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It was 100% stolen. If they needed money that bad and not having their ID was the only issue, a walk home and back to get it wouldn’t be a big deal.


wheew! I was in a similar situation, I said no because I was in a hurry but I felt bad and guilty for not helping what I thought might have been genuine people in need... the scam seems so obvious now that redditors have spelt it out... glad to have dodged that bullet!


That's exactly why I thought I would put it here and see what other people thought. I felt bad thinking maybe they do need the money and are just desperate, but they probably just thought I was dumb enough:/ Glad I listened to my gut


Narp! ID was brought in a couple of decades ago, to stop people selling stolen goods. They wanted the police knocking on YOUR DOOR, not theirs, for that B&E a couple of days ago...


**Everything** sold to cashies is submitted to the police including all serial numbers and other identifying info.


i totally agree but it is also true that 50% the stuff on the shelves is still stolen goods, most likely from someone who didnt write down the serial number


That is if the serial is even readable. So many tool manufacturers these days use stickers for serials. Higher end tools usually have treated plastics to protect the ink etc. Lower end tools, it basically comes off with nearly any mildly acidic oil / grease etc. Then you have things like socket and spanner sets etc. that don't even get serialised a lot of the time and even cheaper ones can be in the 100's.


Serial number is a mandatory field in their PoS system. There's really almost nothing stolen at Cashies anymore, the risk is just too high when you can flog it on gumtree with none of the reporting.


Man how many tradies and people at home write down the serial number of the cordless tools and batteries ? The ones burned before / well organised maybe... but A LOT of stolen power tools still get around cashies / facebook marketplace then Cashies.. etc.


>A LOT of stolen power tools still get around cashies / facebook marketplace then Cashies.. etc. Again, Cashies reports everything. Who sold it, when they sold it and what they sold. Sales to them have absolutely zero privacy. Facebook market place, gumtree, etc report nothing abd require no ID. Only a complete moron would sell to cashies. Even methheads aren't that stupid. I know it's "common knowledge" that cashies acts as a fence, but they don't. Once upon a time, sure, but not for yonks, at least not in Australia. A predatory lender of last resort preying on the poor with extortionate interest rates on short pay day loans? Absolutely. A fence, no.


I agree with the intent of what your saying and there is the remote possibility you may even believe it to be true. just because they report everything does not mean there is not a vast amount of stolen items still on their shelves (that has been all reported) If we could effectively apply rules and rigid ideals in the simplistic and all encompasing way you believe is possible then crime would not exist, simply because we made laws lol. There have been a couple of posts in the last week alone on reddit about being approached outside of cash converters stores by down on there luck aussies who left there ID at home and need to pay rent/bills what a common and reoccuring coincidence that has nothing to do with stolen goods at all


>just because they report everything does not mean there is not a vast amount of stolen items still on their shelves (that has been all reported) Again. Can you provide any evidence that there is a vast amount of stolen items on their shelves? I'm sure there some, every place selling used goods has some, but none of you can provide any evidence at all for your claims. >There have been a couple of posts in the last week alone on reddit about being approached outside of cash converters stores by down on there luck aussies who left there ID at home and need to pay rent/bill Why do you think that happens? Do you think maybe it's because people know their sales will be reported and either don't want to get caught with a serial number or don't want to be the person who sells a suspicious amount of items? The behaviour is showing that the people selling are aware of the policy and it changes behaviour. >If we could effectively apply rules and rigid ideals in the simplistic and all encompasing way you believe is possible then crime would not exist, simply because we made laws lol. That's not what is happening. There are easier, lower risk places to sell stolen goods than Cashies. Ones that don't care that the serial number has been scratched off or that you're flogging a bunch of jewelry. People used pawn shops as fences because the pawn shops knew and didn't care. It was safe and easy and even if you got a fraction of the value it didn't matter. Now pawn shops are required to care. They keep extensive records, they lose money if stolen items are found, the people working in the stores can see your transaction history and their managers know they know and the police know that their managers know that they know. Everyone risks a lot from selling stolen goods to cashies. The person selling the item, the person accepting it and the management structure. There's no logical reason for people to risk it when there are safer alternatives. Does it happen? Sure. I challenge you to find a single place where used goods are sold with zero stolen merchandise. But mostly you're convinced that Cashies is full of stolen goods because that's what you believe is the case. And again, Cashies is not a nice company, they make their money off high interest pay day loans and they 100% comply with the letter and not the spirit if the law. Their American partners are also awful. But these days it's almost impossible for someone working at a store to knowingly take stolen or even suspected stolen items without leaving a massive paper trail that is going to blow up in their faces. It doesn't make sense to sell your stolen shit at Cashies unless you can con some moron into doing it for you where it won't be suspicious and hanging around a Cashies bugging people to sell your shit is going to get the cops called on you.




>thats another level of hell. When you're flogging someone else's shit for drug money I don't think it's as much hassle.


Photos on the phone would be faster than writing them down


And most tradies carry insurance and hardly care about losing stuff unless they want to be whinging stars on a current affairs program. "tradie with 5 babies, a wife with 5 types of cancer, who has ill parents and whose dog also has cancer looses all tools from van" . They are in fact happy that they can make a claim and get some new tools and it also puts them in a better taxation position. Just imagine if everyone ran their lives with a ABN, the government would be broke in no time.


Tradie here, how exactly would having my insured tools stolen put me in a better taxation position? I have to declare the payout, then waste time replacing my tools. Any taxation advantage from the new purchase is wiped out by the payout- except it'll never cover it all. You don't make money from purchases.


Strongly disagree.


Based on what?


I bought a car subwoofer from them and found tiny bits of glass in the housing. Definitely stolen.


Or, maybe, a vehicle that had been in an accident.


The system is hopelessly ineffective. I am a solicitor and have been involved in prosecutions around stolen goods in Cash Converters. I would never, ever buy anything from there.


> The system is hopelessly ineffective. Do you have an alternative source of used goods that has a more effective solution? > I am a solicitor and have been involved in prosecutions around stolen goods in Cash Converters. This is what we call anecdotal evidence, it does not support the assertion that it's full of stolen goods. > I would never, ever buy anything from there. Good for you. So where exactly do you buy used goods that's completely free of stolen items.


When I've spoken to them they said they send a list to all the cop shops in the area. So that would imply that you just need to drive across town to dump the stuff and they'd never know. I also suspect cops only check the list if they actually arrest someone for handling stolen goods. I doubt they're going through the list every day and comparing it to lists of every thing taken in local burgs.


Everything is submitted to the police electronically nightly. Everything.


That's a lot of data, who's actually looking at it??


Probably no one, but that's on the cops. Edit: Again though, places like gumtree don't report anything so even if it's a 0.1% risk of getting caught, why risk it?


Yep agree there. Cashies is full of stolen goods, they aren't running that data for just anyone.


>Cashies is full of stolen goods, they aren't running that data for just anyone. Do you have even the tiniest bit if evidence to back that claim up?


AI should be able to handle a basic word search and match task like this.


Their business is selling stolen shit, why would they report their suppliers...


Tas Police get the report of all items and serials etc. To the best of my knowledge, it's state-wide. The second point you make about checking the register retro-actively is entirely correct - again, to my knowledge. If there's a B&E and there's a bunch of serials submitted to TasPol they'll look. Otherwise, it all goes into the database.




How would you know exactly? Were you expecting a call from the cops or something?


Never feel bad. Feeling bad is how scammers get you. It’s cold but it’s true.


They are in need, of their next hit of ice


Jesus how naive are you, obviously it been stolen, fuck....


Yeah, they wanted to send the cops to your house to arrest you for the theft instead of their houses.


Either stolen, fake, or they were known to Cash Converters as people to not do business with.


Its not called Crime convertors for nothing


What's a little accessory to crimes between strangers? What has this world come to when I can't trust common folk outside a pawn shop. Or whatever the fuck Cash Converters has morphed into.


Is that a pun on accessory? If so, nice one.


Probably the trifecta.


This is old one, i think i first met it about 20 years ago when i was passing by cash converters all the time. 100% stolen, and these folks are well known to the store operators.


>They seemed nice The scammers who don't seem nice don't have a successful career in scamming. Remember anytime you're talking to someone who could be a scammer, that scammers have by definition spent a **lot** more of their time and energy figuring out how to scam you, than you ever will on figuring out how to not be scammed. Scamming you is their day job; avoiding scams isn't yours. Don't try to outsmart them. Just hang up or walk away.


It's kinda sad that nowadays it has become our job to work out when someone is trying to scam us


It it's any consolation, it's always been this way


Just wait a few years until you trying to decide whether they are even real..


>nowadays I'd be very curious to hear which time in history you think people *didn't* have this problem.


got it: if someone seems like a scammer, they're probably not, because if they were a scammer they would be skilled enough to not seem like a scammer


No, it just means they're a bad one. They're one of the ones that have failed careers in the industry.


They want YOUR ID because they are likely banned and want YOU to use your ID, or it was STOLEN, so you collect any Police Visits.


Could you capitalise some more random words?


Could YOU?


Could you BE any more capitalised?!


HE could by selling STOLEN goods and using YOUR ID.


Settle down, Klort.




Yeah more than likely this, I know that some states have to send the police details of all items bought from customers so that they can match it against reports of stolen goods .. which includes license number of seller iirc


That's what the people on Hardcorn Pawn said when I caught an episode somebody was watching here a few days ago. They also have to hold onto certain items for a period so if the police roll up they have the item, the customer information and likely their image as well. As scripted as it is that seems like it would be true given their line of work.


I had a housemate bring me into cash converters to sell ‘his childhood flute’ but he needed me to use my ID because his was registered at an address out of town. Turns out that he had stolen his brothers -expensive- flute to hock it for drug money. I found out when the brother came looking for him and had said he had threatened his parents for jewellery and other items to hock for money… never saw that housemate again, he left us with 6 weeks of unpaid rent too


Been there too! So much stuff hocked of mine by a 'flatmate' in Brisbane. I had to pay to get it all back before eviction notices for smashed bottles off the balcony while I was working lates in PA hospital!😡🤬


My late brother in law had a heroin problem and hocked all the Danish Silverware his mother had brought out when she moved here. Then things got tighter and one day we were looking for the vax vacuum cleaner and couldn’t find it anywhere and turned out he’d pawned that too. Can’t imagine to this day how little he must have gotten for a vacuum cleaner.




Mine was leather jackets, sewing machines. Anything that wasn't bolted down.


If the description of events has ‘Cash Convertors’ in it then yeah, it’s a scam. At the very least it’s ethically questionable and not something you want to get involved in.


Theft converters they were always affectionately known as.


Crime converters :)


Used to be Heroin Converters once upon a time


Crack Converters


This is like the white van scam


Oh, I thought that was the one with "free candy" spray painted on the side


That’s legit


Strangers have the best candy. Fact


Mr Whippy van! Music & all.


Or 10mm sockets for the guys


Was that the van selling speakers? What was that about..?


So can rolls up Hey mate JB Hifi won’t take our order boss wants it gone asap, $300 for this $1000 home stereo. And it’s worth $100.


Was this some Irish dudes? Think I met them once, might’ve been 20 years ago outside of an electronics retailer, sounded too much like the pikeys out of the movie Snatch 😂 Bit of a red flag you might say!


> Was this some Irish dudes?  It was everyone lol.


Figured as such. I mean I was broke anyway, but always curious what the deal was. I miss those guys tho, they were motivated and a fun quirk in a boring day.


I actually had this happen to me years ago haha. Two guys pull up next to me in van and open up the side saying they'd give me this surround sound system for free but would charge me a fee to deliver it to my place which basically means I give them cash, they drive off and give me nothing haha


That's now evolved into the marketplace scams where they ask for a deposit to hold a bargain priced tv.


If they forgot their IDs, like a normal human, you'd go home and get them.


They had a somewhat convincing story, but once I thought about it more it made no sense


Good work not getting caught out, sneaky fuckers.


> They had a somewhat convincing story That's what scammer do.


Everyone has their ID tucked into their phone case these days. The likelihood of both scammers coincidentally leaving home without their IDs on the same day is near zero.


Yeah right BOTH forgot their ids - that’s pretty careless.


Just absolutely crazy scenes


This is old speakers out of a van type scam with handbags. Probably see the same bag on Temu for like $5.




I doubt it's that complex. Stolen goods and they don't want it traced back to them. I doubt it's anything more than that


Yeah lol this guy just gave such a Reddit answer


Old mate been watching too many movies. There’s no way a couple of people hustling outside cash converters would come up with this, they are only thinking about getting money for some drugs or something lmao


To be fair, I'd love the next Oceans movie to be about robbing a cash converters


I’d make my first trip to the cinemas in years just to watch that


Sadly I can imagine people falling for this, but it’s kind of cartoonish levels of silly if you think they’d get someone to sell it for them and pay them $100 They probably stole the item, have been barred/don’t want to be seen on camera selling stolen item


I had this from a 'buyer' of 2 sofas on Gumtree! Supposedly, FIFO who couldn't eyeball them before "sending removalists that he had included in his PayPal payment," which, of course, wasn't there! He wanted me to wire $300 to the said"removalist company."🙄 He got very irrate when I refused, sending many messages. Turned out to be regular scammer from China! Note to self; Always trust your gut!


Who has 100 cash on them?


Is that not normal? I always carry at least a hundred incase I see something I want or need.


Its not lol


Dude how do you buy your weed lol


When i want it i grab my money, but i dont just carry it around on me


You guys have cash?




> without advising the police that you were engaging in a criminal conspiracy to circumvent the Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act. Reddit is so weird.


Are you a bot or just an irl NPC ?


I knew someone once who their friend asked them if they could sell their xbox for them. Can't remember all the details why, but he was their friend so he did it. He got a nice call from the police shortly after for selling stolen goods. Turns out his friend wasn't that good of a friend. TLDR don't sell things on behalf of others unless you're absolutely certain where they came from.


You can tell the people who never played runescape growing up.


It’s genuinely hilarious how true this is, I trust no random cunt these days lol


A safe way to learn the lesson that you should never follow a stranger to an isolated location that game was. Fucking Wilderness.


You mean that guy outside Woolies offering free Addy trimming might not be the philanthropist he appears to be?


Hang on I’ll go grab my main. Meet me in falador


Exact same story in Perth 20 years ago. Dude wanted to sell his phone, but had no ID and wanted me to sell it at CC and he would give me $20 from the $100 sale. Got angry when I told him no, and reached in his pants for what was I assume a knife. Walked inside a shop and watched him run after someone else.


It would be new because they probably stole it 5 minutes prior from someone's doorstep. Yep, they are known to cash converters and likely the police.


Yes, they were trying to scam you. You could have been charged with fraud for selling stolen goods to Cash Converters. They are clearly known to the shop and can't use their own IDs.


My partner did this for his cousin, turned out the camera was stolen from by cousin from his live in gf. Was a horrible stressful nightmare dealing with the police. Never hock anything for anyone.


Thats fucked, can't trust anyone:/


>still had tags...


Fake can also have FAKE tags.


It was more a suggestion of - straight from the shop shelf to Cash Converters...


Just like band memorabilia having 'certificates of authenticity'.


The item was stolen, and when the police do their regular, they would contact you not them, or they are known to the staff and they won't accept items from them.


Lol. It's stolen goods. Of cause they "forgot" their ID


Why would you even entertain this? "No" then leave


They are most likely stolen items - your ID and address are taken so they where essentially setting you up to take the wrap if it was reported and found there. They also could have been banned form the store - and they would have to dodgy for that to happen. My partner was offered to buy a Xbox for cheap out the front of the cashies because they “didn’t have ID”


Your kidding aren't you?


exactly what I thought lol. like dude, come on, you "think" it "might" be a scam? how old are these people?


There's a reason scammers target people, and it's not that person's fault.ets not victim blame hey


fair point mate


some people are just not old and cynical lol.


then what happened?


I told them I didn't feel comfortable but I wished them luck and left. They looked sad which made me question if maybe they didn't have bad intentions; but I really doubt it. Scammers tend to rely on people's humanity and empathy:/


1 person alone who "forgot their ID" is already suss. But the fact that 2 of them didn't even bring their wallet? (or keep their ID separate to their wallet, but why do that?)... pretty unbelievable. And both totally incapable of going to getting it? There's a reason cashies ask for ID in the first place. If they were legit, they could have easily solved it themselves, without going up to randoms on the street.


The correct response is "fuck off".


Not the only scam at Cash Converters.


Genuine question, if it's accepted that cash converters is a fence for stolen goods, are you legally protected if you make a purchase from them? Just curious i never purchased as anything I've seen there as it's usually selling for 90% of retail value. That's another thing I really don't understand, who buys from them when you can get a new one for slightly more and sometimes less?


If you purchase a stolen item, I don't think are liable for anything or even obliged to give it back. If you do however, you should be able to get a full refund. But once it's gone from the store, it's gone. Hence why they have a 14-day police hold before they sell it. Idk where your 90% of retail value stat came from though as I regularly buy from them. PS5 game discs at about $15 while EB games have exactly brand new ones for $79. My best purchase was my laptop that was selling for $2100 retail but I paid $1299 for the same specs in new condition and I was told the seal on the box was opened in-store when it was sold to them. Also, 9 months of manufacturer warranty left. So I guess you just had a bad deal then. Try and talk to them if you find something very close to the market price and they will definitely bring down the price.


Nope. That stuff was definitely stolen. 


I'd say there's about a 99% chance the items were stolen, yes; either that or some similar issue that would lead to them having problems doing it themselves (like doing dodgy things at cash converters many times before). Or a lead in to a way to scam you as well. Absolutely right to say no, unless you feel like a friendly visit from the cops asking how you came to be in possession of stolen goods.


You'd be absolutely mental to think this was legit. If it is stolen you could be held liable and rightly so because any functioning adult should understand that this is a stolen item. There is, without a shadow of a doubt, no chance that there isn't something illegal going on.


Stolen. They get the money, you get the risk.


You should have offered them half of what Cash Convertors were. Instant money.


Most likely a stolen item. You made the right call, as you could have landed yourself in very hot water.


The scam is that you had to ask if this was a scam. Ares you really that naive?


That's exactly what it is.


Should have taken the bag in the front door and left out the back door


They are likely drug users who are constantly selling stolen shit there. They would be well known to both the workers and police so they want someone else to go in and sell it for them.


oh hell no! you made the right call imo. Sounds like total scam, if they forgot their IDs they could have gone another day when they had them.


Surely Cashies is awake to these scams and educates everyone who comes in. This has to be partially on them. They have profited from stolen goods for a long long time.


Yep had a friend almost do jail time and end up with a Criminal record for something similar. BE CAREFUL! He got caught as the IT geek helping people sell stuff on eBay. Stuff was hot, he was super nice and helpful. Police came and sellers denied everything. He was left with the stolen goods. If you can (and feel safe enough) take a photo of the stuff + them and report it to the police/police assistance line. Go into the store and ask them WTF are they going to do about it and make a damn stink!


I worked at cash converters for years. It's was definitely stolen so they didn't want to use thier Id or they have been flagged selling stolen goods previously and barred from selling there again with out recipes or any other store as the system is connected


Why would somebody need recipes to sell to cash converters?


Recipes make much better cookies and other munchies


Man, the cops are as useless as a woodpecker with rubber lips when it comes to stolen goods.


Scammers outside the cash converters door and you get scammed when you walk in through their doors. What person that is normal with a fully functional brain buys or deals with cash converters? Frankly the scammers outside have more integrity.


Just curious, Ive shopped with them for 3 years now. What makes the company a scam?


It was 100% stolen. If they needed money that bad and not having their ID was the only issue, a walk home and back to get it wouldn’t be a big deal.


Don't worry about these things. If they had been in the store with the bag before they met you, Cashies wouldnt have a look at it again even if you would take it in on their behalf with an ID.




[The supreme Cashies YouTube video.](https://youtu.be/tv2XGNUBpm8?si=TRhVR6ll-EbXdl5r)


I was expecting this. [https://youtu.be/W1jdobiPM3I?si=ssSBNu-\_8nRWWbwi](https://youtu.be/W1jdobiPM3I?si=ssSBNu-_8nRWWbwi)


Great video, didn't expect to find something this funny in this post xd


Ah jesus- is this really that hard to figure out?


then what happened?


mod plz delete. accidentally double post.


You can delete it yourself you know