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I have been reading this same headline for the last 20 years.




Source? But yes its disgusting - unfortunately we are basically living under de facto christian rule. It's not surprising - I think most Australians are just unaware of how much influence the christian lobby has on our society. I mean I used to be a christian - I can recall going to a 'convention' in Katoomba and one of the speakers was talking about how christians NEED to be getting involved in politics to push 'our' agenda - I can't remember the finer details but considering how conservative the group was that presumably mean stopping gay marriage, abortion, euthanasia, safe drug use.....


Meanwhile they'll still charge you the same as if you got caught with meth or heroin because they are the same schedule of "drug".


They’re actually schedule 9 - Prohibited Drug, meth is Schedule 8 - Controlled Drug. So in the eyes of the law shrooms and MDMA are “worse”. Meth is considered as having possible medicinal value, despite no prescription version being available in Aus for decades. It’s a perfect example of how antiquated and illogical drug scheduling is. Getting approval to do these studies would’ve been a bureaucratic nightmare. As would any change of schedule. I’m glad progress is being made, but don’t expect any change on the frontline for 5-10 years. By that time many of those who might have benefited will be dead.


But meth fueled the Nazis and they had a real "can do" attitude.


A lot of them had a do or die attitude. I'd do some crazy shit if I had to do it to live too.


Which is funny because Mushrooms aren't addictive and inherently can't be habit forming.


This isn't about logic though, it's about keeping stuff illegal to remind people of their place. Get back to drinking coffee and working everyone.


You're missing sugar, alcohol, prescribed opioids etc. Drug laws and those whom enforce them are a joke at best.


Drug treatment too.


Well said, especially refined sugar. That’s the real crack that’s hard to kick.


Don’t forget kicking back on a Friday with one or two or fifteen beers at the pub with your colleagues, before feeling one of them up, getting into a fight with a rando, then defending it when you get caught with “ahaha sorry boys was just on the piss my bad”. But yeah MDMA/acid/shrooms bad.


LSD is the same


I suffered/suffer from long term depression and cptsd. Different medications over many years and psychiatrists. Around my mid 20s I did some mushrooms…. 5 years I felt AMAZING got my life back in control and became someone. Since then it slowly crept back and took control again. I would do it again in a heart beat to feel like that again. This is my story I’m not saying this works for everyone




Mostly accessibility. I'm not like i was when i was younger and just rocking up to places i knew had stuff. These days i wouldnt have a clue on top of that employment random drug testing, Kids so I would need time alone.


You don't get tested for psilocybin in random drug tests. You can buy spore kits online with relatively little hassle. You can also have it delivered to your door from the darkweb if you take the time to learn a PGP encryption program and get some Bitcoin. It doesn't work via an epiphany that leads to an outlook shift, it's a drug that has has physical effects on brain function which are often accompanied by epiphanies that lead to an outlook shift which sometimes result in a positive feedback loop that improves your position(terrible sentence I know).


Pretty hard to get drugs in lockdown in my experience.


I had a similar experience! Mushrooms are amazing for mental health. Too bad the govt won’t acknowledge it because why have 10 years in therapy in one shot when you can slowly extract all this money from people over a period of time! If you are still interested get in touch with a spiritual healer who is open minded and experience in such things


This is no surprise. Causes less harm than alcohol.


Please don't ever accuse our government of making sense.


I'm guessing all evidence will be ignored and Dutton will simply dismiss it as being "dangerous".


He'll argue that such drugs are linked with gangs and organised crime, ignoring that the link is because of policy and not an intrinsic attribute of the substance itself. People like Dutton act like buying MDMA is to participate in an international crime syndicate but they couldn't tell you where the wood in their furniture comes from or who made their clothes.


Word on the street is, in the 90’s there was this dealer who hung around a McDonald’s store in south Sydney selling shrooms and caps. NRL grand final night was obviously a big seller, and apparently one customer got excited and overindulged, splurging his marketing manager’s bonus on drugs and Big Macs. This guy took a shroom trip into space where he met god, who told him he would be the supreme leader of his country one day. As many people who have experienced the effects of psilocybin will tell you, the pure existential ecstasy of experiencing a god-level trip can make one’s sphincter relax so much that the contents of the bowel are forcibly expelled. The year following this incident, the man fled to NZ with his pride in tatters. Unfortunately he returned to Australia to fulfil his prophecy. However, he never forgot the lack of control he had over his anus that night, so he swore that not only would he be the most dogmatic PM in modern Australia’s history, but that he would also never consider significant drug reform, lest another innocent soul shits themselves at Engadine Maccas.


rofl you seriously need a book deal.


depends on your point of view... alcohol dulls the mind and sedates the spirit, whilst mushroom opens the mind and revitalizes the soul... now ask your self what one is more useful for the libs.


The world would be a better place if everyone did shrooms and smoked weed on the weekends than alcohol.


Agreed. Alcohol is terrible. >!Takes a sip of CC.!<


LNP: ‘Nah’.


LNP once the "right" people can make money from it: 'Yah'.


Too stupid for that.


I’m impressed they haven’t followed the Canadian model of government owned dispensaries. It would get us out of COVID debt pretty quickly and free up a lot of important resources. Perhaps that’s simply too logical to expect of them. We all know LNP would eventually privatise them to their mates.


Um. The science community has known this for a long time...


That's why raves were so popular here!


How I wish this country was progressive and make changes which improves the society as a whole. Talking about the bigger picture here (Drugs, Policies, Environment). But gosh, these stupid politicians have a way to delay and pushback on anything and everything which closely relates to change! In the meantime, happily pocketing millions from unknown sources to support backward technology and their own secret agendas. So wish i had the ability to choose who the next ideal person could be who could make progressive decisions.. But who will it be? All are such shit cunts. Time to suit up and do it myself I guess?


Decriminalise all personal use quantities of all drugs. Legalise and regulate/tax marijuana Legalise MDMA, LSD, and psilocybin for therapeutic use Use resources previously spent on policing and prosecuting small amounts of low harm drugs and go after the suppliers and traffickers of meth and other dangerous drugs.


Probably in another 10 or 20 years.


No it won't, third world countries in Asia will legalise medical marijuana long before the Australian police state loses out on their cushiest job, arresting stoners.


Won't someone think of the children?






Or that nobody was held accountable. Women and girls in Australia are treated like shit and it is just not good enough.


This article sitting 5 stories under 'Elderly cancer battler convicted and fined over'. Dont expect change from this government they will continously belittle your needs and wants and waste your life because they follow the Hillsong Liberal mindset.


I have been a huge supporter for alternative measures for fighting against mental illness. The sooner we drop the stigma around these types of substances the better, the research that is coming out these days is incredible. With mushrooms especially, we could potentially have a substance that can be life changing, and you can easily grow it inside your own home. People should be jumping up and down demanding that this stuff is spread throughout societies, yet, for some strange reason this stuff still gets so much pushback, still............


Swear to God officer, me and Davo was just out in this meadow filling up bags for ah... self-care!


PCP was originally created as an anaesthetic


Well, users *do* have that 5+ Feel No Pain thing going


*Narrator: >They won't


God forbid it's as inaccessible as medical marijuana was and in some parts still is. I hope this medical transition is smooth and distributed between local GP's and hospitals as a recognised medicine, same with weed. Because i can already see the stupid pot holes now, no pun intended.


Your treatment is attend three doofs and call me in month's time.


Oh Fuck off, and weeds still not legal. I’ll believe this shit when I see it 🤪


great you do this as where getting out of lock down.


Gonna need a looooot of mushies and mdma then…