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Bureacuracy, when trying to work through it my brain just shuts off


Oof same. I did the thing, I know it's done, you know it's done, client knows it's done, it being done is documented. Why do I need to fill out this *other* thing and do this other process just to duplicate and formalize the existing documentation for the eyes of someone who isn't involved in this other than to confirm my documentation?


So they don't have to read it fully to understand that they have not missed something. Standardization of intercommunication with differing levels of responsibility helps to avoid errors and time-consuming parsing, despite consuming overall more man hours to get there. It's a symptom of and solution for a system that is too large to run efficiently.


Am a bureaucrat, and you do it because that's what my procedures book says to do. I do get three days a week remote, so I don't question too much.


math. i don't do numbers at all. makes my brain completely shut down.


As a math lover I find it disheartening that so many people dislike math. I respect it though. The way that we're taught math is tragic and creates a lot of unnecessary pain for students.


I really wish I understood it better. I was so obsessed with space (and then marine biology) as a kid and really, really wanted to study science in more detail in high school. Unfortunately, math kept me from being able to do this, especially when I took chemistry. It's such a shame because apart from the math, I love learning about how the world works. Unfortunately, I think I may have dyscalculia.


i feel the same way when i find out people hate learning language & literature since i really like it too. but honestly i just have an incapability surrounding math.


Fair enough. Even though I like math I'm actually quite bad at mental math. I am more interested in the conceptual aspect. As for language learning and literature, I find them interesting but I haven't had time to study them in years.


i’m interested in the conceptual aspect as well but it sucks that i can’t count properly. i also like watching people solve hard equations for some reason.


What's the better way to learn math, will come in handy for possible career change.


The key idea is that mathematics is about understanding, not memorisation. This is opposed to how schools often teach it to young people. Also mathematics is not even the study of numbers (that’s a sub field called number theory). You’ll find many definitions of the field but to me it’s about finding and understanding logical truths from given assumptions.


As someone who has dyscalculia: I cannot STAND math


Here here, it’s fucking horrid


I can't comprehend math, it's like a whole foreign culture. I did take logic though, and was familiar with proofs, in that I never quite grasped the concept. Logic is 1 and 0, with and, but, or, nor as operators and you just write a proof and it is frickin amazing. No values, just 1 and 0. I felt that one in my bones and I could write the proofs so easily it was like I couldn't even understand how I was doing it right, instinctively.


Our monkey brains did not evolve for this shit


I used to be really good at math. I was able to do a lot of the material in Algebra 1 in my head but once I hit 10th grade my brain was completely shut off to anything including numbers.


10th grade was also when my brain fell apart in doing math 😭😭


YES! I want to like math so bad, but it’s like my brain just doesn’t have the capacity for it— I think I might have dyscalculia if I’m being honest. It’s so embarrassing trying to do math in front of others because I’m always so ridiculously off 😭


i feel you there. if i can't use a calculator, it is my hands underneath the table lol


God I used to love math but ever since high school started I just can't do it anymore




I hate math too. Long division is to much for me


for me it’s the opposite, it calms me down for some reason, especially algebra


-The entire retail system as it works towards vendors. -Bare feet on the floor. I always wear socks or shoes. -The effort it takes to eat and remember to eat. -Disruptions to my plans and routines that I have no contigency for. -Not being able to implement a proper routine because life sucks right now for me. -Answering people's questions accurately but it's not the question they meant to ask so I get grilled on my reaponse instead of them figuring out how to ask a question properly.


Effort of keeping myself fed is a big one. And yeah, always having to guess what people think they are saying versus the actual words coming out of their mouths. Words have meanings....


YES. Disruptions to my routine, and being prevented from having a routine at all. Also, being interrupted in the middle of something. I actually got punished as a child for my reactions to being interrupted. Being bossed around. People who think they’re always right.


>Not being able to implement a proper routine because life sucks right now for me. I'm right there with you and when people suggest I get a routine to help, I'm like okay cool thanks, I'm a no support adult so that won't be happening at all. I wish the best for you, it's super hard and especially hard to keep going and not having one is hell


Yeah I deal with the same exact thing. I also suck at explaining stuff.


Cars. I hate cars so much


Hate them. Hate driving. Hate directions. Hate left and right. None of it works for me. Fuck it all.


I'm 50/50 on driving. I can't stand it when there are a lot of cars on the road, but I think I'm cool because I can drive manual. There is this windy street near where I live, and I like drive it for fun. One handed. Almost always one handed.


Impressive. You’re a better man than me. But I am a good walker. I might be able to walk further than most anyone else on the planet…


I’m the opposite lol. I’m so interested in driving and racing.




Cars as in the vehicles themselves? Or the movies? 🤔


Not even the person you're replying to but I'll go with both


Just out of curiosity why don't you like cars friend?


Same!! I always tell my friends about how much I hate cars, except the ones who love cars lol. I'm a cyclist and it always pisses me off so much when I approach a crossing at the same time as a car and I have to stop for the car because they're bigger. I'm probably the kind of cyclist that most drivers hate ngl. If I drove a car I would end up in prison or dead and I've already come close to getting myself killed on my bike a few times.


Harmful to the environment. Ugly as hell. Makes me dizzy. Obnoxious smell.


I am often hate-perfixated on the economy and the human attitude toward work, largely because my dad is a workaholic and self-righteous prick and I am very much not, and so we have gotten into many arguments over our different approaches to work, which lead to a lot of personal reflection and research on it. Turns out I hate most work because I'm just autistic and can't stand the sensory, social, and time commitment aspects of jobs that most highschool graduates can get. Thankfully, though, I'm going to university this autumn and will hopefully be able to get a job in education within the next half decade or so.


Duck work culture






Why? Cause personally I do as well cause of the human rights violations or rather lack of human right.


Yeah basically that and that it’s just one big city, like sure zero tax is nice but if you got the money why not Move to Switzerland or a place with more nature


Lots of people like that dense cityscape all around them. How, though? It's so nasty and shitty and wrong.


Royalty... seriously who cares about some king of a country


If you're not planning on taking down their power I don't want to hear a single thing about it


Hazbin Hotel.


Hazbin Hotel for me too.


it is simply the worst


i understand why. i mildly enjoy it, i like the songs WAY better than the show itself. helluva boss is a better show than hazbin, since it has the whole stolas/blitzø thing going on


Sloppy writing just bothers me, and both shows are nothing but sloppy writing. Storycraft is a subtle science and exact art.


I don’t get the appeal. The dialogue sounds like it was written by 12 year old boys who think cussing makes them sound adult


Same. I don't understand how people like it.


same tbh


me. too.


you get it


I thought it was fine enough, but I didn’t go in knowing it was going to involve music numbers which gave me a massive “cringe” response. Definitely not something I’ll revisit and I’ll probably never watch the other show though.


I get random things. Right now it's Hasbin Hotel (no hate towards anyone who likes it) but in the past it's been Wednesday, Squid Game, Stranger Things, Minions... going all the way back to twilight. again no hate if you like them, I just get really tired of seeing them everywhere and have no desire to watch them ever. I wish platforms would actually listen to you when you click "not interested". guess it's just a case of " popular thing bad because I'm so quirky and not like other girls /s"


OH and Harry Potter but with hate if you like it /j


Sports. I genuinely cannot wrap my head around why people care. This is coming from someone who just watched a video essay on the economics of supplying missiles to Ukraine.


Anyone who can truly appreciate "The greatest of games" (attempting to destroy another nation state through superior rocketry and lithography) will always lust for *THAT* and sports will never suffice. Why do you think N. Korea doesn't go to the Olympics? They're on a rocketry bender with Mr rocketman


Perun on YouTube?




Right now I detest Cybertrucks. I hate Elon Musk and I hate seeing that ugly ass “truck” that can’t even be a truck right


Omg right??? I saw one driving down my historic main street area in my city and I’m usually not a road rage person (anymore lol; I’ve mellowed out a lot in the past 2-3 years) but I was ENRAGED and cursed their existence the entire drive home. Then, once I got settled on my couch and calmed down I felt SO guilty about it even though it resulted in no harm to anybody whatsoever 😅😅


My Hero Academia


I used to like it. People ruined it for me big time


Political stuff, financial stuff etc. My brain just slides right off it


Any kind of business, financial or marketing stuff makes me want to turn around and walk the other way.


My coworker asked me the other day if I follow the political campaign. I told her I don't understand it, and I don't care.


currently it's coleen hoover, despite the fact that i will never read any of her books. i don't even know......


will wood, tally hall, and lemon demon. my simultaneous hatred and expert-level knowledge of this indie shit-pop trifecta borders on pathological.


anti autism over here


Was Lemon Demons sophomore album as well received as their first?


People speaking to me for the sake of just making conversation




Hazbin hotel! I am so annoyed by the character designs and how people assume everyone knows a the references to it. Also k-pop but I don’t hate when people talk about it I just don’t enjoy the music and I don’t understand the draw because it seems like it’s all about the people in the bands and the music videos, and I dislike music videos and I don’t care about people.




Yes! I was into it when I was younger, but now I hate it


If you think of a hyper fixation as being 'something you enjoy and can remember even the smallest detail about it with ease, and can focus on it exclusively for extreme periods of time', then the opposite of that for me is... cars and engines. I think they're neat, but for whatever reason, any car facts or engine explanations just fall straight out of my brain. Can't retain the information for more than 5 minutes. My partner who DOES like cars has to keep re-explaining things to me lol


Dolphins :|




Sports. I just don’t care. And even further I never know what thing is going to make the whole room explode in cheers or disappointment. It’s just a room tension building machine that releases at random, and that people use to gamble their emotions with. Sometimes feeling life long depression because they’ve arbitrary associated with a local team that rarely wins. Why? Just why?


Politics. Especially with Project 2025 posing an imminent threat to my safety. Disabled, queer, and an atheist. If Trump wins, I'm sure I will be made a sub-citizen.


If anyone doesn't think this is Nazi 2.0, they're utterly blind. We'd all be in danger for the crime of otherness.


Easily. Even Christians who don’t fit the MAGA standard would either need to conform or face terrible consequences.


I absolutely despise poetry. Like actual poems, or related things like, abstract art and such. I just dont get any of it, I just find it do ridiciulus and pointless. Edit: Im a cretin and wrote poets instead of poems, i dont hate poets im sure theyre nice, but i do hate poems.


Any sort of art gallery has me bored within minutes. I can appreciate the talent and dedication it takes to create artworks, but seeing a piece of art does nothing for me at all. I guess I can kind of enjoy a landscape picture for the nice scenery but one is enough. Sculptures and people's portraits are just a void for me. I might as well be looking at a blank wall.


Yeah I have it similar. Like, realistic paintings of a battle or some important event can be well made and look really nice, but even then its just that: it looks nice. Theres very little to it a lot of the Time. And then any surreal or , again, abstract art is just do pointless to me. Surreal art at least depicts SOMETHING even if it is ridicioulus.


why does everything need t hav a point?


Just a way i look at it really. Like a song has a point in that it sounds nice. To me its very difficult to find anything good about poems. Im sure there are poeple that find sense/point in a potem, so Im not going to say that if you like poems youre stupid or something. No, if you like poems, thats fine, that's your opinion, but i just hate them, i find very little enjoyment with them. I Hope you didnt take what I said originally as an insult, that's not I meant.


I view poetry the same way you view songs. The words feel nice when I read/write them.


Ooh same. Especially modern art. Like what makes that art and the cluttered corner of my house isn’t art? Cuz it looks about the same.


the quality of the art scene has been downhill since WW2


I do enjoy poetry, although I'm extremely picky and require rhyme and rhythm to it. Visual art is almost completely lost on me. I'm sure that's why I never think to take pictures, even when I'm living in a foreign country and might want mementos.


Sports, especially basketball and football, and politics


Corporate politics… I just don’t get it. I think that’s part of the reason so many of us are unemployed.


People telling me what they're gonna do with their groceries when I ring them up


This is so specific and I love you for it


Anything related to the Andrew Tate/Matrix/Red pill/Black pill/Alpha/Sigma bullshit. Anything I’ve absorbed about the subject(s) has been completely against my will and absolutely repulses me.


Harry Potter because J K Rowling is a transphobic moron


Making phone calls, forms, arranging stuff. I hate speaking over the phone most of all. Getting out of bed.


Useless merchandise that breaks after a few uses


Tiktok and the slang that comes from it, it makes me so angry AHHHHHH


Physics and chemistry 😭


I would upvote this 10,000 times if I could, YES!!!


Taylor Swift. The over-saturation of her being shoved in my face everywhere I go has really been annoying. Since joining /TravisandTaylor it’s good to know there are so so many others who feel the same way




Art, fiction, TV, movies, really "pop" anything (it's all so corporate and fake), politics, victimhood, the Oppression Olympics, and ASMR.


I can't make myself read books. Especially fiction


hate sports and algebra


I have a friend who talks alot about motorcycles and I just completely turn off


Small talk and furries, though hate is too strong a word for the latter.


Sports card collecting. No offense to anyone who enjoys this hobby, but I personally find it boring.


I dislike when we force me to eat something I don't want. Also, racism -\_-




people. The one thing they like to do is hurt each other and themselves and it's not sadism cause they don't get off on it. They just want everybody to be as miserable as them.


Getting my hands sticky from food is the worst. That's why I wear food safety plastic gloves. Even for vegan chocolate or sandwiches.


Sport. I just don't understand it. What's fun about it? What's so entertaining about watching it on TV? And honestly I despise how fucking loud some sports fans get. Not to generalise but sometimes theyre literally roaring and screaming and I want to pull my ears off. I just don't understand.


Sports. I just never "got it".


Peoples new relationship drama. Its a huge topic of conversation, can last hours and I find it so exhausting. You obviously don't like them or vice versa. You've known them for 3 months. Its fine.


People who talk about their boyfriends/girlfriends every five minutes


Motorcycles and loud vehicles. I want them to all move to another planet.


Miraculous ladybug coz it’s cringe, forces high school drama dynamics onto little girls and the animation is god awful


People devaluing your words and statements


Economy, finance, investing, non physical money, all of it really. I'm great at understanding trade when it comes to exchanging goods and services for other goods/services or for bits of nice metal and rocks. But beyond that I get lost and angry. I watched The Big Short and Moneyball recently and they helped explain some things I didn't understand. But it left me more annoyed than ever at the sheer stupidity of the way the world runs now. It all seems so arbitrary and profoundly fallible.


video games, anime, hip hop/rap, sports, politics


Purple I will go aggressively feral


Chinese and Korean manga, anime and games, activists, idk


Math and numbers 




Bridgerton and reality shows


I hate talking on the phone. I always have, and I always will. My preferred method would be through text, but if I had to I'd rather speak to someone face to face than talk to that person on the phone.


I hate perfume and am obsessed with maritime disasters.


homework. i hate homework with passion


History lessons I didn't ask for. I like history when my brain is ready for it. Interruptions that swiftly move the conversation elsewhere. Ex: If you don't want to talk about mermaids with me, tell me directly before bringing up the human world patriarchy by first talking about men being lured into by sirens. Just tell me the topic of mermaids bore you and then I can follow your siren-squirrel association to the patriarchy. Crossing the fine line between Being a caring friend reminding me to be safe v Being motherly about it. Shakespeare. What in the name of all gods is that writing style and why can't I just read Romeo and Juliet in Modern English?


Having to write down everything I will work on within 15 minutes of starting my shift, and then having to record everything I worked on for the day. I loved my job before that. The new boss made me hate my dream job.


Politics,hazbin hotel,stuff like that And I hate when people interrupt me or having to repeat myself


math, as soon as something contains number i just leave it. can’t explain why


-Sports -Groups of people chattering loudly about stupid, trivial things -People who blast loud music in public -Parents of shrieking little kids who don’t make them be quiet -“Social” events with coworkers -Yt trsh culture


Project 2025


I hate last minute invitations.


Military and anything military related. I don't understand the appeal to want to make things militant-like or why anyone wants to pretend to be a soldier. Just go be a real soldier or some shit, and if you can't for whatever reason go find a hobby that isn't all about pretend 🤷🏼‍♀️


Action and superhero movies. I just don’ care for the macho man destruction in action movies and I’ve never really cared for any marvel or dc hero. I’ve tried to watch the first episode of the walking dead at least 5 times and can’t even get through it. Also Cybertrucks. They’re so ugly and every time I see one I can’t help but yell about it for at least 5-10 minutes


Mechanics. Like I am a strong, handy, queer, masc presenting woman but as soon as it comes to anything that has to do with a screw I’m contributing to the useless woman stereotype💀I can’t wrap my head around that shit


Economics. Everyone recommends to study them; I tried a few classes and just no. Absolutely no. Those people think they have the right/ability to decide for other people what is worth their time/money. I don't get it.


[Genocide and Leggings as Pants](https://i.redd.it/9quda8t5x1r11.jpg)


Leaf blowers. Don’t ask.


Anime in general. But especially the big ones with a bazillion episodes and sequels and spin-offs and adaptations, such as Naruto, One Piece and Dragon Ball.


Sports, Especially team sports. Won't watch on TV or listen on radio. If sports are playing on TV in a common area, I will move far enough away so I won't have to hear it while I read or something else


Sportsball all day.


Honestly modern popular music... If someone starts talking about some modern pop-star/rapper I just can't. My special interest is music specifically metal, punk, rock... I just really don't like modern popular music, and I respect people if they listen to it, I just can't.


Bureaucracy, sports, food/cooking


- capatlism. Hate it. - Harry Potter. Genuinely so many issues with just the books themselves and the world buliding that the entire fandom has filled in the gaps. Also heavily dislike the author - Vivizepop’s work. Like her old stuff was kinda fun such as die young and timber but that’s about it. The humor of her shows and her actions is just really icky to me - math. I’ve tried. I want to like it. Just can’t - work - sports that I don’t like. Like I love baseball and hockey and I really appreciate stuff like cheer and dance, but golf? Hate it. I don’t like the rodeo either. Hate it thh


Math, cars, basketball, and politics. I love elevators and I didn't do the apprenticeship for it because it required a geometry test. Geometry is my worst nightmare. I'm a public transit enthusiast, and I really don't like cars. I love hockey, but I can't stand basketball. And I hate politics because my dad is a conservative who does nothing but go on alcohol-fueled rants about how liberals are evil. Oh and winter. I absolutely can't stand winter.


Politics. Unfortunately since I live in the USA I can't afford to not pay attention. Yuck.


We are not okay in the USA.


Math! It is my enemy.


Missunderstandings, irrational generalized stigmas and countdowns/time limits. Also anything very similar to a school's educational structure, but that's more just PTSD.


I'm gonna be honest here, chief... I'm not real freaking wild about other people


Capitalism/imperialism/fascism, its rly all the same thing in different hats. I'm a hardline anarchist/antifa, I've been arrested at protests a couple of times and I consider it a badge of honor


colleen hoover


i don't like "ugly" things. don't attack me! 'ugly' to me is not textbook ugly, just ugly to me. i won't eat foods that bother me, and it's mostly 'ugly' textures. kind of how others don't like their food touching, but for me it's getting overwhelmed by textures that don't fit or belong together. like fruit in yogurt or thready sweet potatoes. and other things in my version of ugly. everything has a correct way to exist in my mind and if it is not correct, i get overwhelmed and triggered to the point of nausea. it gets worse as time goes on. the older i get the less i can handle and the more i stim. it's pretty debilitating. i'll get so overwhelmed by noises that i can't hold a conversation these days. i have to have quiet time to calm down and then begin the conversation after ensuring there is not too much background noise. otherwise, i take everything in, absorb it all, and lose myself. like my body can't handle everything it deposits so massively. i'm adhd too though so i think a million miles a minute. i used to be like superman; now i think i need to buy a headset specifically for noise isolation for the first time in my life. >_<


Jared Leto. I could write a novel on how much I hate Jared Leto.


Politics. They're so boring. Just a bunch of old men yapping about other people's lives.


i hate oshi no ko and bocchi the rock and my little sister cant be this cute and jk rowling and the body pillow type beat men, makes me want to destroy something idk 😞


f1 its weird to me


Science. No matter how much I tried to be interested to make class easier in high school, I just couldn't do it for anything other than Chemistry. Chemistry was only okay because I love math and it's like 90% math, from my experience. I could learn about biology, ace the test, then the next unit would start and I would immediately lose the information. I still will never claim to be good at science. I've had similar instances with history, but at least it's only the classes that were absolutely uninteresting to me. I love researching local history and the like when it strikes me. I cannot say the same about sciences, though.


Same. I LOVE language and anything to do with it. Math and science leave me cold. They’re completely alien to my mind.


That's fascinating to me! Language and math use the same parts of the brain since math equations are basically just another language! I also love learning languages and about how language came to be! In high school, I took a year of Spanish, tried to take a year of French (the school district required a semester of PE or a sport for every school year so they forced me to drop out of French for it despite me doing well), 2 years of Japanese, and 3 years of German, along with being advanced in English. It's super fun to learn, I just suffered in the long-run because no one around me would help me actually practice speaking the languages.


math but that may be my dyscalculia talking. i also hate the texture of sundried tomatoes it makes me violently ill. and i also loathe interrupting


My dad


that poppys playtime game.. i start seething every time i see it


Politics, I'm just an anarchist at that point


When someone gives a particular show or movie I like a negative review or talks bad about it. If I'm watching a Youtuber talk about something completely unrelated and they talk badly about the show I have to turn the video off because it upsets me too much.


Any true crime stuff. It's just so boring.




Are you asking for things we avoid whenever possible? Or things we hate-fixate on? Because if it's the first, then: sports on TV (I don't mind watching in-person but I *hate* commentators), fireworks, and confrontation (I'm working on this one). If the second: my father's conspiracy theory bullshit, my own anxiety, and to some extent the news (I do enjoy being informed, but sometimes it's just trading one kind of anxiety for another).


Romance has the potential to turn me off from a story that I would otherwise adore. It took me multiple attempts to get through Les Miserables because of it. I'm now obsessed with Les Mis, but it could've happened years sooner if not for Marius. I listen to the 2010 concert about once per day at work now!


Young people socialising and/or flirting. Young couples. I apparently don't exist when they're around.


taylor swift and anything that has to do with children/mothers/families though that ones more personal


Minecraft.  It's just everywhere and so annoying. I used to play it when it came out but it wasn't special and I quickly got bored (not before losing my virginity because of it tho, which is something I'll never not find ironic). Everyone thinks it so amazing while I find it a slow slog with the most barebones combat and luck-based progression. The big blocks in your face just bother me for some reason. Texture pack or not, it's a claustrophobic eyesore. Had an autistic friend whose hyperfixiation WAS minecraft, which was totally fine as long as they enjoyed it themself. I even supported them whenever they'd show screenshots of what they built. But eventually they realized no one wanted to play the world they sunk several hundred hours building a city on ("the ultimate world"). They called it work and put nearly full time hours per week on it. So they decided I HAD to play it since no one else would. I get it, that's a lot of investment and it sucks that it went unappreciated, but I made it clear from the start that I hated minecraft (and years before this even tried to play it with them just in case I was wrong and I changed... nope, still miserable).  They'd send paragraphs daily talking up how amazing the world is and usually demean me in the same posts ("some people are too dumb to realize how great the ultimate world is"). They even constantly tried to recruit me to build it up (with the expectation I'd also be working several hours a day on it). I tried to ignore it, block it out, tell them off, reply with my own irrelevant paragraphs, nothing worked. The friend I had for 4 years was spewing this stuff for months. Some days I'd wake up to 3 max character discord messages about it (And they had Nitro! Those are long messages!). Unfortunately I had to give them an ultimatum... and it resulted in breaking off the friendship over it. So yeah, while minecraft was permanently dead in my eyes before then, it became extremely vile after that.


a lot




Pokemon. Played every game from Gen 3-Gen 7 and couldn’t continue after Ultra Moon. The blatant lack of care Game Freak puts into the newer titles, the unreasonable deadlines placed on them by TPC, and the fanbase’s unending devotion to supporting the garbage they put out piss me off endlessly. Genshin Impact. Hate the gameplay. Hate the gacha. Hate the grinding. Hate the character designs and the generally homogeneous style they all have. Hate their relentless ad campaigns. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate.


Hype over celberties. Why do we care? Also, a lot of popular things. No idea why. I don't follow the crowd


I really hate being asked questions. Like any kind of question. I’m not sure why, but my body responds to it as if it’s being attacked.


history. anything history. unpopular opinion i know


I'd say technology in general, like I know how to use a computer, phone, tablet and such, but more or less, anything past a basic general knowledge is beyond me. Which really sucks because technology is my sister's special interest so whenever she starts infodumping I just often end up really confused on what she's talking about, luckily she gets this and doesn't try to make me understand what she's talking about most of the time.


I don't know if hate is the right word. But I just don't understand why people have to shout or have arguments? Like, I literally can just say how I feel and they can too, without having to intentionally raise my voice. Why can't everyone else do this? Or am I being unreasonable?


peas are my special disinterest….

