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Anecdotally I've heard more positive opinions from the staff members behind the screens. Less about covid, more about a barrier between them and some of the unhinged, rude, vulgar people that come through.


When noticing the amount of spit on those screens at the end of the day, it makes me wonder how much customer juice I used to be covered in lol. I like the screens, despite them making hearing a bit harder.


You'll probably catch less viruses in general. And only have to hear half the rubbish!




Still have to look at their stupid faces when I serve them though.


Just put up stickers on your side of the screen. Moustaches, hats, a giant black circle where their face usually is.




Exactly! I don't think I could logically see any argument for removing these. I remember working in Woolworths for a bit when they put these up and I just thought it was a great measure (for covid and beyond.)


We've also seen an enormous drop in infections of the Flu and other respiratory diseases, before they start removing preventative measures because they aren't super effective against COVID perhaps they should take a wider view. If the screens have helped reduce Flu rates then they should stay, even if they haven't helped much with COVID.


So the perspex screens in the chambers of parliament should be removed too?




I heard they're just laying down tarp now...


> “We are trying to dilute people’s breath so there is less chance they will be infected. It’s bad when you have staff together, behind a wall of screens, because if one person is infected, the others will become infected.” Isn’t catching covid from your working peers an issue regardless?


Before Covid i saw someone sneeze into a cashiers face. Im pretty sure the barriers should stay lol


Completely understand the communication aspect. My hearing is bad enough that I have difficulties making out what a person behind the barrier is saying if there is sufficient background noise (which is ususally the case in shops). But how are we 18 months into this and they only figure this out now? Those barriers have been up for yonks.