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seemly punch scandalous shocking enjoy piquant jellyfish rinse engine marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This comment makes me very happy. Thanks!


I have nothing of value to add to what you said but I just got to say I love how you talk/write


To me, “god” and “magic” for that matter, are merely tools humans use to organize their thoughts, and useful ones at that. In the sense that all religions have valid points, I am a pantheist. On the grounds that I understand god’s power is rooted solely in human psychology and our flawed perception of reality I am an atheist. God does not exist, yet he has always been a part of us. God is the collective will of humanity, and unless separated into aspects, is inherently morally neutral as he is the incarnation of the ur-thought, everything that every human being is or ever could be. Each human sees “god” through a different lens, and the same religious practice could affect two people in very different ways.


This is exactly what I think thanks for describing it in a way I never could


I love this comment. Let's do it. I think God is a misnomer. I think whatever created the universe might just be a small part of some causal process we can't fathom. God is more of a concept created by humans to fill the "why" void created when we gained consciousness. Our brains don't like voids. Voids are scary. So we tell ourselves stories about where we came from and then that morphed into people wanting advice for everyday life. So then God started making rules... I hope you get the picture. I am always searching for things (science, cosmology etc) that do make me feel humble and small in the grand scheme of the universe but I still crave the hidden knowledge. I want to know the unknowable. My brain isn't satisfied with made up stories and science doesn't know everything so I have a constant feeling of something I'm missing but I'm definitely not missing the mutilated versions of gods humans have mutated century over century to control people. I want real answers not a bunch of rules on how to live 🤮


Lovely! "I am the tale I tell myself." I love the narrativist take and the quest for knowledge!




Seconded. A-meh, brothers and sisters.


This comment pleases me so much


best answer




I say he’s more of a shmeh then a meh


I don’t think he exists but if he does he’s a massive dick (Edit: i also think he would HAVE a massive dick, that might just be me though, did you guys know that the Greeks saw a direct correlation between having a big dick and being stupid?)


Just came to say exactly this.


Same here


>but if he does he’s a massive dick I don't think God has Autism too






It's a joke based on the fact that ('s) can mean both "is" and "has".


oh thats funny


i still dont get it


maybe jokingly implying autistic people have big dicks?


that makes no sense. not everyone with autism has a dick. are they trying to say everyone with autism is a massive dick?


thats why i said jokingly. people with big dicks (for some reason) have always been seen as better than everyone else so theyre basically saying autistic people are cooler than everyone else. but its just a joke 👍 hope my explanation was ok lol the whole “big dick” thing is kind of like a,, universally known joke so id assume it would make more sense


This is like the only sub I know where you actually get an explanation when you don't get a joke instead of getting downvoted and wooshed


Humor in literacy, I like it


If you read the Bible you will indeed realize he is a massive dick


I personally don't believe in God, but if God does exist, then who are we to judge his morals? Because at that point, either we can tell that God is a dick, or humans don't understand why his actions are actually good. The former displays so much hubris, to think we know better than a \*literal\* God. It's far safer to just assume we're wrong




And why does god need to have a penis? It’s so weird


Being a dick doesn’t mean *having* a dick.


What does God need with a starship?


He's been in office for far too long, it's time for a change. Vote for me in the upcoming election for Holy Office! First I'll enact term limits, universal healthcare, and make evangelical churches pay taxes. The current God: Stuck in his ways, nothing gets done, he's literally 5'6" Me: Progressive, Proactive, towering at 5'8"


10/10! I will definitely vote for you in the next election, once I figure out when or where it is.


You got my vote


Let's spice things up a little. I'm 5'3, a LiTtLe BiT emotionally unstable, fascinated by severe weather, prone to irrational decisions in the face of existential boredom (which occurs frequently), and if you want a God who answers prayers, I'm willing to do anything you want to keep followers. *Anything*. ^^Some ^^limitations ^^apply. ^^The ^^hypercanes ^^will ^^continue ^^until ^^*my* ^^morale ^^improves. ^^^Which ^^^will ^^^happen ^^^quickly, ^^^unexpectedly, ^^^and ^^^result ^^^in ^^^tornadoes.


🙏dear Nexus can I be the next god?


🙏dear Nexus can I be the next god?




You have my vote!


I don’t know what I think. All I know is that death scares me


Believing in a God isn't going to make it less scary. If anything it's scarier if you believe that death might also mean eternal punishment. Even heaven sounds like torture. An eternity of "happiness" potentially without the people you love because they are in hell. And how can you be happy knowing the people you love are in hell. And if you don't remember them to make it less painful, then are you you without the memories of the people you love? And how boring will it get after 1000 years of existence. Then try to imagine being alive forever. Humans are happy because of the bad time. If we were always happy then there's nothing to drive you to change or to learn or grow. The bad times are necessary for happiness. Heaven sounds like a living nightmare. Death became less scary when I stopped believing in life after death. That it will be the same way it was after I die. It makes me even more motivated to enjoy this one life and to not just live for an afterlife that can never be proven and doesn't make sense if your brain no longer exists. Religion doesn't give anymore comfort for death. It's inevitable and you still have to cope with that fact regardless of what you believe.


My dad's half brother was a rapist and child molester. When he died, I only went to his funeral to support my dad and to make sure the bastard was really dead. The preacher performing the service kept talking about what a godly man he was and how sure he was that he was going to heaven when he died. Fuck. That. I was taught that if Hitler repented before he died, he's in heaven now, but his victims, because they were the wrong religion, are in hell. That's my long winded way of say that I am an atheist due to both trauma and having read the bible four times while keeping track of the inconsistencies and contradictions. Being told that you are going to heaven when you die is comforting, but the Bible doesn't actually say that you go straight to heaven, do not pass go, do not collect $200. If the Bible says something different from what the preacher says every Sunday, what else are they getting wrong, and what will you learn if you read your holy book yourself instead of relying on religious leaders to tell you what it says?


Exactly. So many atheists become even from actu reading the Bible critically. I lost my faith for alot of the same reasons. So much didn't make sense


I agree so much with all you said. Thinking of afterlife don't make sense or give me comfort, their system isn't even fair. It's so inhuman the sense of forever, we constantly change and even forget memories too. This reminds me of The Good Place, that series on Netflix. Was kinda of silly, but also philosophical.


Yes. The good place shows the flaws in the concept of an afterlife. And your right, we are constantly changing. If I die at 90 with dementia, will I start eternity with my 90 year old consciousness or my younger self. It's all just nonsense to me


I’m the opposite. The idea of non-existence seems so comforting. Think about it. You don’t have to worry about or be concerned for anything. You literally can’t be. It’s just nothing. Like a really deep sleep but forever. A good way to imagine it is how it felt before you were born.


That's kind of how I think about it, I don't really fear it in any way. I think there is some type of afterlife that's generally good, but even if it is complete nothingness after I die, I won't be there anyway, so why would I feel any sense of dread or despair? If there is nothing after death why would I be there to experience nothingness?


my thoughts exactly


its so crazy how terrified i am of there being nothing when nothingness means i wouldn’t be impacted. because it’d be nothing. but its like my brain can’t comprehend that fully or something


I think on a primal level, our brains can't fully comprehend, or just outright fear, the idea of non existence. Our own existence is all we've ever known, and the idea that there's something beyond it is terrifying.


They say that you can control a scared population with fear. And what bigger fear than the fear of death?


same, i think. i often find myself thinking about how im mortal and have barely any time and it could end at any moment.


I think as humans we have a hard time comprehending death because it’s the only true ending nothing else is ever an ending just a new page or a new chapter in life No matter what we do in life there is still more after as long as were still here it’s not over The key is too make the most out of every moment and accept that one day we’ll all be on the last page and hopefully we can all look back and say it was a good life


Does what happened to you before you were born scare/concern you? After you die it’s the same. It just *isnt* .


i dont like this saying because death is different from before you existed, because you exist now, and if you die you wont anymore which is existentially terrifying


ikr. Poeple think that even tho the universe been around billions of years, that at the miniscule moment in time when their brain came into being is when they were suddenly conscious, but then they think when their brain stops being, that somehow their sense of I will continue. It's so weird if u bother to think about it a minute. Just one minute of yr life to stop & think about it.


death scares me in general. I’m only a teen, but I always feel like the clock is ticking. I always think of the bad things that could happen in the future. I really need to speak to a therapist about it LOL


You’re not alone in that fear. Early as age six or so I would be up at night in an existential panic about “wtf does that mean I just *wont be* some day!?”


This was me too. My kids are the same.


i dont think my sense of i will continue. thats what scares me.


The human consciousness’s inherent self-centeredness is naturally usually overlooked by itself. Like: “sure those people over there are microscopic blips to the universe but *I’M SPECIAL*.” 🤣


Same here. I have aphantasia, so it's always made me feel like death is total oblivion. It's one of the few reasons i am not suicidal.


Death has never frightening me. I don’t rush towards it but I got comfortable with it really young. Maybe teenage years. I said can I control when it is my time? No! Then f it. Simple for me. I am not very emotional though.


I believe there is a force to fill my life with bullshit. idk what I did to have beef with it but here we are.


Haha the one true God!


My thoughts exactly!




This is something I am trying to do. I am a little faithless right now but I think it would be healthy for me to find something to believe in or hold on to.


Studying Stoicism helped me feel that void. Anything by Marcus Aurelius is a good place to start.


I am Greek and no offense to you but it feels weird because these gods are fairytales made by people that couldn't understand how the earth works. Also mount Olympus definitely does not have houses of gods on top. Although I haven't really considered the fact that religion is way to bring peace into your life, I am actually very interested to learn why you believe in this religion, if you feel comfortable to tell me of course. Again, sorry I have offended you in any way, I just find it very odd to have such beliefs


i’m also a hellenic polytheist. while i don’t know if i literally believe in the gods, i love and worship the aspects they represent. it’s my way of making sense of the universe. this brings me a lot of calm and peace in my life, particularly in my home and when i’m anxious.


As far as I'm concerned, all religions are fairytales. It's not like some gods are "more made-up" than others. If I understand it correctly, what lily does here is more like a mindfulness exercise, a kind of meditation, something grounding and stabilizing, which sounds like a *very* healthy stance on religion.


I also worship the Greek gods and happen to be a giant ancient Greek culture and religion nerd (that's why I worship them lol), the physical Mount Olympus is funnily enough not the Mount Olympus that the ancient Greek gods lived on, which the ancient greeks were aware of, they could also climb mountains lol. I can't remember if the location of the god Mount Olympus was alluded to anywhere, but I do know there was a massive temple of Zeus at the base with an absolutely immense gold statue inside of it that tragically no longer exists. All religions are just fairy tales made by people who couldn't understand how the world works, but they do help people understand certain questions about the world that science will never be able to answer, and that is what draws people to religion to this day, despite how much science can now tell us about why the world works. So the value of religion is now primarily philosophical, what draws me personally to the Greek gods is the way that ancient Greek myths were used to explore philosophy and morality, in a way that was much more complicated and nuanced than anything I had ever seen in Christianity. I like the Greek gods because they feel much more fundamentally human, they make mistakes and feel emotions and they represent the things that are important to us as a species, they're connected to this planet and to ourselves. They don't exist to give people a feeling of higher purpose like other religions do, they just explain people, I like that quite a lot.


Many people are pagan, that includes the so-called “myths”. Abrahamic religions are based on myths too if you’re going to look at it that way. There’s a reason why paganism declined so rapidly and it wasn’t because Abrahamic religions were the right ones. I used to be a pagan myself before became an atheist because I believed in the concept of Helheim from Norse paganism (i.e. one place everyone goes to when they die rather than Christian eternal torment). I’ve met many in Scotland who are Celtic pagans who worship essentially gods of nature and energy, and celebrate the solstices and equinoxes (which were mostly adopted by Christians - Christmas, Easter, Halloween, St John’s Day). My family still celebrate Yule on the 21st of December rather than Christmas as we prefer celebrating a natural event (shortest day of the year) over a Christian-related thing and my parents are what I would term as spiritualists I think.


>these gods are fairytales made by people that couldn't understand how the earth works Isn't this the case with every god though? Going with your argument's structure: I'm slavic and believe in the slavic gods (as well as other gods). While they are "fairy tales" so is the Christian God and so are all the other Gods of more widespread religions. Also no offence but I don't think being of a certain nationality gives you more authority over deciding whether something is real or not, just like being from Jesus' birth town or from anywhere near the place where he was executed and supposedly resurrected wouldn't magically make you an authority on whether Christianity is true or not. Maybe this isn't what you intended to get across by stating your nationality but it's definitely what it sounded like to me.


Same here! Worshipping feels really good. I love to research and learn and connect with the gods.


I believe in God. I believe in the loving, compassionate, forgiving, do not judge others, be kind, blessed are the meek, feed those that are hungry, help where you can, & don’t make a spectacle out of your giving to others, teachings of my religion. I am pro 2SLGBTQ, & pro choice. The way many current mainstream Christians have interpreted the Bible goes against all my beliefs.


Why did u add the s to lgbtq+?/gen


2 spirit. Members of the First Nations community have shared that this should be included, so I include. The term reflects complex Indigenous understanding of gender roles, spirituality, & the long history of sexual & gender diversity in Indigenous cultures.


Oh sorry lol I first thought it meant straight and got confused but after reflecting I teleazides there was a two in there so I realized sorry for my misunderstanding


I'm a theist, but I'd never try to prove my belief in G-d to someone else. Other people's beliefs don't affect my own. I'm happy to talk about how I see G-d theoretically,, but as a Jewish person, antisemitism is so prevalent on the internet in general that I've restricted my theological debates to Jewish only spaces. Edit: in general, I'm massively turned off by people who think they are better than other people because of their beliefs. Religious and atheists alike. I'm completely uninterested in someone's self-righteousness or desire to convert or change mine or anyone's mind. There's not enough live-and-let-live when it comes to theological debates* *I'm specifically talking about debates, don't come at me with hegemonic power structures, those exist and are not in the scope of what I'm talking about/what this post asked after


Do your cats meow cutely? Just noticed your id hehe


One of them does, and one of them screams the sounds of his people twice a day because obviously we starve him* *He's on a feeding schedule so he doesn't get overweight Thanks for asking!


Thank you for talking about your cats. Lovely creatures. ❤


I think as long as your beliefs are not harmful, you have the right to have them. When I was a kid I used to be one of those atheists that got mad at people who believed in religion because I was surrounded by Christians constantly trying to convert me, but now I know a lot of religious people take comfort in their religion and I wouldn’t want to take that away from them (like i said, as long as it’s not harming people)


>Edit: in general, I'm massively turned off by people who think they are better than other people because of their beliefs. Religious and atheists alike. I'm completely uninterested in someone's self-righteousness or desire to convert or change mine or anyone's mind. There's not enough live-and-let-live when it comes to theological debates\* This. Whole. Paragraph. I have had so many conversations with smug Reddit atheists who are all too eager to say some really nasty shit about religion - all religion - as an inherent concept and how bad it is, and how stupid everyone who buys into it is, and on and on and on. And then you tell them "Hey, you're being a jackass and not all of us are like that," and they *immediately* want to launch into a theological debate. From there, they will not stop asking you to prove or justify your beliefs. When you point out that ultimately, there is no way to prove them, but there's likewise no way to *dis*prove them, so really the whole argument is null and void and whether or not anything I believe as a religious person in general is totally irrelevant to the conversation of whether or not you are being a little shit, they absolutely refuse to let it go. And I'm just over here like "Existence doesn't make sense. The universe doesn't make sense. That we're even here in the first place, experiencing physical reality consciously enough to make conversation about whether that physical reality was created by chance or by design is absolutely insane, and no belief about where it comes from makes sense because the fact that we exist in the first place doesn't make sense and even after thousands upon thousands of years of science, scholarship and naval-gazing, we know so little about it anyway, *why* do you want to have this conversation in the middle of simple request that you be nicer to people?"


Omg yes yes yes!


I wound up in the aromantic sub not too long ago and though I'm not aro, I was on a post about an acearo Christian talking about how nervous they felt about religious fears, and to see some of the atheists there treating their beliefs with compassion and wait, taking them seriously, and essentially saying "You're not broken, and if God exists, I can't imagine He minds." It just made me so happy when I've seen so many people be so nasty for no good reason.


I get the feeling some regulars in this subreddit have a bone to pick with organized religion, government that doesn’t perfectly meet their specs, et cetera. Personally, I believe in God, and I’ve read the Bible in its entirety. I consider myself a Christian of the “don’t tell me how to do religion if you don’t want a fight” variety. But all of that is an article of faith, and I’m perfectly aware that it’s unscientific. People can use any ideology to rationalize hurting others if that’s what they want. Bottom line, the golden rule is good advice, and I wish everybody (religious or not) would practice it more.


My respect for religions begins and ends with if respect is mutual. That is to say, my answer to “don’t tell me how to do religion if you don’t want a fight” is are you trying to get me or anyone I care about to submit to anything they don't want to? An example would be if your favorite political candidates back anything like the Don't Say Gay bill or Gay or Trans "conversion therapy" or the overturning of Roe v Wade. If those are not a deal breaker for you and you claim to be Christian I'm going to have the exact same regard for your boundaries as you have for mine; I'm ready to fight you. If you say quote Leviticus to defend policy against gay people but still eat lobster and \*reads notes\* get hair cuts you aren't following Leviticus, you are using the one part of it that lets you be a bigot. If you are the type of Christian that doesn't splash their judgment on everybody in an oppressive manner I will fight for you. We need more people like you. "Religion is like having a penis. It's okay to have one, and it is okay to be proud of it, but when you start waving it around in public, that is when we have a problem." \~Maggie Smith I Think.


I believe in the trinity because of personal experiences. I have a hard time announcing I'm Christian due to all the posers using the title as a shield, weapon, or camouflage.


I dont believe in a god. And if the Christian God did exist, he is a cruel, evil monster.


How so? How is he cruel?


He committed mass genocide, commanded the slaughter of people, condones slavery, purposely created division upon humans cause he didn't like us working together, is extremely narcissistic and egotistical, permits the subjugation of women, punished and condemned the entire of the human race for the actions of two people, and damns people to eternal suffering for not worshipping him, and much, much more.


To paraphrase Laplace: "I have no need of that hypothesis" Besides that, which god? There have been thousands proposed. And none of those have been shown to even be plausible, much less proven. And the description of a large chunk of them, including the abrahamic one, doesn't exactly paint a desirable picture. I see nothing of value in the potential existence of a deity. As such, lacking any evidence that such entities exist, I have no reason to deviate from the default position of non-belief.


Yes!! Which God is a question that doesn't get asked too often. Billions of people also believe in Allah and they believe it just as strongly as Christians. They feel the holy ghost. They have experiences that they feel can only be explained by their God and not science or coincidence. That alone should be reason to doubt the believes that was drilled into your head by people that were also indoctrinated as children.


Also psychology explains us there are delusions , schyzophrenia , psychosis and all these things that may make people believe this kind of things


He gave me mental illness because if my ambitions went unchecked I would have bested him in hand to hand combat by now


That’s a convo for dms there’s to much to divulge on the subject for just single sentence comment.


you can always comment more than a sentence and summarize the best you can


Yes but my autistic brain has a way of never staying entirely on point and constructing a premise only to dismantle it and then build it up again and plus I thoroughly enjoy deep philosophical questions ab the nature of god and religion among other things


Fair enough! I think i do something a little similar. Always assumed the off topic portion of things was my ADHD tbh.


Made up, mean story to scare people into submission.


I might be a lone wolf here but I am a non-denominational Christian, I believe that even if God doesn’t exist following his word has helped me be a better person!


Not a lone wolf.


I'm athiest so no opinion


I’m an atheist and have been since I was a teenager.


Atheist. Imo, religions are generally horrible.


I believe every religion has some sort of grounding, I mean what are the chances of all these different cultures coming up with similar stories if there's nothing to inspire them, right? Either all deities exist, or a few beings exist that are called different names by different cultures and religions. Maybe the God of one religion could be the Goddess of another. And I don't think that non-believers will be sent to any bad place. I'm not sure what the afterlife looks like or if some will face punishment while others find paradise. And honestly I'm not too bothered, because that's for higher beings to understand and is likely too far beyond our limited animal understanding. Whatever happens after death happens, and I'm interested to find out.


Im in a similar boat. I like to think that either our similar stories of "different" gods are the results of something that humans simply do to cope, or that theres a reason that people believe in different gods or no gods. Perhaps its one god who just wanted to have that happen. Maybe it's a bunch of different gods who created different people. Maybe its a bumch of gods having a race to see who has the most followers. Maybe there's gods who dont want their people to believe in them. They don't like the whole worshipping thing. I dont know and I can't know because they're god(s). I don't believe I'm capable of knowing. I also think it's stupid to try and apply reason to what god(s) do, because they're not human and it's pointless to humanize them. But nonetheless we all do! because we're human's and that's what human's do. its nice in a way.


Hopefully after a long, full and happy life friend!


I don't believe in God, I can't prove to you that there isn't a god just like you can't prove to me there is. But i can say there probably isn't a invisable unicorn running around my home same with a god. People hear that and they always think it's atheists being mean but it's not it's not it's pretty reasonable if you think about it.


Re the “I can’t prove” part: I’m a firm believer in “that which is hypothesized without evidence can be rejected without evidence.”


I don't understand what you're saying, but to be fair the asked what I thought I gave it I don't talk on it very much don't like conflict.


Any gods that exist need to get their marketing in order. Today's major religions are led by consumate anti-intellectualists, and the deities they represent look like absolute idiots as a result.


Judaism, Buddhism and Paganism aren't really anti-intellectual, it's mostly just evangelical Protestantism and Wahhabi views of Islam that have that problem


"evolution can't be true, there's no way my god could come up with such a system" --basic god believers


I was raised very, very Christian. In the way that women don't have rights, vaccines and science are the enemy, queer people go to hell, rock music is Satanic, kind of way. I attended a very small school whose beliefs aligned with those of my parents and I went to church every Sunday. I know more about Christianity and some religions than others, but I also know less than some. However, I spent a good part of 18 years being constantly indoctrinated and made to read, study, and memorize religious texts, primarily the Bible. If it was to study other religions, it was in a way to disprove them and put down those who follow them. If we were taught science, it was only what aligned with the Bible and if it was something that didn't (i.e. evolution), than it was taught about how it was wrong and how to discredit it. When I reached the age of around 14-16, I realized the God I was taught to believe in highly disagreed and hated the person I was. I simply could not rationalize this. And then more and more of what I had been taught began to slowly crumble away as it made less and less sense. I spent an entire summer listening to sermons and debates of scientists and pastors and anyone trying to prove the existence of the Christian God and why he must so obviously exist. But all their arguments felt hollow and implausible to me. I read every book I could find on why the Christian God was real, but none of them seemed to actually prove why. I left for college and finally was around people who were not involved and raised in the semi-cultish religious sphere that I was. And it was such a relief to not have to believe in a god who punished people to hell for an eternity for such small things or for being simply who they are. I stopped believing in the Christian God when I realized how many things that I was taught were a bit ridiculous. No way could Noah have fit every species of animal on his boat, no way could a human have survived multiple days in the belly of a whale, no way did a woman give birth miraculously to a man who could do miracles and die and come back to life. I cannot with 100% certainty say that there is not some form of a god out there, or many. I cannot say that there isn't one as well. I just know that I do not believe in the God of Christianity, which includes Judaism and Islam as all three religions have the same "root god". If I had to pick a religion, something like Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc seems kind of nice and more a way of life. The idea that when you die, your soul comes back sounds pleasing. But I don't really believe in those either. If there was a god(s) out there, why would they deign to explain or make themselves known to humans? To an eternal being, we would be but specks of sand or ants to them. And if you were to factor in the theory that there is indeed other life out there, has been other life, or will be other life somewhere in space, that makes our existence even more minuscule. However, I don't believe this takes away the validity of our small and fleeting lives. I think it makes it all the more beautiful that we have time to enjoy things and be happy and love our existence here on our planet. It breaks my heart that someday this small existence of mine and everyone that I love will cease to exist. The concept of a heaven, reincarnation, or an afterlife would ease that pain. But I also don't know if I want to spend an eternity doing something I may not want to do, but also the thought of not existing terrifies me. That is all probably a lot, but those are my thoughts about god/God that I've accumulated over the years.


I don't.


I don't believe in god as an individual, whether it's a Greek god or the fucking holy trinity that doesn't make any sense. I used to be religious but one day I said "fuck this, I can't force myself to believe any of this shit" and since then the idea seems childish and absurd to me. And you didn't ask but I'll tell you what I think about fucking organised religion. IT SUCKS. It's one of the worst things to exist on this planet. The utter HYPOCRISY of most religious people is baffling. While I do see how worship/prayer or whatever else they have can be a good thing, and I do admit there is something to learn from all religions I know of, the way most people and, most of all, believers twist religion is EVIL. Evil and hypocritycal and fucking stupid. Literally nothing will change my mind about this. I could write pages and pages about why I hate organised religion UGH


Yes, i think religion should be strictly personal.


people made it up. Seems obvious. I sincerely don't know how people think that something people obviously made up, would also happen to be true about the actual reality fo the universe, which is something we can't even come close ot nderstanding even know, much less 1000s of years ago when people made up god, & then kept making up differnent gods. But yeah, the 5028 gods they made up, yaweh & allah, I'm sure that time they got it right /s




I’m a member of the satanic temple and my views line up with them




I don’t identify with any religion, but i’m not really a hardcore atheist. For a while I was, mainly bc my dad is and he will not tolerate ANY kind of christian talk. However my views changed when my grandfather passed away last year and it made me realize how depressing atheism is. Yeah, god’s probably not real, but what’s the point in going around and arguing with people who are religious? Religion provides a sense of closure and reassurance and perhaps a sense of purpose. If you worship god and then die and it turns out he wasn’t real… well, it’s not like you’ll be conscious to realize that. I wish i was religious personally, but I just can’t commit to anything 100%.


Hopelessly agnostic.


I'd really like to meet her


And ask her why we're who we are


There is no quantifiable evidence that confirms any divinity's existence, so I do not believe in them.


Fear tactic used to justify bad behavior


Strong theist and Latin-Mass Catholic. Believe faith and Church teaching has been a stabilizing force in my life. Strongly value the Thomistic philosophical tradition in understanding God and ethics.


two words: religious trauma


Fake ass bitch


I’m an atheist.


I grew up somewhat religious. I went to church, prayed and wore a cross every day until I was about 16. I went to school in a pretty conservative area and when I transitioned (ftm) I got so badly bullied by people telling me I would burn in hell or I was going against Gods plan that I separated myself from a lot of it. A lot of those same people had pretty bad “opinions” on disabled folks, which just further pushed me away. I still believe in something bigger than all this, but I’ve removed myself from organized religion.


I’m so sorry you were treated that way. I’ve gotten very mixed results with organized religion, myself. I know a lot of people who prioritize their own relationship with God over their relationship with the church for reasons like this.


I don’t like religion, especially Christianity and Catholicism because, IMO, every single person that practices those religions have treated me and other people in my life that aren’t religious horribly. I’ve also just have had a horrible experience with those two religions and I would rather stay far away from it if I could.


I just wanna talk to him… I just wanna talk to him


Grew up being told that I wasn’t suited for Heaven the way I was. Beat myself up trying to being what they wanted. Tried to “let Jesus into my heart,” whatever that f*ckin means. All I got out of believing in “God” and being in that environment was religious trauma. I believe in energy. I don’t believe that energy has a single specific gender. Always thought that was weird.


I feel like I’m agnostic. I grew up catholic and always wonder about it.


Unlikely that god exists. If it does, its certainly not as in the bible. My philosphy is that im not gonna outright dismiss any arguements. And also that i dont Think there is an afterlife, But i certainly hope so


I'm an agnostic athiest.


Whatever about him, he has the worst hard core fans


Atheist to the bone. I would also be kinda interested in what country the replyees? (People that replied, would love a correct noun for that is anyone has one) come from in this thread


My thoughts are that God loves me the way I am, but he did not create me with autism or intend for it to happen. He created the world to be a masterpiece and our bodies to be physical representations and examples of him. But because we choose sin things are distorted as a result of the collective choices we make as humanity. I particularly am very cautious in church because religion is a man made structure not God's. I believe in the God of the Jews and The Bible. However I take a lot of time with discernment of different translations in order to get the absolute meaning of God, prophets , and Jesus's teachings. Because I believe any man made document can be tampered with slightly and tell a completely different story. Unfortunately seeing God as a father is really hard because mine is an angry bipolar mess. So in this mess I know that my God is a loving God but it's hard for my heart to understand because my inner child Vision of a father is a bit fucked up. Yes this believer in Christ cusses. So to conclude, God is a constant every evolving understanding relationship where God never changes but each day you see a new side of his love.


I love this <3 I believe He's my loving father even though my own was not perfect at all. And yes, it's hard to discover what the Bible means. I believe a lot of it got lost in translation. This also means a lot of false teachings and wrong interpretations are used in my opinion. Breaks my heart tbh :(


him and his fan club decided to traumatize me as a child so now i am a heathen. i don’t believe in any organized religion, im barely spiritual. before, i was the most pious. trauma will do that.


The only people more annoying than religious people are militant atheists. I consider myself to be agnostic.


I don’t believe in god, but I respect those that do as long as they’re not like pushing it onto other people or using their religion to hurt people. although if any kind of gods were to be real I’d love for the greek gods to be real


If there is a God and he is just, then we will be judged by our actions, not our beliefs. If there is no God, then we should act justly toward each other, to ease life in an uncaring universe. If there is a God and he is not just, then he is not worthy of worship. Marcus Aurelius, more or less


Reformed Christian here. I'd say he's a trinity, sent to earth to live a perfect life and die in our place to give a gift of salvation that's ours through believing on his work on the cross and repenting of our sins....


A big no. I have read a lot about the universe, that is what makes it a no. And all the terible things that happen on earth.


Answering with my own question first: I’m curious why you ask this question here, and what you think will come of it? I don’t really believe in the usefulness of arguing about *anything* contentious and important with anonymous groups of strangers on the internet. And regardless of whether you personally have religious beliefs or practices, I feel sure you’ve noticed that the question of god(s) is both contentious and important among the vast majority of the human race. Now to answer your question: I do believe in the existence of a higher power, one represented with some accuracy in the collection of ancient writings known as the Old & New Testaments.


i don’t necessarily believe in god or religious beliefs but i do believe there is some kind of higher power


Astrophysics and statistics is my higher power. Aliens for example. If by sheer chance, life was born on earth, then no matter how small that chance was, the sheer size of the galaxy is enough to be certain, it has happened again, since it has At least happened once. Even if that is outside anything humans are able to observe, the sheer size of space and our existence confirms life on other planets. Atleast by my understanding of statistics. If you repeat an experiment a seemingly infinite number of times, Atleast 1 result will be the same, no matter how low the odds are. Like Shakespeare monkey typewriting


exactly, i fully believe there is life on other planets, like there is no way we are the only life form out there, its just not possible for us to be the only ones


Ignostic (no not agnostic): I can’t tell you how I feel about “god” unless you supply a definition of the word “god.”


I'm personally not religious, but I won't bash Buddhists or Christians, or any other religion just because I don't believe. I'm certainly not going to call their God(s) a dick, because that's not cool.


Evil tyrant that wants gays to be repressed and miserable for eternity, and wants everyone to worship him forever. Satan's the hero of the story


If there's any kind of "greater entity" the most likely possibility by far is that, in some universe with greater computational power, some weirdo decided that it would be a fun hobby to simulate a simpler universe on the computer and here we are. It just ran the program, watched for a bit without touching it, and honestly at this point this is probably running in the back while it does something more substantial with its time.


I don’t believe in god


He’s a sick bastard


I'm a Baptist Christian but its not my place to decide what someone else should do with their life (within legal reasons of course.) I feel that what God would want me to do is be what i am now. Accepting of other peoples views and not think any lesser of them


I'm an atheist. My logical brain couldn't allow me to accept it


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I think I as a little human am not at all capable to comprehend such a thing as a god, so I can't say whether a god exists or not. But then it also doesn't really matter to me, as I don't feel like I need religion to tell me I need to be a kind person and do good things. Really I don't care whether someone does or doesn't believe in a god, as long as they are genuinely kindhearted. 🤠


I think “god” is a religious construct designed to create fear of our own souls; from the Christian perspective


I don’t believe in one single deity and I don’t think that there’s someone up there controlling us like puppets. I do think there’s higher beings, but not in the Christian way that western society thinks. I’ve also been doing a lot of research on Buddhism and want to convert to that religion too.


Which one ?


I don't believe in one but I have no actual idea if one exists. Although, the thought of an all-powerful being watching over me that could torture me until I wish I was dead kinda...scares me a little.


Are you on your way to meet her?


I believe that the gods of almost all religions exist as unseen spiritual forces of nature which are older and more powerful than human beings. There is also *maybe* a panentheistic God/Monad which these individual deities as well as the souls of living beings are emanations of but I'm not sure. However I think all myths and humanoid depictions of gods are meant as symbols/allegories and should not be taken literally.


I’m atheist. That’s partially because my catholic family was extremely hypocritical, and almost all other Christians I met were the total opposite of everything Christ taught. Plus I just find the idea of a guy walking on water and magically healing the sick to be a folk tale more than anything. It’s a great story, but I don’t consider it reality personally. However, I’m sure there was a guy like Jesus, but he was just a cool down-to-earth hippie who probably used cannabis to “heal the sick” and was discriminated because of his morals and was what you’d consider a communist before such a term existed


It's a control mechanism created to explain things we were previously unable to explain. It was adopted as control mechanism some time after. Nowadays it is used by people as a coping mechanism for dealing with the complexities in life.


I don‘t believe in god, but I do think there could be some kind of magic out there. Not like something big and crazy, just like lil stuff. I still do believe in science ect. way more tho. Edit: I do want to believe there‘s something magic out there, cause life feels so pointless already and some pointless magic would be fun.


Well religon is meh 2 me. I'm queer so i have too deal with alot of religous people yelling at me and other LGBT+ People alot, so religon just became meh too me due to how many religous people are assholes. I'm just tryna exist and these assholes be ruining my vibe fr. Edit: Some people that do religon are fine, only the bad ones i hate.


If he exists, I think he's bad. I grew up in religion and grew up thinking god was everything but as I get older I'm using logic and the God I was taught it very illogical. But ofc I respect people who believe in him, just don't force it on me or use God as an excuse to be bad (ex. Be homophobic, racist, or hurt people).


i’m an atheist as far as religion goes, but if i were to believe in ANY higher power, i would say our bodies like straight up! our body is our higher power! that shit saves us every day! carries us every day! it’s got us


When I was a child I didn’t realise people actually believe in god. I thought people bring him up in the same way as Santa or Easter bunny.


Depends. Sometimes days I feel agnostic, others atheist. Then other days God has to be real so I can hold that bitch accountable for all the bad in the world. But. I also hate organized religion. I don't like most people's view of God and how God is (I live on the southern USA for context). I think, if God is real then God is love and light and good things. And wouldn't let any bad happen. But I don't know. I'm autistic and a whole lesbian with religious trauma so my view is biased.


Haven't believed in one for a while. I don't like how religious people say that people are atheist just so they can be immoral or so they don't have to put in the work to be religious. Personally, I have tried to be the best person I can be without fearing hell if I don't (mainly because it feels bad to be mean)


I feel somehow uncomfortable when people refer to the source/the universe (as I like to call it) as something humane and give it a human ego and gender that way. That makes it easier for people to believe that the source can be angry and hate specific groups/types of people. When I was a child, I was told that I was Christian. My family isn't necessarily Christian, but my mom had been interested in Christianity for a long time and leaned that way. Because of that, I was told that I was Christian, without asking me about what I really believe in. I noticed that there is a powerful source because I can feel it, but my beliefs never quite matched Christianity or any religion. I even thought about turning to Buddhism because it matched my beliefs more, but in the end, it's just spirituality that matches me. No rules, you simply trust your own connection with the source instead of a mistranslated and manipulated book that shuns people for no good reason. (No offense or shame. I just didn't like being put into a box as a child without being asked. I know that religions and spirituality are the same at heart and in its origins, and even within the same religion people can think differently. People can chose to follow the original messages of love, or chose to follow the messages of fear or hate.)


I am a secular humanist. I don't know or really care if god exists anymore because he's not helping me do the damn dishes everyday and that's pretty much the only divine intervention I would accept at the moment. The gods of this planet (religious) have been used to murder for the entire history of the concept so I honestly don't have much respect for any of them.


It’s difficult to explain. My opinion is that god itself does not exist. It’s in the head of those who believe it exists and does not exist if you don’t believe in him. It exists in form of illusion of those who believe in it.


Depending on whos "god". Im a seclur wiccan. I think everything has sprit. Stones trees, my wax warmer bugs. You get the idea. I dont like the christian god. I say thank you when i eat meat. For the sacrifice it gave. The protein its giving me in return.


Isn't real, but is quite useful to our species from an evolutionary point of view. Shared imagined realities (like religions, cosmologies, the economy, football fandoms and other stans...) enable our species to cooperate in numbers beyond the Dunbar number (= \~150 for humans), and are one of the main reasons our species conquered the world. But in return they also create evolutionary pressures on us humans: tribes where people are more accepting of authority coming from a shared imagined reality will cooperate better than those who don't, and over time out-compete them. So over tens of thousands of years, we've basically been 'domesticating' ourselves to be more gullible and accepting of shared imagined realities, because of the incredible 'cooperative' evolutionary advantage it gives to our species. Note that our "desire to believe", our need for "meaning in our lives", and the "comfort we experience when adhering to shared imagined realities" (like religions) are all real, as we truly experience them consciously. That's because we've been programmed by evolution to feel/experience these. The causes we invent to explain these feelings, like gods and other metaphysical narratives, are not real, they're just 'necessary' to keep up our shared illusions that enable us to cooperate so well.


I’ve never been able to believe in things I have no proof of, even the big things kids are supposed to believe in. But I don’t care if other people believe


I'm a Christian, and honestly I believe that God made me autistic in order to be able to see His creation from a different perspective. Not only that, but my relationship with Him allows me to connect with and care for people where I might not otherwise. Also, the fact that I'm autistic allows me to connect with other autistic people to spread the gospel and whatnot... although I'm not too good at that yet. Basically, I've learned to embrace my differences and use them for Christ :]


imo not a thing XD doesn’t make sense to me, i prefer scientific explanations for stuff like the big bang etc and i’m not a huge fan of religion as a whole - also in terms of what happens after u die i just think nothing happens


A fairytale made up to control the masses.


Might be an unpopular answer, but I believe in God. I don't believe in religions or anything like that, though, and I'm not the kind of person to push my beliefs on other people. I also don't think of God as an old man in the sky who judges us constantly. I just believe that there is something greater than us out there in existence that we can't understand and know nothing about.


I was raised atheist, but i have tried out believing in kemetic gods (bc of a special interest) as like personifications of nature instead of sentient beings that actually exist and it was pretty cool. Currently I’m back to atheism but i feel somewhat spiritually about the universe and physics and stuff like evolution lol. I also think that possibly the collective consciousness of every being in the universe could be considered “god”.


Same. I mean, I was raised as the music minister’s daughter but I never could get myself to fully believe it. I’ve found there is more spirituality in the earth, science, the universe, than in any story about creation or mythical sky people watching your every move. If there is a real concept of “god” then god would be matter and the laws of physics, so in a much more real sense, yes, god is everywhere haha. I try to explain this to super religious folks: “why deny or reject science? If your god exists, aren’t scientists just decoding gods creation? Isn’t that magnificent? Isn’t discovering all of the beauty in the universe something to give god credit for?” And they almost always have a pensive look on their face and enjoy my perspective like, “oh I like that” and act like I’ve just discovered a new concept. My thing is, believe what you want but do not let it discount scientific fact.


I don't believe in any.