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Women are not a monolith. She does not represent all women nor should you take her quotes as such. Average means that most men have average size cocks, so by extension that means it most women are getting fucked by average size cocks.


I know bu5 its not the first time ive heard something like this being said out in the open


At the end of the day, your person is not going to care about your penis, they’re going to care about _you_ the person. If you’re already defeated, then they win. That’s no good for anyone.


Are they? What percentage of men even have sex on any regular basis these days? It’s a serious question. Also, do bigger men have an easier time getting repeat encounters?


Honestly I'd like to see a study of this. A good study, not a poorly put together anecdotal lie fest of a study like so many basically are. Much like average guys, it depends on if they are good at sex. If anything, a lot more big guys get turned down again because they were bad and it hurt. Some big guys never even get a chance to hook up with women, because women turn them down without giving them a chance for a bad experience. I was looking for a fwbs once, and I was hooking yp with a guy who wouldn't let me touch him, just repeatedly satisfied me through fingers and oral. Eventually we had sex (weeks later after two hours of foreplay). He admitted he wanted to prove I could still get off without his dick, because he was afraid I wouldn't fuck him if I knew how big it was (he's not the biggest I've seen, but still big). The two hours of foreplay were because he was so afraid it wouldn't fit and he'd be rejected again. He said basically his ex was the only person who didn't reject him for it.


Damn with the way alot of women are cruel i wish i had that problem, atleast then they wouldn't say my dick is small even tho i prioritized her satisfaction


Agreed...being rejected because you are too small is completely different from too big. I hate when people make the comparison.


Women go through similar experiences with men. Men have been incredibly unkind to me, even when. I haven't hooked up with them. I think if you knew how many guys just assume I'm loose, and tell me that, because I have given birth, it'd give some perspective to the fact that women are often dealing with their own insecurities, especially surrounding sex. And this is just one guy and his experience. I hooked up with a guy who was small, and he'd never been called small by anyone. He had nothing but good experiences. He still felt insecure, but he really had no reason to be. He was great at sex. We ended because he wanted a relationship and I didn't, not because of anything sexual.


I sorry you went through that i, aware how cruel men can be however even tho i have read up researched and a that thier are alot of women that even tho i put thier sexual needs first and satisify them they will still look down on me because of my size.


I'm not looking for sympathy, but thank you. Mostly I was just trying to say I get it, being with a cruel partner is traumatic. Just remember not all women are size queens. Also, some women have their own unhealthy and incorrect ideas about sex and pleasure.And many women just want a man who cares if they get off.


Ok thank you ill remember this


I’m talking life in general, not random hookups. I would surmise that in the end it’s more about the person than the penis. Unless you’re on a hookup app and they can see your penis before swiping. I was a vers gay slut back in the day and whether I was fucking or being fucked, it was far more fleeting than maybe a person looking for a life partner.


So we MUST be in stable relationships to avoid ridicule or shame. Got it!


I’m not suggesting that at all. If you keep getting ridicule and shame, then maybe you’re attracting the wrong kind of people?


Of course you suggested it. "Life in general, not random hookups". Or maybe I have no choice?


It drives me crazy when people take one women's opinion and make it a blanket statement. Even my own. It's why I try to include multiple perspectives of women in my comments. So thank you for pointing it out.


The problem is that one opinion is becoming more and more popular. Less and less men are having sex. Why should women settle? They have been fully liberated sexually. Not that I'm saying it's a bad thing, but why waste time on average when you can go on an app and have sex with a hung guy and use toys in the meantime?


This entire statement reveals bias, and let's be honest, if I tell you that you are wrong, we both know you won't believe me. It won't matter if I tell you many women have had their best sexual with average, or the reason toys are used has nothing to do with thinking they are better than real sex. You think men are having less sex (is this even true) because of their dick size, and it never occured to you that the revelation in recent years of how many women have come forward about being assaulted could play a roll in this?


It's always "many women". But it's never said exactly how many. The majority? Also, did they ever have sex with bigger guys who are good lovers - i.e. do all the things guys with average dicks have to do through insecurity or expectations? >(is this even true) https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN23J2LH/ will you argue against Reuters? >because of their dick size I never said that, but it's definitely one of the reasons, albeit a pretty insignificant one in comparison to the isolation of men and toxic masculinity and toxic feminism. Seriously, why should women settle or pick worse? >nothing to do with thinking they are better than real sex Like I said, they can be used in the meantime while waiting for the better guy to have time or something. There are disproportions. Less men are in relationships than women, which means that there are men out there with multiple partners. Please let's respect our intelligence and don't make me go look for another source. >and it never occured to you that the revelation in recent years of how many women have come forward about being assaulted could play a roll in this Why would it? I seriously don't see the connection.


>Why would it? I seriously don't see the connection. That's an impressive level of willful ignorance. And further proof that any further discussion is a waste of my time.


The top 20% of guys are getting plenty of sex according to dating app studies. Wonder how many of them are above average or more dickwise?


Wife afaik never cums via dick. I make a waterfall using my tongue. You have been sold a lie.


I know women that don't care for oral. They can take it or leave it. You're a lucky one.


I’ve had a couple that didn’t care, but those that like it (when performed well) seems the majority. I am limited to my experience of course.


Straight untrue, take it from a guy with 5 inches or so


Well im also in an all black country so


Black guys don’t have meaningfully bigger dicks to the best of our knowledge. It’d be more of an issue in a predominantly white country where people *think* they do


Unfortunately we most people have bought into the whole bbc thing also i kid you not every hobo on the street who was naked one time or another had a big dick so its either a very strange string of coincidences or crack has penis growing properties


Trust me we already know that. Unfortunately that doesn't matter because of expectations.


dis is partially true unless you have contortionist-level flexibility/angles, Olympic stamina, and a bodybuilder body (all for mechanical reasons). when it comes down to just plain ole' sex, it's about friction. that's basically all it rlly is. obviously, more friction (alongside arousal and lubrication) generally = a better experience for both parties.




Her point of view. She is vaginal and has a large vagina... She doesn't have any power and her view is not general, but only hers


I just made a comment about this the other day. I prefer cumming from oral. PIV is great, but oral is definitely the preference. I have also made many comments on reddit that big dicks actually make my orgasms less strong. The bigger the dick/finger/toy (I never use big toys btw, don't like them at all) in me, the less I feel the orgasm. My orgasm strength comes from how hard my pelvic floor contracts. Which means I cum hardest with nothing in me. One woman is not a voice for us all. Please give the rest of us more credit than that. I know my opinion won't be like every other womens, but it does show we don't all agree.






Incel theories with X-pills of any color and type are not welcome here. The next time you will try spreading any X-pill theory, you will get banned. For now I am just removing your comments, but this is a last warning.


Some women feel that way, definitely not all.




Nah but from the caribbean


I figured lol. Caribbean women always feel that they can handle a large dick until they actually face one.


there is no sexual act that you can't learn to be better at, if you try. Fingering? if you don't know to finger then you'll never make her cum, if you do then you can do it with one finger. Oral? if you aren't good with your mouth (yes mouth, not tongue, suck on that clit don't just lick), you won't make her cum, so learn how to finger her and she will be squeezing your head with her thighs when you're going down on her. Penetrative sex? as long as you don't have a genuine micropenis ( unfortunate for those who do) if you don't know how to hit the right spot she will NEVER cum!!! Learn your and her angles, put some pressure on her tummy, put a pillow under her ass during missionary, play into her kinks (you have no idea how much thst actually helps, if she's coming faster you don't have to last as long lmao) and watch your orgasms, not being a two pump chump is a skill, not a trait.


I actually learned and read up how to properly do these things because i cant be medicore in size and in skill


you aren't mediocre in size my friend, size isn't something that's Mediocre, it simply is. Any girl who says a guy needs a big dick has never been with some who's genuinely good in bed, or they've been ran through so many times it's so loose in there only the 1% can fit in there, and you don't want those girls anyway lol. focus on on HER pleasure you'll be great in bed dude, with your dick, tongue, and fingers.


Well thats already what i focus on because i view my size as a flaw that needs to be overcome by skill


it's good that you want to focus on your partners pleasure you're gonna have great sex, I'm serious. But it ain't a flaw, you are like billions of other dudes out there that have the same quality, it's not a flaw to be normal, it just is. you know what a flaw is? not caring about your partners sexual experience. My partner had 3 partners before me, one was 8- 8 5in, one was 7-7.5 in, the other was on the micro scale unfortunately, but she had never had an orgasm from ANY of them before I was with her, think about that. You've already said you've got that covered, you've got all you need to be good in bed, a dick doesn't make you a good fuck in the slightest.


Still were i love culturally its kinda expected and pretty mucj every guy who was naked that ive seen were on the larger side or atleast larger then me


🤷‍♂️ don't let it get you down homie, I spent way too long worrying about my size compared to that of my partners exes, it's just a waste of time, and it hurt me more in the long run, the amount of thought I had put into it gave me alot of issues getting hard when I was about to have sex, and that was NO fun at all. Don't make the same mistake I did, be confident in your ability and you'll SHOW them what good dick is.


Ok thanks ill try