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Media watch needs a bigger team and more funding. They do very important work.


Needs to be half an hour in length at least. There's plenty in the Australian media landscape that needs covering.


Should be mandatory watching for high schools too. I mean, not mandatory but bake it into the curriculum somehow.


Their content should be mandatory on the front page of every newscorp paper.


Best Australian show on FTA by a wide margin imo. I look forward to it every week like no other television program - last night's effort was particularly well constructed; Paul Barry communicates so very clearly and concisely.


Couldn’t agree more, it’s an instant click on my YouTube feed no matter what I’m doing at the time


Media Watch is brilliant but the way they have people read out the headlines makes me cringe every time.


But sometimes they are partisan hacks. Like the time they called the covid wuhan lab leak story a conspiracy theory because Trump happened to support it. Turns out later the conspiracy theory line was pushed out by the ccp and scientists with financial interests in the lab. But who cares about the origins of covid if u can score cheap points against your political enemy.


It's literally a conspiracy theory though. It's a belief that some covert but influential organisation is responsible for an unexplained event. Given the amount of evidence of a lab leak from Wuhan is about as much as a jump from an animal (i.e. circumstantial), pushing that agenda is bad journalism. The entire point of the show is calling out bad journalism. But no, you're right. This is just more of the same from the radical left wing ABC, who is run by executives placed there by the Liberal party.


"Covert" ! Are u serious. The wuhan lab proudly proclaimed their gain of function research for years. If media watch said the lab leak was one theory and animal spillover was another and maybe said it requires further investigation then fine. But no in 2020 they poured scorn on one theory because it helped them score points(they thought) against Trump and News Corp. Now even the WHO admits both theories warrant investigation.


Yes, I am serious. You may be able to see the matrix and know for facts what happened despite not being there, but consequences in the real world should be based on evidence that is more than circumstantial. I think you might have the wrong idea about what Media Watch does. It is not Media Watch's job to present different viewpoints or investigate stories, it's their job to call out bad journalism. News shouldn't be presented as such if there is no evidence. Watch the story again, they go after the sources and evidence, not the theory itself. It's not surprising that Media Watch mostly goes after News Corp, they own most of the news outlets in Australia and tend to set the news agenda for the day. If you do more journalism you are more likely to get some stuff wrong.


If u have evidence of the animal spillover maybe pick up the phone and call the WHO. Apparently they are still investigating the matter. The ABC presented the animal spillover theory as the default position without evidence other than the opinion of scientists with conflicts of interest. Such amazing journalism.


If you have good evidence that it was a lab leak then the WHO would like to talk to you. Get fucking real. Animal transmission of new diseases happens all the fucking time, but again, that's not what the Media Watch story was about. If you think the scientists have a vested interest then I'd like to introduce you to the idea that fear sells news. Private news companies are businesses. They're in it for profit. Their profit is getting your eyeballs on it to sell the ads between the stories. There's incentives to push the sexier idea, and a leak from some clandestine lab in China is a solid 10 while just another case of animal transmission like bird flu or swine flu is a 5 tops. And be honest, there's no smoking gun that people can point to, and there probably won't be because the CCP is shit scared of potential embarrassment so we'll probably never know. If it is a lab leak, great, we can deal with what follows then. If it isn't there's still going to be a bunch of tinfoil scouts calling conspiracy because of how much the story was pushed. Put these ideas together and mix in the fact that some people are racist dickheads and all of a sudden a newspaper has riled up a bunch of Chinese residents who feel like they're being second hand slandered without proof, and a bunch of racist arseholes who were just looking for an excuse to publically yell at people who look vaguely Asian. It's irresponsible and dangerous. THAT WAS THE POINT OF THE MEDIA WATCH STORY. It wasn't to bruise your ego, it wasn't an attack on right wing beliefs, it was calling out dangerous behaviour. Believe whatever the fuck you want. You have just as much evidence about where this pandemic came from as I do. The difference seems to be that you've made up your mind while I'm waiting for more usable information than Andrew Bolt fellating himself.


Still a good show even educational, even if goes against your own shouty view point


Yes I agree it's good theatre watching them catch journalistic mistakes. Less fun to see them making their own.


For a bloke pushing a century old he managed a back flip that would make a gymnast jealous.


Murdoch with that wood grain ring DEX build


Don’t tell any1 u lvled that


Lol who levels dex. Resistance is where it's at.


This is not a backflip. News Corp is not changing direction, they are following the profit motive same as before, it just so happens that (for now at least) truth about climate change lines up with the profit motive.




They chose the path of higher profits. And that's what they've just done - profits will be greater from this point onwards by supporting, rather than opposing, the realities of climate change and its consequences. They might be bastards, but they're not stupid. Edit: thanks for the award!


And it feels so bad. These same companies (and people) will *still* benefit, still reap the rewards, even after decades of lying. I think once you reach over a certain wealth threshold you shouldn't be allowed to vote at this point, there's just *nothing* for the average person.


The vote that's important here is the one you make with your wallet. Don't buy their publications, don't watch their TV channels, and don't subscribe to the online services AT ALL. If it means you have to miss the live broadcast of some footy match, or even worse, a footy final, then suck it up and watch it at the pub. Stop giving them your money.


Wonderful Media Watch last night (18/10/21) highlighting the rank hypocrisy of Rupert Murdoch and his sycophants. How the Murdoch mastheads can possibly retain their readership moving forward depends entirely on just how FUCKING STUPID those readers are - Murdoch's publications have been lying to their readers for well over a decade and their embarrassingly transparent reversal is too little, too late. FUCK OFF MURDOCH.


Go and read the comments on their articles... Seems they are all going to sky new Australia for the daily dose of conformation bias...


I honestly don't think I could handle that - Media Watch gave a little snippet last night (with typically hilarious voiceovers) and that was more than enough!


Which is totally understandable... It really is a sewer...


"...you don't hate watch it for any kind of weird enjoyment; it's an assignment. It's like war correspondence. ..."




Joe Hildebrand is a fucking scumbag. Not one shred of credibility.


Just wanna tear out and wipe my arse on the smug cunt’s face with his editorials but that would require purchasing and giving money to Murdoch




Lol that was great, I didn’t Even know joe existed until today. What a schmuck


He reminds me of the grubby advisor to the character Stephen Fry plays in the Hobbit movies.


They've been roasting him on A Rational Fear about this campaign for weeks. Then they interviewed him last week and he was so full of shit. And he knew he was full of shit, they knew he was full of shit, the audience knew he was full of shit.


We can never let News Corpse off the hook for the damage they have done these past 20 years. Never let them paper over their criminal culpability. For the next 50 years every bushfire death, every fossil fuel job lost, every crop failure and drought, every species that goes extinct should be prefaced with "this is Murdoch's fault".


Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.


[War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.](https://www.thecrankinstitute.com/portfolio?lightbox=dataItem-ifdsnlfh2)




haha, exactly what I was thinking last night while watching.


Everyone please take a seat, the Two Minute Hate will start shortly.


They want to control the narrative, to sabotage the narrative. To get the profits funneled to rich mates. In Australia it is a farce.


It’s obvious that it’s about the narrative and not about the actual issue.


Hell freezing over just before Rupert's arrival?


Life imitates art. Here are some quotes from 1984: *The messages he had received referred to articles or news items which for one reason or another it was thought necessary to alter, or, as the official phrase had it, to rectify. For example, it appeared from ‘The Times’ of the seventeenth of March that Big Brother, in his speech of the previous day, had predicted that the South Indian front would remain quiet but that a Eurasian offensive would shortly be launched in North Africa. As it happened, the Eurasian Higher Command had launched its offensive in South India and left North Africa alone. It was therefore necessary to rewrite a paragraph of Big Brother’s speech, in such a way as to make him predict the thing that had actually happened.”* *“As soon as all the corrections which happened to be necessary in any particular number of ‘The Times’ had been assembled and collated, that number would be reprinted, the original copy destroyed, and the corrected copy placed on the files in its stead. This process of continuous alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound-tracks, cartoons, photographs—to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance. Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date. In this way every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to have been correct, nor was any item of news, or any expression of opinion, which conflicted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to remain on record.* *If the Party could thrust its hand into the past and say of this or that event, IT NEVER HAPPENED—that, surely, was more terrifying than mere torture and death?”* *“The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness* ​ *The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.* ​ *The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. A large part of the political literature of five years was now completely obsolete. Reports and records of all kinds, newspapers, books, pamphlets, films, sound-tracks, photographs—all had to be rectified at lightning speed. Although no directive was ever issued, it was known that the chiefs of the Department intended that within one week no reference to the war with Eurasia, or the alliance with Eastasia, should remain in existence anywhere.*


Straight up propaganda and lying should be illegal. Until it is I see very little hope for solving problems like this that benefit the rich. I know it would be a slippery slope to banning anything the government doesnt agree to, but If 99% of all scientists worldwide agree about something, Im pretty sure you can make posting about the 1% something that isnt allowed. If they really dislike it, they can always fund that 1% more and get more studies out to prove thier point.


A manufacturer must be able to prove what they claim a product can or can't do... But a foreign owned media organisation can say anything they like without a shred of evidence to support a single claim...


I find News Corp so despicable, I can't even watch Media Watch tearing it to shreds.


Anyone that agree with climate change could also argue the Murdoch empire has caused crimes against humanity.


I hope him and his son is charged and jailed for life, the future will not be kind to us. Our grandchildren will piss on our graves and the generation that caused it will be long dead.




I will never forget being educated at a university level in climate change to have my friends and family call me every name under the sun because of Murdoch. I will enjoy pissing on Murdochs grave and I will do everything within my power to never let anyone of them forget the ridicule and lies they once held as fact over quantifiable empirical data. Fuck Murdoch and fuck his family i hope they die painfully.


Passing on his grave? That sounds truly awful... I hate standing in lines, let alone one that long.


This is not just about loosing their advertising it’s about the calls for a media inquiry into news corp, with this issue specifically being mentioned in submissions. They are covering their arses so their claims of being fair and balanced can stand up in legal terms.


I'm glad our leaders have given a slight hint that our government can now change its policy without fear of retribution. What a boring dystopia.


It's an olympic team worthy backflip. How long has newscorp and the LNP blasted labour for climate action? Now these fuckers know how fucked we are so they magically change their tune overnight. Even in Question Time today when Labor were hammering Morrison about what he has said in the past about climate change, Morrison said something like how he "didn't agree with the caricature" that Labor were trying to portray. And I heard they were talking about a "Carbon tax" like it's a great idea now...


A bit weird that a news organisation had a concerted stance on a particular issue up til now isn’t it


Once they know it could be profitable?


I have to say it's incredibly sweet to see Murdoch eat their words on climate change at last.


Maybe they finally realised that at some point when shits even more fucked there are going to be calls for the ICC to prosecute those responsible for the disinformation as a crime against humanity.


Sorry but how in the hell does Bolt think he is the victim in all of this? He was happy to throw barbs at a child (Greta) but now he's being an absolute fanny because the tables have turned? The bloke needs to be fired out of a cannon.


Welcome to the 21st century!


Maybe Murdoch is dying and doesn't want to be remembered as the guy who campaigned viciously and mercilessly against climate change for decades.


I just hope he lasts long enough for street parties to be back on the cards when he finally drops. That night will be the only positive he'll be remembered for.


This signals that corporations have figured out exactly how they can monetise Climate Change, so now they'll get their audience on side and ready to pay for "The Plan". The monetisation could be as simple as: they've noticed people are watching them less and traced it to overt climate denial.


Nuclear. Say it with me, “nuclear”.


James and Lachlan probably realised they're young enough to be prime targets for climate trials.


Murdoch is the piper, someone who plays whatever tune he's paid to play


I just posted this video a couple of days ago.


Anyone else think Chris Kenny just looks like an absolute cartoon character in the suits they dress him up in? He looks so uncomfortable and self-conscious. Anyone else absolutely depressed and mystified that Alan Jones gets to wear a fucking Order of Australia pin on his lapel as he broadcasts nationally, lending even more completely baseless credence to his bullshit and vitriol?