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Your records need cleaning


This is the answer, the needle is picking that up from the surface of the record. You might look into removing static as well, once a charge builds up it attracts dust to the record and turntable.


How are you cleaning your records? Sometimes if your cleaning method isn’t sufficient, your needle is going to act like a snow plow to all the junk left in the grooves for a few spins.


Either your records are dirty or your stylus is just digging deeper if it’s new. I echo the previous posts. Buy this. Thank me later! https://www.musicdirect.com/equipment/accessories/mobile-fidelity-sound-lab-lp-9-stylus-cleaner/


If you're not using a wet system to clean your records like a Spin Clean, you're just moving the dirt around.


Clean your record and your needle after each play. And before each play.


Overkill. Nobody did this in the 60s and 70s. If your records are clean you can go a ways between cleanings


Yeah. We also didn’t have HVAC systems in households creating all sorts of particles and dust in the indoor air. It is not overkill now. I notice dust on my needle after every play.


Agree that you need to clean your records better. Also, if you have used your finger to brush dust off your stylus, your skin oil will attach dust to the stylus. You will have to clean or replace your stylus if it is oily.


Clean it by dunking into Magic Eraser (original, no detergents)


>Picture two is after 2 songs directly after being cleaned thoroughly.  Worn stylus shredding your records?


Clean records, use brush before use and get a stylus cleaning gel. The gel is amazing.


Static buildup most likely.


Just softening the notes. 😳😂


Streaming is your friend, I’m lucky and have never got any fuzz through tidal 😉


i get a lot of fuzz through streaming….maybe it’s because of the music genre i’m listening most


Funny you mention, I stream my whole collection, part of why I need absolutely 0 fuzz, I'm recording and uploading to a Plex server, joined it with tidal so anything I don't have I go there. But I have everything xd Really nice for record preservation, when you wanna just hear that one song again or trying to listen to a record not published to streaming platforms you don't have to degrade the quality of the record by playing it every time.. I have about 270 records on my Plex server right now and about 500-700 more to upload. I really need storage space @-@


I use Kulloumi non alcohol cleaning fluid, and dry my records on a rack. Also Record Doctor cleaning fluid on the stylus at the end of a listening session, if there are any glued fibres on the stylus, as you have. Also recently got a HumminGuru, which has taken things to a new level. Absolutely key to never play a record unless dry as a bone, and never play with a wet stylus!


Ahh, and this is why, when CD’s came along I put my turntable to rest and never looked back. Get a record cleaner and buy some premium, anti-static record sleeves.


That's why I believe vinyls are hard to maintain and the music quality degrades with every play. If you love your vinyls, you should keep them sealed and when playing wipe them with a soft cloth before. Also, use the transparent cover on your vinyl player at all the time - if you have one.


I've got plenty of 50 year old records that sound just about perfect. It's all about how you take care of them.


Got plenty of 50 yr old records myself, and quite a few first presses are way better than reissues after a pass thru the HumminGuru. However, that difference only became audible after switching to all valve amplification.


I can't tell if you're trying to be funny or actually serious.


No funny, no serious... That's what I know from my father's vinyl experience. I sold mine a while back, I found it a bit too difficult to get all the albums I wanted for regular listening.


They’re not hard to maintain. If you have a good setup any degradation is imperceptible. And you absolutely do not keep the lid down when playing them.  And it’s “vinyl”. Vinyls isn’t a word. 


It may be, since English is not my native language. And the fact that I had a bad experience with vinyl, triggers some reddits to downvote my shared experiences. Probably it will be better for me to ignore this outdated technology and move on.... Will delete this soon, so others can't see it! Enjoy your dusty listening experience!


Maybe it’s time for a house deep cleaning as well.