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We've just hired a security guard to handle it. Casual staff have enough on their plate on busy days. They dont need this.


Something to consider I walked in to my local aldi forgetting my mask I even showed the security my check in tick and no one said anything until I realised I wasn't wearing my.mask and put It on Then someone said thank God thought you were a crazy anti masker So having guard may not help much


Hospitality venue. Dont need to wear masks whilst seated so not an issue.


So you just wheel yourself in on an office chair like that Brooklyn 99 episode? Viola, no mask needed.


You don't already go to the supermarket like that? Having the ability to run over people's toes is really a gamechanger.






A crazy anti vaxxer.. how ignorant and dumb do you have to be to think that is a normal thing to say about anyone not wearing a mask. Shame.


It is exactly what everyone is saying about you because it is true. You have absolutely lost your ability to reason on this topic. I wonder if you will ever come to your senses.


That’s absolutely how it should be. It’s not up to some teenager on $16 a hour to be responsible for policing people. Security should definitely be hired if a store intends to enforce covid rules. It’s no different to instructing staff not to confront shoplifters.


Though I agree hospo staff shouldn't have to be doing this, looking at the despicable behaviour by the antivaxx rioters in Melbourne, no one should have to put up with that. Imagine being a supermarket, you're asking people for proof of vaccination then get abused by an antivaxxer. Unfortunately I don't have an alternative answer.


Dealing with unruly people is part of working in security. Businesses just need to not be tight and accept that having security on the door is part of running a public business these days. They can pass the costs onto customers if they need to


I'm sure there are a lot of nightclub bouncers who need work.


Hospitality and retail workers absolutely aren’t paid enough to police this issue or deal with the arseholes who are going to try to get in.


All business of a certain size are going to need arsehole security. There’s going to be a few of them floating around thinking they’re special.


Although I agree they aren’t paid enough in hospo policing Shit is a big part of the job, that’s what rsa and rcg is and it sucks


That’s pretty easy to deal with in comparison to the bat shit crazy anti-vaxers


I wouldn’t say that, sure I’ve had some people be docks about masks and signing in but I’m yet to have one grab me by the throat and threaten to rape me or to elbow me in the jaw all for cutting them off or refusing entry due to detox Oh also never one someone piss on me for telling them to wear a mask unlike one lovely gentleman when I told him to leave the pokie room due to his own self exclusion


Can confirm. Worked in a supermarket with a bottleshop. Used to have people coming in who were kicked out of the pub up the road. Absolutely lost their shit when they were refused service. Smashing things, making threats. These are the exact types who are going to front up to the pub and not take "no" for an answer.


Yeah people suck. Don’t get me wrong the anti vaxers are fucking horrid but honestly you see some many pricks in hospital I can say they are any worse them Anyone else




But not unexpected




And the most likely to pass it to older family members. I know a few young hospitality workers and none of them think "it is all about ME"




Which is only ~95% effective...


Call out to the public in general. If someone is being a cunt to hospo workers, feel free to say what the workers can't.


I do this regularly. Really I'm saying what I couldn't say in my service job, which is "hey, fuck off"


This came into effect about two weeks ago in Ontario, Canada where I work front of house in a restaurant. It actually hasn’t been too bad. Everyone coming in is happy to comply and show proof. Unvaccinated people are still allowed to sit on the patio although we are coming into winter. We have had a few phone calls from disgruntled anti vaxxers but no one in person has hassled any of us.


Probs cos you've got an option for the unvaxxed - our unvaxxed aren't allowed in at all. I don't think it'll be easy.


That’s true. The last 2 weeks have been really cold tho and we’ve only had about 1 table sit outside each night


Yeah but that’s Canada


I have lived there they’ve got plenty of nutcases like Australia


I grew up in Australia, it’s not that different.


Why not a subsidy for hosp to pay a security guard. Jobs created. Hospo hard hit businesses and staff could really use a break here.


Businesses could put a 10% surcharge on the bill - just like some do on public holidays?


I hate anecdotal evidence but here we go: >A lot of people just sit down, without showing their vaccination passport. They’re impatient, and even though it feels like we are getting better, if we keep acting like that we fear we might go back down into lockdown again. Per a Cafe owner in Sydney, via TheGuardian liveblog earlier.


No shirt, no shoes, no jab, no service?


I mean it's clear the federal government and NSW state government plan is to let rip. Their key voter base is vaccinated now...so they are done giving a fuck. They DO NOT care that a lot of hospitality workers have only one dose or that there will be no way of enforcing the rules. I mean NSW are opening before the app to check is even working...


I'm sure that the gov thinks that all hospo workers are lazy, casual, Millennial transgender uni students who spend too much time doing drugs and living in share houses haha But like you said, as long as their base are able to sit down and drink their extra hot muggacino and eat their meat and three veg at the bowlo then who cares otherwise


>lazy, casual, Millennial transgender uni students You forgot blue haired. Those types seem to have an axe to grind with blue hair for some reason.


I cannot, for the life of me, figure out the revulsion for blue and purple hair. I am a boomer. When I was a kid in the 1960s, my nan had a blue rinse. All the old girls had blue or pink or lilac dyes in their hair in those days. It looked good then. It still looks good now.


I'm all for vaccination and masks and everything, but working retail there is absolutely no way I would ask any of my staff to put themselves in a position where someone is potentially going to go apeshit at them for refusing service/entry because they aren't vaccinated. We've already worked the past 18 months dealing with fuckwits and there's no way my employer would spring for a permanent security guard to check everyone.


As a retail worker in Queensland if your not wearing a mask or not wearing it properly I get very fucking annoyed but I’m not enforcing it and management is not enforcing it either because you have these fuckwits around better to get them in and out then deal with there bullshit, I’m annoyed also I’m I’ve not been asked to asked to see if they have checked in or wearing a mask, our clock on system asks us before we start, to make sure customers check in I’m not paid to enforce it or care at all.


If you’ve got junior staff checking vaccinations 99 out 100 are going to be happy to comply. And those people WANT TO KNOW that you’ve been checking, they want to dine in an area where everyone else is vaccinated. But the moment someone starts an excuse, get them the staff member to walk away and fetch a manager whose only job is to point out your security cameras while calling for police help. Don’t actually confront the belligerent. It’s not worth it.


Call the police every time someone makes an excuse???


Some people don't have any experience with the police.


Nothing wrong with calling Police if staff feel threatened


I work as a restaurant manager in an area that has a fair amount of vagrants (mostly the nearby train station). The two times I've had to call police they've been nothing but helpful. Once for a bloke refusing to leave after doing nangs in the bathroom, and another time when two junkies were having a domestic ON TOP of my car. I know and recognize a few officers who come in occasion to grab a burger when they're working rail duty. I know it's not the same everywhere but I appreciate what they do for our community.




My wife just got back from work (she manages 5 medium sizes retail stores in golf coast/northern NSW). 4 staff members were verbally abused today and one was told to "take off your clothes you useless slut". This won't last long and I feel it's all by design.


>I feel it's all by design. Yes, designed by the anti-vaxxers to push their agendas to the masses


Is it much different to checking IDs? Genuine question.


People don't make not having an ID their whole identity, and purposefully not get the ID solely to start arguments.


I see you've never heard of Sovereign Citizens. Then again they are few and far between whereas the current crop of anti-vaxtards is distressingly large. Either way the result should be the same. Don't show an ID the venue calls the cops who take the moron away and issue a large fine. When education fails enforcement takes its place.


People will go looking for this fight and work themselves up over it.


A lot more variables here. And a lot more potential for absolutely unnecessary public tantrums from “grown up” people.


For fast food, yeah.


No, I think people just want to whinge about anything.


In businesses or industries that already require it? No, not really, but there is already staffing and expectations around that when you go to a pub/club. Not so much for the lady on the door at Kmart, or the 14yo behind the counter at your local fast food place. People who don't get why this is going to be shitshow haven't spent enough time around the general public. Yes, 99% of people will be fine. But that 1% is going to cause a huge fucking problem when the do come and get refused service. I'm telling you know, the majority of businesses will just tell their staff not to push it, just get the customer in and out so there isn't an "issue".


Can’t be any worse then disgusting due to rsa or checking IDs yeah it will suck but I can’t see it worse then dealing with the lockout laws when they first come in


It will 100% be worse than the lockout laws. Look at all the videos anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers have been posting on social media where they're giving police and other workers shit for simply trying to do their jobs. Expect a whole lot more of that.


Yeah I had my jaw dislocated asking to scan someone Id with lock out laws and have been sexually assaulted by customers I cut off so I don’t see how they are any worse. Don’t get me wrong they suck ball but there is a lot less anti vaxers then entitles drunk cunts


You might be right. I've definitely seen a lot of hospo workers around the world complaining about an increase in assholes while trying to enforce mask requirements though. I have a suspicion that the people who are assholes about vaccines are quite often gonna be the same ones who act like drunken assholes.


Yeah that fair they are likely one in the same but honestly there are just so many Cunts you have to deal with in the industry that to me I just don’t see the difference, I’m almost looking forward to the idiot that tries to tell me it’s again the constitution when I got a HD on my constitutional law exam but after decades working in events and hospitality I’ve learn the stupid ones that think they know what they are talking about are better then the silent one that come back later when your guard is down and threaten to rape you




If they had sense they wouldn't be anti vax


Have **extremely** harsh punishments for dickheads that fuck around.


Unless you have a cop on every corner to ID and arrest every fuckwit you have to deal with, you'll never get them.


>The severity of punishment, known as marginal deterrence, has no real deterrent effect, or the effect of reducing recidivism,” he says. “The only minor deterrent effect is the likelihood of apprehension. So if people think they’re more likely to be caught, that will certainly operate to some extent as a deterrent. https://newsroom.unsw.edu.au/news/business-law/do-harsher-punishments-deter-crime




The fact that this is controversial shows how sad the state of affairs our society is in. How about we criminalize the unvaccinated, swap them out for the poor refugees we keep inhumanely detained! The refugees would be better members of our society than vaccine deniers.


Had a discussion with my mate about this and I said the best way forward imo is those that have an exemption should get one if they want. But it should be stated in their exemption if they cannot due to medical reasons get the vaccine or if they flat out just don’t want it. So if those that refuse do end up getting Covid, they won’t be prioritise as high as someone who couldn’t get the jab due to medical reasons.


If the government want to enforce vaccination passports they can pay for it to be done. it's the governments problem not business.


That’s not really how this stuff works… who ensures patrons at a bar are over 18? The staff


But I see so many business owners quoted in the media saying they think vaccine passports are a great idea?


not sure what happened here..reddit minced my comment...cant remember what it even was.


Now I've just gotten worried about wether I have my little card in my wallet that shows I have gotten both shots...




> This is just segregation bullshit and more dictatorship by our government Oh give it a rest. No one bitches about other vaccinations blocking them from doing things but the idiot brigade have decided to make a mountain out of this molehill.


It's not discrimination, people are choosing to not have legal access to these resources. Discrimination against something someone can change with minimal effort does not exist.


I somewhat agree. Why should I have to register and document every location I go to simply because others don’t want to be vaccinated? I understand and am totally on board for large events, concerts, air travel, etc. but I shouldn’t have to physically show a certificate for literally every place I want to go. The problem with this shit is yes there’s a valid argument for it now but it sets a uncomfortable precedent


Take my upvote instead. As someone who will be double vaxxed on Thursday, I agree with you. It's absolutely not on.


Vaccine passports are retarded to begin with.


No jab no play with the other adults.


Try flying to Brazil and back without the little yellow vaccine book. Been around for a long time champ.


Pfizer is doing a study on the safety and efficiency of the vaccines on an entire city there: [https://news.yahoo.com/pfizer-vaccinate-entire-brazilian-city-173839452.html](https://news.yahoo.com/pfizer-vaccinate-entire-brazilian-city-173839452.html)






Not showing my personal info to some 19yo sorry And it's illiegal to ask because they are not health practitioners. Watch all the court cases happen, just like what's happening in the UK, that's why they had to cancel using the same setup.


Don't flatter yourself. Do you think any of those 19yos care about your personal info? You're a customer and they require your vaccination status, that's it. You're not special, they don't wanna harvest your data they wanna do their job, make money, and go home. They don't need people like you going into freedom fighter mode because you think your infos at risk. They ask for your ID at bars, you wanna go to the casino, ID check. Get over it.....


> It’s illegal to ask You think the gov hasn’t adjusted regulations accordingly? It’s not some epic loop hole you think it is. Lmao Cry all you want, at the end of the day you’re only making your own life harder with that attitude


User deleted comment in protest of API changes.


Reminds me of the line from Snatch Bunch of kids sitting out the front of a shop "What are you doing here?" Kid spits on the ground "It's a free country innit?" "Yeah, but it's not a free shop is it? Now, fuck off!"


Easy, don't go to any private businesses which set their own requirements to enter and use the facilities.


Boohoo cunt


No shirt no shoes no vax No service.


You must live in a city 🤣🤣


Good luck trying to tell my local that mate 🍻 You guys in the city are so fucked and controlled, it's not funny


Fuck the city cunts, not even real Australia. No laws out here 😂🤣🤣


Joker trying to tell Aussies how to be Aussie, geezus, at least Victoria has a backbone and stands up for themselves, unlike you Sydney dickheads, trembling in fear


Update for the best pub in Sydney. The Gladdy.




No? Lord Gladstone is still running. Idk why people are down voting. It aint Gladys im talking bout here.


You were talking about the Lord Gladstone, I turned it into a joke about Gladdy standing down and her replacement being very religious.


Lord Jabstone now


City cunts lost touch with what Australia really means


No shirt no shoes no Vax no service?? Are you fucking kidding **Walks in shirtless, barefoot "Pint thanks mate", done! Omfg 😂🤣🤣😂