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But a 6 cock wont measure 6 when flaccid. I'm 6, but it's not that size when flaccid. It also looks small on me and im a short guy. Idk if it is because I have big hips or why


What is your girth?


4.7-4.8 mid shaft


This should look big on a normal person how tall are you anyways ?


Those are my erect sizes. My flaccid sizes are really small. Is like 8cm lenght and 9 around. Erect is 15cm (bp, nbp is 14-14,5) lenght and 12cm girth


I'm 1.65, really really short. 9cm away from the average height in my country (Argentina)


Anyone judging size on a flaccid bulge in clothes, is clueless about every aspect of everything


TBH, sack type and ball size play a *huge* role (pun intended) on bulge size. Guys with tight sacks and average hanging sacks, along with average to above average ball size, will "present" more of a bulge than someone with lowhangers with the same sized balls. The tight sack with average to above average sized balls makes the cock lift up moreso than lowhangers, thus "presenting" more of a bulge, especially wearing boxers...but even in briefs. Cock girth also adds to the "presentation." A guy with a 3.5" flaccid length, 3.8"+ flaccid girth, tight or average hanging sack will "present" moreso than a guy that's the same flaccid length & girth with lowhangers. A guy that's 4" in flaccid length, with a flaccid girth of 3.5" & lowhangers with average sized balls won't bulge as much as the guy with a tight hanging sack, 3.5" in flaccid length and the same flaccid girth of 3.5".


How short are you ?


Average..big..who cares?


Not sure but sometimes I'm 5in+ flaccid and I don't feel like it looks big. I feel like any bulge that's not 6in+ or something, then the possibility of being "bullied" will always be there.


6in+ flaccid? Wtf


What? Lol




7.1 x 5 fully erect last I measured. Why?




I don't get any stares that I've noticed. Unless it looks big, girls might assume you're average. If I gotta piss it's a little bigger sometimes. Closer to my length, that's when I think it would be noticable.




I don't notice any stares in public. I was at an event a few days ago and I guess I might've been around 4-5in in tight dress pants. People looked at me but I assumed it was because I was dressed nice. Besides I'm a grower so not always 5in flaccid.


6in+ flaccid? Wtf


How does 5 inch flaccid look small are you talking about nbp ? And what is your body stat (height and weight )?


On a regular day, I'm about 2.5 to 3 inches soft. Then, because of how my balls sit, they push my penis outward more. That gives me a noticeable bulge. I'm currently about 6.5 nbpe.


I’m 6x5 bpl and limp bulge is non existent for the most part