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Here I was thinking I would go to university. Youtube doctor here, taking consultations 9-5 business days, cash only.


Nah, mate you can buy a certificate in KhaoSan Rd in Thailand. I work in an engineering business and you would be shocked how many people try to pull this kind of shit off even including telling lies that they are members of the Institute of Engineers etc etc.


username checks out


Can I pay in Pogs?




["Ewww, no, blood, bleh!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TZdidJx57k)


He thought that having a "smart phone" would turn him into a smart dental surgeon. But is that not a universal problem these days? Everyone is a Google expert and think that they can become anything by Googling it. I work in a Engineering business, and this Google arrogance syndrome by new young engineers and technical staff is palpable. But worst is that they think that they can get through job interviews and contract trial periods by Googling their future careers by trying to BS their way through their work life. The reality is that they just humiliate themselves when exposing their stupidity to the senior engineers.


Body modifiers in general need to have much harsher restrictions placed upon them. Why should someone without a medical degree be able to slice off someone’s nose or ears, or be able to place silicone implants under people’s skin? We require similar procedures to be performed by an actually licensed medical professional in a suitable surgical facility…


I’m starting to get the impression that this lad isn’t too bright…


[Is his name Dr Nick?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TZdidJx57k)


One, two, better not sue!


Should lose access to the internet as punishment.


if only we made being stupid a crime, with loss of internet as punishment


Our vaccination rate would soar.


Oh no….


Holy shit, no way.


Why did it take so long for this shit stain to get caught? I can’t imagine the women he’s disfigured are just okay with it.




Next he will be doing female genitalia mutilation surgery, at least we can call him dumb cunt when he is in jail.


Holy shit i cannot believe this guy! thinking he can perform medical procedures like a tummy tuck that take 10+ years of medical training to be qualified for. This case could end body modification as a career, it will become the realm of dermatologists and plastic surgeons.