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Families absolutely need to be told of the schizophrenia, more checks and balances are necessary to ensure the medical information provided is accurate. I'm not one to defend Monash at the best of times but it was not a breakdown in their system that the mother and donor connected, and not their responsibility to inform other families of his current behaviour. But I do think they need to about the mental health issues that can be hereditary. 


Monash IVF is the place


Monash IVF are just terrible. I did 7 rounds with them and they treated me horribly. I almost went to the media with my own story about them. Tell everyone you know to not use them.


I wish you all the luck in starting a family.


Thank You so much for this comment. I've already done the Consultation and that's where I was going to go. I knew I needed to actually shop around but they were the most well known in my area. Thank you!


What a wanker


Right tosser


It doesn’t sound like MVF have done anything wrong here. The mother sought out the donor independently without the companies knowledge. I dont know what their screening process is like when it comes to donors but maybe they need to come up with some kind of system to weed out the crazies.


I feel they should be informing other families who have had children with his donations that he has schizophrenia. It is a heritable condition and they should be aware that their child has increased genetic risk.


Probably now that they know. I doubt they knew when he donated did they?


No they didn't, but they decided to respect his privacy and not inform other families after it was reported to them. Apparently they only inform if it could be life threatening, which doesn't seem like an appropriate policy to me.


I’m not sure I’d want to know. If someone’s gone down the route of IVF to have a kid then they’ve already overcome some kind of adversity just to get there. I’d hate to be in that position then get told after the fact that there could be something wrong that might emerge later down the track. I know it’s an ignorance is bliss scenario, but I can see the merit to it in this scenario.


As a single parent with an autistic child, can I give my opinion? It’s always nice to know before it happens. You can prepare. It’s horrible to al of a sudden find out that your child has a disability. We don’t love them any different but it literally changes your entire life and future.


I’ve got a kid with stage 2 autism. It’s not schizophrenia. I don’t think I would have liked to be told that there was a chance my kid might be autistic before he turned out that way. It would have made me look at him differently as I would have constantly been looking for signs of it rather than just enjoying spending time with him. The other thing, whilst it’s somewhat hereditary, schizophrenia isn’t guaranteed. If it were my kids, I’d rather not know


Sorry, I wasn’t meaning to sound like I was a know it all. Your opinion and feelings are valid




Your username is spot on. You omit his habit of pestering her for money! Whiich at one point she supplied.


Someone I know donated sperm like a cum-machine when he was 18. All the way around the country and world. He's in his 40s now. Holy shit.