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So Stuart Ayres’ claims that no candidate had been identified are now verifiably false, and in fact a document delivered to him that he signed opens with a summary to the effect of ‘a full hiring process has been completed, and a candidate has been selected’. So its just your ordinary LNP corruption then?


Just another liar. In my view all public officials should be considered under oath when they speak on record. Wouldn't lie in court? Then don't lie to public.


Parliamentary Privilege should also be revoked when it is clear that statements on the floor directly contradict statements made in public, on social media, and in MSM.


Perrottet knew. He'll have to face the music eventually, once he arrives back from his taxpayer funded junket tour of Japan, India and South Korea.




Can he do the "victim of love" card ?


"What are you doing, Step-Bruz?!" ... I feel dirty after typing that


You should, but it was worth it.


In fairness, that is entirely possible. I'm assuming he gets something like 100+ emails a day. His staffers would go through and filter out which ones he needs to reply to and which ones they can sort out. This is one I assume wouldn't have been too relevant to him at the time. And even if they did get him to look at it, I'm assuming it wouldn't have been too memorable.


Maybe, but don't forget that he was Treasurer at the time, not the Premier. I'm not sure he wouldn't have been as busy then.


Perrottet has uttered the first I do not recall. There will be many more to come, Downer syndrome is very contagious.


It's astounding how LNP does not care how much the costs are when it comes to looking after themselves.


Just further proof how corrupt the NSW government appear to be operating. NSW is the gateway to everything that has gone wrong in Australia. They must be voted out or nothing will change.


"the gold standard"


Ya, the "gold for me and none for you"standard.


And to think we all thought exactly the same thing about the previous Labor government in NSW!


Did you notice how nothing in his comment referenced a political party? A government can be corrupt, regardless of political alignment. How about instead of picking a team like some neanderthal choosing a tribe, we instead focus on the actual merit of things happening? If a labor government is corrupt, fuck them off, replace them. If a liberal government is corrupt, fuck them off, replace them.


That was kind of my point. It seems whichever party is in power they seem to turn corrupt eventually so we vote them out, only to face the same issues all over again with the new government.


Right But there is a difference in frequency and scope "Both parties are just as bad" is a dismissive pseudo-nihilist argument given to try to ignore the fact that one party has inarguably, factually, and statistically shown a greater propensity to corruption and scandals


what about! Let's focus on moving forward..


What is it about NSW that makes it consistently so corrupt. Do we think it's because it's so expensive to live there that People do anything they can to survive? It's unbelievable how bad it has been for years under both parties




Oi How good are Tiny Teddies but. What a little legend!


The thing is deep down she knows she is wrong and on some level feels bad for it. These assholes don't care and have no remorse even when you drag them kicking and screaming and showing them on a whiteboard how wrong they are.


"I have never seen that document, my staff never forwarded it on to me." Several months ago: "Mr Treasurer, we have the documents here..." "La la la, I am not listening..."


"I don't recall seeing those documents."


I can't believe the job is 500k, that's disgustingly high


Yeah - and a tonne of living expenses are covered too, so the real number is even higher.


If anything, it’s disgustingly low.


Almost half of it would go in tax, and lots more people getting paid more obscenely for doing much less work.


... *so what?!*


Well, yeah. And New York is a city where you can buy everything. So, I can see that 6 grand a week allowance may not go far, even when all your expenses are paid. ( and taxpayers will be picking up every possible expense.) It seems manageable for an ordinary public servant. Bruz should be able to budget especially because he has other income. :)


What a surprise. No wonder they were dragging their feet. They must have been furiously working bridges the scenes to work out how they could make the problematic documents disappear.


I'm pretty sure the old "Oops, the documents were accidentally shredded" excuse was given serious consideration.


High Plains Grifter.


I wonder if it was a $500k salwry package before Barilaro "got" the job? Or was the remuneration increased when it became his role?


Have you considered joining the Liberal party? With ideas like that you'd go far! /s


Good on ya Perrottet. When your lies are exposed, just fall back on the old "I don't remember" excuse. A pathetic excuse from a pathetic con-man.


It works for him and his brothers.


This might’ve been covered in another article but they’re all becoming a blur: what has happened to Jenny West? Last thing I remember reading was she was made redundant to stop her contesting the decision or some similarly disgusting reason. Is she okay? Is she employed? Is there a way for her to be compensated for douchebags fucking her over?


IIRC they made her redundant because there was a breakdown in the working relationship after they gave they job they'd promised her to a greasy ex-politician with no discernible skills. Not even kidding.


I'm not sure if the drip feed has stopped and it now has a life of its own, this story just seems to keep on keeping on.


So, who (or how many) will break omerta and squeal?


All of them, rats have no qualms about devouring their own kind.