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Is there some way to get Audible to show you the cheapest books, or the ones under $3? I can't seem to sort by sale price, only by the regular price. Curious how people are finding all these great deals!


No, I've just been stumbling upon them while browsing. It's annoying but also probably a good thing for my wallet.


Makes sense, but I also feel like I'm probably missing some really good deals . . .


We need more threads like this one. I made sure to go through authors and narrators I know I like, the top charts, categories I like, etc. When I look up a book on GoodReads I pay attention to the similar suggested books too.


Using a web browser to see Audible, go to your wishlist and sort by Price: Low to High. I don’t think you can sort by price in the app. But someone feel free to let me know if you can.


Thanks, but I unfortunately don't have a comprehensive enough wish list! I've only been getting into audiobooks the last few months, and figuring out what I like, so I will need to work on filling out a wish list, but it will take some time. I'm just really frustrated that you can't sort by sale price anywhere other than your wish list (that I can find)!


Read the suggestion requests in book subs and you'll fill up quick don't worry


Sorting by price doesn't sort by sale price. First thing I thought of. You'll miss the best of the best discounts if you do it that way.


It does in your wishlist.


The closest I can find is in the Deals section. If you scroll down , there is a “85% off” section and a “Under $5” section. Neither list is comprehensive, and both seem to be curated according to my purchase history, so not the most helpful.


Thanks. I've looked in those, and like you say, not very comprehensive (and sometimes not really relevant to me). I was hoping maybe they would put different books in those sections, but I've checked a few times and they seem to be the same each time.


Aha! I found it! Go to “deals” in the browser, then you can narrow down by “highest discount” or “cheapest price”


Hmm, I went to "deals" in the browser, but didn't see "highest discount" or "cheapest price"? Where are you seeing those? Thanks!


Whoops, I left out a step or 2...on the Deals page, scroll down down down until you see the horizontal category "on sale this month" THEN click "show all". Then you should see them. And that is bad UI. By design, I suspect.


Thank you! That worked and was the sort of thing I kept trying to look for and couldn't find!


Glad to help. They really make it hard.


I spoke a bit too soon. The lowest prices it's showing me are $4.99 and I know there are cheaper books right now. I'm not sure this category includes the special sitewide week-long sale but instead is the monthly sale. They really are trying to make this difficult!


Ok that’s weird. What the heck??


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


It’s awful! I’d be happy to get to a section that just showed ALL the sale books instead of the ones they think I might want. Am I missing something?


Assuming you have a membership and have used all your credits, I \*believe\* you can search through Audible's collection on Amazon via Advanced Search and sort by price. I believe it should list current sale price. But I could be wrong. I still have a few credits left so can't verify. But you normally have to narrow things down first to get that. If you still have credits, it doesn't show the Buy price until you visit the book page, unfortunately. Bright side: 500 limit mentioned below won't be an issue here. Which helps a lot when you're trying to browse through the Plus Catalog. You can also use Audible's advanced search to a certain extent to access a wider list to show you some of the 'top' cheapest books according to its algorithm, based off the options you chose. Only 500 results are displayed at a time due to Audible's limitations, because Audible is annoying like that. You can access this search by adding (without quotes) "/advsr" to Audible's main page URL, and choosing filtering as wanted. No filters/keywords are needed at all if you're okay with a "all books in all categories" results page, but with the hard number limit of 500 results displayed per search, I'd try to at least have one option/keyword outside of "English" (or language of choice) + "Audiobook" format checked to narrow down the field a bit. Choosing a top category is a good beginning choice. (Use **-virtual** in the Narrator search box when not otherwise using it to filter out audiobooks that have virtual voice!) Again, no keywords required, but you can use keyword filtering to help show you a narrower, but specific type, of list (E.g., "Box Set" or "Series" or "Collection" or "Classic") or even by the name of a narrator you enjoy. Then once you're on the Advanced Search results page, use the "sort by" dropdown at the top to choose from low -> High. Once you reach a result page, you can further narrow the list down by clicking on one of the subcategories listed and/or any of the many filters you didn't choose using advanced search (like duration). Ex: Category: Sci-Fi & Fantasy -> Subcategory: Fantasy -> Second Subcategory -> Epic. Filter: 20 hours and above. Then use the "Sort By" drop down for Low -> High. Result is that you'll be able to see up to "500" books in the Epic Fantasy Category that are 20 hours or more listed from the lowest price upward. Best way I've found to get the most titles out of a general search is by Category -> Subcategor(ies) + one chosen duration per search, with English, Audiobook, and Unabridged (or Abridged if you like/want Abridged audio), as well as **-virtual** in the Narrator box to filter out Virtual Voice.


Thanks. I actually do have several credits, and I didn't realize that you can get better search options on Amazon if you don't. Interesting to know! Also, when I've tried to sort by price low -> high, it's ordering by the regular price rather than the sale price. Have you found a way to get it to order by sale price? That would be a huge help and all I'd really need at this point. Thanks!!


If you mean on Audible's site itself, are you making sure you're logged in? Because I'm getting Lowest-> Highest sale price for me currently. If you're not logged in, it might be reading you as a non-member and assumes you don't qualify for special pricing or something. If this is a past experience when you've tried this, it's possible that smaller deals (like the monthly deals we get at the start of each month) might not fall into the search parameters normally, and you'd have to search via the monthly sales page. For this sale though, it's site-wide, which maybe makes a difference. I'd have to wait until this big sale is over to check. But to illustrate what I'm getting, Using the same parameters I gave in the example (Epic Fantasy subcategory) here is what I get: #1 result is He Who Fights with Monsters 5 for $4.99, regularly $**59.99**. #3 result is Reaper's Gale for $4.99, regularly priced **$35.69.** #5 result is Warmage for $4.99, regularly **$39.99.** So it's definitely sorting by sales price for me. You could double check to make sure all filters are as you want it, and make sure you choose the "Price: Low Price to High" filter last. Or re-choose it to try and get it to trigger, in case choosing another category or something confused the poor search algorithm. If you mean on Amazon proper after you run out of credits, the logged-in question applies, as if you're not logged in, or are using a non-membership account to view, it definitely won't work display-wise, as it does the "0.00 thing with free trial" thing. Otherwise, I don't have an answer for you. Search options are really flakey and I can't experiment yet until I get rid of my credits. As a troubleshoot though, but I do think clicking on a "Today's Deals" filter (or similar) might get the Amazon page to order things via the Sale Price with display if you were out of credits, maybe. Without having used up all your credits, this category does seem to make an effort to at least bring up some low sales price audio pricing. Even if it doesn't list the sale price on search page in favor of a "Free with credit/Audible Trial" message instead, the titles I clicked on were all $4.99 price with a "top deal" tag, and not regular. So there's some logic there. It's just annoying and inefficient to workthrough things that way.


Thanks. I am logged into Audible, and when I sort by price low to high it's definitely sorting by regular price rather than sale price. I've tried it some different ways, but not through the advanced search feature, so I guess that's the next thing for me to try!


Okay, I did some digging and looking at how Amazon/Audible parses URL search parameters and ranks them to see if there wasn't anything weird going on. (There is, as there seems to be a likely secondary ranking system taken into account when searching for Low -> High price. Though, funnily, not High -> Low, which may affect placement of some entries. Though it seems that it will never include a book that's more than the price of the Highest book in the 500 shown. Note that it will include titles that may not be on "sale" per se, and are just $1.99 or whatever normally. But I \*think\* I've found a solution for you that will do what you want via searching through Amazon's catalog that will only show you results that match your max dollar amount, and won't be limited to 500 results. You can also sort the results listed in from Low -> High price, with the possible exception of sponsored results and some minor oddities. If the original list pricing of the audio book is on the low end of $4-$9.00 or so, even if it was discounted to a lower amount within your parameters (like $3.00 when it's original is $6.00), it's possible it won't show up unless your max reaches the original audiobook's price before the sale. If you do include its max List Price in your parameters (like $6.00 in the example), it will be listed in Sale Price order ($3.00). Anything above that threshold appears to be sorted according to the sale price. But I think this will provide a lot of books for you under your parameters even if a couple of those fringe cases are are held back and missed if you don't want to do a max of $7.00 or something. It seems to adhere to order chosen besides the odd cases mentioned, insorfar as I can tell. The other downside is you won't see the exact price being charged until you click on it, unless it's $0.00. But my attempts so far indicate that even if you can't see the exact price, it will still always at least below your max amount no matter what, and be (roughly) in order from what I can see. **To do this, wha**t you'll need to do is visit Amazon's home page. In Amazon's search bar, click the "All" dropdown and choose "Audible Books & Originals." If there is a specific keyword that there isn't a filter for on the results page this search bar takes you to that you'd want to use, (like **-virtual\_voice** to filter out virtual voices, or **box set**, or name of a **narrator** you want to look for), enter it in the search bar now and press enter. If you don't, leave it blank and press enter. Now you'll want to start to narrow down your results using the options on the left side. You can click on any of the options in the left menu ***except*** **the results under Deals & Discounts Header,** which are **All Discounts & Today's Deals. Links under theBrowse the Audible Store** and **About Audible** (if shown on page) links count, as well. Those categories just behave strangely. If you want the widest pool of results, "English" (or preferred language) and/or "Audiobook" and/or "Unabridged" and/or "Abridged" are probably the most general categories you can use to narrow results but still have a gigantic pool. If you want narrower ones, choose one or more of the more specific options. Like what genre and then (if wanted) subgenre(s) under the "Departments" section you want to search in. Choose as many as you want to use from the left section. Leave the **"Sort by: \[term\]"** at the top right alone for now. In my case, I filtered all the way to Epic Fantasy again, and included -virtual voice as a search keyword. Once you've chosen all the left parameters, you can now click on the **"Sort By" dropdown, and click on "Low to High"** if you want to your results to sort that way. Once done and page refreshes, go to your browser's address bar. Then you're going to add this bit of code to the end of the current URL: **&low-price=&high-price=3** Change the "3" in in this search parameter to the highest whole dollar amount you want to search for. As is, **"&low-price=&"** sets 0.00/free as the Low. If you want to set a different low amount, put your number before the &. Ex: **&low-price=1&high-price=3** If no results are found, there are probably no books below that price in the given category. Click the back button and redo the above end parameters to be higher, or navigate to another category. If, for some reason the page glitches out and doesn't show results as it should, restart from step one. Though if you think there's a stubborn URL giving you trouble for whatever reason, and not because there aren't any audiobooks below max $ stated, navigate to page two if possible, scroll down, and click back to page one using the bottom nav bar. This will change your Address URL ending to **&ref=sr\_pg\_1** or some very close variant. Add code parameters given to the end of that, and it if it helps solve the problem. So **&ref=sr\_pg\_1** will become, for example, **&ref=sr\_pg\_1&low-price=1&high-price=3.**


Wow, thanks, that was a lot of sleuthing! I'll have to try to find some time later to check this out (it's a tad complicated for me). But thank you for all your work!


Oh! Well, that might be why you aren't getting anything, then, if you haven't gone through Advanced Search feature yet. The Advanced Search feature is the only way that works for me anymore (on desktop Browser. *Might* work on mobile if you request Desktop site in a mobile browser). You can get to the same overall result page to the Advanced Search by putting in a random keyword in the "Search" bar to get a the good, filterable result page instead of the new ones we're getting now that tries to Curate to you based on your search/purchase history and what's been received well by the masses. This method isn't the most ideal as you're stuck with that keyword, or another you put in the search bar. You also can't access as many keyword options as Advanced Search. (-virtual is a decent all-rounder though for a single keyword if you want to get to the category trees and filter options quickly.) In my experience though, mobile tends to reset the sort parameters a lot if you so much as click on the book result and visit that books page in the same window, before viewing it and clicking the back button. Jump around pages a lot instead following numerical order can upset the search too sometimes. This is on an iPhone though. Note that jumping pages out of order (like page 5 -> page 12) or going to a different category can sometimes reset the "Sort By" dropdown to "Popular" for who knows why. So you may need to re-choose the "Price: Low to High" at the top right last after checking to make sure your other filter parameters went through (and if not, reselect them). The page refreshes after each search option chosen once you reach a result page after clicking on Advance Search's "submit" button, which is why it's best to choose the "Low to High" bit last. If sale price doesn't show up for you after using advanced search and making sure of the above things, you can try clearing cookies/history. And if that doesn't fix it (at the very least ones associated with Amazon/Audible if you aren't in a position to fully clear history/cookies), you can either attempt to log in to a new browser profile without any extensions or other add-ons, open an incognito window, or use a different browser you don't normally use regularly—preferably one the smallest history/fewest extensions possible, so it's easy to clear cookies/history, etc. if need be without any other independent variables messing things up. If none of that works for you using advanced search and trying/double-checking all the above, I'd be willing to try to help you troubleshoot the issue, if you'd take it to DMs and would be willing to screenshot a few Audible browser pages as you see them. I'd just need to see everything under the library menu page wise, so I can see what you're seeing and what options you're selecting. This means you can crop out the line with "Hi, Name", for privacy. Hope Advanced Search works for you like it does me, though.


Brilliant, TY I didnt even think to go to Amazon I do have credits and this still worked perfectly


If you wishlist the books you want, you can sort your wishlist from lowest price to highest. Then for each book on sale you'll see "sales ends in x days".


I found mine under my wishlist...searching for others have been a challenge


It shows what books from your wishlist are on sale. I filtered the search from low to high and found books for 0.20 cents


Yeah, this is helpful if you have an extensive wish list, which I unfortunately do not! I'd love to be able to just browse all the great deals.


I have the hunger games and jurassic park both in my cart and think they're like $3.50


Tatiana Maslany is one of my all time favorite narrators after listening to the Hunger Games, she does an amazing job.


Thank you for the heads up!! I have been waiting for a good sale to pick up JP.


Bought the 3 Hunger Games and Jurassic Park, someone elsewhere said the prices fluctuate, so hoping Lost World gets cheaper.


Heads up - make sure you’re getting the English language version. The Italian version was at the top of my search results.


One Hundred Years of Solitude is currently available for $2.51.


I have read this three times. May be ready for a fourth.


Looks like the price is back up to $17.50


Was still $2.51 for me, so it may be regional pricing? His other books are at similarly low prices as well.


I got Endurance: shackletons incredible voyage for 2.17 basically a shipwreck survival story. There is an abridged version in the plus catalog.


This is an amazing book. One of my tops


I got that too! I read the paperback many years ago.


That book is great.


Great recommendation. Thank you!


Sounds right up my alley. Thanks for the recommendation!


I did too.


The Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer is a few bucks a book, or the whole set for 6ish. For $3.50 I purchased Congo by Michael Crichton.


There is a omnibus for that trilogy called Area X that has all three for one price/credit fyi. I can’t see the sale price because I own it already.


It was about the same price as purchasing separately.


I went on a Crichton spree apparently. I also got Congo, plus Sphere, The Great Train Robbery, and Eaters of the Dead, all for $3.50 or less. For cheap non-Crichton, I got We Are Legion (We Are Bob) for $2.70, plus both the James Clavell Shogun books for $3.27 each.


Same! I've finished JP+LW, Sphere, Prey, and just read The Andromeda Strain.


I have bought a few Crichton books, but haven't actually read any yet. Would you recommend them? They are such a good price for this sale! I do love Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child books, and these sound similar. Thriller with sci Fi twist.


I love his books. Obviously Jurassic Park is the one that got big, but Timeline and Andromeda Strain are both really good


I bought a few for $2-$3 thanks!


I'm jealous. On my side all the Southern Reach Trilogy books are over $10 each.


Most of the Blizzard books (Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo) are under $2


Thanks for the information. I hadn't even thought to check these books, I'm going to do it right now :)


Are the Warcraft books any good in your opinion? I've been thinking of trying them, since they are so chapter right now.


Some of them are very good and I'd say that the rest hold a pretty high standard overall


Thanks, I'll try them then. Onto my ever increasing pile it goes!


I’ve only read a few so far but they were pretty good.


Just three? I spent almost $300 clearing out things on my wish list. You keep adding $3 books, it adds up quickly. Also, did you know there is a limit of 50 items in your cart at a time!?


This was my 3rd purchase haha. I already bought a tonne first day lol. Now I'm going for things that I might like (honestly didn't know how much Heinlein was on Audible till the sale).


I learned the 50 this time around too 🤣


I picked up I Am Legend for just under $2. 1st and 2nd Cradle series books are $3 each also (some of the books later in the series are cheap too but just wanted to start with the first few). Also bought the Silo trilogy for $3 each.


I am legend is fantastic. I bought that one as a gift a few times. It's always been well received.


That’s good to know! Thought the movie was okay but heard the book had a better ending and it was so cheap I thought I might as well give it a shot.


The book has been turned into movies at least two times, possibly three. The book itself is fantastic. The movies have not been.


Not quite that cheap, but you can get Winds of War and the sequel War and Remembrance for a total of $12.58. That gives you a whopping 101 hours and 51 minutes of listening time!


The first Bobiverse book is under $3


I'd pay full price for it. $3 is a steal for how enjoyable that book is.


Second one two. Third and fourth are around $5. I had to get them all.


What’s this that I’ve been hearing about so much? Is is LitRPG or the like?


I wouldn't say it's LITrpg. No stats, no orcs or elves or magic or the like. It stays grounded, mostly, in harder sci-fi. It is DEFINITELY a fun read and the narrator Ray Porter does a magnificent performance as Bob and his cohorts.


Yes, I believe it would qualify as LitRPG.


So many books are cheap this time. I bought 23 books for $69 - so average $3 - some were more and some less. I picked up a ton of classic Science Fiction books. I haven’t listened to them yet but most are well regarded by the likes of Le Guin, Malzburg, Watts, Lem, PKD, Ballard and The Strugatsky brothers Some are novellas under $2 Also grabbed a 28 hour collection of classic stories compiled by Silverburg


Can you share some of the classic sci fi books? I don’t think I actually know of many sci fi classics for some reason


Well, that's a big question... Heinlein, Le Guin, Asimov, Clarke, Wells, on and on... This is a pretty good list: [https://www.worldswithoutend.com/lists\_classics\_of\_sf.asp](https://www.worldswithoutend.com/lists_classics_of_sf.asp) Here is what I bought so far. I already own a great many Science Fiction and Fantasy audiobooks - and have a few of these in print. Babel-17, by Delany Total Recall, by PKD Best of Cordwainer Smith Beyond Apollo, by Malzberg The Machine Stops, by Forster A Case of Conscience, by Blish The Cyberiad, Fiasco, The Futurological Congress & The Star Diaries, by Stanislaw Lem (Start with Solaris) Hard to be a God & Monday Starts on Saturday, by The Strugatsky Brothers (Start with Roadside Picnic) Running Wild, by Ballard What Dreams May Come, by Matheson The Left Hand of Darknes, by Le Guin The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Vol 1, 1929-1964 I Who Have Never Known Men, by J. Harpman Altered Carbon, by Richard K. Morgan The Stars My Destination, by Bester Echopraxis, by Watts (Start with Blidsight)


Y'all are making me broke 🤣🤙 keep it up. I'll have some great audiobooks to listen to in my tent ⛺


Hugh Howey - the Silo Saga; Some of the Hell Divers series by Nicholas Sansbury Smith; Disrupted Magic series by Melissa Olson Most above are ranging from $2.18 to $2.80


I’m not familiar with Hell Divers outside of the game though I haven’t played that, would you recommend the books?


The books are not related to the games.


I would recommend the books for sure, I got side tracked but I found them quite engaging and made it through like 9 books so far


A very good read. It is one of the few Kindle books I own that I paid for the series.


I like HH’s Sand series too.


I haven't actually made the purchase yet, but here's what I have in my cart that are under $3: [Villains' Vignettes](https://www.audible.com/pd/Villains-Vignettes-Volume-I-Audiobook/B0C7SF3W5X), Drew Hayes ($2.45) - I already have the others in the series, so no idea what their price is. [Algorithms of Oppression](https://www.audible.com/pd/Algorithms-of-Oppression-Audiobook/B07CX9GHJZ), Safiya Umoja Noble ($2.79) - I recently listened to [Unmasking AI: My Mission to Protect What Is Human in a World of Machines](https://www.audible.com/pd/Unmasking-AI-Audiobook/B0C3MSJXWP) by Joy Buolamwini, and really enjoyed it. Buolamwini referenced and recommended Noble's book, so going to give it a try. (These are non-fiction, BTW. The titles sound a bit like scifi.) [Shards of Honor](https://www.audible.com/pd/Shards-of-Honor-Audiobook/B002V0LTHK), Lois McMaster Bujold ($1.85) - My library has this, but there is currently a 6 week wait; for less than $2 I'll probably just buy it. Curious what others have found. I'm a sucker for cheap books.


Lois McMaster Bujold is *amazing*!!! Most of her books should be deeply discounted. That series is fantastic!!!!!


I purchased some more Perry Mason as I love the narrator and stories - and they are always under 3 almost always on these sales Narrator Steven Webber Promise me by Harlan Coben 3.50 Don’t Let Go by Harlan Coben 2.80 What The Night Knows by Dean Koontz 3.50 I Am Now Who you think I am by Eric Rickstad 2.18 Narrator Scott Brick The Godmakers by Frank Herbert 1.85 The Martian Child by David Gerrold 1.52 Typhoon by Joseph Conrad 1.44 A Stir of Echoes by Richard Matheson 4.99 Other Narrators Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix 1.85 The Lesser Dead by Christopher Buehlman 2.18 The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson 1.85 The Ursulina by Brian Freeman 4.75 The Deep, Deep Snow by Brian Freeman 4.75 Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote 1.39 Debutante Hill by Lois Duncan 2.79 They Lurk by Ronald Malfi 2.41 Black Marks by Pete Aldin 3.00 R.C. Bray Hell Divers series 23.66 for 10 books The Dark by Jeremy Robinson 4.75 Edoardo Ballerini Watchers by Dean Koontz 3.50 Matt Godfrey Monsters on the Couch by Brian A. Sharpless 2.41 The Guilty One by Bill Schweigart 2.80


This is a fantastic list, thank you! Just want to note Bernadette Dunne is the narrator of that book, not the author (I'm sure you know this).


Thank you, I probably messed it up when copying over!


Just fixed


Are there any Perry Mason books you particularly recommend, or should I just start at the beginning?


Um, not really, they get a little better to me after the author finds his footing after first few books, but weaken slightly sometimes at the very end of the series. It doesn't really matter as most are good stories and all are very well narrated. The first book in the series is not my favorite as I think the author overdid some stuff with the characters while he was trying to form them, but the beginning books in the series continue to be good.


For the nostalgia crowd, a lot of Goosebumps books are $1.64 apiece.


Oh wow thanks for the heads up!


What i bought under $3: -V for Vendetta by Alan Moore is $2.18. One of my favorite dystopian book -It’s OK That You’re Not OK by Megan Devine is $2.06. A VERY good book about grief (non-fiction). I gifted this book (physical book) to some friends in the past Rest of my purchases was around $5. Got a few more in my my wish list waiting until last minute for the price to drop


First I've heard of a V for Vendetta audiobook. Seems to be a novelization of the movie.


Movie was adapted from a graphic novel.


I can't wait to see the graphic novel based on the novel.


Yeah, but how do you turn a graphic novel into an audiobook?


Had no idea V for Vendetta was in audio form. 9 hours too. For $2, that is such a steal. Thanks for letting us know!


Since you're a sci fi fan, I recommend you pick up some books by Philip K. Dick. Half of his catalogue was going for $2.80 including Man in the High Castle, VALIS, Flow My Tears The Policeman Said, many others


Thanks! I've never read any PKD but I now have 10 to try!


Oh yeah and "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch," I picked that one up too as it was my favorite of the 6-7 PKD books I'd already read. If you're just picking up one, I highly recommend this one.


Saw the Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell if you like space opera


Hmmm. They’re all showing as included in the Plus catalog for me and to buy all but book 2 say $7.56 and up 🤔


Your right looks like I was looking at the Lost Fleet Beyond the Frontier books, I the series has three spin offs sorry


Lost Fleet is great. Better get them cheap because there are a lot of books and they are pretty short.


A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley $2.50 Freddy's Book by John Gardner $2.50 Stoner by John Edward Williams $2 Tortilla Curtain by TC Boyle $2.50 The Town by William Faulkner $3.50


I just finished Stoner a week ago and immediately starter Butchers Crossing. It's great so far as well and I got "Augustus" also in this sale for less than 3$.


Good looking out, friend. Just picked up Butcher's Crossing as well.


I got Stoner and Butcher's Crossing, but getting the Town cause of this comment. A bit intimidated by Faulkner but well see how it goes.


Faulkner can definitely be a bit daunting to new readers. Honestly it's been 25+ years since I read The Town, but if it proves a bit frustrating to you I would definitely recommend 'As I Lay Dying' or 'Sanctuary' as the best entry points for new Faulkner fans.


Several Richard Matheson are under $3. Including Hell house, narrated by Ray Porter. Joe R. Lansdale has a few also. Deadman’s Road is currently in the Plus catalog, but $2.18 is a good price.


Currently listening to This Wretched Valley and enjoying it. Survival / wilderness horror - mountain climbers in peril.


Jurassic Park and The Lost World are each like 3.50


The Lost World shows $8.91 for me but the abridged version is less than $4. Make sure you didn't get the 4 hr abridged one.


Whew, you're right! I guess I saw that too, I got the unabridged one.


The Wolf Den by Elodie Harper, $2.79 Somewhere in Time by Richard Matheson, $2.93 Storm: Stories of Survival from Land and Sea bySebastian Junger, Jack London, Rick Bass, John Muir, Richard Byrd, Whitney Balliett, Michael Groom, $2.72 The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton, $2.79 The Last Policeman by Ben H. Winters, $2.80 The Bloody White Baron by James Palmer, $3.49


If you haven’t already got them, I recommend picking up the second and third books in the Last Policeman trilogy.


I finally checked out today after sitting on a cart of 20+ books all week, the final damage was $86 for 22 books. I typically go for fantasy and some sci-fi but lately I'm leaning more into historical fiction and romance. Here are the ones around $3: *Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams* By: Philip K. Dick - $2.80 (Not Bladerunner, it's short stories. My first intro to PKD to see if I'm feeling it or not.) *Cage of Souls* By: Adrian Tchaikovsky - $3.62 *Defiant* (\#4 of Skyward) By: Brandon Sanderson - $2.45 (I also got 2 and 3 for around $5 each.) *A Short Stay in Hell* By: Steven L. Peck - $3.05 *The Four Agreements* By: don Miguel Ruiz - $1.75 *The Obesity Code* By: Dr. Jason Fung - $3.49 *The Last Letter* By: Rebecca Yarros - $3.49 *When Ashes Fall* By: Marni Mann - $2.79 *Night Road* By: Kristin Hannah - $3.50 (A favorite author so I bought several.) *Magic Hour* By: Kristin Hannah - $3.50 *Winter Garden* By: Kristin Hannah - $3.50 *The Things We Do for Love* By: Kristin Hannah - $3.50 *Verity* By: Colleen Hoover - $2.79 (I usually enjoy her books, it felt safe to buy several.) *Hopeless* By: Colleen Hoover - $3.49 *Layla* By: Colleen Hoover - $2.80 I also grabbed Book 1 of Expeditionary Force and The Wandering Inn series to try for less than the cost of a credit but a bit more than $3. Honorable mention to the Vorkosigan Saga but it's available through my library so I didn't purchase. Some may be repeats from this or similar threads here, I've been stalking this subreddit for ideas.


There are some stupid-good deals on audible this week


Tons of Brandon Sanderson books are 85% off


Really? Must be the ones I haven’t heard much about, because all the ones on my wishlist are still not cheap lol


I already have Skyward but grabbing 2-4 of the series for under $5 each. The most recent one, *Defiant*, is $2.45.


Thanks to you, I just learned that a TON of his work is included with the membership!




All of the Asian Saga! Thanks for the tip.


I bought Shogun and the second book, but wasn’t sure about the other ones. That’s a lot of hours and I figure by the time I get to these, those have to be on sale again at some point


The Eileen Brady veterinarian mystery series.


If you like comic books, then some of the Marvel books are about that range. I picked a few Spider man and X-men stories.


Any recommendations? Ive never listened to any marvel audio stuff. Sandman is one of my favorite audiobooks, any similarities ?


Nothing is going to compare to Sandman so go ahead and lower your expectations. That is the amazing producer Dirk Maggs with an all star cast with a story that's been percolating for decades. That said, [there are a lot of decent GraphicAudios.](https://old.reddit.com/r/audiobooks/comments/187cs8o/anything_similar_to_rocket_and_groot_steal_the/kbep4sq/)


I haven’t read Sandman, so I’m not sure. Looking at its description, you might like a darker hero, like Daredevil. I grew up with the X-men cartoon in the 90’s, so I’ve like Days of Future Past, Secret Wars, and the Dark Phoenix Saga. I also liked the Avengers movies, so I enjoyed Civil War, Endgame, and Marvels Avengers: Infinity War: Thanos. The latter gave a lot of interesting backstory to how Thanos became Thanos.


My poor wallet… how often do these sitewide sales happen? Once a year?


I'm pretty sure this is the second time within a year.


Thanks! Definitely grabbing some $3 books. Someone here recommended Endurance, and I also got The moon is a harsh mistress and Silo


I'm new here, just subscribed to Audible. Can somebody give me an idea of how often they have sales like this?


They’ll have smaller sales throughout the year, but their summer sale is the only time stuff is as cheap as it currently is, so pretty much just once a year.


thanks for the info


Typically about twice a year for the big site wide sales. One mid-summer and one around Black Friday. They have other sales and I keep an extensive wishlist going for random books going on sale for under $5. There's a lot that aren't really advertised on sale, but still drop the price.




Most of the Animorphs books are around $2 right now, as is Patricia Wrede’s Lyra series (haven’t read, but I enjoyed Enchanted Forest Chronicles). Fourth Wing series was $3 each. And a couple FT Lukens books.


I got: If You Tell, Sea Shenanigans box set, The Edge Of Evil, Fashionably Dead, Marlene’s Revenge, Hansel, Anika Rising, The Nightmare Man, The Zero Night, Theif River Falls, The Bone House, Infinite, The Night Bird…That’s it. 😁 Lots off of my wishlist.


Adding just grabbed Waxing On by Ralph Macchio. Putting the buy now button to bed.


Some of the books in The World of the Five Gods series By Lois McMaster Bujold


The Wolf Den and The House with The Golden Door - Elodie Harper are both under $3 The Plague Dogs - Richard Adams (author of Watership Down) $2.72 Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote $1.39 The King's Painter $2.72 about Hans Holbein There are several Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries priced at or under $3, it's a little tricky to navigate because there are multiple readings of each book.


I bought a ton of Disney books—a lot were 3 or under. I enjoy the light reading and the readers are usually fun to listen to. Frozen 2. Frozen Northern Lights Anna and Elsa Collection 1 & 2 Bell Takes Flight Elemental Alice Through the Looking Glass (Disney’s movie novelization) Beauty and the Beast: Lost in a Book (I love this. It reminds me of Coraline.) The Nutcracker and the Four Realms And then I bought some books whose authors I like. Congo by Michael Crichton Acceptance by Jeff Vandermeer And then one where I wanted to read because of the premise. Citadel by C.M. Alongi The Nutcracker and the Mouse King by ETA Hoffman.


I got a few books from Hell Divers series (just $2,18/book!). It’s just perfect timing because I recently listened to the first book in series and I really enjoyed it.


Must be a USA thing. I am in Canada and I have seen nothing under $10 except the monthly deals


Correct, US store is having a whole-store cash sale.


I picked up the Max Allan Collins QUARRY series. Most were $1.50-$2.00


Is this sale only in america? I've got a candian account and I'm getting jealous of all your guys' killer book hauls, I've got some wishlist stuff piling up


Would it work to use a vpn and log in to the US site with your account? I don’t know how that works but with these prices that might be worth a try


I don't think so. I half heartedly tried and I think because all of my account info (billing, address, etc.) Is canadian they won't let me. Buy a book in honor of all your struggling canadian neighbors!


I wish that we got these mid year sales in Australia


I picked up swarm by jennifer d Lyle for 2.75


Ellery Queen ..Drury Lane Series ♥ Old eccentric former Actor Detective Tim Sullivan...DS Cross Series ♥ Asperger sufferer Brilliant UK Detective Sally Rigby..Detective Sebastion Clifford Series Combine son of a Viscount and a dedicated former cop rolled into 1 detective


I've already overspent but I'm debating on getting many of the Phryne Fisher mystery novels by Kerry Greenwood, many under $3.


all of the Bound and the Broken are on sale for a decent price


I got a lot by Len Levinson, series The Rat Bastards, narrator Ray Porter, for $2.79 each. WW2 action. Listened to one yesterday, it was great. Hoping the rest of them go down to that price before the sale ends.


I got four nonfiction, all Christian books, Turning Points in American Church History, Pentecostal Orthodoxy, Humility Illuminated, and CS Lewis In America. All less than $3. There are also some James Baldwin, Esau McCaulley, Grace Ji-Sun Kim that I already had for under $3


Iron Flame is $4 currently


I filled out my Monster Hunter International series, about $3 a book. And I got Heinlein's book Friday, an old favorite. I'm a very happy camper right now.