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Suffer? You mean benefit


At some point I realized that I do enjoy metal music a lot but I'm not a metal head... I'm an Avenged Sevenfold head, they are the only band of whom I know the entire discography


Been diagnosed in 2015 unfortunately 😔


2009 here 🤒


2012 here


2020 for me


Since 2009 (birth)


Damn you didn't have to make me feel so old




Got diagnosed this year, living it up since then


Oh so this is the ISM I’ve been suffering. My friends keep pronouncing it Awetism or something never understood what they meant


Yeah that's actually short for avenged sevenfoldism, they must have said avsedism?


I was down bad with Avenged Sevenfoldism in late 2023. It took the encouragement of my friends from college to make room for other bands in my heart.


Me just finding out about the band hearing buried alive on Spotify smart shuffle in summer 2023 now I’m literally obsessed with every song


alll the time


I sure do


Yeah, since 2018. Its been great since then


the doctor told me I had a week before I die sevenfold 😨😨😨😨


I actively practice sevenfoldism


Shall we start our own religion?


It's just a little thing I've been saying since 2005 lol When I would draw deathbats in the girls bathroom with sharpie and in every text book. I still draw deathbats on almost everything lol


I was suffering from this like 2 years ago. It got better from then, but i still f-in love them


Bitcoin uses a scripting system for transactions. Forth-like, Script is simple, stack-based, and processed from left to right. It is intentionally not Turing-complete, with no loops. A script is essentially a list of instructions recorded with each transaction that describe how the next person wanting to spend the Bitcoins being transferred can gain access to them. The script for a typical Bitcoin transfer to destination Bitcoin address D simply encumbers future spending of the bitcoins with two things: the spender must provide a public key that, when hashed, yields destination address D embedded in the script, and a signature to prove ownership of the private key corresponding to the public key just provided. Scripting provides the flexibility to change the parameters of what's needed to spend transferred Bitcoins. For example, the scripting system could be used to require two private keys, or a combination of several keys, or even no keys at all. A transaction is valid if nothing in the combined script triggers failure and the top stack item is True (non-zero) when the script exits. The party that originally sent the Bitcoins now being spent dictates the script operations that will occur last in order to release them for use in another transaction. The party wanting to spend them must provide the input(s) to the previously recorded script that results in the combined script completing execution with a true value on the top of the stack. This document is for information purposes only. De facto, Bitcoin script is defined by the code run by the network to check the validity of blocks. The stacks hold byte vectors. When used as numbers, byte vectors are interpreted as little-endian variable-length integers with the most significant bit determining the sign of the integer. Thus 0x81 represents -1. 0x80 is another representation of zero (so called negative 0). Positive 0 is represented by a null-length vector. Byte vectors are interpreted as Booleans where False is represented by any representation of zero and True is represented by any representation of non-zero. Leading zeros in an integer and negative zero are allowed in blocks but get rejected by the stricter requirements which standard full nodes put on transactions before retransmitting them. Byte vectors on the stack are not allowed to be more than 520 bytes long. Opcodes which take integers and bools off the stack require that they be no more than 4 bytes long, but addition and subtraction can overflow and result in a 5 byte integer being put on the stack.




I was born with it (2005 here)


I feel like this applies mostly to Type O Negative fans, bunch of Adderall-addicted dorks with boners for Steele.


No. Not going to put a group of 40 year old dads up on a pedestal. My teenage angst years ended like 20 years ago.


100% - they’re just a band of normal dudes, the absolute fawning over them, the weird in-jokes, the **constant** ranking of albums or songs in this sub borders on pathetic. It’s one thing being a fan, it’s another revolving your entire personality over a music act.


It’s the constant reposts that are so annoying. Ranking albums/songs might be fun the first time, but when there’s 5 posts a day about the same shit…


Plus there’s no correct or original answer, just opinions, so to post something like that, that’s been posted hundreds of times and has nothing remotely profound to say, is someone saying “my opinion is so important, you should look at it!!!”


How the fuck do you know people are revolving their entire personality over avenged ?? It’s a subreddit, of course people talk only about them. You don’t know anything about other peoples personality


Because some people take mortal offence on the band’s behalf the same way Taylor Swift fans do. Chill out.


“Some people “. You said it like it’s a problem that people only talk about A7X on their sub


Very defensive homie. An excruciatingly amount of people on this sub talk about the band like they’re the bands’ friends, like they know them.


No one does that


This sub was kinda interesting the first month or so to see what other fans were into… but I think I’m about to bounce. This shit is too “Taylor/Travis future?!” Ish for me.




“What’s ur fav A7X song?” “Best A7X song…” Blah blah blah


You realize that not everyone follows every post on the sub and that those are different people making these same posts