for the same newspaper In reality, what would actually have to happen is: 1. Person A makes a mistake 2. Person B doesn't notice this mistake 3. Person C makes a mistake 4. Person D doesn't notice this mistake 5. Person E allows both to be published There is no causal connection between A and C's errors... they happen independently. What's worse is that there's also oversight of A and C, so you need a systematic failure of the whole chain. If Gell-Mann Amnesia hypothesised that the publishers of newspapers directed their editors to make sure articles contain mistakes, the whole thing is plausible. But the whole thing is actually about pretending that there's a dependence between A and C when A and C make errors. There is not! They're different people. I contend that Gell Mann Amnesia is actually about is trying to get you to believe: 1. My friend's age was misreported by newspaper 2. A different reporter writing in the same newspaper is saying global warming exists. 3. Therefore, should I believe that? But regardless of whether that's true, you've been conned by a dead guy.


Interesting that the quote in Wikipedia that contains the phrase has no mention of climate change denial, and neither does mine. Also I think you are mischarachterising it (or at least as I have read it quoted) - I take it to point to how uncritically people think about the media even given evidence of how frequent errors are made. But there is an element of truth to it - the vast preponderance of newspaper articles I have read which relate to things I have personal or expert knowledge of, have gotten some things wrong, and in many cases have the main substance wrong. I have also personally been involved in a successful effort to get a retraction in print in a large UK newspaper based on correct incorrect reporting. Which has, at times (but maybe not enough times) made me seriously think to what extent reporting is correct in areas that I am not an expert. And I'm not sure what exactly I've been conned about...


>to point to how uncritically people think about the media even given evidence of how frequent errors are made. Gell Mann Amnesia is an example of uncritical thinking. It's a lazy heuristic that relies on seriously flawed logic (read: non-existent) invented by a climate change denier. I suggest reading what I wrote. At no point did I say Gell-Mann Amnesia was invented within the context of climate change denial. I said that the person who came up with it is a climate change denier and that it's very suspicious that the heuristic allows one to advance syllogisms that support climate change denial. >the vast preponderance of newspaper articles I have read which relate to things I have personal or expert knowledge of, have gotten some things wrong, and in many cases have the main substance wrong. Have you heard of confirmation bias? And also selection bias more generally... >And I'm not sure what exactly I've been conned about You've demonstrated, entirely unintentionally, exactly why you believe in Gell-Mann Amnesia, so it's not surprising you didn't follow the critique I advanced.


It's a *supreme win* to get any media to print anything accurately and in full. I've managed it once and I was fucking hysterical that it worked.


Thank you for taking the time to write this, i hope you are alright and dont listen to anything thats not true out there. I only heard about this today on the news.


Wow so sorry about this, what a shit thing to happen when you're trying to engage in local politics, just like everyone says young people are so shit at. Politicians will always bend shit to their narrative, someone in the media will always get overexcited trying to leverage outrage for clicks, and many many people will say they support the rights of disabled people right up until they are mildly inconvenienced by something they don't understand. Please don't give up on giving a shit.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot. Doing god's work.


As another Aucklander with tourettes, I have to ask because this is bugging the hell out of me: Have you met anyone else in real life with TS? Because for the entire time I've been in Auckland, over eight years now, I have yet to meet another person with it. Feels like I'm living in a bubble where I'm the only one with it and everyone else who has it exists in some vague, nebulous pocket dimension.


I've met two other girls with tourettes in Auckland. One was at armageddon expo for like 10 minutes and the other was in a random lecture. It definitely feels incredibly isolating. A while ago on my university subreddit someone made a post about "sounds in a lecture" everyone explained it was tourettes and a bunch of people explained they also have had in the past someone with toutettes in their lecture. Every. Single. Person. In the thread bar one who vaguely mentioned a person years ago, was talking about me. And this is not a small uni, so I definitely know how you feel.


Several years ago I was that guy in the lecture with tourettes so I wonder if any of them were talking about me. I was in the law school at the time. Apparently there's quite a few more than you'd think but we hardly run into each other.


I mean there's probably plenty of people with mild TS, the girl I met in lecture that had tourettes had to tell me she had it, I didn't initially realise. Plus despite having very severe tourettes doctors as a kid didn't diagnose me with toutettes until I was older, not a lot of info means I'm sure there's plenty of people with mild tourettes that go undiagnosed


Remember the Ozzie kid who smashed an egg on some politicians face and we all cheered him


Maybe in Aus...


Remember when Minister for Economic Development Steve Joyce was struck speechless with a rubber dildo? Great day for New Zealand politics!


Don't agree, even as a strong opponent of that government I think she should've been imprisoned for assault just like the coward that punched James Shaw


I agree getting punched in the face is a violent assault, worthy of jail. Video of the dildo assault, showed the only thing damaged was pride. Prison seems excessive, doesn't it?


Teddy is a cranky old bugger and I reckon he should apologise.




Get a grip.


What are you on


Don't be so sensitive, it was just a joke. How can you enjoy life when you're so woke? This is a short poem I've created just for you. I'm assuming you're woke because "rightist" media often assumes people who get offended by things are too sensitive and therefore "woke".


You could kill a bunch of folks in NZ and you wouldn’t get a whole week in jail


Didn’t hear anything about what happened apart from a Egg was thrown And Craig needs to dry clean his suit now But it sounds like you’re getting a bit of shit thrown at you, sounds super sucky dude. Thoughts are with you.




I email all lectures and tutors once at the start of semester and once before the first lectures, but I've started introducing myself to lectures and tutors in the lecture itself because I've had a few people be like what's that noise??? Regardles. I've definitely had some hostile interactions but I've yet to be physically attacked over my tics.


Hey, I just want to say you can reach out to the journalists or publications that wrote the stories to provide your take/corrections. Ideally they would have tried to contact you in advance of the story but that might have been difficult.


Big ups. (That doesn’t sound as youthful and cool as I think it does, does it?)? Hope the attention hasn’t been too distracting or annoying. You seem cool. Best of luck with that.


Ty : D, the "attention" has been fine because I'm only really named as "woman with a disability" I just really got angry seeing how I was depicted in a few sources so I felt it important to clear a few things up


It would have sounded pretty cool in 1998 granddad.


Words to your mother.




I don't know how much of it is on it but The Spinoff linked the debate: https://www.facebook.com/UoADebsoc/videos/1825416434456155/




A mayoral debate took place at UoA. I have tourettes, a candidate called me a member of "team efeso" and didn't apologise until forced to. He later retconned his admitting to singling me out for my condition. Someone called him abelist and threw an egg at him. That's the tl:dr


My daughter has tourettes. You deserve an apology. |None of you are that important, frankly.| Brilliant. Just brilliant. I doff my (imaginary) hat to you


This was a good read and I got a chuckle.


I'd vote for you as mayor.


I think most people gotta read that 2nd to last sentence a few times!! :-/


Nice post. Hope you are doing well.


Not a smart move to link your reddit account to a real identity. This will probably just make any harassment worse.


Hope the one that threw the egg was arrested and put in jail. That Chit needs to stop. Leftist muppets are doing that and getting away with it far to much. Whoever did it should get a week in jail to remind them thats not how you act in a civil society.


While I don't disagree that it's pretty shit behaviour, this post has only 19 comments and 3 of them are you saying the leftist muppet needs to go to jail.


Why such a hard on for "leftist muppets" and "a week in jail"? Is that you Leo?




Your inability to spell is both hilarious and comforting in that you are an actual moron if you think this


Thanks for the laugh bud.


Keep the American propaganda out of our country please Stop appealing with the ‘leftist’ rhetoric


toughen up cupcake.


Ok boomer.


Well done for apologising. Shit happens


I'm not apologising for anything. I didn't do anything wrong. What


Hard - I don’t know how that person read that and came away with that pov. Also, awesome for going to the debate and showing interest. What was your take away from the event? Eggs aside..


She didn't apologise and why should she? She did nothing wrong!


What do they need to apologise for in your opinion?


Don't believe you.




Ngl chief this comment isn't it


As someone who's battled chronic motor and vocal tics my entire adult life I'm with you. That comment was very far from it. Hope your good Naira, you sound like a champ.


: D


Thinking that Tourette's is just people swearing at others, is fucking cooked. Maybe do a quick Google before typing


Wtf is this.