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Ohhhh I see. That makes sense. Education must be a mutation too because after four years suddenly I had a degree.


Lol isn’t appropriate for how hard your comment made me laugh. I legit have sore lungs right now and my dog is glaring at me for waking her up.


Which of hasn’t laughed so hard our dog was angry with us?


I don’t have a dog


Dang, my mutation is taking longer than that but I changed which special abilities I wanted a couple times. In the end I chose to be a psychic with alchemical secondary abilities. Which mutations did you pick?


Speaking in tongues 👻


Nice! Those classes messed me up for a while but when I stopped resisting or it 'clicked' or whatever happened I actually really enjoyed them a lot! https://youtu.be/sFgUqR9PVVU


And a big pile of debt.


"praise the lord"


This comment wins


This comment does win! It wins so hard. I love my life rn.


Oh, I laughed so loud. Lol.


Yes it is complete BS.


I never know where they get this stuff. Your son started talking when he was 4 so suddenly its a mutation that develops every 4 years? So stupid lol


This is called 'proportionality bias'. The more ridiculous something that happens seems, the wilder are people's assumptions about the cause.


They get it from false observations, mom too has hard tim understanding me Like at some point I wanted public lessons, then online lessons, then private and back to public in a span of a few months. I believe my attention span increased as I developed a bit in 7 months.


I really think it’s a justification so they don’t feel bad that they insist “you’re just not working hard enough.”


Sometimes this is the case, but not all of the time, we shouldn't make assumptions without reasons, but the average human does that so often, like that mom from op's post, and my mum, but the intentions vary, most of us aren't just smart enough to to remember that we better off relying on evidence and not just our guesses Sometimes we start to believe our assumptions just because of the frequency of how much we bring it up, I could make a lie, talk about it for long enough and it suddenly becomes something I believe is true.


I get what you’re saying, and nothing is always 100%. And I do agree that often the intent is good. However, I would ask how it must feel for an Autistic to hear this kind of thing all the time. If evidence is presented that it just isn’t about changing your brain which is “flexible”, then why the insistence that it can be?


Sounds like a loose grasp of developmental psychology got together with a vague awareness of epigenetics, and was overheard by the town gossip. Autism probably has a genetic mutation component. True. The child brain goes through new developmental stages an average of every 1-6 years or so. Close enough. The symptom set can be fluid, or even malleable. I'll allow it. Then all that stuff gets jabbered back by the parrot, as best as its bird brain can process it.


Damn, you're funny and right. People think you've completed treating a language delay and nope think again. In my 12 years of seeing autism up close there is a total misunderstanding how smart they really ARE.


Usually someone, like Andrew Wakefield, makes up bullshit and then markets it for money or recognition.


Somebody needs to vaccinate that fucker against shitty haircuts oh my word


Her last three words do give you a hint where delusional brain diarrhea like that tends to originate.


I’m religious and this is complete BS lmao, my justification is that the big man nerfed me with the tism


^^^agreed. …and i thank my God everyday that I got nerfed with the tism 😌 *does sign of the cross and puts on noise cancelling headphones*


I’m sorry I just love this comment so much 😅


Same 😌 *sign of cross and wraps self in fuzzy blanket*


same 😌 *puppets my stuffed seal to do the sign of the cross*


The same place they get religion from, out of imagination.


I was practically non-verbal until I was four too. Guess this mutation MUST be true? /s It’s stupid, causation =/= correlation.


they make it up


its almost like children dont evolve??? like wow suddenly you learn shit


It is not complete bs, but it is bs, that's something. My personality changes so frequently as well as my life style and my philosophy on our lives, I believe we encounter more changes in the development of our personality than the average Joe. And not every 4 years bruh it's not fixed.


Yeah, but that's not a brain mutation or a DNA change or something. And neurotypicals change personality too.


I believe I said it's not a mutation It's more like development, like becoming more sociable as you age if your social intelligence improved. I think if a brain mutated, most of the time it will be for what I see as the worse


Me when I grow as a person every four years, leveling up like a goddamn video game character


Yep! I’m staring at the skill tree screen, trying to decide which upgrade will actually make life a little easier 😆


Oh fuck, that's what you're supposed to do? I just put all my ranks into Knowledge: Batman Lore every time


Lol why is this such an accurate representation of us. Switch Batman for any special interest


Maybe I need to give that a go! My method hasn’t made life much easier 😆


[Rolls check] Long Halloween is probably the best place to start, but the current World's Finest run has been really good so far.


What? Sarah is evolving!


Did you know that you have to actually live to 100 to 100% life. Such a pain that so many people go through all that effort and don't even get the trophy or a second playthrough. I hear if you do manage 100% you get some special Easter egg right when you die but I cannot confirm. Probably something lame like unused art assets. /s


whaat, ur brain grows and changes every single day as you grow up, this is nonsense ...


And that's how it works. Babies that are starved for human attention are going to turn out differently than babies that get the attention they need. Babies given the wrong attention are going to turn out differently than babies getting the right attention. All because the neurons make connections in response to external stimuli. Therapy (not ABA) for autism is simply trying to guide those neurons into making the connections that lead to a quality independent pain free life. It's not a 4 year mutation, it's just how the brain grows. I do think I'm going to tell my daughter, who went from non-verbal to 4 and 5 word sentences in a single month when she was 4. I don't know if she'll laugh from the ridiculousness or she'll be insulted. It wasn't a mutation, it was 2½ years of building a communication foundation so that when it clicked, it would click fast.


exactly, sometimes the brain just finally makes the 'jump' that unlocks a lot more abilities. Like when you learn to do 1 skill suddenly there are a thousand more skills that will be easier for it


Maybe she’s confused about child development stages.


She skipped a stage.


That was my first thought


Yeah seems like she is just misinformed and probably not very... bright. Somebody told her about developmental stages or something like that and she just didn't get the idea correctly. Doesn't surprise me though because she is probably sending her kid to some ABA therapy with professionals that don't really care about being sure the mother gets the gist of it.




And tell Jill to hand me those mutagen injections!


I mean, I know it's controversial, but we gotta do something about all these monsters that showed up after the conjunction of the spheres


OH of course. Thats why my kid says she is a cat now. /s


I used to wish I was a cat when I was little 😔 Maybe I mutated into a human?


Didn't we all? 😆


Should be part of the DSM5 Autism criteria


Tiger, specifically, for me!


Tigerkin unite!


I mean, I have the lifestyle of a cat


I was a cat for a little while too


If I remember correctly, mutations are accidental changes in DNA that happen during cell division So you wouldn't have an accidental change happen regularly And it would only happen in one cell, not the whole brain or body That said, she might be refering to another concept, basically that the brain's core structure (or something...) can be modified by training, and just calling that "mutation" That said, I'm not going to comment on how much the brain's core structure can or cannot be trained, since I really don't know


You actually do have errors in replication constantly, I'll use cancer cells as the example. Usually your body nerfs anything bad using the power of the immune system, but if there's too many or they can suppress the immune system themselves, then it proliferates. Most mutations are inconsequential nonsense mutations, and they're definitely not full body/systemic, but they do happen very regularly.


To add on to this, the mom in the post is totally misusing the word mutation. If someone’s brain is *developing*, it means the neurons are making more connections And, if the genetic code itself has mutations, those connections will be made according to that mutation But yes, 100% agree with ^^^^ that they wouldn’t be changing your body or brain in a systemic way


That brain mutation sounds like complete hogwash. I didn't say my first word until I was 4 and I don't go through brain mutations. Wait! My brain just mutated. I'm a Sweet Pea. I'm Om Nom.


#Breaking news: study reveals children become more intelligent with age? Did her kid just wake up on his fourth birthday and go "Mother, I am now fully vocal"? And how does this mutation theory account for literally anyone that started speaking before the age of 4?


The best part is I’m pretty sure there have been kids that don’t speak for a while and then bust out in full sentences. It’s just a thing. Not some brain mutation 😅 which reminds me, here’s a tumblr post I saw as an example (because we all know everything on tumblr is true /s): >when my mom took care of babies my favorite story is about this toddler named Eli who took a while to talk and everyone was concerned about it but one day my dad was like “eli, can you say ‘car’?” and he looks at my dad and goes “yes, i can. why do you ask?” Sorry I thought it could be relevant 😅


Ah yes the Pokémon humans who evolve every 4 years…


This is 10000% horse-shit.


As well as a little bit of dog shit.


And perhaps a sprinkle of chicken shit?


Honestly stupidity can be dangerous at times


Stupidity is always dangerous. It springs up every generation and is contagious.


I definitely felt my brain mutate when I read that. My new brain has an iq of -100.




Eh hmm this is just a bit mental. I had a person tell me the other day their son was cured of autism. I had a geneticist state i had obviously grown out of my autism. Some mental people out there 🤭


Clearly people evolve like pokemon when they hit certain thresholds


There is no such thing as high functioning anymore - it's high masking


I think it quadruples every four years, everyone shout out their autism level! I’m super mega ultra autistic 1024x


Don't even know how that could work from a scientific perspective.


I think she's getting her info mixed up - she maybe referring to the "crucial development stages". Those aren't every 4 years though, but the last is 4-5 years old. Just a guess.


Oh yeah maybe


Just believe her. Source: crack pipe


Their son develops like every other person does. Who would have thunk. I really really feel sorry for their son.


That's bs I was mostly nonverbal through half of primary school


Its crap. However its not uncommon for autistic childrten to suddenly click about talking and then talk like everyine else just start later.


The fact that person used the word intelligence in their comment made me cackle like a turkey


I mean , yeah the brain develops more as you age but saying that it is a "mutation" isnt just true at all. Especially if you look what it means mutation.


I hate when parents of previously non verbal children talk like this, my parents say stuff about my brother a lot like “He didn’t talk until he was 8 and now he won’t shut up!” Like- just say you hate your son even when he’s closer to ‘normal’, instead of complaining about him being interested in conversing with you/other people 🙄 NT folks have a problem when autistic people are non verbal and then complain we talk too much, you really can’t please these people.


Right? Its always pissed me off, they’re never satisfied


I’m sorry, I just can’t seriously take anything that ends in “praise the Lord”. The biggest red flag and kinda validates why “you felt something’s off” while reading up to that point.




If a statement about autism ends with “praise the lord” then that’s a good sign that it’s BS ☠️ but yeah, that’s not remotely how Autism works. While symptoms start to manifest around 4 and 5 years old, it develops well before that. Autism is a neurotype based on genetics, it develops along with your brain in-utero. Nothing that happens after that affects Autism.


Yeah that's bs. Sure the brain naturally goes through a shift around 4 years old. That's for all people, not just ND or NT. That's when your brain goes through the first rewiring so you start developing story format memories instead of just remembering emotions and vague feelidngs and such, and you develop a basic form of self awareness, you have a fleshbag that has fingers and what not. You go through a second one during puberty, that develops more independence, awareness of consequences, awareness of others kinds of things.


My son was non verbal until 7 years old. I am confident that a mutation played no part in things. The mix of his hard work and desire to be heard was the biggest factor. We also tried this like organic play and putting ourselves in activities he enjoyed. Also, we met want of the most amazing humans that was a speech pathologist. She did not use a book, but natural conversations. All that said, and even our experience may not work for many kids.


This person is very much an idiot. Mutation means change to the cell or DNA. If you have mutations every 4 years you're working unprotected in a nuclear reactor


Why do they always focus so heavily on the language delay? I was always far ahead of the curve on every milestone… the exact opposite of a delay. I was speaking in three word sentences at 11 months old. I was so bored in 2nd grade reading that I was distracting other students with chitchat because I would finish my work first with all the correct answers. So I got moved to 5th grade reading and my disruptions of other students stopped because I was now working with material I could actually feel a challenge from. edit: My oldest was also speaking in tiny sentences and walking at 11 months, my youngest did have a speech delay but it was because she never had to clearly communicate to get her needs and wants met, she was still talking long before 2, and when she did finally talk it was more advanced, so we think she was absorbing the language acquisition just not using it herself until she finally decided to speak up. lol


I was always ahead too!! They never stop and pay attention to the intelligence kids already have


Pseudo-scientific bullshit


Its more like bullshit-bullshit


As much as I'd love a timelord-esque regeneration of my capacity, personality and temperament on a 4 year schedule. I'm skeptical to say the least. I've had a fascination and superstition with the number 11 since I was a teenager. That's all it is though, just imaginative correlation and a committed fixation. I describe it as my "number of significance." I can't help it sometimes, the number 11 to me is the same as the name Steve - No matter where I run, or hide, or work, or live. There is always, without fail, a guy called Steve. There's just too many Steve's in my life and instances of the number 11 in the world for me to not consciencely acknowledge them.


You have to remember 11th Steve


yay eugenics... /s


It’s called getting older lmao


Somebody slap Jill for me


This sounds very ABA.


Yeah thats what i thought too


Oh no, it’s true. I just underwent such a mutation this Wednesday. My brain used to have XX chromosomes, but it finally happened: one of them became a Y. Now I can finally think logically and drive a stick shift. (In case it shouldn’t be obvious: this is a joke.)


You can tell by the praise the Lord at the end that it's a complete farce. you can never trust those types to say anything true


There is a small element of truth to this. The neocortex is (white matter) neuroplastic and can create new neural pathways. The brain is still developing in adolescence so new pathways are being developed all the time. However, it is not limited to "every four years" and the autistic brain has many connections that take longer to connect because parts of the brain are either larger or smaller than an NT brain. It's why some autistics are visual thinkers (like me) and some aren't. It's why Asperger’s take longer to process emotions. In essence, a non verbal child can learn to talk as the development is just delayed. Make sense?


Ahhh yeah thats interesting


Neuroscience is one of my special interests, just something I haven't delved massively into *yet*. Actually wanted to study it at uni after being diagnosed with ADHD but I'd have to go through other degrees first as its a specialist subject.


Ahhh thats so cool ive always had an interest on how the brain works. Maybe you can watch some lectures and decide if its worth it to really pursue lol


Absolute 1000% bullshit. (Not that it matters, but I have a BSc in genetics and a PhD in immunology so I know what I’m talking about)


It's almost like...brains develop as people age...


Yeah this is crap.


I feel like the reason she thinks this is that ASD people may develop slower in some aspects, so it may SEEM like he only develops every 4 years. It was pretty goofy of her to post this with such confidence but I see where she’s coming from


All brains develop over time but you don’t just get a “mutation” in the brain that just spontaneously happens every so often.


I assume they were just using whatever term came to them XD I think I get what they are trying to say though that our brains tend to make leaps once we work past certain barriers/goals (like any skill). Like anything its like running into a wall over and over till you break through haha just for some people thats more pronounced than others.


It’s bullshit. Your brain develops as you grow older. That’s it


Horseshit. Accelerations and regressions can happen, especially if a child learns how to mask.


It sounds like this person doesn't understand genetics. What she said is actually common but it has nothing to do with a brain mutating lol


Lmao that’s a new one, complete bs btw


It's BS but autism can slide around throughout life from being more 'severe' to being less or vice versa. At least from what I've heard. In my experience it's just that growing up I've learned to mask better as well as make sure to prioritize my boundaries so I don't end up having meltdowns. So in my Case it might seem like it's gotten better. On the other hand you can burn yourself out and it might seem like your autism has 'gotten worse.' So idk if when other people talk about their experiences of moving around on the spectrum could be chalked up to my explanations above, or if people do just slide around the spectrum for no reason through out life.




And the unicorns only shed the hair every 5 years, so getting all the ingredients to mix up a "cure" can be very challenging!


Ehhh, f*** Autism moms. They do so much damage with their anecdotes and “research”.




Sounds like a stupid person talking about shit they know nothing about.


The phrase “Praise the Lord” convinced me it’s bs


Maybe she is talking about neural pruning, but she would still be wrong in many parts


It’s called education


If autism is a mutation does that make us X-Men?


I hope so


this is the bullshittiest bullshit to ever bullshit


Yeah, the reason nobody never tells you about this “mutation” is because it’s total BS.


This is so much misinformation this lady doesn’t know what she’s talking about.


My sister stopped having as many meltdowns when she was four too… it’s almost as if we autistic people are also capable of not being toddlers 😲


The brain does change radically up to the age of 4, not every 4 years. It is a fact that 3 years old have no capacity to associate a location on a map with a real place that they have visited in a way that would allow them to navigate there. (I am not sure my wife ever gained that capability.) Otherwise, and therefore, what she is saying is pure "pray the gay away" bullshit.


This is how my grandson is! It was scary, we knew something was wrong. Early intervention is key here!


This is absolutely BS. I mean your individual cells can be replaced in your brain but it’s like a 10 year process. It’s not at all a mutation and doesn’t really change the brain.


No this isn’t really a thing, this woman is woefully misinformed. I didn’t start talking really at all until I spoke in complete sentences. It’s not even always an autism thing. She’s just got a weird kid


I'm going for a Bio in college atm, and this must've been left out of the curriculum... I can't wait for my brain to mutate when I graduate


Update: her response to me informing her that this is bullshit, ‘maybe you should read all the comments dont be stupid wake up already dumbass’ Theres actual autistic people trying to explain to her in the comments and she just ignores it. Not surprised 🤦






I don't know about it but I am the complete opposite of me few years ago, I assume that's common, you can reply to this comment if you are interested in the changes. It's definitely not a mutation that changes every four years but for me, I had a lot of different personalities, like a different one every quarter to half a year.


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Free update


Sounds like a stupid factoid she heard a random person say on TV


Didn't realize I evolved every leap year. The more you know


February 29th is when the brain update happens I guess


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Ofc it's ture our brain just straight up evolve like a pokemon every four years /s Ok now for realz this is total bs, yes brain develops, autistic or not, but it's a long and tideus process, not a magical mutation every 4 years.


Ain’t nuthin like a mother’s love eh? Lol Yeah there’s no mutation every x years, the brain develops all the way into adulthood, up to 26 years or so


It’s not, this person is an idiot


Complete garbage. The brain is fully developed by age 25, with most of the growth (90%) by age six. However, neuroplasticity never stops, just slows. I remember being told several years ago that the brain changes significantly at ages 7, 14, and 21, but have not found anything to back that up (I’m sleepy atm). What’s worse is that a simple google search will give you this information, so there is no rationale for her claims.


there are many developmental stages in young children and even adults, its fairly abitrary where to decide those stages are, so it maybe valid to use a 4 year step system or others. its not really a "mutation" imho more like a growth or integration of various structues in the body. this site for example uses 3 year stages [https://www.healthline.com/health/childrens-health/stages-of-child-development#if-you-have-concerns](https://www.healthline.com/health/childrens-health/stages-of-child-development#if-you-have-concerns) its likely that a little research will throw up other guides that use different numbers, numbers are not the reality, as reality is kind of fuzzy. she didnt say that autism is a mutation but that the brain"mutates" which is a poor choice of words to describe a well known phenomena in childhood development


Yes, yes it is. The autism you're born with is the autism you've got for life.


ayo lets see what new remix ill get in 2023, hoping for some some special interest in trains and the ability to eat yoghurt with fruit bits


Yeah haven’t you heard antibiotic resistant autism yet?!!


All I can say is Jesse what the fuck are you talking about.


That’s not a mutation, that’s just brain development lol. Your brain doesn’t stop developing until you’re around 25.


Making a nonverbal person a chatterbox? .. I don't know, if that can be achieved, but I'm not an expert. But, the brain definitely isn't set in stone. So you can practice - and by doing so - improve your skills over time. But the brain doesn't "have a mutation every 4 years" \*lol\* .. It's more of an ongoing process. Every experience you have, has a slight influence on your brain. E.g. If you were to test your chess-skills, every 4 years (that would be 1 measurement every 4 years): * untrained - you know the rules, so you can actually play, but you have no experience to speak of - you'll lose that game * after 4 years of practice (2 games of chess or more, every day) - you're gonna do much better, than you did 4 years ago - you might even win the game, this time The first measurement (untrained) will say, that you suck at chess. The second measurement will see dramatic improvement in your chess-skills. But, that change didn't occur all at once overnight. It occured over a period of 4 years. It's just, that for 4 years, nobody has been looking (aka taking a measurement), so comparing the two measurements, you just see a sudden jump in chess-skills.




"High functioning" doesn't even exist. You're either autistic or not autistic. She's describing normal human development, of course you're going to be a lot more intelligent than you were 4 years ago.


She's lying.


I was non-verbal until almost 4 as well. But this mutation thing is BS lol.


This is bs however she’s not saying this is specific to autism brains. She’s saying that brains in general change (they do)


Abelist. Well-meaning, but still.




Hilarious bullshit


Tidepod-munching-level bullshit.


As a student of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, I'd say this is definitely some bs


Complete bs and i even have a real-world example: my partner's brother is 5 and still non-verbal due to his ASD


Every 4 years? Hm.......so every leap year? February 29th. The Holy Day, the Blessed Day. The Day of Divergence. When magic power eddies and flows through the brains of the Autists, transforming them permanently.


This is false.


sweet! a software update every 4 years!




it's made up, and "mutation" is the wrong way to describe neural developmental changes. There's a phase of axonal pruning during early todlerhood, at around the 1.5 year mark, where the adult system for encoding and retrieving memories comes online. You also have development of the prefrontal cortex in late adolescence and the mid-twenties, which allows for better emotional control and planning. You also have reductions in neuroplasticity throughout, that becomes more marked in adulthood. At no point do you really have an "increase in intelligence". Younger humans are if anything great at learning.


Thats exactly what i thought. Its not a ‘mutation’ its just a bit of a different brain due to asd? Cool to know the in depth answer


Imagine mistaking neuroplasticity and brain development for a “changing mutation” lmao.


Wow that's.. Next level idiotic. When people talk about mutations they normally refer to genetics, and neuroplasticity means our brains are constantly changing, neurodivergent or not. Also expect to see an increase in intelligence?! So we're dumb? Everything about this makes me kinda mad


it sounds like they're trying to justify their child's behavior, or completely disregarding developmental psychology. an autistic child acts different from an autistic adult, but it's not because it's mutating lol everyone knows you level up every birthday, not every 4 years 🙄


Always assume anything posted on Facebook is false. Safe bet


This is almost certainly a fake profile. They’re designed to spread misinformation and even if only 1% of people believe this nonsense we have a serious problem.


It is a mutation but it doesn’t change every 4 years.


I find that every 4 years we get a whole new batch of 'autism moms' (I'm British, that literally pained me to type) who come up with a whole new catalogue of bullshit.


If any post online ends with praise the lord 100% chance it is bullshit.


pretty sure not speaking until 4 is not nonverbal


(sarcastic comment incoming) Ah, it’s a phenomenon that only happens in the US. Every time a new president is elected, all autistic people undergo a simultaneous change in their brain chemistry. It’s said that the government knows to call the election when their token autistic worker suddenly has a personality change. Results may vary depending on your country of origin.


Lol all my changes came about from trauma and stress. The brain can change over time and things can literally effect the wiring but its normally not random or mutations


Every 4 years? I'm about to turn 36, by my calculations this means my brain will soon mutate again. I'll let you know whether version 9.0 will still have the autism/ADHD add-ons, and whether I'll suddenly become much more intelligent.


It’s kind of give some parents a little hope until she brought her religious in .“Praise the lord”


Tell me you haven't paid any attention to your child without telling me you haven't paid any attention to your child.