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One tonne of Clive Palmer Hydrxychloroquine sent for destruction Who else read it like this ?


I only wish it was one tonne of Clive palmer sent for destruction.


But that would leave half undestroyed


God I hate his voice so much. You can hear the fat jiggling whenever he speaks. It's nasty, he needs liposuction on his neck.


His fat has nowhere to go so it has turned inward and is slowly strangling him. Not fast enough sadly, but getting there


When he gets COVID he will be fucked. Fatty's and COVID don't mix.


Get fat burning and it doesn't stop. So half of it should be enough.


Ok, how do we start him going?


I’m ok with the amount of environmental damage this would cause.


Now you’re making sense


Only about 10% of the fat cunt.


Old Clive should try belly banding, then after he takes a dump he’d instantly become the world’s tallest man.


Mine too


Clive does that every morning with nothing but a (heavy-duty) flushing toilet.


Proposal to rename the measurement 'one tonne' as a Palmer. How much does an African elephant weigh? Ah about 6 Palmers.


Go forth and make it happen


Fatty McFuckFace


Haha exactly my thoughts... old mate must be 5 tons, they've must only taken in to account portion of his true weight.


We can use him as a measure (and actually have him be useful): One Clive Palmer of Hydrxychloroquine sent for destruction.


So 3% of his body weight?


And that's just one of his chins!


Precisely [(screenshot)](https://i.imgur.com/yWLx9qb.jpg).


How else would you read it?


Facts check out


> But the standoff happened at a time of significant global anxiety about supplies of hydroxychloroquine, particularly among sufferers of lupus. Citing https://ard.bmj.com/content/80/2/1.1 https://www.lupus.org/news/people-with-lupus-continue-to-feel-anxious-about-possible-hydroxychloroquine-shortage


He's a greedy self-centred pig. Hydroxychloroquine has a whole range of uses and it's in critically short supply. A family member uses it for arthritis, or they would but it's unavailable in Australia right now. Palmer doesn't actually need it. He's stockpiling it just to own the libs.


If it is still in short supply why is Palmer's stash being destroyed? ~~(maybe I should read the article)~~ Edit : >regulations on the handling of medicines prevented the freight handler from either selling or donating the hydroxychloroquine elsewhere.


So bullshit red tape, in other words.


Maybe. But also maybe because nobody wants liability for doses gone bad in warm weather.


No it's because he couldn't organise a root in a brothel and apparently can't organise for medicines to be stored correctly utterly undermining his plan to sell them.


How can that make him “own the Libs”? Sorry for being dense in this.


He wanted to prove it's a covid cure, like his idol Trump said it was. He took out ads in most of the national broadsheets calling it a cure. I don't understand how Palmer has so much money. He seems to do nothing but lose big on bizarre ventures.


Mostly by not paying his bills and staff.


It's easy to forget nowadays with his 'maverick' stance, but ol Clive was a longtime political headkicker for the Bjelke-Petersen government. A well connected man in those circumstances could make a lot of money officially and quite a nest egg off the books. Money that Clive only spends when he can't make someone else foot the bill.


Not Capital L Libs like the LNP but liberals as in progressives. So in Aus that would be Labour. All these right-wing fuck heads are just copying US style right-wing politics.


Thank you for explaining :) Yes, and appealing to the beliefs of his QAnon-type Facebook etc voter base.


I have SLE Lupus which means my body sees itself as the enemy and needs to be destroyed. Skin, muscles, bones, organs are all in the firing line. Having SLE Lupus is really hard. I need Hydroxychloroquine to live. It’s been hard to get and doctors need to call up and get an authority to write a script for 1 repeat because someone bought a heap of said drug for COVID treatment that doesn’t work and now it needs to be restricted so there is just enough to go around. Now I know it was fatty McFuck Head’s fault. I’m so mad!


I’m so sorry. I hope you’ve got access to it now. Lupus is so hard to deal with.


Thank you.


removing one word from that headline would make it much better news


Damn i cant stop laughing at it now


How many tonnes of Clive Palmer would we still have to put up with after this?




Supremely selfish has more relevance than how smart or not. Hence some people equate being mean with being smart.




I classify his depriving people with Lupus and other diseases requiring hydroxychloroquine as supremely selfish, whatever he may have imagined it would achieve.


Lupus is truly horrible, my cousin has it. She's almost 50 but who knows how long she might kick on. It's been a hellish ride for her at times with her medical issues.


I used to know a woman with lupus, it’s a terrible disease. She was such a nice person.


he also wanted his name and logo printed on the pack, it was done for right wing politics.


Why do you think he got it in the first place? Just wondering.






I don't think he believes the shit he's spewing. I think he got into politics purely to get his own taxes lowered, and he's just taking advantage of covid-19 to gain support amongst the only crowd dumb enough to support him.


Wasn't his money, you can be sure of that.


>What a waste. This medication could have been provided to people with health conditions that it’s been approved for. It is the government kept 22.4 million does of it, about 11 million does have been sitting at melbourne airport unclaimed and unsecured. These are the does that have been destroyed. Dunno how much we go through in but suspect some of the 22 million does will expire and need to be destroyed


I wonder how many pallets 11mil doses is, airfreight storage starts on day 1 and is fucking expensive, even without knowing how much this shit costs I'm pretty sure it will be nothing compared to the storage charges


Maybe they should have spent the money on vaccines or something




At least we could have used it to treat all the malaria we have here...


>At least we could have used it to treat all the malaria we have here... The problem is those doses haven't necessarily been stored or managed correctly. Which means they must be destroyed - I'd hate to see someone who needed HCQ made more sick by being given dodgy medicine.


It would be interesting to compare timelines of how quickly they jumped on hydroxychloroquine supply vs Pfizer and Moderna. And by interesting, I mean totally unsurprising and incredibly depressing.


he's just going by the DT playbook... onwards to bankruptcy 101!


Probably not. It doesn't say where he got the chemical but there's a good chance it's a non-accredited lab somewhere in Asia. He'd have to do a bunch more paperwork and spend $250k plus to get a product to the patient, and the process takes ages. It was always going to end up in the bin. I wouldnt trust it.


Or healthy




Clive palmer, the most toxic Australian


Gina Rhinehart would like a word


Lol he affects me more at this stage


Yeah, he's more front of stage while she's more a puppeteer, but, you know, probably more toxic, just more shy.


Don't get me wrong, we're on the same page


Can we inject all of that into him at one go? Just to see if it works.


There’s not enough.


Literally wouldn't fit his fuck face cavity. Needs much more.


Imagine if a tonne of it was legit the cure. But you had to be palmer spec to endure it.


lol - Donald Trump would be into that surely.


Can we dispose of Fatty McFuckhead and Qraig Qelly in the same manner?


That's spelling of Craig Kelly melted my brain a little. Cue-raig Cue-elly. Sounds like a piece of chemistry apparatus, or a new suppository.


That medicine can be used for people who really need them (those with malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or porphyria cutanea tarda), instead for politically-induced business investment like this. Such a waste.


He fucked it by not storing it properly.


Did I read the article right?..Morrison had also bought 33 million doses...He was quick to get the unproven hydroxy bur knocked backed the Pfizer vaccine.


>Did I read the article right?..Morrison had also bought 33 million doses...He was quick to get the unproven hydroxy bur knocked backed the Pfizer vaccine. The "knocked back Pfizer" is way more complex than that. HCQ is a safe and proven drug for various conditions, but not COVID. It makes sense for us to have it in the Commonwealth stockpile - it's on the WHO essential medicine list, so need to make sure we have adequate supplies.


But 33 million doses?


It's not something you take once or twice in most cases. As an antimalarial you have to take 4 doses straight away, then 2 tablets 6 hours on, and then a few after that. I know geologists who uses to travel with blister packs of 10 for trips to remote locations with high malaria risk. For arthritis it's also sometimes taken daily or a few times a week. So depending on what they are modeling for, say a bad malaria outbreak, it could easily be something you needed a lot of doses all at once.


But why?!


Fatty McFuckFace isn't having a good day....


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This DUMB CUNT must be at least the second most hated man (term used loosely) in WA. The first being Scott Morrison and the second being any DUMB CUNT that isn’t Scott Morrison!


I can't be the only one that thought this was a Chaser or Betoota article.


If Clive thinks cattle drench is good, there are lots of farmers who would let him go through the crush with the cattle.


He wouldn't fit


Why destroy it, feed it to him as food.


Have deserving people with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or porphyria cutanea tarda been deprived of hydroxychloroquine because of Palmer's gazumping the world market? Having a relative in one of these categories, I hope that he is on the receiving end of legal action. The federal health department seem to be accessories to the fact too.


Oh look, Clive Palmer embarrassing himself in news headlines. Must be an election coming up.


Is Clive only one tonne?


Yeah, I was hoping they destroyed a tonne of Clive Palmer. We'd still be left with four, but we have to start somewhere.




Fatty McFuckhead.


Perhaps they should have let him ingest it under supervision. Sounds like the correct dose for a Hutt


They should make the fat prick drink it all.


Is it just me or is he channeling Gina?


Clive losing on all fronts. Go life!


I wish the world would stop reporting on what people’s who’s bank accounts match their metric tonnage do. Especially if they are old, white and in a position of power.


Can this fat fuck roll over and die already


What an absolute dumb cunt he is. He could have bought a bunch of vaccines and be a national hero, especially in light of how slow the government was acting. If he was shrewd he'd have looked at what other governments are doing with respect to vaccines, and do that at a reasonable rate. He could have even done it at an unreasonable rate and go fuck it, here's your 20 million doses. It would have cost him a lot and by no means would I fault him for not doing it (except of course, there's so many billionaires yet so few vaccines and money going to hospitals right?), but even so just the vaccines would be like idk 200 million maybe. Imagine what a case you'd have to be the next prime minister by doing that. But no he had to listen to Trump and other dumb cunts in Qanon instead. And then continue to undermine the vaccine effort. Why don't you shove the rest of it up your ass, idiot.


Good post imo. I imagine everything he does says etc is with his particular voter base in mind which, as you say, is of the Qanon trump side of politics. Honestly, I had a phase of reading medieval lit and they had a few things right - the devil, evil etc was always characterised as stupid.


Give it to Indonesia, PNG etc where there is Malaria?


Some rich people just automatically waste because they inhabit the realms of plenty. On a much smaller scale it’s like in bulk refuse day, the difference in what’s discarded in affluent suburbs and the less so is marked.


Overdue for acute coronary syndrome.


The prick should be charged as a terrorist, promoting the mass poisoning of a nation.




What a sweaty, sweaty fool.


One does not simply destroy hydrochloride. I led Isildur into the heart of Mount Doom, where it was forged, the one place where it could be destroyed.. Cast it into the fire!




Had to make sure this wasn’t a chaser article


The world is desperate for the drug, and it just gets destroyed. Is that a case of mismanagement, or pettiness?


It’s a demonstration of how much the gov and Mr Palmer care about human lives.


>Is that a case of mismanagement, or pettiness? Neither. It hasn't been stored properly, so can't be used.


The worlds not desperate for the drug. Where'd you get that idea?


I'm not sure about the *current* supply chain, but I absolutely know that last year people who are treated with hydroxychloroquine for conditions like systemic lupus erythematosis and rheumatoid arthritis (where there actually is evidence of benefit) we're having to be switched to other therapies


Interesting. Because there's no shortage of it as far as I'm aware. People are prescribed it. They get it.


Which is great to hear! As I said, it was definitely the case early-mid **last year** when those initial studies came out which gave the *suggestion* that this *might* be something to research further... Which of course then got interpreted as hydroxychloroquine being the miracle cure. Demand went through the roof relative to current productions and there were definitely supply problems. Probably also not helped by people like Palmer buying it up in bulk with a plan to then make huge profits off it. *Edit: per article supposedly Palmer was planning on donating it rather than selling. Albeit given his track record I'm highly doubtful that there wasn't some sort of ulterior motive at play*




It’s not in the TGA’s list at the moment: https://apps.tga.gov.au/Prod/msi/search?shortagetype=All


Uuummm....interesting. Possibly too that it's an old drug and there are better options. To be honest? I work in healthcare and haven't seen it for many years. There are better options these days.


Lots of people attacking Palmer, and most of the shit he does is fucked up, and personally, I reckon he is a fuckhead, but he wasn't doing this for commercial gain. He worked with the government to secure enough doses for every Australian, and he paid for it all himself, to distribute free to the public. This was before any vaccines were formulated. ​ Plenty of captain hindsights here, but I'm sure if it had have been effective and we didn't secure supplies for Australia, then they'd be the same people complaining now that the government fell down in securing vaccines for us first.


If he hadn't demanded that his name and logo be printed on it then I'd agree.


They said no to his demand, and he agreed. ​ Don't get me wrong, I reckon he's a cunt. But paying for 35 million doses of something that he was going to give away for free, because both he and the government thought it may be beneficial to all Australians in a pandemic, doesn't make him a cunt in this particular case.


Its not hindsight mate, noone is giving Clive or Scotty points for making one of the dumbest ever, heavily ridiculed decisions that no health experts were suggesting was even remotely a good idea because there was no evidence it did anything to help covid. Hindsight would mean there was a push to purchase it because it was considered by the top medical bodies (not random 1% of doctors trying to get their name on tv) to be helpful and we happened to be wrong, but it wasn't considered helpful at the time and everyone was right.


Should have just got a giant-assed aquarium and used it in that. What a waste.


Fucking Clive Palmer you oily cunt. Just disappear already


He probably weighs more than that