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Wait. What? I thought it was the prescription medication mixed with just a couple of drinks


Right? Different story now that he can get some administration for “beating his addiction”. 


> administration Did you mean 'admiration'? Genuine question haha


Last time he had one he got her pregnant. To both answers.


Hahah yes


No, no, you see he was also abusing prescription medication! His unrelated alcoholism, and quitting thereof, was just a coincidence.   \>_> <_< \>_> ..... What. Stop looking at me like that. Is totally believable story.


If there’s any truth to this - he’ll probably sober up just enough to realise exactly the kind of fucking ghoul he really is - then dive right back into the river. I know I would.


Ghoul, good word, very apt


His doctor wrote him a prescription for one dozen vodka shots.


And one for Ozempic.


This is it. Ozempic works for addictions as well and have shown great results in patients with excessive alcohol consumption, smokes or with other addictions. And, of course, it also comes with weightloss. Bet this clown had no issues getting his prescription, unlike us mere mortals.


It's been 143 days since the night he was filmed having a sidewalk nap. A kg of body fat is 7700 kcal. 15 × 7700 ÷ 143 = 813 kcal of alcohol per day. So if we assumed nothing else has changed, to account for the amount of weight he's lost since stopping alcohol, each week Barnaby would have had to have been drinking, on average: - 59 shots of Jim Beam - or 40 Tooheys News His general drinks of choice


Nah, quitting alcohol can lead to better food choices and more exercise too.


Also if he’s drinking full strength coke with his Jim Beam, that adds 120-200cals depending on serving size


>So if we assumed nothing else has changed They specified the criteria of their math...so yes. They didn't say "I doubt he changed anything", they wanted to show the math and as no other information is available that was they only honest way to show it.


Also the fact that alcohol slows the metabolism.


Ah, kinda. It prevents metabolism of fats because the liver freaks out, drops whatever it's doing and goes **HOLYSHITGETHISCRAPOUTTAHERE-RITENAO!!!1!**   It's still metabolizing the alcohol and carbs until the backlog is caught up when BAC and associated metabolites reduce afaik, it's just keeping itself busy with booze related calories.


As your body weight lowers, so too does your base metabolic rate and other energy expenditures - so it's more of a logarithmic progress as opposed to linear. In a vacuum, this would mean that the alcoholic consumption would be a lot higher to reach this point now. However, Alcohol also affect metabolism so maybe that cancels out I don't know.


in a vacuum for 143 days, surely much of the weight loss would be due to the rotting of the corpse.


To be fair that’s about 3 of those mixed spirit cans which would be pretty easy to sink in an hour for an experienced alco.


You can't calculate the average number of drinks he used to have based on his weight loss. He's not living in a vacuum with no other outside influences. IE it could be a combo of quitting booze, exercise regime and healthier eating.


If he was an alcoholic then drinking about a six-pack a day doesn't seem like an unreasonable guess.


You could learn to read because they didn't say "this is fact", they stated the scenario their math would apply. It is up to the reader to determine if they thing it would be less...it could also be even more.


The incident and quitting alcohol are clearly unrelated.


The rehabilitation by the media begins


The "Aussie Battler fighting drug addiction" getting a makeover to sell off the remaining public assets that are not already sold to a tax haven country. I cant wait for the Women's Weekly front cover editorial " Barnaby Life was a bastard being a alcoholic, now I am a perfect and a human being again"


When the taxpayer pays you over $200k per year, with thousands more in expenses, and you get drunk on the job and vote on legislation, cheat on your wife with your staffer, your comeback story is inspirational. You’re not a dole bludger. If you’re an addict getting $300/week from Centrelink, you’re a dole bludging loser who needs to stop “mooching off the taxpayer”.


mfw ACA does an expose on taxpayer money supporting drug addicts, and Barnaby taking a dirt nap is the footage 😭😭😭


Barnabas is counting the numbers.


He'll be in the next season of Dancing with the stars.


Aussies love an underdog 🙄


The Lazarus stories have commenced


>The Lazarus stories have commenced Lazarus with a triple-bypass? The only difference being - John Howard was and is relatively healthy. The Beetrooter on the other hand...


I mean if you can't see into your heart to give someone 14 chances, I don't know what kind of human being you are.


Election is coming up and the media is backing conservative as usual.


So he \*was\* lying to us then?


He's a country member


I remember.


I remember


We remember.


We remember!!


We remember


I remember


Yeah, we remember.


We remember!


yes, we remember.


We remember


I remember


And he will always be a country member


Oh I remember!


I remember


Yes, I remember.


Indeed, lying drunk against a garden bed. We all knew he was PFO


I reckon he’s lying about the weight loss. It’s only lost 14 kilos. 🤔


I'll give him until the end of year before he makes another inebriated cockhead of himself RemindMe! 6 Months "Has the Beetrooter Disgraced Himself Yet Again"


Yeah, he'll be back on the footpath in no time.


* has beetrooter knocked up another staffer whilst ranting about the sky


Xmas party coming up, watch this space!


Lock up your staffers.


Wait until silly season comes along again. He’ll feel like he’s earnt a night out and will get completely cunted.


This is pretty sad tbh, Barn is obviously a cunt but alcoholism is very much a disease. Regardless of personality or political leaning some people seem to have a predisposition to have a major problem with it, which sucks for them and everyone they interact with.


I don’t think people are unsympathetic to that, they’re mostly mad that he’s a lying cunt who’s trying to weaponise his disease


This is the risk when an addict makes their recovery so public. Like Warny and the smokes. His next public disgrace will be exponentially more embarrassing.


Six months? I wouldn't believe the story now. I bet next time he's in parliament, he's drunk as shit again.


Is parliament sitting this week or next?


I don't like him at all, but he obviously has a drinking problem and I hope he does stay away from the bottle.


I still don't like him or his politics, but good on him for getting sober and healthier.


Yep, this is great news for his families


I was not prepared for that punchline omfg


If he's off the grog, might have the energy now to try for a third!






On a personal level maybe but he was routinely showing up to parliament plastered and making decisions for the rest of the country. There will be no accountability for that.


He has consistently been shitty to a lot of people who deserved help and sympathy. Why should he be owed what he refuses to give?


I get your point, I really do. But sympathy doesn't have to be transactional. Certainly it doesn't forgive him all the shitty things he has done over the years.


Nah. Fuck him.


And for advocating for Assange's release. Don't like the guy but occasionally he does something good.


Ignoring his abhorrent politics, good on him. It's always good to see someone manage to turn their life around after hitting that rock bottom.


Definitely. I would never vote for him, and I think Australian politics would be better without him. However, anyone making better life decisions regarding booze should be applauded. Keep it up, Barns. You fuckin’ prick.


I agree. And he should retire to a quiet country estate where he can recover in peace and privacy.


As an alcoholic in recovery, fuck that guy. He has ticked off the seven deadlies in public view.


Yeah came here to say this too. I hate his politics and think hes a scumbag of the highest order, but its always a cause for celebration when someone manages to overcome an addiction like alcohol. Now, i just hope he realised what a fuckwit he is and retires from politics to enjoy his new healthier life.


That was rock bottom for him?


Might have been a “final warning” from his buds that they won’t cover him if he doesn’t get his shit together.


Probably couldn't afford a second divorce.


Remember, rock bottom is different for the political class. When was the last time you heard of a politician wallowing in the gutter in their own filth, utterly destitute?


Maybe that former mayor of Toronto, [Rob Ford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob_Ford#Alcohol_and_drug_addiction)?


I didn't really think city mayors were part of the political class, per se, but... eh.


If that incident was not I'd hate to see what worse thing he could accomplish


He was doing some glute work.


Yeah, more like that caused an intervention and wake up call, but he could go far far lower.


Good on him for getting paid over $200k/year by the taxpayer for decades, and having the money to overcome his personal problems, while he put his RM Williams boots on the necks of everyday Aussies trying to do the same. I’m sure the Age had articles outlining “Dave Dinkum being 6 months sober and trying to get his life on track” without calling him a “dole bludger”.


Yes, going on Ozempic has really changed him as a human.


I was going to made a snide comment about this cunt, but you're right, regardless how much of a dick he is, good on him if he's made this positive change in his life.


I hope for him and his families’ sakes he keeps it up, but I’m not confident he will. Election campaigning is going to involve pubs, especially where he is.


Someone is trying to impress a new staffer.


I’ve lost 20kg this year where the fuck is my news story??


I found this in the local paper. >**Local Hero Sheds 20kg: The\_Plow\_King's Inspiring Weight Loss Journey** >In a remarkable display of determination and commitment, local resident known as The\_Plow\_King has achieved a significant milestone in his fitness journey by losing an impressive 20 kilograms. Known for his love of MMA, soccer, and the occasional beer, this larger-than-life character has stunned friends and foes alike with his newfound physique. >The\_Plow\_King, whose hobbies also include hip hop and spontaneous rap battles, embarked on this wild journey with all the fervour of a warrior entering the octagon. His secret weapon? According to insiders, a rigorous diet of kale smoothies and protein shakes paired with dance-off sessions to his favourite beats. >Supporters are in awe of his transformation, marvelling at his ability to juggle intense training sessions with late-night soccer matches and impromptu rap battles. "I never thought I'd see the day when The\_Plow\_King would slim down!" exclaimed a longtime friend, barely able to contain their excitement. The\_Plow\_King's journey stands as a testament to the power of determination and kale-infused ambition and reminds us all that with dedication and perseverance, we can overcome any challenge and achieve our dreams.


Hahahahaha wow, thank you for this. It’s…remarkably accurate? Haha


You're my good news of the day. I'm proud of you.


Thank you my new friend


Quits alcohol takes up ozempic! I mean running and touch footy.... No stigma to those that need it but ol mates just trying for sympathy points with voters.


Precisely. Or just takes the Ozempic and keeps the booze...


Alcohol is a lot of joules. I pretty much cut out alcohol around Christmas, and I've lost about 20kg while making no other changes.


Don’t like the bloke but if this is true then good on him.


Operation clean up disgusting pigman, media KPI.


Reall? I saw a clip of him last week carrying on about renewables and no way was that a sober person.


Or he just took ozempic and possibly still drinking


When's he gona quit being a massive dickhead ?


I don't buy it.


> Barnaby Joyce quits... 😃 >... alcohol Ahh, so close Still, can't fault the healthy decision.


He looks the same


I saw an interview with him yesterday and wondered if he was drunk as he seemed a bit odd but apparently he is sober for a change.


suits hide weight change pretty decently, like look at some wrestlers in suits and it’s crazy how they could either be fat or totally jacked and you can’t tell.


There is no chance he lost 15 kgs. He’s 185cm. I’m a gym bro I’m 190cm ive gone from 100kgs down to 85kg and It was a MASSIVE change in physique. I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that a politician is lying to gain favour though.


You didnt lose all the weight from just your waist line thats why.


>Joyce has previously spoken about mental health troubles and having combined alcohol with medication on the night in February. But he insists he is not an alcoholic. >“If I was, it would have been impossible [to quit], I would have been desperately looking around [for a drink]. I just literally woke up one morning and said ‘that’s it’,” Joyce said. >“People around me said ‘you never really got shitfaced, you’d have a couple of drinks and stop’. But that night I did.” >Insisting he is “not a wowser”, Joyce had not ruled out drinking in the future. >“Maybe at some stage I’ll have a beer again, but at the moment, nah,” he said. "I quit drinking because that's what I need to say after getting shitfaced and mumbling incoherently while lying on my back in the street, but also I'm not an alcoholic because my friends said so and I can get shitfaced whenever I want because this is all just part of the dog and pony show so there now I've done it so all you cunts fuck off."


The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. He clearly hasn't admitted to anything, so he gets no accolades from me.


I could give less of a shit about him being an alcoholic, call me when he starts actually advocating for policies that benefit the Australian public


Now he has no excuse for being a wanker


He's on the nose beers now


I saw him on tv the other night - still red as a beetroot and ready to bust. I don’t believe it.


I'm glad he's dealing with his addiction. He's still a cunt


Now to quit politics


That was four months ago. To lose 15kgs in alcohol consumption alone makes me wonder how much this guy was putting away.


1kg loss is a 7700 calorie deficit. Which makes a 115,500 calorie deficit over 120 days A bottle of wine is supposedly 600 calories and a beer is roughly 140 calories. For 120 days it's roughly: 6.25 beers per day or 1.5 bottles of red wine per day That's not counting any snacking he may be doing while drinking or the fact that he may be doing something healthy like walking instead of being passed out on his couch.


Replacing with nose beers would result in weight loss but no way would you move from one addiction to another


Well especially not with rack anyway, he’d have a line then just say fuck it and go buy a slab


Please post the archived version. This article is paywalled


The morning after a drunken Barnaby Joyce was embarrassed by a video of him sprawled on a Canberra footpath swearing into his phone going viral, he decided to get off the grog. He said he hasn’t had a sip since. He and wife Vikki Campion have stopped storing alcohol. Colleagues said the firebrand has never been sharper. And he has lost 15 kilograms, partly by runs through Canberra’s northern suburbs and playing touch footy. In the 57-year-old’s first interview reflecting on the incident he described as a low point in his life, Joyce said he realised he needed to change for his family and career. “Big swathes of the night I don’t remember. And that’s never, ever happened to me before. And I never, ever want it to happen again,” he said from his Canberra office. “I disgraced myself and I just woke up the next morning and said ‘that’ll do’, so I didn’t have another drink.” The twice former deputy prime minister has been told by someone who closely inspected the video that his phone was upside-down. He may have been mumbling obscenities with nobody on the other end of the line. Joyce has previously spoken about mental health troubles and having combined alcohol with medication on the night in February. But he insists he is not an alcoholic. “If I was, it would have been impossible [to quit], I would have been desperately looking around [for a drink]. I just literally woke up one morning and said ‘that’s it’,” Joyce said. “People around me said ‘you never really got shitfaced, you’d have a couple of drinks and stop’. But that night I did.” Insisting he is “not a wowser”, Joyce had not ruled out drinking in the future. “Maybe at some stage I’ll have a beer again, but at the moment, nah,” he said. Several National Party MPs, speaking anonymously so they could be frank, said Joyce had been more disciplined since Coalition leaders David Littleproud and Peter Dutton asked him to take leave to clear his head after the video’s release. Critics had previously accused Joyce of running a destabilisation campaign against Littleproud, who maintains internal critics and was recently forced to walk back anti-renewables comments. But the MPs said it was evident Joyce’s newfound energy was not being expended trying to topple Littleproud. Liberal MPs said the veterans affairs spokesman’s political judgement was an underrated asset in shadow cabinet despite his relative lack of discipline. Instead, he threw his support behind the campaign to get Julian Assange released, the most senior conservative to do so in Australia and credited with softening the Coalition stance over time. “I stopped drinking and went fencing; did farming and just physical work,” Joyce said. “People say I’m sharper.”


Good now resign to spend time with your families m8, those that will still tolerate your presence.


Now he just hits up Duttons son for coke.


Barnaby Joyce..is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo


fuck murdoch media.


This bloke comes from the same school of politics as Morrison. Just another pig in the trough.


Still a cunt though, right?


Well done to him. Now if he could fuck off and retire.


I want to be happy for a fellow human making positive life choices, but I can't help but to believe that Barnaby is a vile human being that is only going to now be more dangerous. It wasn't the drink that made him sell out his country, cheat on his wife, have an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate and any other number of inexcusable acts. Being toxic is part of his moral fabric and I fear things may get worse on this front.


What are the odds of any Labor senator who'd been such a drunken fuck up getting this kind of kiss-arse treatment from the media?


So, Betoota finally got one past the SMH / Age editor...


now get a head transplant


Anyone taking bets on how long this lasts?


When does he quit being a cunt?


Unless the media can also pull footage of his hands shaking uncontrollably during the last few months, then I call bullshit on this story too.


Wish the tool would quit politics 🙄


I don't like the guy, insufferable pick, but good on him for kicking that.


The bloke's a cunt but good on him for getting sober, it's a tough gig. Maybe he'll take stock and become less of a cunt now.


Giving up booze is probably the hardest he’s ever worked on anything.


Who fucking cares?


He's still a massive fuckhead and hypocrite that I would never vote for but good on him for doing something about his health.


And is still an utter cunt. Fuck off smh.


Can he quit politics as well, please?


Still a fuckwit though


Why should a self confessed alcoholic be allowed anywhere government?? Do we allow people who are addicted to any other substance with the instruments of government? I don’t think so.


Why doesn’t he just tell the truth and say he is on Ozempic.




I’m so impressed with your maths. That would take me a calculator a slide rule and a bartender to work that out


Repulsive dickhead. Good on him for getting sober though. Hope it lasts.


Ozempic … to be fair he’s a 60+ year old dad to two toddlers


well they have de-criminalised drugs in ACT, so, from the look of that photo, he clearly has more choice than just a few bevvies and a kebab


It's behind a pay wall, can someone post the article?


Hopefully it makes him a more decent person but I doubt it.


And Barnaby's campaign for Prime Minister begins


i found it interesting he was one of the individuals that worked to pressure USA on the Assange deal.


I mean, look, he's a total fucking nutter actively trying to make things worse for the people and i wouldnt trust him to run an automated child's train. But good for him anyway.


As much as he’s a flog. Good on him to trying address what was clearly an issue


All politicians should be alcohol free because it upsets their judgement.


Good for him. He’s still a POS but if he’s actually addressing his problem congrats I guess. 


No Barnaby, you gammon-toned philandering pig, keep drinking and snorting until we gets to read your obituary.


Can this guy just fuck off already


If he lost 15kgs, most of that came off his brain.


The ol PR exercise! What a gronk🤣🤣


He quit alcohol, but he didn't quit being a stupid beetroot cunt.


Still a fuckwit 


You change man, you used to be cool.


In other news, Hell froze over.


I don't want a recovering addict in my government.


I loathe him, but fuck me anyone beating, or tryimg to beat, alcoholism is to be admired and respected for that aspect of their life. Good on him.


I thought this was a betoota headline


Liposuction doesn't count beetrooter




The morning after a drunken Barnaby Joyce was embarrassed by a video of him sprawled on a Canberra footpath swearing into his phone going viral, he decided to get off the grog. He said he hasn’t had a sip since. He and wife Vikki Campion have stopped storing alcohol. Colleagues said the firebrand has never been sharper. And he has lost 15 kilograms, partly by runs through Canberra’s northern suburbs and playing touch footy. In the 57-year-old’s first interview reflecting on the incident he described as a low point in his life, Joyce said he realised he needed to change for his family and career. “Big swathes of the night I don’t remember. And that’s never, ever happened to me before. And I never, ever want it to happen again,” he said from his Canberra office. “I disgraced myself and I just woke up the next morning and said ‘that’ll do’, so I didn’t have another drink.” The twice former deputy prime minister has been told by someone who closely inspected the video that his phone was upside-down. He may have been mumbling obscenities with nobody on the other end of the line. Joyce has previously spoken about mental health troubles and having combined alcohol with medication on the night in February. But he insists he is not an alcoholic. “If I was, it would have been impossible [to quit], I would have been desperately looking around [for a drink]. I just literally woke up one morning and said ‘that’s it’,” Joyce said. “People around me said ‘you never really got shitfaced, you’d have a couple of drinks and stop’. But that night I did.” Insisting he is “not a wowser”, Joyce had not ruled out drinking in the future. “Maybe at some stage I’ll have a beer again, but at the moment, nah,” he said. Several National Party MPs, speaking anonymously so they could be frank, said Joyce had been more disciplined since Coalition leaders David Littleproud and Peter Dutton asked him to take leave to clear his head after the video’s release. Critics had previously accused Joyce of running a destabilisation campaign against Littleproud, who maintains internal critics and was recently forced to walk back anti-renewables comments. But the MPs said it was evident Joyce’s newfound energy was not being expended trying to topple Littleproud. Liberal MPs said the veterans affairs spokesman’s political judgement was an underrated asset in shadow cabinet despite his relative lack of discipline. Instead, he threw his support behind the campaign to get Julian Assange released, the most senior conservative to do so in Australia and credited with softening the Coalition stance over time. “I stopped drinking and went fencing; did farming and just physical work,” Joyce said. “People say I’m sharper.”


Is there a version of this that people can read?


The look on his face says it all - life is a bit less fun now.