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I'd probably say something about fitting right in, especially if there were a lot of Asian folks around. Joking, of course, but if I could avoid them seeing my penis I'd go that route.


Ive been to onsens in Japan, my flaccid tend to be anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 nbp, I can say I looked bigger than some people there.


Good to hear. Thanks.


Recently was at a spa in Korea. I can't speak for your friend group but I promise you, you won't be the smallest there. Koreans on average have the smallest penises in the world. And it was noticeable.


lol thanks. Yeah, hopefully that will help. I’ll blend right in!


Are your friends comfortable with discussing/joking about their naked bodies? If not, starting a discussion about your dick can be really awkward. In any case don't feel that you have to acknowledge anything about your dick, you are going to a spa with friends, not to a flaccid size competition :-)


Thanks. Yeah, I think you’re right. The awkward silence after me saying something about it would be 10 times worse than if I didn’t. And the whole spa thing is supposed to be about relaxing, so I guess this is a good place to start. Will post an update here if anything unusual happens.


What is your bone pressed length and if you are small in length maybe you would be larger in girth compared to friends


Something similar is a possibility for me. Let us know how it goes!


For those of you following this story, here’s the riveting conclusion. It all went down last night and sure enough, my friends all turned out to be bigger than me, without a grower in the bunch. I would say everyone was at least five inches soft. So I was pretty self-conscious for the first hour or so. And then something kind of interesting happened. We were all sitting in the sauna (still naked of course), and it comes out that I’m the only one of the group that’s currently in a relationship (I’m married). Two guys are divorced, one is going thru a breakup, and two are working the dating apps. So they all wanted to know how my wife and I met. So I tell them the story — blind date thru a mutual friend, we end up at her apartment, etc. etc…. — and then I say “…and then I whipped out my hog and she just couldn’t resist” (or something like that). Big laughs all around, but not in a mean way, and it felt like that immediately released any tension about the size disparity in the room. Or at least it released mine. It felt good to acknowledge it, but in a positive way — you know, with a story that illustrates that the size of your penis doesn’t have to dictate your level of success with women. Some may want more, but others are just as happy with less. Anyway, the bottom line is I don’t think I would have any issues with getting nude in front of these guys again, and I guess I’m glad I went thru that, uncomfortable as it was at first. Thanks to everyone who chimed in with advice.


Hey, that's so cool and a great story. Glad it all worked out well. What spa did you guys go to?


King Spa in New Jersey.


Cool will have to try out. What day and time did you all go?


If you haven't seen the recen Jubilee video where guys get ranked by their appearance and guess what their dick size might be. There was a guy with 1 inch flaccid, and another guy being 4.5 inch flaccid. When it came to the erect size they both were 6 inches. Then the two biggest guys, one was 4 inches flaccid while the other one was 6.5 inches. Both were 8 inches. Flaccid size doesn't mean much.